
Jun 3, 2022
People should be careful about their action that might lead to the creation of life. Abortion is only a quick fix. Making life without asking, then killing without asking. Two times no choice on the part of the new life.
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Nov 4, 2020
I'm ignoring everyone who is pro-life. I don't come to ss to be told what to you. That's the problem with these pro-life fuckers, whether it's on ss or just in general. No one ever says "I wouldn't have an abortion, but I respect other people's decisions." Because pro-lifers don't respect other people's choices - all they want to do is force their views on others.

So fuck you. If you're not with us, you're against us. This is our line in the sand, and trust me, I know other ss members who's views are solutions are much more radical than mine.
Just a reminder that virtually all anti-abortion organizations are anti-assisted suicide and euthanasia as well.

If you aren't pro-choice you shouldn't be on this site. Go hump the bible and Yeshua's zombie corpse elsewhere. Christianity is a scourge.
So is that religion where they "pretend" five times a day. Abortion is completely banned in just about every one of those religious majority countries.
it's only a matter of time before they come for gay marriage next
They won't stop at marriage, they will go after gays in general by making "sodomy" or two men/women living together illegal.
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
Are they really a minority though? I thought fundamentalist Christians were still in the majority in the US. It seems to be the case that such people are the ones voting evangelical politicians into office as long as they ban abortion.
Thnk = cld b tht fundmntlsts r mre lkely 2 vote

Apprntly 70% of u.s.a spport abortn bt only thse wth strng ideas & belfs wll g/ out & vote


Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
They won't stop at marriage, they will go after gays in general by making "sodomy" or two men/women living together illegal.
It's interesting to see what doomsaying some leftists come up with. To me this is absolutely impossible as it has no support among mainstream conservatives. The only spaces where this radical homophobia can be found are in parts of the far right.
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Nov 4, 2020
It's interesting to see what doomsaying some leftists come up with. To me this is absolutely impossible as it has no support among mainstream conservatives. The only spaces where this radical homophobia can be found are in parts of the far right.
Literally the Texas AG says he will enforce this law (https://www.chron.com/politics/arti...n-paxton-sodomy-law-gay-marriage-17271966.php).

Texas is the second most populous state in the US with nearly 30 million residents. It's also the state with the second largest GDP at about $2 trillion. Just for a comparison, the country of Canada has a population of 38 million and a GDP of $1.65 trillion (USD).

Maybe these seem like the fringe right, but there are plenty of bible or quran thumpers who would love to see laws like this enacted.

SCOTUS didn't cancel Roe vs Wade on a religious ideology - they did it on a states' rights argument. How far fetched is it to think they won't do the same to Obergefell v. Hodges (gay marriage). Alito and Thomas already would overturn it (https://www.npr.org/2020/10/05/9204...supreme-court-decision-on-gay-marriage-rights). All they need is three more...
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Sibyl Vane

Sibyl Vane

May 28, 2022
Yes, not my problem and 8 billion people. You want to kill someone, even a kid, quickly and painlessly, then whatever.
In your mind, since you believe there are already too many people in the world, is it a perfectly reasonable and justifiable action to murder whomever you please? Are you sure you're pro-choice? Because I don't see how someone that is being killed, against their will, is deciding anything.
Abuse and euthanasia are two different things. Is she killing quickly and painlessly, or torturing the kid. If it's the former, it's a lot more humane than many members have had to deal with
Do you honestly believe it's acceptable for a mother to kill her children; regardless; of age, as long as it's quick and pain-free? Don't you think that maybe, we should consider that the kid's desire may be to continue breathing? I would classify the infringement of someone's right to exist when that's what they wish for; as the ultimate and final abuse.
I don't do middle grounds - there is no middle ground. You're either pro-life or pro-choice.
You're incorrect about that. It's not always a matter of "black" and "white"; the real world is less dichotomic than we like to believe. You can find a range variety of opinions between people that are supposed to fit in the same group.
you can see how this side is rising up against oppression.
If there's anything in the world I can not see, is this, except if we're talking about the opposite, then I guarantee you, there's a lot I see.
It will only get worse and more violent. There will be no middle ground, no compromise.
Good luck in your revolution! Let's see how many people will keep supporting your cause when they realize that "violence is the only answer" mentality. And you all get surprised when people its pushed to the right, and someone like Trump wins the elections. I could never dream of guessing the reason for this.
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Oct 19, 2021
I'm ignoring everyone who is pro-life. I don't come to ss to be told what to you. That's the problem with these pro-life fuckers, whether it's on ss or just in general. No one ever says "I wouldn't have an abortion, but I respect other people's decisions." Because pro-lifers don't respect other people's choices - all they want to do is force their views on others.

