

for the first and last time i guess
Aug 15, 2024
Posting it in Offtopic since it's more like just interesting list, more to learn something new :)

Traditional Russian drink, prepared by fermentation (e.g. by baker's yeast, leavening yeast) of kvass wort from grain (bread kvass) or wort containing the juices of fruits and berries (fruit and berry kvass). It has a refreshing sweet and sour flavor, slightly salty.​
Vegetable smoothie
Drink of carrots, carrot puree, yogurt (unflavored 1-2% fat), lemon and salt. Take a blender, pour 200-300 ml of carrot juice into it, add 3-6 tablespoons of yogurt, grate the carrots finely and throw them into the blender, cut off a slice of lemon and add it to the rest, then salt and chop.​
Salted lassi
Traditional Indian drink. Ingidients: yogurt 200 ml (the less fatty the better), green chili pepper 1 pc, ground cumin, salt, lemon juice, ice and cold water 50 ml. Take a blender and pour yogurt into it, chop green pepper finely and add to the yogurt, then a pinch of ground cumin, a pinch of salt, lemon juice and cold water, then all this is well chopped and pour a glass. Ice is best finely crushed and sprinkled a little on top.​
Tomato juice
Ingidients: red tomatoes of any variety, size and shape. If there is no juicer - wash tomatoes, remove stalks and all damaged areas, cut into such pieces that you can run through a meat grinder or pulverize in a food processor, blender, or if there is neither - just boil in a pot and rub through a sieve, or send to a juicer. Chop the prepared tomatoes. Put the pot on the stove, bring to a boil and, stirring occasionally, simmer over medium heat for 20 minutes until soft. It is desirable to cover the pot with a lid, you do not need to collect the foam. As soon as the mass begins to settle to the bottom, and transparent juice appears on top - this is a signal that it is time to wipe the tomato mass from the skin and seeds. Rub the hot tomato mixture through a sieve using a ladle, a stiff silicone spatula or a wooden mallet. If you have an immersion blender at your disposal, before pureeing, beat the mass with a blender and then it will be even easier. As a result, only tomato seeds and skins remain in the sieve, pour the clear juice into a saucepan. Add sugar and salt in optional proportions. Stir, bring the juice to a boil, boil literally 5 minutes and, without turning off the heat, pour into sterile containers - jars or bottles. Seal tightly and refrigerate on a table at room temperature, no need to cover.​
Kefir [kʲɪˈfʲir]
Type of fermented dairy drink made from whole or skimmed cow's milk by fermentation and alcoholic fermentation using kefir "fungi" consisting of lactic acid streptococci and bacilli, acetic acid bacteria and yeast. The drink is white in color and may contain a small amount of carbon dioxide.​
Ryazhenka [rʲaʐɨnkə]
Fermented dairy drink obtained from cow's clarified milk by lactic acid fermentation. It is fermented with thermophilic lactic acid streptococci and pure cultures of Bulgarian bacillus and is fermented for 3-6 hours. It has a yellowish-brownish color and traditional sour milk flavor.​
Brick (or Kalmyk) tea
Lowest grade of ordinary Chinese tea, pressed with the help of glue into tiles with a shape similar to bricks. It is not infused, but boiled with salt, milk, butter or mutton fat; even some flour is added to the thick strong decoction. The brewed tea looks like chocolate.​
Koumiss [kʊˈmɨs]
Foamy, whitish-colored, sour-sweet sour-milk drink made from the milk of a mare. It is obtained as a result of lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation with the help of Bulgarian and acidophilic lactic acid sticks and yeast. Depending on the fermentation, duration and conditions, koumiss is different: it can be very strong, with a high alcohol content, which can be intoxicating, and it can be, on the contrary, weakly fermented - saumal.​
Fermented milk drink based on turakh, katyk or a type of kefir. It is made from cow's milk with the addition of water and salt. Goat or sheep milk is sometimes used instead of cow's milk. It is obtained with the help of lactic acid bacteria. It can be liquid or thick, like liquid sour cream.​
Fermented milk drink made from cow's or goat's milk, fermented with lactobacillus, Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic streptococcus, and with the addition of salted water. Tan is an excellent thirst quencher and softens the flavor of spicy dishes. Its consistency is liquid, not thick. It has a pleasant, delicate sour-salty milky flavor.​
Result of pickling cabbage or cucumbers. During the pickling process, they release juice. The resulting liquid has a sour-salty taste and is very helpful for hangovers.​
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for the first and last time i guess
Aug 15, 2024
I think I'm gonna update my experience how these drinks taste like if I find them at stores. So far I found ryazhenka, kefir, kvass, airan and tomato juice, though I'll buy last one only if I find it in small bottles.

I bought tan today. 1 liter of it costed around 1 dollar (81 rubles). This company ("Дар Гор" = "Gift of the Mountains") also has such tastes as classic, with cucumber and dill, and low-fat. I found only carbonated:
View attachment tann1.webp
It's slightly fizzy, has gentle taste. You first feel sour, then leftover is salty. It is really good for softening spicy flavor of food. I drank just a bit, maybe it would fill bottle cap, but it instantly took away like 60% of spice. Also it's really good for making okroshka! Okroshka is traditional russian cold soup, made with cucumbers, dill, salt and green onions, a hard-boiled eggs, mustard and sour cream, and base of this soup is kefir, kvass or airan, or tan, too. Like for cooking you need sour taste, and with usage of kvass or fizzy tan it's also feels funny on tongue.

Overall it's nice, though you really should be prepared mentally for one thing: tan has a good effect on the function of the gastrointestinal tract, so if you drink even just small amount of tan you can end up shitting in just 1-2 hours after drinking this thing. And tan also has good effect on metabolism, cardiovascular system, diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, dysbiosis and allergic diseases, gastritis, colitis. So, despite strange taste, it's a good thing.


Just playing
Sep 10, 2024
I really thought "salty drinks" meant cbt methods by making 🏡 juice,funny enough, I'm alive and tomato juice was good.
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flower, water
Jun 20, 2024
I made the butter tea thing at extra strength (probably 5 times stronger lol). The "brick" is puer. It tastes good people are wusses lol
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