Do you interact with people, you disagree with idiologically, differently on the forum?

  • I ignore them completely.

  • I try to avoid them and am less inclined to hear them out.

  • I tend to be more unfriendly towards them (or worse).

  • No, it doesnt matter to me.

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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Please see the thread "Hunter Biden crack smoking footjob".

Haha no. I already knew that was more bait than I can tolerate just from the title as well as the poster. I don't want to fight every battle that's dangled. :pfff:


Apr 2, 2020
According to The Atlantic: When racist became common parlance, rapidly replacing prejudiced starting around 1970, it was understood mainly in its dictionary-style definition: "Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior." What sat in the memory is "It's wrong to think people are inferior because of something like their skin color, or to be mean to them because of that."

If one has not lived in the Southern US, it may be easy to say racism doesn't exist or that the word is just a political tool. I moved to the Deep South at the age of eighteen and lived there for seventeen years. The racial hatred and sense of color-based inferiority was rampant on both sides of the fence. Holy crap, the toxicity was an ever-present undercurrent and general overtone, and I will tell stories if anyone wants to hear them, but only if they're asking in good faith and not to bait me. Growing up in Arizona, my dad was a cop, and in general a good guy, very caring about his community, but the bad guys were Black and Mexican, and the jokes, demonization and disdain for cultures related to those races was also an ever-present undercurrent in my home that bred for me feelings of superiority, disdain, dismissal, and fear that I had to do work to understand and remove from my way of thinking, like having worn glasses that warped my perception. After moving to the South, my mother became a more overt racist because the environment supported it and encouraged it to flourish.

Though it's making the rounds on the Internet, it is not accurate that Trotsky invented the word racism. It was first used in the US with regard to Native Americans in 1902. Trotsky didn't use it until 1930. If he used it as a weapon to cause confusion, well, that's what a good manipulator, disinformationalist, propagandist, and/or psyops operative does.

Finally, I detected some subtle shaming in the thread title, and the poll, but I first commented from a stance that it was presented in good faith. However this comment just doubles down on the shaming and taking on the role of victim: "Didnt expect people to have so much disdain for others with a different worldview even if they are always kind." Maybe you have experienced this and I have not been aware of it, so I don't want to negate your experience, but likewise I don't want to be blanketed with an attitude I don't have.

There are people on the forum whose ideologies I disagree with, but when it comes to non-ideological interactions, they are compassionate and participate in mutual support and reciprocity, or, if you prefer, they act "kind." There are others whose ways of interacting I disagree with as much as their ideologies, and that is why I either ignore them or am "unfriendly" toward them, however I always make a point irl as well as on the forum to never "low blow" or "make shit personal," as @feast or famine said, though it often gets spun that that's what I'm doing, or that I am narcissistic, or just want a following, or enjoy confrontation and am aggressive, or virtue signal, or morally grandstand, or am in some other way acting in bad faith rather than integrity -- that I am dirty. If I act in good faith when I see something in bad faith toward others or myself, I am painted with the stain of "unkind."

Yeah, no.

I feel like the premise of this thread is the same kind of spin, to make others appear toxic who are not, and to be gaslighted into questioning their motivations and beliefs in order to erode their self-confidence and to doubt their sense of integrity and moral worth, because their stance is not "kind," shame-shame. Kind of like someone tells a little girl who stands up for herself to be quiet and go sit in the corner until she can be nice. To me, this thread and the comment I quoted are an effort to bait and drag someone down into the ditch and not only get them muddy, but convince them that they're nothing more than mudslingers themselves. No thanks.


I don't see what your racist Christian mother has to do with this thread and I wonder how are you able to hold a straight face while you habitually try to shame other users through patronizing and, ironically, accusing them of "shaming" others.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
Doesn't matter too much to me.

I try not to get wrapped up in ideology or politics too much on here since those things tend to be divisive.
I would toss religion into that too. People are often too entrenched in their own beliefs with these sort of topics. Which is also why I try to avoid discussing them. It almost always devolves into an argument or becomes a stalemate.
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Jul 1, 2020
I do find it refreshing that there are lots of different types of people on here, because it humanises lots of unique ideological standpoints that I might not understand fully and helps me see how someone might take that stance even if I don't see any logic in it.