So fuck you. If you're not with us, you're against us. This is our line in the sand, and trust me, I know other ss members who's views are solutions are much more radical than mine.

So is that religion where they "pretend" five times a day. Abortion is completely banned in just about every one of those religious majority countries.

They won't stop at marriage, they will go after gays in general by making "sodomy" or two men/women living together illegal.
The first rule of this site says:

  • Be respectful of others, and their opinions.
    • Disrespect will not be tolerated on this forum. Try to have constructive conversations without resorting to name-calling or insults.
Another rule of this site is:

  • Harass, bully, attack or insult other members.
    • If someone is misbehaving or breaking the rules, report them instead. Do not troll or proselytize, meaning do not impose your views - no matter what they are - on others or make threads to get people riled up.
You have broken both of these site rules in this post.

Abortion is a topic on which people have strong opinions. However, name-calling(which includes the swearing you did) is against site rules.

Another key rule, stated clearly in the rules and above, says "do not impose your views". People have different views on this topic. Many millions of people in the U.S. have opinions on both sides of this topic. I have followed the sites rules- I have been respectful in all of my communications. You have not followed these site rules. On many political issues people with disagree with you, that is just a fact of life.
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"I'd feel trapped if I couldn't CTB at any time."
Feb 15, 2019
Life is more complex than this, in my opinion. When two people share a body I believe that one should not have the right to kill the other one. Protecting the life of the living baby, who does not deserve the death penalty, is more important than the inconvenience/burden of carrying a child to term, though for cases of medical threats to the health of a woman, rape, etc. I do think there should be exceptions. It's just a matter of priorities, what people think is more important and- surprise!- some people disagree about what to prioritize. I think that protecting the life of the living baby is more important, One way to look at it is- which causes more harm- ending a life of a person who could have a healthy, producitive, caring life into their eighties or nineties, or the inconvenience/trouble of carrying a child to term. In my opinion ending the life causes vastly more harm, it's not even close. We will always disagree about this, that's life- people disagree about things.
A ZEF is not equivalent to a baby. It is not conscious nor sentient. Hence why we don't grant personhood to it.
You are not obligated to remain hooked up to someone to keep them alive and you are not obligated to carry to term. Simple as that.
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Oct 19, 2021
A ZEF is not equivalent to a baby. It is not conscious nor sentient. Hence why we don't grant personhood to it.
You are not obligated to remain hooked up to someone to keep them alive and you are not obligated to carry to term. Simple as that.
Ther is no way to know for sure at what point this living being, whatever you want to call it, becomes conscious or sentient. But one thing is certain, which is that it is living and it did nothing to deserve to be killed for, and it is the process of growing into a fully grown baby. It really makes sense to agree to disagree- pro-choice people have one point of view, and pro-life people have another point of view. I see this living being as a person from the moment of conception- the whole genetic footprint is there, it just takes time to get bigger and more fully developed.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
I wonder, how many times is too many to be considered "just" a "mistake"? The ultimate mistake to me would be to have unprotective sex when we all know the aftermath of it. Every action you take comes with a consequence, and sometimes the only viable course of action is to face it.
The issue here is that the lifelong consequences for the heinous crime of having unprotected sex is borne not by the man, but by the woman and, consequently, the unwanted child. You are advocating bringing a person into the world as a punishment for performing an act which is far from unnatural. It's absolutely fucked up to suggest people "face the consequences", for their entire lives, because maybe they got pissed and had sex at a party in their teens. Ridiculous.
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Oct 19, 2021
The issue here is that the lifelong consequences for the heinous crime of having unprotected sex is borne not by the man, but by the woman and, consequently, the unwanted child. You are advocating bringing a person into the world as a punishment for performing an act which is far from unnatural. It's absolutely fucked up to suggest people "face the consequences", for their entire lives, because maybe they got pissed and had sex at a party in their teens. Ridiculous.
Human life has these complications built into it. But once the child is conceived, through no fault of its own, is it ethical to stop this life- which is in the process of growing into a fully formed person? In my opinion it is not ethical, though many years ago I was of the otehr side of the issue and I just blocked this part of it out in my mind. But for me once I was willing to face how unfair the killing was to the living being who was killed, I changed sides on the issue.
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Sorry but cats are so much better than people
Jun 9, 2022
The first rule of this site says:

  • Be respectful of others, and their opinions.
    • Disrespect will not be tolerated on this forum. Try to have constructive conversations without resorting to name-calling or insults.
Another rule of this site is:

  • Harass, bully, attack or insult other members.
    • If someone is misbehaving or breaking the rules, report them instead. Do not troll or proselytize, meaning do not impose your views - no matter what they are - on others or make threads to get people riled up.
You have broken both of these site rules in this post.

