your pathologist

your pathologist

Sep 5, 2018
So you tell me God is upset with me for relying on doctors, then you tell me praise him for what the medicines are doing, and that I'll stay sick unless i go to church.
What God would let someone get this sick and then expect them to attend church and give up pills that could kill them if they withdrawal wrong...
This life is unreal
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
Humans are mostly pieces of shit. Time for some misanthropy!
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velle non discitur
Nov 17, 2019
I'd rather be an alcoholic than take weird pharma drugs
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Aug 5, 2018
I feel like I'm collapsing. what's happening
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for in that sleep of death what dreams may come
Jul 23, 2019
This post in suicide discussion just got taken down, so guess it touched a nerve with someone. But I feel like replying to it anyway. It was titled, "Ladies. What do you hate about men"- You know what? Sure, why not.

The sense of entitlement to women's bodies. For example, male friends who play nice guy then when you don't return their 'affections' are suddenly aloof and dismissive (if not worse.) I don't owe them a goddamn thing, but nice to know they'll bail on the friendship once it sinks in that I'm never going to bed with them or playing whatever role they want from me. It's reductive and eventually just downright dehumanizing, especially for a woman with mental health issues. But that's only one of soooo many issues I've personally dealt with in my lifetime. The past abusive relationships are really what serve as suicide fuel. Can I just say I hate people in general? Equal opportunity on that one.

Anyway. Kind of a mini-rant since it's been on my mind lately and triggering a depressive episode.
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Jun 8, 2019
11 pm on the dot the clouds roll in and my rigging for partial is looking better and better.
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Sack of Meat
Sep 3, 2018
If I'm asexual, what does it mean to identify as male?

Add that to the pile of things about myself I can't wrap my head around.
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Oct 28, 2019
all day @ SS again today. lately it's all i've been doing. in bed, reading SS. thank you, everyone. some would say i've got "a problem" -- they're gonna wanna pluralise that.

some people aren't "all there"; i'm not even "part there". i have zero integrity because i have almost no self-knowledge, almost no self-knowledge because i have no courage, and i have no courage because i can't make choices. my self-knowledge begins/ends there.

why can't i make choices? nobody else knows either. everyone is telling me i can control my thoughts. doesn't seem that way to me, it seems i'm only reacting. i would blame everything on myself, but that seems like attributing a value to an empty set. i can't blame anything else, in case others are like me too but don't know it. that's almost as cynical as it is arrogant. the biggest drawback to being so arrogant -- ignorance and confusion: 10/10.

i was so ashamed of my past that it crept up and bled into the present, soon i was wishing for the worst and coveting the best. now i hear that most people want to be loved. i can't relate to that at all. i can't relate to wanting anything but to control my mind. to a certain extent i've found a way (drugs) but tolerance builds fast and i slide back into off-the-cuff mode. the biggest drawback to being so defensive -- other people get tired of defusing threats, mine and theirs, that don't exist. their intolerance builds just as quickly.

in real life, i make friends and find partners easily; just can't keep them. they expect things from me that i don't have. could be my fault for making them believe i have these things in me, but again, that's just how i seem to operate. all my life i've hunted others' spirit, i love it, their intractable character. everyone has one. well, courageous people do, and the more courageous, the more beautiful.

i embroil myself in the people whose spirits confuse me the most, cherishing the one-way intimacy, cheating them with lies as solid as they are desperate, reinventing myself to most complement them. it's like i wrap myself with exotic paper and turn myself into a customised gift, which also hides me completely. people remove the paper, and me with it. then they get angry, as they should. i think i miss them; i don't act like it. my last remaining hope, that i don't think i mean any harm, has worn thin. there's something underneath that delicate unassumingness. something cold and blank and hard, and i think we breathe together. just what the world needs: more muddled mask metaphors. but i'm repeating myself.

