
Apr 29, 2020
I'm absolutely devastated. Was honest with my psychiatrist about how bad I'm feeling, was literally crying throughout the phone call and he was laughing at me because he said I wasn't that upset at the beginning of the phone call and that I should just "let go" of my past.
I even told him I wanted to ctb and he didn't even sound bothered. Mind you, it was approach 5pm. He probably had his dinner to get to.
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Deleted member 19654

Deleted member 19654

Working towards recovery.
Jul 9, 2020
What the hell? That was so unprofessional of him
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Sounds like an abusive person.
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Jan 20, 2020
If this is through an organization report his insensitive ass. If it's privet services just never talk to him again. That's pretty messed up.
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Apr 29, 2020
What the hell? That was so unprofessional of him
That's what I thought. And people in my life actually wonder why I don't want to seek help.
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Aug 7, 2020
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Sep 19, 2020
What kind of professional is this? Don't contact him ever again if possible... look for another psychiatrist.
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Apr 29, 2020
Sounds like an abusive person.
Funnily enough he is nice enough when I'm not in crisis. So that appointment was even more of a shock because of that
If this is through an organization report his insensitive ass. If it's privet services just never talk to him again. That's pretty messed up.
I've told him to take me off his case because today was a horrible experience and psychiatry can't help me anyway I've learned. Wanting to put me on medication I've already been on before which just made me sleep
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BPD Barbie

BPD Barbie

Dec 1, 2019
You should definitely report this person to the relevant bodies/authorities. That's really out of order. The phone call was probably on a recorded line and if so, they are screwed. Sorry you had this experience. I hope it doesn't put you off getting help in the future.
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Apr 29, 2020
What kind of professional is this? Don't contact him ever again if possible... look for another psychiatrist.
Ive told him to take me off his case
You should definitely report this person to the relevant bodies/authorities. That's really out of order. The phone call was probably on a recorded line and if so, they are screwed. Sorry you had this experience. I hope it doesn't put you off getting help in the future.
Thank you. It's a shame because he was really nice last time and i just can't believe what happened today. Currently sitting in my car haven driven away from home absolutely devastated
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the witch’s lament

the witch’s lament

Sep 5, 2020
not only is it cruel to laugh at someone's pain, for his field it's unprofessional and widely condemned. depending the country in which you live, him having no reaction to you mentioning CTB is a breach of confidentiality issue that he would have to tell a supervisor or authorities. you should consider making a formal complaint, if he is this way with you, he might be with his other patients as well. one complaint doesn't do much, but if there's been many that's cause for investigation.
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Jul 16, 2020
I called the suicide hotline saying I wanted to die and they said "why do you want to die? Death is no joke" then I told my psychiatrist and he said "I'm on a boat vacation". Psychiatrists won't ever understand our pain, psychologists either. I've learned that they're trained robots MOST OF THE TIME. If you're a woman then it gets worse, at least in Italy. I'm sorry you had to deal with such people.
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Apr 29, 2020
I called the suicide hotline saying I wanted to die and they said "why do you want to die? Death is no joke" then I told my psychiatrist and he said "I'm on a boat vacation". Psychiatrists won't ever understand our pain, psychologists either. I've learned that they're trained robots MOST OF THE TIME. If you're a woman then it gets worse, at least in Italy. I'm sorry you had to deal with such people.
I'm sorry you've had to experience this as well. It makes me so sad that my life has come to this and I'm only in my 20s
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Tired of being lonely
Sep 3, 2020
Who the hell gets dinner at 5 pm? Btw he clearly isn't professional, that's why I never trust psychologisst & co. , they have no idea what we're going through
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Apr 29, 2020
Who the hell gets dinner at 5 pm? Btw he clearly isn't professional, that's why I never trust psychologisst & co. , they have no idea what we're going through
Honestly I would hands up and say I'm a better listener than he is. I genuinely still can't believe the conversation. After I told him I wanted to ctb and even that I had rope ready to do it, he was like "ok erm... so I'll speak with you in 6 weeks then?" And that's when I said to him to not bother.
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Jun 26, 2020
My heart goes out to you. That was 100% WRONG. What a jerk. Glad to hear you dumped him. I have had the same experience and dumped the jerk and moved on. I truly wish the best for you and hope you find a new one who is 100% more caring. All the love in the world to you my great sanctioned suicide global family member.:heart::hug:
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Close your eyes ♥
May 18, 2019
When we had something similar happen the rest of our care team intervened and got the Patients rights officers involved alongside a case closure to a new psych, I'm not sure if your area has something similar but it might be worth looking into so he can't keep doing that to others. Apathetic healthcare workers have no place in healthcare, especially mental healthcare. I'm super sorry you had to go through that, and I wish you nothing but the best in the future
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Apr 29, 2020
My heart goes out to you. That was 100% WRONG. What a jerk. Glad to hear you dumped him. I have had the same experience and dumped the jerk and moved on. I truly wish the best for you and hope you find a new one who is 100% more caring. All the love in the world to you my great sanctioned suicide global family member.:heart::hug:
Thank you so much! I'm sorry you experienced the same but glad you moved on. All the love in the world to you too :hug::heart:


Jul 14, 2020
Honestly I would hands up and say I'm a better listener than he is. I genuinely still can't believe the conversation. After I told him I wanted to ctb and even that I had rope ready to do it, he was like "ok erm... so I'll speak with you in 6 weeks then?" And that's when I said to him to not bother.
I'm sorry that you had this experience.
Psychiatrists don't really care about the people they're supposed to be helping. They're just happy they have a well-paid secure job with lots of perks and which gives them a good social status.

That said, what sort of thing would you want a psychiatrist to say if you tell them you want to ctb?
Are you looking to be talked out of it?
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Your Orange Crush
Mar 7, 2020
This is really awful to hear and I'm so sorry you had that experience. When you open up to a professional, especially one who has previously been nice and understanding and they react in such a rude and unprofessional way, I can definitely see the temptation you must have to close up; it's a breach of trust.

I would agree with the above about making a complaint, it doesn't have to be particularly long, formal or detailed - you could just say that you were emotional and the psychiatrist responded in an unprofessional and inappropriate manner (by laughing) and consequently you'd like to be referred to someone else instead.

I know that a rag-tag bunch of well-meaning strangers chiming in to wish you well are no substitute for the guidance of a professional, but speaking for myself and others I'm sure - if you ever need a listening ear, I have two to spare. That's one great thing about this place, you can always express your feelings without ever being laughed at or dismissed and labelled as an attention seeking drama king/queen.
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Sep 7, 2020
I have had to try to think of a reply. This is just so very sad. You come to a professional most likely wanting some form of help and he laughs at you when you confess your most intimate thoughts... this guy is clearly here for a pay check. He does not have the compassion to be in such a profession. I would see if there are higher ups in his clinic you can put a formal complaint into. He should not be in his position. I hope with having him close your case you are able to find someone much better that will be there for you how you would want them to be.
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
This makes me so angry
Ive been verbally abused by mental health 'professionals' so much.
Faking for government money. Attention seeking. Selfish. If you really wanted to kill yourself you would have already done it. Etc
My heart bleeds for people around the world being treated like that!
The complete unprofessional way of their conduct is the reason I backed out and refused any further help, and now suffer in silence.
Im too insecure, too scared of being mocked again.
Sorry for making it all about myself but its a really emotional topic for me.
I wish I could give you a long hug :(
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May 22, 2020
Funnily enough he is nice enough when I'm not in crisis. So that appointment was even more of a shock because of that

I've told him to take me off his case because today was a horrible experience and psychiatry can't help me anyway I've learned. Wanting to put me on medication I've already been on before which just made me sleep
I had an experience with my therapist, not as extreme as yours, but it was uncomfortable. I talked to her about it and she didn't realize how she was coming across. Do you think they could have been uncomfortable or thought you were joking? It's not your responsibility to figure out where they were coming from, but if you like them at all, I'd have a talk with them.