Abortion is a topic on which people have strong opinions. However, name-calling(which includes the swearing you did) is against site rules.

Another key rule, stated clearly in the rules and above, says "do not impose your views". People have different views on this topic. Many millions of people in the U.S. have opinions on both sides of this topic. I have followed the sites rules- I have been respctful in all of my communications. You have not followed these site rules. On many political issues people with disagree with you, that is just a fact of life.
I wasn't going to do this but since Someone123 started it...

You have called me a murderer who is "mean" and has no right to life since I had an abortion when I was 19, in 1996. You've spread misinformation and propaganda with your pictures and links. Every additional year that goes by, I'm more and more grateful that I never brought another child into this horrific world. Terminating that pregnancy was my choice, the father's choice, and the best choice.

Stop calling me a baby murderer because I did not kill a baby! I terminated a fetus that had no brain waves whatsoever let alone consciousness or any ability to feel pain. It disgusts me that people are losing that right in many states in the US.
Be glad all you want that SCOTUS proved itself biased and illegitimate but stop claiming I am a murderer!
Your misinformation, propaganda, and rule breaking have only inspired me to fight harder for everyone to have access to safe, legal abortions, so thanks for that 😏
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Jul 3, 2019
I just read a book set in the USA care system. Kids in care are more likely to be abused..I mean even Paris Hilton was abused at boarding school and she is rich.

Babies need skilled parenting from those who are ready, skilled and financially able to care for them. Adopted children often suffer mentally. The people I've met who were adopted - it is always painful. Abortion simply averts years of suffering, both for the mother and the child who is not born.

I am so glad and lucky I had an abortion when my contraception failed. I would never want a child to suffer my mental illness or unfitness as a parent the way I had to suffer growing up with my mother. Let alone the bad genetics I must have received. Abortion is a responsible decision. And long acting contraception should be encouraged in the first instance e.g. I.U.Ds

I guess you never had to raise an unwanted child/one you didn't have money or skills to raise? The world is overpopulated already.
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Sibyl Vane

Sibyl Vane

May 28, 2022
The issue here is that the lifelong consequences for the heinous crime of having unprotected sex is borne not by the man, but by the woman and, consequently, the unwanted child. You are advocating bringing a person into the world as a punishment for performing an act which is far from unnatural. It's absolutely fucked up to suggest people "face the consequences", for their entire lives, because maybe they got pissed and had sex at a party in their teens. Ridiculous.
I'll err on the side of caution and estimate you must endear a visual impairment to avoid automatically assuming you're a dishonest person who enjoys misconstructing dissonant arguments to push further your own beliefs.

Hopefully, a clarification will suffice, as I don't possess the desire to start a fruitless discussion with you. In the same answer, I stated as follows: " I don't believe in remediating a bad decision with a different but equally bad one. When I talk about facing the consequences of your actions, I don't necessarily mean keeping it (if you're not apt to do it). I believe the very least you could do is to wait for the baby to be born and then find a good family that will give it the love and affection it deserves".

Furthermore, I would like to add that your agreement with me is not a requirement, but it is that you respect my right to uphold and express my opinions. I believe we live in a democracy. And as such is not a rare event that we encounter people whose points of view don't align with ours. It's not very polite to adjective someone else's arguments as "fucked up" and "ridiculous" when you don't seem to understand and present them in a distorted manner.

Have a good night, sir.
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Jul 3, 2019
Adoption causes significant mental health issues. Here is just one source:

For those of us suffering mental illness, the idea of creating more suffering with mental illness is abhorrent. A baby is not a doll. Adoption is traumatic.

