

Detatched Observer.
Dec 8, 2019
Curious as to what are your sources for this information about what businesses and structures are being targeted.

If it's accurate, then there's tentatively an interesting correlation in that there are a lot Freemasons in law enforcement.

Your statement about RICO was unclear. Would you be willing to clarify?

When you say "people," I wonder what groups are behind these targeted attacks if they are happening? This would have to be organized. The average person would not come up with these targets or have any suspicion of, say, a connection between the Confederacy and freemasonry. It's very strategic. Most people would go after buildings that house or represent their perceived enemies, such as police headquarters, buildings where lawmakers sit or have offices, national monuments, businesses that serve LE and politicians, etc. In fact, part of the Lincoln Memorial was defaced, but that makes sense because of the message it sends, since he was at the forefront of the emancipation of the slaves.

I follow various news outlets. I wish I remembered them. There were people on the ground saying hit them in the pocketbook, right where it hurts. This sounds like sun tzu, a military strategist. Mixed with reports of attacking theae locations and black owned social media accounts stating how people can help.

Not pictured was a robinhood alert. Some of the goods in differwnt states were redistributed. Marxiat graffiti everywhere.

Kinda points to proletariat vs petite bourgeois and regular bourgeois.

Rico is like, "hey, I run a business but i cant get a contract or bids so i am going to go create work by causing a problem."

Like how firefighters have been known to start fires to put them out. Smash windows to get contracts. Slash tires.

It is basically an artifical demand to stimulate business.

Well, Lincoln didnt accomplish anything. We still have a slave society albeit worded differently. Africans and hispanics are targeted heavily if you adjust their total population and their overall precense in the system. Has to do with mass incarceration and the criticism of capitalism as an exploitative system.

I recommend checking out dan brown sherman williams facebook posts as well as disgeuntled bernie bro groups on fb. Can get primary sources for what they are thinking.
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Feb 10, 2020
In my opinion every race wishes to dominate others
And when they do dominate they always have their own smug self serving excuses
Whining about oppression is just sour grapes cos they're not the oppressors themselves
White people treat other races a lot better than the others would treat us if they were on top
We also have more respect for animals and the natural world although of course we are not perfect
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Honestly, I haven't even read the full post yet but i'm tired and am too lazy to read it all right now because I've already concluded i'll disagree, lol.

Anyways, I no longer relate to 99.9% of humans, black, white, brown or whatever color tbh, i'm not even living, i've been suffering from disease(s) for 20 years and am simply a broken man who's alive from fear/guilt.

I see humans as narcissitic, virtue signalling monkeys, donkeys, sheep, whatever you want to call them with no real desire other than to dominate others and reap the rewards (get all the hoes, drugs and money).

I've lived at the bottom of the social hierarchy within society suffering for 20 years, I was once at the top, I didn't deserve to be at the top and I don't deserve to be at the bottom, it just is what it is.

Black people are more likely to get struck by lightning than die at the hands of the police, I accept that blacks face discrimination, so do all minorities. Blacks in general are larger humans and statistically more likely to be involved in criminal behavior, so of course i'd feel safer walking down the street next to a group of Asian men than Blacks, just like i'd feel safer walking down the street by a basset hound instead of a pitbull, pointing this fact out doesn't make me 'racist'.

Aboriginals have negative outcomes in life, they aren't in movies, they have next to no role models. The top artists within the past 20 years are largely black (often lyrics that guide kids to negative outcomes), most pro athletes in america are black, etc. idk what i'm trying to say, all I can say is that the movement is flawed, badly, not unlike#meToo with 'believe all women' like women are incapable of lying, I mean seriously, cmon. Nigerians, that come over dominate in America because of culture. I don't relate to my ancestors who lived 200 years ago, i'm Polish and Irish, my ancestors were slaughtered as well, I never met them, they died before I was born, I don't feel their pain, I feel mine.

I'll read your post later when my brain is capable of absorbing information. I don't really give a fuck about any of this shit tbh, i'm already a rotting corpse.

Then in return, I won't read your response as it's not a response.

Take care.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
I'm sad that there are people on this forum that respect buildings and businesses more than human life
Who? No one here said "Hey guess what guys, I respect the brick and mortar more than human lives". You are simplifying what several people, including myself, have explained in a less black and white manner.

If buildings and businesses and THINGS in general didn't give so much meaning to human lives- including sentiment, worth, a roof over their head, etc-then no argument would have to be made against the destruction of said places and the looting, and so on.

But we are not talking about empty, abandoned houses and rotting structures...these places home and support lives, so not caring about what happens to them equates to not caring about the quality of life that benefits from their unsullied existence. Which is the complete opposite of what you claimed.
And I figure, the general mindset of most people who are on a site like this. Aka quality of life is reduced or inhibited, so life is not worth living.
Why care about lives if we don't care about destroying the quality of said lives? That's a pro-life mentality.

