

Feb 27, 2021
I'm kinda curious about what it is gonna be like for this generation, when you are an adult and you know there are videos of you at 14 cringily mouthing songs, doing stupid faces and twerking into the camera out there in the internet for everyone to see. I honestly would be embarassed to death.
For their sake that's all that better be uploaded. I've seen ppl face a lot of serious consequences of what they post online.
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Quiet Desperation

Lonely wanderer
Dec 7, 2020
Agreed that social media is generally shallow, a net negative for society, and a race to the bottom to grab views and cash by any means necessary. I don't really see much value in Instagram or Tiktok myself.

That said, I don't agree at all that TikTok and Youtube are focused on sex or porn any more so than the rest of society. They hold up a mirror to your viewing habits and reflect it all back to you because they have found it's the most effective way to make you keep watching. If you watch porn, even if you're hatewatching, they will show you more porn. If you watch conspiracy theories,, they will show you more conspiracy theories.


As above, So Below.
Jan 21, 2022
Not to mention the affect it has on your hrain.
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Nov 27, 2019
Not to mention the affect it has on your hrain.
Exactly it is so harmful in many ways!

What Viewing Pornography Does to Your Brain

Pornography has never been more accessible. The sheer volume of pornographic content now available online is staggering, and visits to one of the most popular porn websites topped over 42,000,000,000 in 2019 alone.
As the prevalence of pornographic content and the numbers of those who view pornography have grown, there has been a significant amount of research conducted by the scientific and medical communities to better understand pornography's impact. Thanks to advances in neuroscience over the past decade, scientists are now able to articulate exactly how viewing pornography impacts the brain and the body (there clearly are social and psychological impacts as well, but we will unpack those another day).
What these studies have revealed is troubling. Exposure to pornography is formative, lasting, and unhealthy. In this post, we will provide a high-level overview of what porn does to your brain.

Viewing pornography tricks your brain.

There is an area in your brain known as the "reward center" that helps form habits. It releases chemicals, including dopamine, which establish connections between actions and the perceived desirability of that action. Dopamine is known as a "pleasure" chemical; it creates a link between certain habits and a "reward." Activities like exercise, eating, and sex all trigger reactions in this part of the brain.
With pornography, however, the brain responds differently than it does with run of the mill stimulation, like a sugary snack or a simple game. For most daily behaviors, the brain has an "off" switch that stops the release of dopamine once a craving has been satisfied.
In contrast, pornography impacts the brain much like an addictive drug by triggering ever-increasing amounts of dopamine. Over time, the brain builds up a tolerance to the excess dopamine and requires either more access or more extreme content (or sometimes both) to achieve that same level of perceived pleasure.
Research from a Neuroscience of Internet Pornography Addiction report indicates that extended exposure to pornography correlates with less activity in the brain's reward circuit.

In short, when viewing pornography, your brain gets less pleasure while wanting more, often causing desensitization and an escalation in behavior.

Viewing pornography rewires your brain.

When your brain's reward center triggers that release of dopamine and related chemicals, it also releases a protein (DeltaFosB) that serves as a "reinforcer." In effect, it creates neural pathways to connect what someone is doing to how they feel—in this case, strongly connecting pleasure to the act of watching pornography.
This connection in turn results in greater demand for the activity, making it more and more likely that one returns to porn, according to the Neuroscience of Internet Pornography Addiction report. If enough of this reinforcing protein builds up, it can cause lasting changes to your brain that leaves you even more vulnerable to addiction.
When neural pathways connect your brain's reward center with something harmful, it can overwhelm previously held beliefs about what's unethical or inappropriate and make you think those things are normal. One study found that people exposed to significant amounts of porn thought that things like violent sex were twice as common as those not exposed to porn thought.[1]

Viewing pornography influences your relationships.

Watching violent and/or non-consensual porn has toxic effects that can cause lasting damage to teens' ability to have healthy relationships. For example, studies indicate that viewing hard-core porn can change attitudes about women; men who watch porn regularly are more likely to objectify women and have hardened misogynistic attitudes.

Because porn is the source for some teens of information about sex, these dynamics can create especially warped ideas.

Sexual aggressiveness is a major message presented in modern pornography, and one review of popular porn videos found that in 9 out of 10, a woman was being beaten, yelled at, or otherwise harmed.

Viewing pornography at a young age can be damaging.

The risk of becoming addicted to pornography is higher for teenagers as the reward centers in their brains respond 2-4 times more strongly than those of adult brains. According to Psychology Today, teenagers who are exposed to sexual content are more likely to have sex at a younger age, and "early exposure to pornography is a risk factor for sex addictions and other intimacy disorders."
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What Really Matters Anymore?
Feb 13, 2022
Survey of internet bandwidth indicated 90-95 percent is used for adult and/or porn-related content. Interesting ..... yeah, becomes an addiction for many and they get into harder stuff including kiddos for some. Just like any other thing that releases endorphins ..... person wants more.


