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May 24, 2020

Police officer tried in vain to stop Leonard Stanley man taking deadly Sodium Nitrite​

A policeman tried in vain to stop a man from taking deadly poison after a dramatic chase along a road in Leonard Stanley, nr Stonehouse, an inquest heard on Thursday (March 25).
Sadly the officer's efforts were in vain despite him catching and handcuffing 37 year old Stuart Wicks, the Gloucester inquest was told.

Mr Wicks, of Mankley rd, Leonard Stanley, managed to swallow sodium nitrite tablets as he ran along the road near his home trying to escape the police.
Even though the officer released him from the cuffs so that he could try to vomit up the poison he became unconscious minutes later and died after being rushed to hospital, the assistant Gloucestershire coroner Roland Wooderson was told.
Mr Wooderson recorded a conclusion that Mr Wicks had taken his own life.
In a statement to the inquest Mr Wicks' mother, Karen Wicks, said he suffered from a borderline personality disorder and was under the care of the Stroud mental health crisis team.
He had suicidal thoughts almost daily, she said.
On the evening of July 13th she visited him at his home and he was 'struggling,' she stated. He told her he 'couldn't take any more' and began to bang his head against a wall.
Mrs Wicks became very worried about her son and tried to contact the crisis team but could not get through so she called the police.
She waited outside in her car and saw her son come out of his home carrying a bottle. He told her he wanted her to hold his hand while he took it but she refused and at that moment the police arrived.
Mr Wicks ran off down the road for a distance of about a hundred yards, she stated.
An anbulance then arrived and took Mr Wicks to Gloucestershire Royal Hospital but he died the next day at 1.45am.
A post mortem report gave the cause of death as poisoning with sodium nitrite.
Sgt Ben D'Arcy of Stroud Police stated that he arrived in Mankley Road on the night of July 13 to see officers with a man who was lying on the ground. He was told the man was Mr Wicks.
"It was suspected he had taken a noxious substance," the sergeant stated. Officers remained with him for about 15 minutes until the ambulance arrived. "
The sergeant said Mrs Wicks took the police into her son's flat and they saw a white crystalline powder with 'sodium nitrite' on the label. Powder was scattered across the kitchen surfaces.
Pc Cockle told in a statement how he was sent to Mankley road and saw Mr Wicks standing on the pavmebt a few metres away.
"On seeing our police vehicle he started to run in the opposite direction at speed. He was five metres ahead of our car," said the officer.
"He was placing a number of unknown items into his mouth and consuming water from a bottle."
The coroner said the officer was able to exit the police car and take hold of Mr Wicks. They both fell to the floor.
"Mr Wicks was still trying to swallow something in his mouth and the officer told him repeatedly to spit it out," said the coroner.
"He spat a tablet out onto the ground. He was placed in handcuffs but he then told the officer he had taken 30 grams of sodium nitrite that he had bought on the Dark Web and he was now going to go into a coma and die in an hour.
"He said he was desperate and had also taken a number of other tablets to end his life. He said he needed to make himself sick to get the chemical out of his system.
"The officer released him from one of the handcuffs so he could make himelf sick. But afterwards Mr Wicks said 'It's still in my body and it's going to kill me.'
"He said the officers should not go into his property for their own safety. Three or four minutes later he became unresponsive and a short time later an ambulance arrived to take him to hospital."
Psychiatrist Dr Martin Petrov said Mr Wicks had been receiving mental health care services since the age of 8. He had made previous suicide attempts including jumping off a balcony and driving at 150mph. He had been diagnosed with an emotionally unstable borderline personality disorder.
At the time of his death he was having regular support from the Stroud Recovery Crisis Team.

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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
Thanks for the information. May he rest in peace.
So he bought in on the dark web? It seems the market of SN is flourishing here, I didn't know.
Most people assumed it wouldn't happen since it wouldn't be profitable enough.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Rest in peace. Probably the most spectacular suicide with NS I have ever read.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
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May 24, 2020
Even After taking SN in capsule and vomiting and calling ambulance and receiving help in hospital he passed away. Good for him and rest in peace
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fred farkle

fred farkle

Dec 17, 2020
that must have been good quality SN!
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
It is so incredibly sad on so many levels. The poor man thought about suicide every day of his life and had been getting mental health care since he was 8. Obviously it was of no help. He had to resort to this.

How is anyone able to read this account and not feel pity for him. Why must he resort to running down the road gulping down SN.

At least his 30 years of suffering has finally ended.
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Reactions: rejected, aristotle is ok, archipelago and 28 others


Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
Is this a small time media outlet or something? Mainstream media typically omits suicide methods and details like this.
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Nov 27, 2019
How sad that he couldn't go in peace.
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Don't you dare go hollow...
Nov 25, 2019
Just picturing this in my mind and the absurdity of it all. He's been suffering for 28 years (!). His entire life ruined. He says he can't take no more and only wants to hold his mother's hand in his last moments. She turns him down and instead sets the cops on him. They chase him down and try to cuff him to this world.

But we are the sick ones?? Right. What a shit society. So glad he got out of this madhouse. May he rest in peace.
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Feb 7, 2021
Is this a small time media outlet or something? Mainstream media typically omits suicide methods and details like this.
i've never heard of it so although im not very local, id guess so. local newspaper seem to be some of the last uncorrupted news sources in the uk, although they are being bought up.
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Apr 5, 2020
Happy for him that he was able to finally stop hurting. And those fools wanted him to stick around to suffer more.
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Nov 30, 2020
Couldn't contact the crisis team. That sounds about right. Don't think it would of made any difference in this case but even so, what's the point if you can't contact them.
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Jan 31, 2021
Ah the crisis team - probs would have told him to try colouring in, or a hot bath or maybe whipped put their hardcore advice of taking a few deep breaths and then fucking him off to some other department.
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Mar 14, 2021
I didn't realise you could get SN in tablet form I suppose it would take even longer to work?
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Nov 30, 2020
I didn't realise you could get SN in tablet form I suppose it would take even longer to work?
He maybe made them himself.
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Dec 11, 2020
This whole thing is just sad and aweful to read. This man was really determined to die. Kind of screwed up that his last days has to end being chased. I hope he rest easy. I wish the mother didn't react the way he did. Society really needs to change its views on suicide. Cause right now its very over reactionary
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Dec 16, 2020
Did you understand ? he could get into hospital being recued but not survived ?


Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
He could've lived, but I don't think the hospital knew what he took until after he passed and they found the substance later on.
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Nov 30, 2020
Cause right now its very over reactionary
Definitely. They either don't take it seriously and end up with a suicide on their hands or they overreact like you're Ed Gein or something.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Definitely. They either don't take it seriously and end up with a suicide on their hands or they overreact like you're Ed Gein or something.

Not sure if I want to attract any Ed Gein types by looking like a tasty snack to them.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
I didn't realise you could get SN in tablet form I suppose it would take even longer to work?
Put the powder in gel capsules
This happened 30 minutes from where I live. Can't believe this man just wanted to hold his mums hand instead he got cuffed like a criminal dying on the pavement. Worlds gone to shit.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
This is so sad, rest easy Leonard. So fucked that his own mother refused to hold his hand in his dying moments and instead sent the coppers on him as if he was a deranged heretic. In the time that it took the police to arrive, she could have expressed some empathy towards her child, yet she didn't. She sounds like the one who needs a visit from the mental health team due to her lack of compassion for her son.

The authors of this article have spelled out clearly how long this man was suffering for and how untreatable his condition was. Why is everyone else so blind to the fact that he had done everything within his power to try to get some relief, and it didn't work? This reminds me of a story published by an anti-choice author, who interviewed the friends and families of deceased Alt.Suicide.Holiday (Ash) users.

While many of the loved ones blamed the website or the accessibility of methods for the suicides, there was one guy who stuck out to me. He said his best friend had always been miserable and trying to live a life that he was unhappy with, so it brought him peace to know that suffering was over. Why can't more people see things the way this guy does?

I can't remember the name of the piece now, but it was quite old. Years have passed since then, but nothing changes. They keep treating suicidal people like criminals then wonder why we want to escape from this jail cell known as life.
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Sep 12, 2020
What a tragedy. This is so wrong/sad on several levels.

In the end, he didn't even want to die and tried to vomit, if I understood correctly.

What I don't understand is why he didn't survive, although he was quickly hospitalized. I also wonder how much time passed before he died.
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Dec 11, 2020
The authors of this article have spelled out clearly how long this man was suffering for and how untreatable his condition was. Why is everyone else so blind to the fact that he had done everything within his power to try to get some relief, and it didn't work? This reminds me of a story published by an anti-choice author, who interviewed the friends and families of deceased Alt.Suicide.Holiday (Ash) users.

While many of the loved ones blamed the website or the accessibility of methods for the suicides, there was one guy who stuck out to me. He said his best friend had always been miserable and trying to live a life that he was unhappy with, so it brought him peace to know that suffering was over. Why can't more people see things the way this guy does?
Because people generally suck at looking into perpsecitves thats they can't/not related to them and their experiences. They can't see beyond their bias's and worldview to step into the shoes of others experiences if they can't understand,relate to and comprehend those experiences. It seems like his best freind knows him more than anything(as a best freind should) and is able to step into his freinds shoes and be compassionate. A rare trait. People have empathy, not compassion. Very selective empathy.

I've noticed that most people, whether it be suicide or other issues that people expect you to be " over it." by a short period of time even though stuff like this takes time to fix, or even mitigate, if at all, for long periods of time. You can't just " snap out of it." soon after a simple pep talk or something. Its not like a machine where everything could be fixed automatically. Its a processs. It seems like thats what they expected from the dude, hence their shock and lack of compassion at his final moments.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
What a tragedy. This is so wrong/sad on several levels.

In the end, he didn't even want to die and tried to vomit, if I understood correctly.

What I don't understand is why he didn't survive, although he was quickly hospitalized. I also wonder how much time passed before he died.
I wonder this too. I don't know why he didn't survive. It says he died the next day didn't it?


Useless since day 1
Jan 3, 2020
watching your son die cant be easy regardless. condolences to his family. by the same token im glad he's at peace. i wish it didnt have to be this way, he wanted the comfort of his mom's touch in his final moments but had to part ways instead. oh yes whats better than having a police yell at guy you as your final memory. shout out to the doctors at the hospital who didnt have the faintest idea when it comes to treating SN poisoning with the blue koolaid. lastly if he was a SS member, much respect for lying about purchase off the darkweb and not revealing the actual source. RIP.
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Dreadful damage, dreadful destiny
Feb 1, 2021
Such a sad way to go, I understand the mums attempt to save her son but I don't think police were the way to go. Yet another soul let down by the crisis team.

Sounds like SI might have caught up to him in his final conscious moments too. I hope he's resting easy now, my heart really breaks to hear of someone suffering like he did.
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signifying nothing

signifying nothing

Sep 13, 2020
I wonder if the exertion of running down the road sped up the effects of the SN and killed him faster. Maybe if he also chewed the tablets in panic when the police arrived. I guess we can only speculate.


Feb 27, 2021
Poor man. Tragic that his final moments in life were being betrayed by his own mom and chased by the police. Can't even imagine the anxiety of dying coupled with other stressing factors. At least he's at peace now but I wish he would have just took sn in the privacy of his own room or a hotel.
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