Not everything can be rebuilt, not everyone can afford the consequences of chaos , and not everything has a price regardless..things could be eliminated that have a sort of value which cannot ever again be obtained.

Add to the fact that people who become collateral damage to the protest, are one less group of people to support the actual cause.
A cause I never said wasn't worthwhile in general, people are allowed to be pissed. I watched the video and was disturbed myself, and I have had many issues with authority figures who abuse their power in terrifying ways. So although I cannot claim the impact of racism, I can claim the impact of some similar enough things, including being discriminated against for things outside of my control, having my basic human rights shat on and treated like a third class citizen. It definitely makes me more angry than words can describe, if given the lucrative opportunity to end this whole circus of a society and burn it to the ground screaming, I probably would! If even just to be HEARD, finally, for a moment before death.
But I know in reality, that can't happen and the innocent would end up being destroyed along with the guilty. If I even make one step toward such chaos, I will pay the price and receive consequences. The feeling and the desire is understood but the action can't go unchallenged and is not without hypocrisy.

Then again, I don't have a group of people out there rioting for the same precise personal reasons I would, so there is no group to join and hide in. There is no immediate back up to hype me or thrust me into action. I don't think I would either way, but sure, as some other people have mentioned..the state of 'group think' and the hoard mentality exists, and it can either be a good thing or a bad thing depending on which consciousness takes the lead, peace and order or anarchy and chaos.
Which one is more productive is situation dependent and still up for debate. But one can not deny that even if the rioting was more productive in raising the voice of the pleas, there would still be-and is-destruction of lives in its wake.
The ones who cause it should not slide by unscathed simply because they did not have their heads on straight. Just as the police should not be above the law for any crime they commit either.
So finding fault with the rioting is not caring about buildings more than people. It's just another side of the coin.
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kristallene Bergluft über verfallener Gruft
Aug 20, 2019
I dont live in the US but i live in the UK. I have been watching what is going on the USA on tv.

Here in the UK there protests about george floyd too .

I am a massive politics junkie . I am also a brown female.

Personally i think the protestors have every right to be angry.

Too many black men have died before thier time due to police brutality and the justice system does not help either. The charge against the police officer 3rd degree is not suitable . If you put your knee on someones neck it is foreseeable harm will occur and the poor man kept saying loudly he can not breathe. That officer know what was doing.
That officer needs to be charged either with 1st or 2nd degree. 3rd degree is bullshit .

There is a real injustice that is happening

I dont agree with the looting however.

The problem with looting the people who live in the area will be the ones living with the long term damage. The long term damage will economic harm and unemployment due to the business struggling to open due insurance issues and safety issues as well caused by the rioting

If people want to loot they should rob a bank as banks are pools of wealth and banks are insured.
I dont think you can get rid of racism . Racism is a hatred for your fellow human being . Only in a perfect world there is no racism . This world is imperfect and so are human beings so things like racism will always exist.
Humans can create a better world than the one we are living in but will never be perfect.

What state are you in?

Take care and keep safe
English is not my first language, so I might get the definitions wrong, but I think that if you tried to charge him with 1st degree murder it wouldn't go through court, as tgere isn't really a way to prove that he premeditated the attack and planned to kill someone. 3rd degree is too low. I'd say 2nd degree is fitting.
Who? No one here said "Hey guess what guys, I respect the brick and mortar more than human lives". You are simplifying what several people, including myself, have explained in a less black and white manner.

If buildings and businesses and THINGS in general didn't give so much meaning to human lives- including sentiment, worth, a roof over their head, etc-then no argument would have to be made against the destruction of said places and the looting, and so on.

But we are not talking about empty, abandoned houses and rotting structures...these places home and support lives, so not caring about what happens to them equates to not caring about the quality of life that benefits from their unsullied existence. Which is the complete opposite of what you claimed.
And I figure, the general mindset of most people who are on a site like this. Aka quality of life is reduced or inhibited, so life is not worth living.
Why care about lives if we don't care about destroying the quality of said lives? That's a pro-life mentality.

Not everything can be rebuilt, not everyone can afford the consequences of chaos , and not everything has a price regardless..things could be eliminated that have a sort of value which cannot ever again be obtained.

Add to the fact that people who become collateral damage to the protest, are one less group of people to support the actual cause.
A cause I never said wasn't worthwhile in general, people are allowed to be pissed. I watched the video and was disturbed myself, and I have had many issues with authority figures who abuse their power in terrifying ways. So although I cannot claim the impact of racism, I can claim the impact of some similar enough things, including being discriminated against for things outside of my control, having my basic human rights shat on and treated like a third class citizen. It definitely makes me more angry than words can describe, if given the lucrative opportunity to end this whole circus of a society and burn it to the ground screaming, I probably would! If even just to be HEARD, finally, for a moment before death.
But I know in reality, that can't happen and the innocent would end up being destroyed along with the guilty. If I even make one step toward such chaos, I will pay the price and receive consequences. The feeling and the desire is understood but the action can't go unchallenged and is not without hypocrisy.