Please know though, I also strongly feel you should find someone else, as laughing when someone is sharing as personal as you were, needs to go.

I'm planning to suggest my psychiatrist not tell someone to "hang in there" at the end of a phone call.
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Jul 16, 2020
I'm sorry you've had to experience this as well. It makes me so sad that my life has come to this and I'm only in my 20s
Same. 21. Sending you hugs.
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Apr 29, 2020
I'm sorry that you had this experience.
Psychiatrists don't really care about the people they're supposed to be helping. They're just happy they have a well-paid secure job with lots of perks and which gives them a good social status.

That said, what sort of thing would you want a psychiatrist to say if you tell them you want to ctb?
Are you looking to be talked out of it?
I suppose I'm looking for a miracle as a last desperate attempt ;-; or even just some extra support
This is really awful to hear and I'm so sorry you had that experience. When you open up to a professional, especially one who has previously been nice and understanding and they react in such a rude and unprofessional way, I can definitely see the temptation you must have to close up; it's a breach of trust.

I would agree with the above about making a complaint, it doesn't have to be particularly long, formal or detailed - you could just say that you were emotional and the psychiatrist responded in an unprofessional and inappropriate manner (by laughing) and consequently you'd like to be referred to someone else instead.

I know that a rag-tag bunch of well-meaning strangers chiming in to wish you well are no substitute for the guidance of a professional, but speaking for myself and others I'm sure - if you ever need a listening ear, I have two to spare. That's one great thing about this place, you can always express your feelings without ever being laughed at or dismissed and labelled as an attention seeking drama king/queen.
Thank you so much :hug::heart: this people on this are the only decent support I have. Professionals just make me feel like an alien, although I'm always hoping I'll get one that doesn't and who validates me. I feel that if I make a complaint I'll just be deemed by the professionals in that area as being those labels you've mentioned. Especially since I have the BPD diagnosis which doesn't help my case in that way and anything I say which goes against the professionals is apparently my "condition". Thank you again, it means a lot to hear people like yourself care:hug::heart:
I have had to try to think of a reply. This is just so very sad. You come to a professional most likely wanting some form of help and he laughs at you when you confess your most intimate thoughts... this guy is clearly here for a pay check. He does not have the compassion to be in such a profession. I would see if there are higher ups in his clinic you can put a formal complaint into. He should not be in his position. I hope with having him close your case you are able to find someone much better that will be there for you how you would want them to be.
Thank you. He has just left it at him leaving my case open until I change my mind and contact him basically. I was just really in shock because I was literally crying telling him I wanted to end it all and he was giggling away. He did sound uncomfortable but surely as a psychiatrist he should be able to handle discomfort around suicidal people by now.
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I just can’t get these damn wrists to bleed
Jul 22, 2020
I'm absolutely devastated. Was honest with my psychiatrist about how bad I'm feeling, was literally crying throughout the phone call and he was laughing at me because he said I wasn't that upset at the beginning of the phone call and that I should just "let go" of my past.
I even told him I wanted to ctb and he didn't even sound bothered. Mind you, it was approach 5pm. He probably had his dinner to get to.

If you have the mental strength to do so, you should report that person for malpractice and then get yourself another psychiatrist.

I'd be crushed if a medical professional laughed at me, or did not treat me respectfully, when I was crying and telling them about my problems.