Personally, I have no memory of being a fetus. I was born because my crazy mum wanted a baby and here I am with chronic depression on a psych ward. If I was never born, what a relief. Just the amount of homelessness and addiction in the USA says it all.
'Adoptees are four times more likely to commit suicide'
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
I'll err on the side of caution and estimate you must endear a visual impairment to avoid automatically assuming you're a dishonest person who enjoys misconstructing dissonant arguments to push further your own beliefs.

Hopefully, a clarification will suffice, as I don't possess the desire to start a fruitless discussion with you. In the same answer, I stated as follows: " I don't believe in remediating a bad decision with a different but equally bad one. When I talk about facing the consequences of your actions, I don't necessarily mean keeping it (if you're not apt to do it). I believe the very least you could do is to wait for the baby to be born and then find a good family that will give it the love and affection it deserves".

Furthermore, I would like to add that your agreement with me is not a requirement, but it is that you respect my right to uphold and express my opinions. I believe we live in a democracy. And as such is not a rare event that we encounter people whose points of view don't align with ours. It's not very polite to adjective someone else's arguments as "fucked up" and "ridiculous" when you don't seem to understand and present them in a distorted manner.

Have a good night, sir.
I maintain my original position in reply to the one you stated, also you are hilariously supercilious.
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"I'd feel trapped if I couldn't CTB at any time."
Feb 15, 2019
Ther is no way to know for sure at what point this living being, whatever you want to call it, becomes conscious or sentient. But one thing is certain, which is that it is living and it did nothing to deserve to be killed for, and it is the process of growing into a fully grown baby. It really makes sense to agree to disagree- pro-choice people have one point of view, and pro-life people have another point of view. I see this living being as a person from the moment of conception- the whole genetic footprint is there, it just takes time to get bigger and more fully developed.
The scientific community, biologists, or the medical community do not equate ZEFs to people and grant them personhood for a reason.

Wrt conscious that only begins to develop between the 24th and 26th week of pregnancy. Proof is here: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/when-does-consciousness-arise/

Almost no abortions take place that late. When they do it's almost always a medical necessity (to save the life of the mother or due to a deformity/disease). Republicans are NOT pushing for trimester limits, but a full ban.

So this goes back to if one is obligated to continue a pregnancy against their own will. Are you obligated to remain hooked up to a violinist if that's the only way to keep him alive? Or donate organs or bone marrow?


Oct 19, 2021
You have called me a murderer who is "mean" and has no right to life since I had an abortion when I was 19, in 1996.
I did not call you a murderer at alll or say that you were mean. I debated the process in general in a respectful way but I did not specifically attack any person at all- I did not say these things at all- I debated the process is general without making specific personal attacks. This is a completely different thing. The process cannot be debated if these issues cannot be discussed, but none of this was put into a personal attack, it was talking about the process in general. I also did not say that you have no right to life- wherever this idea came from, it was not from me. not at all in any way.
Adoption causes significant mental health issues. Here is just one source:
I know many people who have been adopted who have had excellent lives, including two children by the mother Roe from Roe v Wade, since she was not able to get that abortion in time. Both of these women are in their fifties now and they both say that the families they were adopted into have treated them very well throughout their lives.
o this goes back to if one is obligated to continue a pregnancy against their own will. Are you obligated to remain hooked up to a violinist if that's the only way to keep him alive? Or donate organs or bone marrow?
My point of view is that it comes down to which way causes the least damage- in my opinion stopping a life, especially of someone who has done nothing wrong, is more harmful (because it stops a life with an average life expectancy of over seventy years) than it is to carry a baby to term for a decision that a person consciously made to risk pregnancy. IN case of rape, threat to the mother's health, and similar types of exceptions it seems that these are fair exceptions.
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Sep 16, 2021
I did not call you a murderer at alll or say that you were mean. I debated the process in general in a respectful way but I did not specifically attack any person at all- I did not say these thingts at all- I debatd the process is general without making specific personal attacks. This is a completely different thing. Thne process cannot be debated if these issues cannot be discussed, but none of this was put into a personal attack, it was talking about the process in general.

I know many people who have been adopted who have had excellent lives, including two children by the mother Roe from Roe v Wade, since she was not able to get that abortion in time. Both of these women are in thbeir fifties now and they both say that the families they were adopted into have treated them very well throughout their lives.

My point of view is that it comes down to which way causes the least damage- in my opinion stopping a life, especially of someone who has done nothing wrong, is more harmful (because it stops a life with an average life expectancy of over seventy years) than it is to carry a baby to term for a decision that a person consciously made to risk pregnancy. IN case of rape, threat to the mother's health, and similar types of exceptions it seems that these are fair exceptions.