whatever, i can't justify my existence for much longer. i'm alone now, except for my family, whose hearts i'll pierce when i stop my own. that will be a dead loss. literally, i am a deficit, win/win. maybe i do know more about myself than i dare to face, not all barrier. i'll be dead before i find out. maybe i'll find out as i'm dying, or when i'm dead? the truth/my allergen. fact may be stranger, but fiction is worthier. telling, selling our stories. here we are, works of art, a worldwide exhibition... SSers peering smilingly over the balustrades.

don't point that thing at me, swap the stethoscope for a sniper rifle. put me out of our misery. i could use some sunshine, a breath of fresh air, some brisk walks, more fibre in my diet. maybe a few positive affirmations, i could put them on the fridge (the mirror's out of order). nah, i'll just keep reading SS.
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Aug 5, 2018
I can literally go back 5 years and nothing would be different. I still feel shitty and life is still shit. The only difference being that life is a lot worse now. I lose parts of myself over the years. more and more.
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Nov 27, 2019
I need to listen to a voicemail but I just can't get myself to do anything. Most of my time I'm just laying in bed like I'm paralyzed. Trapped inside of myself.
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Nov 27, 2019
I'm so overwhelmed with hopelessness. I'm so upset I don't know what to do with myself. This is not going to work out. I'm really trying. But I'm honestly wasting my energy on bullshit.
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Exit Strategist
Mar 29, 2019
I'm not a fan of orange and my username is currently orange.
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Feb 25, 2020
It's easy to smile. It's hard to smile. I wish my soul would be able to smile again.


Feb 14, 2019
Annndd I'm feeling very suicidal again after what a day of feeling ok ish.....


I'll put pennies on your eyes and it will go away.
Feb 3, 2020
What did the leopard say to the hooker?


Sack of Meat
Sep 3, 2018
I had a paper on Cinematic Adaptation. Had to write about how 3 scenes in a movie of my choice show the relation between the theme, the setting and the character development. Wasn't able to pen all my thoughts down because I keep referring to shot structure in the first scene I chose.

Fuck, I'm so stupid, making such an idiotic mistake and now wanting to cut myself over it. I wish I had some level of control over myself. I don't want to be a passenger to my life, no matter how pathetic it is.
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Jun 8, 2019
Why am I even waiting? No one gives a fuck about me, here or in real life. I'm done.
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fat cringey shut-in
Jun 19, 2019
I really am just a big giant fuck up, huh? :( I wanted to believe otherwise since everyone keeps saying I'm not, but it's been a struggle to find anything else to support that idea.

Time for another day crying alone :( I hate being this person and I hate consistently failing to change or grow or improve myself.
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Aug 31, 2019
I miss feeling emotionally connected to someone :notsure:
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Clinging onto every ounce of hope
Feb 23, 2020
After my second failed relationship which is almost over I've come to an epiphany (and this is w.r.t. to my country's culture and people):

It's all fun and dandy for people to be friends with / date, folks in a wheelchair/with disability. But, when it comes to putting your foot down and making a commitment for life, for better for worse, they run like their life depends on it. No one wants the luggage that we potatoes bring with us.

We're like milestones along the highway - while most of traffic just passes by, some people might stop, click a picture or two, relax, have fun, before they decide to continue with their journey. But, the milestone isn't moving. It'll be there, waiting.

Just saw this msg randomlly browsing, but there is a community of women who are ONLY attracted to folks in a wheelchair. They are called devotees and a lot have had successful relationships with disabled persons. So there is hope for you yet!


