

Psychopath family tortured me
May 25, 2021
After life isnt about religion.(and theres too many confusing different religion)

But its about finding out the truth to life and universe, just like how we uncover many things that we dont even know exist in the past.

Even scientist still study, progressing and experiment about higher dimension, supernatural, after life, ghost, multiverse, string theory, dark matters, black hole, extraterrestrial, etc

They dont just claim those stuff dont exist. Because we havent uncover everything in this universe. In fact theres many proof about 4th spatial dimension.

And we are just ordinary lay man make baseless claim to shut everything, abolish all their work without any evidence, experiment and scientific research? Bold indeed

I keep an open mind and critical thinking about every claim made
But i trust more on the scientific evidence than baseless claim
Thats why im an agnostic not atheist

Honestly I have mad respect for the people (majority?) on here that are convinced that there is no afterlife and yet are willing to leap into the void via CTB.
So, we are not allowed to speculate on what's after our deaths... on a forum about the topic of dying by suicide??

I'm sorry, but no one is scaring anyone. People just like to think and be vocal about what they believe or what they want to believe, it's cathartic for some or just an interesting thought for others.

No one is trying to force anyone into anything. And as far as I'm concerned, literally every single thing that could happen after our deaths is entirely speculative. The only thing that we know for certain is that our bodies will rot.

It's not speculation it's fantasy land! The curtains close, your life is over. The end. I used to want to believe in something else but there isn't. Some members are tormented that their final act will doom them to an eternity of damnation. But it won't. You're dead , Fullstop, the end. For some reason when I came to this conclusion it brought me peace as opposed to more anxiety.
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Melon Master
Aug 19, 2019
For me when we die that's it, you're dead, lights out forever. I just skip the religious/afterlife threads.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I don't believe in any religions, and the idea that there is nothing after death just makes sense to me. Once we lose consciousness that is the end for us. We return to the same nothingness we were at before we were born. People can talk all they want about afterlifes, but I will never believe them. If a hell does exist, it is this life.
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Mar 22, 2020
I feel kinda sorry for the people who are really scared of a worse afterlife than this one.
I mean, if it sucks, I'll just ctb there too. This is no heaven so, even a better place will be coming? WTF? Where is the good stuff? lol

Yet, I bet if I was religious, I might be scared too! (I was when I was forced to be a Catholic in my teen years, at least)
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Jul 15, 2020
I don't believe in any religions, and the idea that there is nothing after death just makes sense to me. Once we lose consciousness that is the end for us. We return to the same nothingness we were at before we were born. People can talk all they want about afterlifes, but I will never believe them. If a hell does exist, it is this life.
there are so many gods and it seems ALL of them are the ones that created earth, well that can't be true. so that seals the deal for me


Mar 3, 2021
Consider this:

Around 7% of all people who have ever lived live today. The vast majority of them live in poverty in poor countries aka hell.

Assuming that climate change and ecological devastation do cause the near extinction of our species in the coming decades, then the vast majority of humans who ever lived lived during the agricultural era, since while we lived as hunter gatherers for 99% of our history, they were still far fewer in number in total than during the agricultural era (though we could have underestimated the number of hunter gatherers, as its all very rough)

The agricultural era was misery compared to hunter gatherers (who had it best) , but consider the studies that show that medieval peasants worked fewer hours and had more holidays than we do. Yes they did have more frequent and difficult household chores but they also had less atomisation/loneliness due to capitalism, which is hell, and they had more access to nature and if they got sick they just died instead of living on in agony.

So if there is reincarnation into a new world as human type beings then we would likely live as a type fo hunter gatherer or more likely agricultural peasant. It was hell in the beginning of the transition from hunter gatherer to farmer but got much better later on. So its likely we would live a simple, not too bad and not Too long life.

These are my silly unexpert ramblings.
Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
In my view, organized religions are nothing more than modern-day cults that indoctrinate and brainwash people at a young age in order to exert control over them for penultimate power over people. And please know that this is my belief and is not meant to be offensive to anyone who is a believer - everyone is entitled to their beliefs.

Take the bible for example - it is how old? Ever hear of the game whisper down the lane and how what the first person whispers to the next gets mutated and by the time it gets to the last person in the lane it resembles nothing like what the original person whispered? And this is in a matter of minutes. Why would anything be different about the bible? It is mutated beyond belief IMO - a 2000 year plus whisper down the lane.