Why do you not consider a sperm and an egg parts of someone who could be alive then? In my view, this follows pretty logically based on your justifications here. Should we outlaw masturbation too? I'm just trying to understand why a fertilized egg cells is life but what creates that is not.
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Oct 19, 2021
Why do you not consider a sperm and an egg parts of someone who could be alive then? In my view, this follows pretty logically based on your justifications here. Should we outlaw masturbation too? I'm just trying to understand why a fertilized egg cells is life but what creates that is not.
This should be very clear- a fertilized egg is alive and is in the process of growing into a fully grown person- a sperm and an egg are not.
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Sep 16, 2021
This should be very clear- a fertilized egg is alive and is in the process of growing into a fully grown person- a sperm and an egg are not.

So you define life as only potential here. What of the potential of a mother who will die during pregnancy? What about her life? It's forfeit the moment a fertilized eggs exists inside her? Not all fertilized eggs become babies.


Dec 27, 2021
Adoption causes significant mental health issues. Here is just one source:

For those of us suffering mental illness, the idea of creating more suffering with mental illness is abhorrent. A baby is not a doll. Adoption is traumatic.

Personally, I have no memory of being a fetus. I was born because my crazy mum wanted a baby and here I am with chronic depression on a psych ward. If I was never born, what a relief. Just the amount of homelessness and addiction in the USA says it all.
'Adoptees are four times more likely to commit suicide'
Regardless of ethics, it is heartbreaking to see so many children with terrible unloving parents.

I remember meeting a young kid on of my ward stays, they were just barely out of elementary. Their father was non-existant, and mother was in jail for drugs. Now this kid was annoying to so many staff and patients, got on my nerves once and a while. They would cling and obsess over anyone that gave them the slightest bit of attention, hoard food constantly.

But there were times I got to see how much they hurt. After a triggering event, they would breakdown from bubbly to a inconsolable mess, repeating, ''I want my mommy'' over and over again. But everyone just saw it as a whiney kid throwing a fit.

The amount of helplessness to learn that this child wasn't there for mental health issues, but only because no foster family wanted a 'difficult' child. That there was no other place willing to take them. It's so unfair. They have to hop from place to place with no where to call home, with no one that wants them.

I still think about that child. How they deserved so much better. Sorry to go off, I still just think about them. And all those other stories that are never told, all the children that are forgotten.

Below is a picture of a fetus at eight weeks- there are clearly many human features:

View attachment 94615
(Just being a annoying nerd)

It's actually a 10 week fetus from the souce Flickr page. Not a abortion, but from a hystorectomy from cancer.

The 8th week 'fetus' is actually in it's embryotic stage still.

This fetus is actually in the fetal stage.
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baby blues
Apr 17, 2021
24C939DF E470 4A47 9CBB 433C86CDD69E
Idk who attached that photo of a "8 week fetus" but this is mine at 11 weeks 5 days. Stop smoking crack. This is NOT a child. This is a clump of cells. No bigger than a cherry. You think if I gave birth to this, you'd be like "aweee so cute! i wonder if their gonna solve cancer one day". PLZ lmao. Makes me wanna get pregnant for the plot of getting an abortion and throwing it at a prolifers face like "catch my baby😍". Also, I had a miscarriage in highschool, what was in my drawers was literal white goop. I was 2 months along or so. How you gonna be pro-life on a pro choice website. Here you are struggling to survive and you trynna force people who don't want kids to have kids so they can suffer your same fate?
Also you gotta be an opp! I think you might be an undercover fixthe26 because no way somebody who's on this website genuinely feels that way about a clump of cells.

Forgot to mention: that almost 12 week old "baby" is 14 cm, if you tried to hold that it'd be a pile of mush in you hands. I'm grateful I got the choice to choose to have my kid because if I didn't, I'd be plotting both of our deaths. You're saving 1% of babies but you're making 1% more of Casey Anthony's. If you really care about the baby after it's born you wouldn't subject an unwanting woman to have it.
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Oct 19, 2021
So you define life as only potential here. What of the potential of a mother who will die during pregnancy? What about her life? It's forfeit the moment a fertilized eggs exists inside her? Not all fertilized eggs become babies.
No, because this is a living being, not a potential living being- it's how we all were when we first became alive. I have stated several times that I support abortion in the case of threat to the health of the mother.
It's actually a 10 week fetus from the souce Flickr page
I found this on a page that said it was eight weeks, and I didn't say thius was the result of an abortion, just that this was the stage of development at eight weeks. Maybe it was ten weeks- people post all kinds of things on the internet- I just posted what it said on the page I looked at. If this is ten weeks then it still had to be developed in quite a bit of detail at eight weeks.
How you gonna be pro-life on a pro choice website.
This is not a website that is pro-choice for abortion, this is a website that is pro-choice for suicide- these are completely different issues.
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Sep 16, 2021
No, because this is a living being, not a potential living being- it's how we all were when we first became alive. I have stated several times that I support abortion in the case of threat to the health of the mother.