Nov 27, 2019
Survey of internet bandwidth indicated 90-95 percent is used for adult and/or porn-related content. Interesting ..... yeah, becomes an addiction for many and they get into harder stuff including kiddos for some. Just like any other thing that releases endorphins ..... person wants more.
Yeah I actually blame the rise in Human Trafficking and Pedophilia on internet porn. It is pure evil.
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Nothing compares to the bliss of death.
Aug 8, 2018
I made sure to keep my kids away from porn until they were in their teens, had a few great friends, and were social butterflies in school. Now that they are rather popular and have had a few girlfriends, I have removed all the porn blockers from our home Internet and smartphones.

I didn't grew up with porn at all either except for the rare look at a playboy/playgirl magazine at the local supermarket when I was in my teens. It worked well for me.

I know so many people that live and breathe porn. It's sad, and they live sad lives. What's worse, is many feel it's a great life to live like that. Just like junkies, they will spend hours trying to explain how great and normal it is. No thank you. No thank you to drugs, no thank you to porn, and no thank you to grooming anyone's children into living the same way so you can take advantage of them.

What happens in the privacy of your own home is your business, and you'll get no judgement from me. But try and shove these BS "progressive" ways in my family's face, and we will have a problem.

Like most things in life, I think porn is okay in moderation. If you're watching it on a weekly basis then it's probably going to start messing with your mind and maybe your relationships.

I guess I compare it to a monthly subscription to Playboy. Anything more seems sleazy. Am I a prude?

A reasonable opinion on porn. Everything is relative.What annoys me is people think porn will turn every good person into a serial killer or pedophile. It's absurd. I wouldn't praise or demonize porn. Like alcohol, It's harmless if used in moderation. But too many people choose to abuse it and that's their choice. Nobody forced or pressured them to do it. Porn industry does have ties to human trafficking,but so does Disney. I don't see parents willing to forbid their kids from watching Disney movies.
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Feb 18, 2022
I understand the sentiment behind this thread. I wish people could separate pornography from everything else in their life and not bring both worlds together. I'm especially annoyed by the degree to which sexualized musicians/pornstars are glorified because when you're a depressed fuck, the last thing you want to compare yourself to is someone with a billion hungry simps chasing after them.
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Broken and hated 7-14 years long overdue
May 14, 2018
I agree, I don't think the act or existence of sex is bad. I think the prevalance and obsession about is bad if it throws you off balance in focus.
100% agree it definitely throws you off
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
I made sure to keep my kids away from porn until they were in their teens, had a few great friends, and were social butterflies in school. Now that they are rather popular and have had a few girlfriends, I have removed all the porn blockers from our home Internet and smartphones.

I didn't grew up with porn at all either except for the rare look at a playboy/playgirl magazine at the local supermarket when I was in my teens. It worked well for me.

I know so many people that live and breathe porn. It's sad, and they live sad lives. What's worse, is many feel it's a great life to live like that. Just like junkies, they will spend hours trying to explain how great and normal it is. No thank you. No thank you to drugs, no thank you to porn, and no thank you to grooming anyone's children into living the same way so you can take advantage of them.

What happens in the privacy of your own home is your business, and you'll get no judgement from me. But try and shove these BS "progressive" ways in my family's face, and we will have a problem.

Like most things in life, I think porn is okay in moderation. If you're watching it on a weekly basis then it's probably going to start messing with your mind and maybe your relationships.

I guess I compare it to a monthly subscription to Playboy. Anything more seems sleazy. Am I a prude?
Bro, you talkin' about weekly?! I don't remember a period of my adult life were I watched porn weekly. I stopped watching it for some months but when I watch it is basically daily. There's no moderation with porn for me and many others. It has to be cut off for good.
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Broken and hated 7-14 years long overdue
May 14, 2018
I find porn ugh. I wish my parents were more aware of this stuff and monitored us , how can you allow your teenage daughters to be thrown the wolves with predatory older men online to take advantage of you. It can throw off your entire life course
I made sure to keep my kids away from porn until they were in their teens, had a few great friends, and were social butterflies in school. Now that they are rather popular and have had a few girlfriends, I have removed all the porn blockers from our home Internet and smartphones.

I didn't grew up with porn at all either except for the rare look at a playboy/playgirl magazine at the local supermarket when I was in my teens. It worked well for me.

I know so many people that live and breathe porn. It's sad, and they live sad lives. What's worse, is many feel it's a great life to live like that. Just like junkies, they will spend hours trying to explain how great and normal it is. No thank you. No thank you to drugs, no thank you to porn, and no thank you to grooming anyone's children into living the same way so you can take advantage of them.