That being said I don't actively argue with people if they have views I disagree with because I don't think it's very productive online. Plus I'm supernaturally gifted in avoiding things, including conflict. The only exception is if I feel someone is being very harshly insulted, but I've only ever seen that once and the mods dealt with it before I could step in.
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Tired of being lonely
Sep 3, 2020
On the opposite, I have a bad habit to go for every "fight" possible and surely there's no shortage of possibilities. I'm trying to stop now though and just focus on the matter I care for
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The stranger
Feb 21, 2019
Almost every people in SS is so fucked that I dont care about what people said bullshit
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May 13, 2020
There are always going to be people with different opinions. There are some here that I really don't agree with, and sometimes I'll provide some information if there's something I see that they're factually wrong about, but there's no point in getting into arguments over it. Everyone here is in a difficult place right now, and that's not what they came here for. The only thing I have a problem with is when someone is trying to force their opinion down someone's throat, being aggressive towards someone for something out of their control, or telling them that how they feel is wrong and they're not allowed to feel that way.
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
I'm not sure that people voting here have been honest tbh :))
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
@VisionsOfHell, you posted something yesterday on the the Suicide Discussion and I thought we had a great interaction. Your OP there was a reflection of you, not of ideological beliefs. I didn't avoid you there because I felt irritated in this one thread about your views about racism, I was open to seeing what you had to say, and your personal issue wasn't based in or related to any kind of exclusionary, dominating or mindfucking ideology, which I admittedly have personal issues with and often respond to as such.

So I don't know. Maybe when you posted this thread you were feeling sensitive because you engage in ideological discussions and feel like people miss out on your kindness and instead base their entire view of you around the ideology? If yes, it makes sense then why I felt like there was subtle shaming, like, "Hey, I'm kind and I'm being left out from community sharing and support because of my political stance. Do you perhaps have a bias issue you need to look at?" Maybe the issue was you all along but was being directed outward? Like I said, I don't know. I'm just trying to feel my way through this, because there is definitely a mild undercurrent of blaming and I admit to being human and sometimes reacting with a "Hell no to that" instead of being chill if I know I've done nothing blameworthy. I'm also just exceptionally sensitive to undercurrents; in the environment I came from, I had to be, so it's part of how I function and I work hard to refine it so that I am more aware and grounded rather than reactive.

That's my current interpretation based on new information. I don't claim that it's accurate. I only know certain things I pick up on and how I respond to them based on experience and study, both of which are inherently limited. But I personally also look at one's overall character or ways of connecting and communicating that they present via consistent behaviors for me to make a personal assessment of who I'm around, what I can reasonably expect from them, what kind of agendas they may have (and everyone has some kind of an agenda or preference, it's not always a negatively charged concept), and how safe or unsafe they feel to me -- individually, as well as toward any group I'm in, whether as my gender, ethnicity, or the community I'm in.

Anyhow, just wanted to follow up, as I didn't feel satisfied with where things ended up in this thread, especially as it subsequently related to the other thread that followed.
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Account Wipe.
Apr 30, 2020
you don't have to agree with someone but it's important to know why they think the way they do.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
you don't have to agree with someone but it's important to know why they think the way they do.
exactly, theres a difference between agreeing and understanding :)
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Deleted member 94

Deleted member 94

Mar 24, 2018
I would toss religion into that too. People are often too entrenched in their own beliefs with these sort of topics. Which is also why I try to avoid discussing them. It almost always devolves into an argument or becomes a stalemate.
Quetzalcoatl is the only true God.
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Oct 31, 2020
Lmao, I dont think I can post again without some people thinking its bait or theres some hidden intentions behind it.

I guess thats why some prefer the anonymity on forums like 8chan. Only way to really break this nasty social dynamic.
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May 8, 2020
Lmao, I dont think I can post again without some people thinking its bait or theres some hidden intentions behind it.

I guess thats why some prefer the anonymity on forums like 8chan. Only way to really break this nasty social dynamic.
Really? Wow...


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Lmao, I dont think I can post again without some people thinking its bait or theres some hidden intentions behind it.

I guess thats why some prefer the anonymity on forums like 8chan. Only way to really break this nasty social dynamic.

Okay, well, I came back here in good faith, trying to reach out, trying to find understanding. If I don't connect with you in the future, it's not because of a negative bias toward your ideological views and wanting to be in a comfy echo chamber, but because of the propensity for projections. Now it's a nasty social dynamic.

We may be in the same boat with regard to suicide, but it's a huge boat, I'll go sit somewhere else where I'm not going to have saltwater side-splashed into my eyes and then told it's my fault because I tried to rebalance when the boat was rocked or that I and a bunch of other members dumped salt in the water.

I do sincerely wish for your well-being. Life is hard, and considering ending it is perhaps even harder. I wish all of our journeys could be easier, and I hope, if you seek it, that you find someone you're comfortable and compatible with to be by your side to make your journey better. Take care.
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May 8, 2020
What am I to make of this???
You're an unapologetic antisemite, but the "nasty social dynamic" is somehow everyone else's fault? It couldn't possibly be because you're hateful. No... everyone else has the problem, not you.
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Oct 31, 2020
As you wish. Take care.
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Jan 18, 2020
My answer depends on what's the topic about, not so much on the user's ideology.

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