Susan Caswell
- Feb 25, 2019
- 316
Thanks I just cant take it anymore ive tried and tried but how can a human being live with 24/7 deafening roaring with a hammering and pneumatic drill both ears so loud I cant hear anything else plus hyperacusis so extreme I cant stand my own voice or a tap running the anxiety is crippling me I was so healthy so happy lovely like this is slow torture I want my life back but I cant live with this I cant stand it and I am damned if I will end up demented tortured wreck dear lord why wont it stop I had hopes dreams and plans this is cruel I could have taken anything at all but this I don't want to do another night another day another week its slowly driving me insane why no cure knew I was in big trouble the day it started and it was nothing like it is now why me why this why now its horrendous and not liveable with wish I knew how to goo 100% success keep thinking to jump but what if I don't die and crippled and still deafening tinnitus ive recovered from so very much even Cancer but this no quiet no peace I cant hear anything but this I cant live rest of my life like this don't even know whats caused it wish someone knew how to stop it lessen it everyone copes lives with tinnitus but no I have to go and get so extreme someone please help me ive only ever worked hard looked after everyone around me and kept so healthy so happy its so extreme nothing would have made me want to die nothing I never knew it was so hard but never needed to I had a wonderful happy life very desperate now this is immense suffering this would be impossible to tolerate if it was an external noise for a few minutes trust me couldn't do mild moderate fixable so had enough keep thinking it cant be this bad or it will stop ive had every test possible went to bed perfectly ok 2 years ago woke up with this if it just hadn't come until in my 70s or 80s even let me do all we plannedxxI promise this is not me blurting out a bs suggestion thinking I have the solution to something so complex as what you guys are experiencing because I hate it when people do that to me. So this is just a suggestion and I apologize if it's very stupid. I listen to binaural beats at night to calm my anxiety and help me sleep and I always see people in the comments saying their tinnitus goes away while they're listening. Apparently the lower the volume the better the results. Although those of you with hyperacusis might not be able to tolerate even that. It might be worth a try perhaps? Again, I'm sorry if this is ignorant of me, I just can't imagine what it must be like and I wish I could help in some way <3