Sorry this happened to you. I hope the support of this forum helps you a little bit :heart:
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Apr 29, 2020
This makes me so angry
Ive been verbally abused by mental health 'professionals' so much.
Faking for government money. Attention seeking. Selfish. If you really wanted to kill yourself you would have already done it. Etc
My heart bleeds for people around the world being treated like that!
The complete unprofessional way of their conduct is the reason I backed out and refused any further help, and now suffer in silence.
Im too insecure, too scared of being mocked again.
Sorry for making it all about myself but its a really emotional topic for me.
I wish I could give you a long hug :(
Aww I wish I could give you a hug too! And no worries about posting your own situation, I just hope I haven't triggered you in any way!
That sounds awful. I have BPD diagnosis so I also know the feeling of basically not being taken seriously, seen as an attention seeker. Professionals just can't understand that basically what triggers me is different from others. I just feel like a bunch of symptoms with professionals, they don't even try to understand what's actually happened to me.
Major hugs to you
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
Aww I wish I could give you a hug too! And no worries about posting your own situation, I just hope I haven't triggered you in any way!
That sounds awful. I have BPD diagnosis so I also know the feeling of basically not being taken seriously, seen as an attention seeker. Professionals just can't understand that basically what triggers me is different from others. I just feel like a bunch of symptoms with professionals, they don't even try to understand what's actually happened to me.
Major hugs to you

Oh yes.
That feel when you have BPD on your record and its basically psych doc speak for 'manipulative drama queen, dismiss immediately'
The things Ive been through due to this bullshit diagnosis could constitute ptsd.
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Apr 29, 2020
I had an experience with my therapist, not as extreme as yours, but it was uncomfortable. I talked to her about it and she didn't realize how she was coming across. Do you think they could have been uncomfortable or thought you were joking? It's not your responsibility to figure out where they were coming from, but if you like them at all, I'd have a talk with them.

Please know though, I also strongly feel you should find someone else, as laughing when someone is sharing as personal as you were, needs to go.

I'm planning to suggest my psychiatrist not tell someone to "hang in there" at the end of a phone call.
I think you're right, that he did feel uncomfortable. I'm not even really angry at him it just made me feel hopeless.
And as for the "hang in there" thing, my doctor says this to me all the time! It's literally my choice of death, but my doctor doesn't know that, only the psychiatrist.
If you have the mental strength to do so, you should report that person for malpractice and then get yourself another psychiatrist.

I'd be crushed if a medical professional laughed at me, or did not treat me respectfully, when I was crying and telling them about my problems.

Sorry this happened to you. I hope the support of this forum helps you a little bit :heart:
It was horrible. In my area complaints just end up being brushed under the carpet unless someone has died. Also my diagnosis basically is notorious for being associated with "dramatic" behaviour. I'm not even on medication so I technically don't even need to see him but he was my only support, which made me feel extra devastated because now I don't even have that. Will try and find someone else at some point. Thank you :) :heart:
Oh yes.
That feel when you have BPD on your record and its basically psych doc speak for 'manipulative drama queen, dismiss immediately'
The things Ive been through due to this bullshit diagnosis could constitute ptsd.
Yep, it's horrible, I'm so sorry you've been through it too. It makes me so angry because I'm not even the way I am when I'm triggered all the time, it's literally when I'm facing reminders of my past trauma which involves abandonment. So my argument is that I actually have cptsd. Treatment for my mental health also retraumatises me as well because I'm constantly being rejected by the only people who are supposed to care about me because having BPD means I basically shouldn't be admitted to hospital (as much as possible) or allowed too much support just in case I become dependent. Yet 1 in 10 people with BPD die of suicide. So to me that just reinforces the whole idea of myself that people who care about me would rather risk me die than me becoming dependent on them, and in this case which makes it even worse, is "them" being paid professionals in a care setting.
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Deleted member 94

Deleted member 94

Mar 24, 2018
I'm absolutely devastated. Was honest with my psychiatrist about how bad I'm feeling, was literally crying throughout the phone call and he was laughing at me because he said I wasn't that upset at the beginning of the phone call and that I should just "let go" of my past.
I even told him I wanted to ctb and he didn't even sound bothered. Mind you, it was approach 5pm. He probably had his dinner to get to.
Sounds like my psychiatrist, except it's a she, I've read few others before making similar complaints against their psychiatrist. We are easy targets because it's all in our heads.
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