To be honest, I just wanted you to admit that you value the potential life of a cluster of cells more than the living breathing pregnant person in front of you. The person whose life and body could potentially be destroyed.

I see now you will not concede this point. This is a cognitive dissonance that cannot be broken. I'm just being stubborn now. Once that cluster of cells exists, you believe the pregnant person loses all rights to bodily autonomy. Fair enough. Weird stance to take on this site, but you do you.

Keep up the good fight for control of pregnant people's bodies. You're doing the Lord's work.
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Oct 19, 2021
I see now you will not concede this point. This is a cognitive dissonance that cannot be broken. I'm just being stubborn now. Once that cluster of cells exist you believe the pregnant person loses all rights to bodily autonomy. Fair enough. Weird stance to take on this site, but you do you.

Keep up the good fight for control of pregnant people's bodies. You're doing the Lord's work.
For one thing, I'm not religious. For another it is just a fact of life that two people share a body during the period of time of pregnancy, and I believe that one should not have the right to kill the other one. It should come as no surprise that nobody on either side changes their mind during an abortion debate- this never happens. If people want to have a debate on the topic then both sides can present their own point of view, but they should know that no one ever changes their mind during a debate like this, at least not that I've ever seen- it's a one in a billion chance to change someone's mind during a debate like this. Each side can present their own point of view and at some point, once both sides have done this, people should let the topic rest. If people want to debate until someone on the other side changes their mind, we will be dating this topic for millions and millions of years.


baby blues
Apr 17, 2021
This is not a website that is pro-choice for abortion, this is a website that is pro-choice for suicide- these are completely different issues.
What's your thoughts on the rest of what I had to say? Too much truth? Can't myth bust my actual body or experience? Then, (crazy thought, hear me out!) maybe you shouldn't be telling me, or anyone for that matter, what to do because it's almost like it isn't your body to make that choice:D Also, I think this website is the best example of pro choice to the ultimate extent.

This should go without saying, stop trusting everything on the internet. One of the main things I'm not looking forward to is the people getting their health information from online telling me what's what when I'm going to an actual university with factual books and pulling information from databases all over the place to make sure I can properly assess and help in every situation.

I just realized this affect me in every way. Lost my rights on my birthday(24th). I'm an adopted woman of two gay dads(apparently gay rights are next?), I'm going to school as a labor and delivery nurse and I'm a mom. Like this is my area of knowledge and it's all based on my life and what I see firsthand lol...
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Oct 19, 2021
Also, I think this website is the best example of pro choice to the ultimate extent.
This is a website that is pro-choice for suicide, this is not a website that is pro-choice for abortion- there are plenty of sites like that. These are clearly different issues.
What's your thoughts on the rest of what I had to say? Too much truth? Can't myth bust my actual body or experience? Then, (crazy thought, hear me out!) maybe you shouldn't be telling me, or anyone for that matter, what to do because it's almost like it isn't your body to make that choice:D
I have different point of view. I believe that it is worth it to defend the baby's life that cannot defend itself. I don't have time to respond to every little thing a person puts in their posts when they are such long posts, I stick to the main points that are relevant (to me) to the topic being discussed.
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baby blues
Apr 17, 2021
This is a website that is pro-choice for suicide, this is not a website that is pro-choice for abortion- there are plenty of sites like that. These are clearly different issues.

I have different point of view. I believe that it is worth it to defend the baby's life that cannot defend itself. I don't have time to respond to every little thing a person puts in their posts when they are such long posts, I stick to the main points that are relevant (to me) to the topic being discussed.
Idk... it was pretty easy to debunk everything you said to everyone by having an education and by being an actual mom in point two seconds but I guess having to search your points on the internet does take time... lol