Mar 2, 2020
Before i started university i thought it would somehow cure me, like starting a whole different life would erase everything in my head, but it didn't. i guess theirs this pressure that university is meant to be the best time of your life and its just not. i had all these high expectations of my self, i thought i would make loads of friends, go to all my lectures, pass everything with high marks, go out all the time, there were loads of trips that i really wanted to go on.
But the reality is so far from that, im in an even worse place then before i started university, and its hard to come to terms with.
I was bullied by my flat mates all through 1st year, ive never made any friends, my attendance at lectures have been terrible and i haven't been to one since September, ive managed to pass everything but 2 modules that meant i had to retake a year, although other than that my grades are pretty average, ive been on no trips which honestly is the most annoying because i was excited for some of them before i even started there and my mental health means i just couldn't bring myself to go on any of them for the whole 4 years ive been there.
I only applied for DSA this year which means i now get a support worker to help me through this year which is my last, but because hes the only support i have for my mental health, graduating now scares me because i'll also loose my only support. I cant picture myself being able to work after university because i just feel so bad, i feel like my life is falling apart around me.
I feel like i failed, it was supposed to go so well.
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Apr 5, 2018
What do you do when you realize that you can't do the things you always wanted to, because you're simply not good enough?

I'd probably complain about it in my diary, and if that wouldn't alleviate unpleasant feelings well enough, I'd try distractions like videogames, music and "meditation".
Quotation marks on the last one because it means to observe carefully which could be interpreted as the opposite of ignore/distract. But I guess we can observe one things while ignoring the others.


Nov 8, 2018
I posted a rant on Reddit the other day.
Tldr: I never had and never will have a girlfriend.

I may develop a relationship with a woman, but it won't be a girlfriend/boyfriend kind of deal. I'm 30. I'm too old to be a boyfriend per se.
The reason I say I am too old is because I cannot seem to be a boyfriend now because of my medical condition.
When/if I come out if that, I'll be quite older than 30, older than 35, which I think would be skirting the "boyfriend age".
That's an optimistic estimation, by the way.
So, I won't have fun. If I get in a relationship, it will not be with a woman who wants to party. It's not that I don't want to, it's that women who want to party and older than 35-40 don't exist. That's the age when women decide they want to settle down.
I mean, sure, there's the rare unicorn who parties till death, well into her eighties. I know of such a woman, in fact. There are, of course, problems.
For one, she's married already. And she's literally half a planet away.
This also adds to the many reasons I'm pondering ctb.
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Cat piss sammich??
Jan 10, 2020
I'd rather be an alcoholic than take weird pharma drugs
I was an alcoholic then started taking weird pharma drugs.Then quit the weird pharma drugs and focused on alcoholic.Now trying to NOT be an alcoholic and go back to trying some of them weird pharma drugs.But in the waiting process,creeping back to that alcoholic again.

I cant live as both..Starting to realize that.I dont know where this is going.Just random(?)

Life is full of choices.Sometimes I(personally)see it as this or that,instead of compromising somewhere in the middle ground,a nice comfy spot(?).Maybe I just need to talk more,instead of both being administered and self inducing "weird substances".


velle non discitur
Nov 17, 2019
I was an alcoholic then started taking weird pharma drugs.Then quit the weird pharma drugs and focused on alcoholic.Now trying to NOT be an alcoholic and go back to trying some of them weird pharma drugs.But in the waiting process,creeping back to that alcoholic again.

I cant live as both..Starting to realize that.I dont know where this is going.Just random(?)

Life is full of choices.Sometimes I(personally)see it as this or that,instead of compromising somewhere in the middle ground,a nice comfy spot(?).Maybe I just need to talk more,instead of both being administered and self inducing "weird substances".
I feel you. Since my early youth I have always been on one drug or another, nicotine, food, exercise, gaming, etc... Some are healthier coping strategies of course but alcoholism is by far the worst (but also the most pleasent and potent one of them all)
I feel you. Since my early youth I have always been on one drug or another, nicotine, food, exercise, gaming, etc... Some are healthier coping strategies of course but alcoholism is by far the worst (but also the most pleasent and potent one of them all)
The one thing I will stay away from is benzos as alcohol withdrawal was bad enough for my taste. It scared me shitless tbh.
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Jul 5, 2019
The last thing that I needed was to lose an hour of sleep for Daylight Savings Time. I've already been running on fumes.
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