What happens in the privacy of your own home is your business, and you'll get no judgement from me. But try and shove these BS "progressive" ways in my family's face, and we will have a problem.

Like most things in life, I think porn is okay in moderation. If you're watching it on a weekly basis then it's probably going to start messing with your mind and maybe your relationships.

I guess I compare it to a monthly subscription to Playboy. Anything more seems sleazy. Am I a prude?
Exactly it is so harmful in many ways!

What Viewing Pornography Does to Your Brain

Pornography has never been more accessible. The sheer volume of pornographic content now available online is staggering, and visits to one of the most popular porn websites topped over 42,000,000,000 in 2019 alone.
As the prevalence of pornographic content and the numbers of those who view pornography have grown, there has been a significant amount of research conducted by the scientific and medical communities to better understand pornography's impact. Thanks to advances in neuroscience over the past decade, scientists are now able to articulate exactly how viewing pornography impacts the brain and the body (there clearly are social and psychological impacts as well, but we will unpack those another day).
What these studies have revealed is troubling. Exposure to pornography is formative, lasting, and unhealthy. In this post, we will provide a high-level overview of what porn does to your brain.

Viewing pornography tricks your brain.

There is an area in your brain known as the "reward center" that helps form habits. It releases chemicals, including dopamine, which establish connections between actions and the perceived desirability of that action. Dopamine is known as a "pleasure" chemical; it creates a link between certain habits and a "reward." Activities like exercise, eating, and sex all trigger reactions in this part of the brain.
With pornography, however, the brain responds differently than it does with run of the mill stimulation, like a sugary snack or a simple game. For most daily behaviors, the brain has an "off" switch that stops the release of dopamine once a craving has been satisfied.
In contrast, pornography impacts the brain much like an addictive drug by triggering ever-increasing amounts of dopamine. Over time, the brain builds up a tolerance to the excess dopamine and requires either more access or more extreme content (or sometimes both) to achieve that same level of perceived pleasure.
Research from a Neuroscience of Internet Pornography Addiction report indicates that extended exposure to pornography correlates with less activity in the brain's reward circuit.

In short, when viewing pornography, your brain gets less pleasure while wanting more, often causing desensitization and an escalation in behavior.

Viewing pornography rewires your brain.

When your brain's reward center triggers that release of dopamine and related chemicals, it also releases a protein (DeltaFosB) that serves as a "reinforcer." In effect, it creates neural pathways to connect what someone is doing to how they feel—in this case, strongly connecting pleasure to the act of watching pornography.
This connection in turn results in greater demand for the activity, making it more and more likely that one returns to porn, according to the Neuroscience of Internet Pornography Addiction report. If enough of this reinforcing protein builds up, it can cause lasting changes to your brain that leaves you even more vulnerable to addiction.
When neural pathways connect your brain's reward center with something harmful, it can overwhelm previously held beliefs about what's unethical or inappropriate and make you think those things are normal. One study found that people exposed to significant amounts of porn thought that things like violent sex were twice as common as those not exposed to porn thought.[1]

Viewing pornography influences your relationships.

Watching violent and/or non-consensual porn has toxic effects that can cause lasting damage to teens' ability to have healthy relationships. For example, studies indicate that viewing hard-core porn can change attitudes about women; men who watch porn regularly are more likely to objectify women and have hardened misogynistic attitudes.

Because porn is the source for some teens of information about sex, these dynamics can create especially warped ideas.

Sexual aggressiveness is a major message presented in modern pornography, and one review of popular porn videos found that in 9 out of 10, a woman was being beaten, yelled at, or otherwise harmed.

Viewing pornography at a young age can be damaging.

The risk of becoming addicted to pornography is higher for teenagers as the reward centers in their brains respond 2-4 times more strongly than those of adult brains. According to Psychology Today, teenagers who are exposed to sexual content are more likely to have sex at a younger age, and "early exposure to pornography is a risk factor for sex addictions and other intimacy disorders."
BINGO I knew something wasn't right thank you mate for posting this. This explains so much why I went down a horrible path

I knew it all correlated to that awful early porn addiction in my teens I KNEW it. And hanging around other toxic people. You truly have to watch what you feed your brain this is why I wish I knew of healthy habits but well you live and learn
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Broken and hated 7-14 years long overdue
May 14, 2018

See if I was raised in a traditional sense where my parents or cousin banned porn from my phone. And nurtured me to save for plastic surgery then date I wouldn't be so broken rn


Broken and hated 7-14 years long overdue
May 14, 2018
This is why I wish I stayed a virgin all 3 of those men didn't deserve me it's disgusting 🤢


novelist, sanskritist, Canadian living in India
Nov 13, 2021
I don't relate at all. You make a great point, beauty is fleeting. So why not enjoy and flaunt it while you can? There's nothing wrong with attraction and sex.
Right fucking on.

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