How many books have been deliberately excluded (look at the book of Thomas which was excluded from the bible and has a very different view point on the teachings of jesus), not to mention that many of the books were written decades after jesus died, and translations were faulty at best (eg., text around Mary was translated that she was a virgin; whereas, a different translation suggested that the description of Mary was not as a virgin but as a young mother). Jesus himself was claimed to have said: "Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name . . . and will deceive many" (Matthew 24:4-5).

Also, christianity, and in particular Catholicism, is an amalgamation of other religions such as paganism (eg., spring solstice/easter; winter solstice/christmas; eucharist/pagan rituals around the blood and body of sacrifices, etc.).

The story of Lazarus -SMH. Up until a short while ago, many who were thought to be dead were buried alive, and this led to inclusion of a mechanism in the grave, where there was a bell above ground and some sort of pully system in the coffin iteslf so that if someone woke up after death they could ring the bell to let the grave keeper know that they were alive. And this was just a couple of hundred or so years ago - who is to say that Lazarus was truly dead and then rose from the grave - maybe he like others was believed to be dead and then woke up?

And then there is the devil, who was once an angel and cast out of heaven for questioning/challenging god. Once again, this is manipulative behavior to teach people not to think and to just accept what they are taught ... and if you do question, you have hellfire and damnation in your furture. Such a typical punishment/shame/control action to control people. So if I am headed to hell I think lucifer and I might just get along and have some great conversations because I question too.

The only true answer we have about what happens after death is - No one will really knows until they die, so why speculate on horrific outcomes manufactured by humans? It makes no sense to me.

Sorry for my rant here. I am so tired of organized religion that is based on fallacy in an attempt to control the masses through threats of violent repercussion - I am full up on that.

I was forced from birth through my late teens to go to church every Sunday and then youth group. I did not buy what they were selling for a second and I paid a dear price for it as my father was very good at using religion to abuse me (and putting on a pious mask outside the home). His treatment of me alone would have given him a one-way ticket to hell. Such hypocrisy - and it is not limited to my father.

(Ok, done now - sorry!)


Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
Take the bible for example - it is how old? Ever hear of the game whisper down the lane and how what the first person whispers to the next gets mutated and by the time it gets to the last person in the lane it resembles nothing like what the original person whispered? And this is in a matter of minutes. Why would anything be different about the bible? It is mutated beyond belief IMO - a 2000 year plus whisper down the lane.

How many books have been deliberately excluded (look at the book of Thomas which was excluded from the bible and has a very different view point on the teachings of jesus), not to mention that many of the books were written decades after jesus died, and translations were faulty at best (eg., text around Mary was translated that she was a virgin; whereas, a different translation suggested that the description of Mary was not as a virgin but as a young mother). Jesus himself was claimed to have said: "Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name . . . and will deceive many" (Matthew 24:4-5).

The bible is a nice little story. A very adventurous one at that. I mean, Jonah getting swallowed by a whale and surviving the ordeal unscathed, an ark that was built big enough to host every species on planet earth, a virgin falling spontaneously pregnant... They should make a Harry Potter type franchise out of it.
Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
The bible is a nice little story. A very adventurous one at that. I mean, Jonah getting swallowed by a whale and surviving the ordeal unscathed, an ark that was built big enough to host every species on planet earth, a virgin falling spontaneously pregnant... They should make a Harry Potter type franchise out of it.

Ok, that made me laugh out loud - and I will probably go to hell for laughing (joking)! A Harry Potter franchise... ha!

Ironically enough, I just read in the news that a lobster diver off the coast of Cape Cod was swallowed by a hump back whale off the coast of Cape Cod. He thought he was going to die, but the whale immediately surfaced and spit him out. Jonah's whale must have been a bit more tolerant of anything larger than krill or really tiny fish.

: )


Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
Ok, that made me laugh out loud - and I will probably go to hell for laughing (joking)! A Harry Potter franchise... ha!

Ironically enough, I just read in the news that a lobster diver off the coast of Cape Cod was swallowed by a hump back whale off the coast of Cape Cod. He thought he was going to die, but the whale immediately surfaced and spit him out. Jonah's whale must have been a bit more tolerant of anything larger than krill or really tiny fish.

: )
Ok, so maybe the Jonah story is more plausible :)

What a lucky lobster diver, that must've been terrifying!
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