Then again, I don't have a group of people out there rioting for the same precise personal reasons I would, so there is no group to join and hide in. There is no immediate back up to hype me or thrust me into action. I don't think I would either way, but sure, as some other people have mentioned..the state of 'group think' and the hoard mentality exists, and it can either be a good thing or a bad thing depending on which consciousness takes the lead, peace and order or anarchy and chaos.
Which one is more productive is situation dependent and still up for debate. But one can not deny that even if the rioting was more productive in raising the voice of the pleas, there would still be-and is-destruction of lives in its wake.
The ones who cause it should not slide by unscathed simply because they did not have their heads on straight. Just as the police should not be above the law for any crime they commit either.
So finding fault with the rioting is not caring about buildings more than people. It's just another side of the coin.
Right. Destroying the houses and livelihoods of innocent people just because you are angry isn't ok. If you want to break something, go lynch that cop or something, but leave the innocent people alone.
Criminal justice system has clearly never failed you. That's privilege.
I wouldn't really call it a privilege to not have been arrested. That's like saying that it is a privilege to not have cancer.
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Apr 9, 2018
Then in return, I won't read your response as it's not a response.

Take care.
Word, we'll have to agree to disagree by agreeing to not bother reading each others posts, like the depressed, suicidal and broken people we are, lol.
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Mar 1, 2020
His toxicology was released.

He had a dicky heart and was massively high on a cocktail of synthetic heroin, methamphetamine and dope.
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Feb 10, 2020

He had a dicky heart and was massively high on a cocktail of synthetic heroin, methamphetamine and dope.

Did he die while the cop was holding him down or afterwards ?
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
His toxicology was released.

He had a dicky heart and was massively high on a cocktail of synthetic heroin, methamphetamine and dope.

Sorry, I can't interpret the toxicology results to determine if he was "massively high." Can you? Or is there another source that explains it?

Also, were there reports that he was acting high when he interacted with the cops? I haven't followed this closely, but it's my understanding he was cooperative. Am in error about that?

Finally, I have to question whether he truly had these drugs in his system, especially when a cop is being charged for his murder. This seems so...extra. I know there were independent autopsies, I wonder if all the reports will agree.

I don't mean to be argumentative. I'll admit natural suspicion, but also am having a bit of an emotional response to how this information was presented here on the forum. It felt to me like victim blaming, and I think there's going to be a lot of that going around on the news as well, especially as a way to change the narrative and delegitimize the protests. Curious as to how you respond.
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Mar 1, 2020
Sorry, I can't interpret the toxicology results to determine if he was "massively high." Can you? Or is there another source that explains it?

Also, were there reports that he was acting high when he interacted with the cops? I haven't followed this closely, but it's my understanding he was cooperative. Am in error about that?

Finally, I have to question whether he truly had these drugs in his system, especially when a cop is being charged for his murder. This seems so...extra. I know there were independent autopsies, I wonder if all the reports will agree.

I don't mean to be argumentative. I'll admit natural suspicion, but also am having a bit of an emotional response to how this information was presented here on the forum. It felt to me like victim blaming, and I think there's going to be a lot of that going around on the news as well, especially as a way to change the narrative and delegitimize the protests. Curious as to how you respond.

The report itself is actually pretty interesting. There's a decent amount of layman terminology for what the drugs are and how they interact with eachother. As for fentanyl.

"Overdose results in respiratory depression which is reversible with naloxone. Sudden death can also occur because of cardiac arrest or severe anaphylactic reaction. The estimated lethal dose of fentanyl in humans is 2 mg. The recommended serum concentration for analgesia is 1–2 ng/ml and for anaesthesia it is 10–20 ng/ml. Blood concentrations of approximately 7 ng/ml or greater have been associated with fatalities where poly-substance use was involved. While fatalities have been reported after therapeutic use, many deaths have occurred as a result of the misuse of pharmaceutical products. Both used and unused fentanyl patches have been injected, smoked, snorted or taken orally with fatal consequences. "

If that report was correct (and the coroner says there'll need to be a second set of tests), then the 11ng/mL could have interacted badly with the other drugs in his system.

Keep in minfd there's seemingly two conflicting Autopsies already. :pfff:

This is going to be a court case from hell.
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Jun 2, 2020
I feel like all the drugs in his system are going to be used by Chauvins defence as a major contributory factor in his death.

Reminds me of the victim blaming women face for being drunk or on drugs during a sexual assault

Drugs in his body / underlying health conditions may have been a contributing factor in his death - there is no denying. However I think it's obvious to see that Floyd would have not died had he not had pressure like that applied to his neck for such a long period of time.
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