

🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
I don't know if it's too much for a teenager to deal with, knowing their mum has bpd?
The knowledge isn't a problem. Your actions to them are the only relevant thing. As long as you can provide them with safety and people who treat them well -- even if not yourself -- they should be fine
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May 1, 2023
Thank you! ❤️ I have wondered whether to be open about my struggles, and my diagnosis. I actually discussed this with my psychotherapist. I don't know if it's too much for a teenager to deal with, knowing their mum has bpd?
Why not try? This could be that show of vulnerability they need to change. Tell them about that, tell them how you feel about it, tell them how muchh it hurts knowing tthey are doing what they are, and if you need to fucking cry then cry.

When I was younger I struggled because my dad was so concerned with being a dad that he felt closed off to certain discussions. Sometimes I needed a dad, but sometimes you know what? I just needed a fucking friend, someone who was human and felt pain I understood. Whatever you were before, you can be that for them now. You just have to choose it. ♥️
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Apr 11, 2023
Why not try? This could be that show of vulnerability they need to change. Tell them about that, tell them how you feel about it, tell them how muchh it hurts knowing tthey are doing what they are, and if you need to fucking cry then cry.

When I was younger I struggled because my dad was so concerned with being a dad that he felt closed off to certain discussions. Sometimes I needed a dad, but sometimes you know what? I just needed a fucking friend, someone who was human and felt pain I understood. Whatever you were before, you can be that for them now. You just have to choose it. ♥️
Thank you this is good advice. And secrets are never good x
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The Songs of Distant Earth.
Sep 18, 2022
We're here for you, Emma. It's not a case of feeling worthy of these feelings. I can affect anybody, at any time.
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Apr 11, 2023
Why not try? This could be that show of vulnerability they need to change. Tell them about that, tell them how you feel about it, tell them how muchh it hurts knowing tthey are doing what they are, and if you need to fucking cry then cry.

When I was younger I struggled because my dad was so concerned with being a dad that he felt closed off to certain discussions. Sometimes I needed a dad, but sometimes you know what? I just needed a fucking friend, someone who was human and felt pain I understood. Whatever you were before, you can be that for them now. You just have to choose it. ♥️
I just wanted to thank you again for your advice about being open about my mental health struggles. I went with my child to the GP today to insist on help for them re: anxiety and self harming..and afterwards I told them about having bpd.. I feel like they were already very open with me about mental health stuff, but that this will create an even better environment of honesty between us.

I'm going to make sure I do EVERY SINGLE THING in my power to ensure they never feel how I've felt in regard to ctb. At least I know my child will never say that I didn't care.
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May 1, 2023
I just wanted to thank you again for your advice about being open about my mental health struggles. I went with my child to the GP today to insist on help for them re: anxiety and self harming..and afterwards I told them about having bpd.. I feel like they were already very open with me about mental health stuff, but that this will create an even better environment of honesty between us.

I'm going to make sure I do EVERY SINGLE THING in my power to ensure they never feel how I've felt in regard to ctb. At least I know my child will never say that I didn't care.
It was hard not to cry reading this. It made my day to see it, I really mean it. Something like this is the entire reason why I'm on here even though I feel like I'm doing better these days. I can't change that life can cause pain, but I can try to make sure nobody hurts more than they have to or ever feels like they about be alone or can't talk about what they need to. I'm so happy something I said could be impactful for you, and for the difference you feel like it is making in your life. I hope to see even better things coming for both of you soon. The journey doesn't end here for you but I like to think you're on a greener path now. Please keep me up to date on anything new noteworthy going on with you, if you are open to that. Not just the situation with your child, but anything new for you individually as well. Things getting better with your kid doesn't mean there won't be bumps in the road for you with your condition, but with the right support you can find a smoother path ahead I think. And whatever you do in relation to me, open your heart more to your partner's support as well if you do believe they really mean it and are there for you. I think with time this can make for great changes for all of you. ♥️
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Apr 11, 2023
It was hard not to cry reading this. It made my day to see it, I really mean it. Something like this is the entire reason why I'm on here even though I feel like I'm doing better these days. I can't change that life can cause pain, but I can try to make sure nobody hurts more than they have to or ever feels like they about be alone or can't talk about what they need to. I'm so happy something I said could be impactful for you, and for the difference you feel like it is making in your life. I hope to see even better things coming for both of you soon. The journey doesn't end here for you but I like to think you're on a greener path now. Please keep me up to date on anything new noteworthy going on with you, if you are open to that. Not just the situation with your child, but anything new for you individually as well. Things getting better with your kid doesn't mean there won't be bumps in the road for you with your condition, but with the right support you can find a smoother path ahead I think. And whatever you do in relation to me, open your heart more to your partner's support as well if you do believe they really mean it and are there for you. I think with time this can make for great changes for all of you. ♥️
Oh god this is going to end up being such a love-in/ cheese fest! But OMG seriously yes you really did have a positive impact and thank you so much!
It's times like this it's SO OBVIOUS the good that comes from SS. From my getting advice, and support here I will be a better parent.
Thank you for being amazing and I'll keep you posted. Your username is perfectly chosen!!
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I hate my birth family
Apr 30, 2023
I know as a mother on here I'm completely taboo and 90% of members think I don't have the right to feel suicidal. I just want to put my side.
I have 4 children, two are adults, one a teenager, one is 10.
I have a complex relationship history, 2 ex husbands, one current husband and have had children with each of them. I have bpd so my relationship patterns are all over the place.
My oldest daughter now 27 was witness to my horrible abusive second marriage and we were both victims of the man I was married too. He was very violent to me and didn't treat my daughter nicely either and I wish I'd escaped but I had no support. When my dad heard my ex had hurt me he just said 'oh Emma would test the patience of a saint' like it was all my fault.
That same daughter is now estranged from me and even got married last year and I only just found out because all my family hid it from me.
The next eldest daughter and I always had a very good relationship, but I have blamed myself completely when she was borderline anorexic as a teenager, self harmed once and has anxiety. But she turned it around and recently graduated. But she invited her dad (the one who was violent to me) to the graduation, not me, even though she knows a little of his violence to me. It seemed another symbol of my failure and I ended up burning myself as self harm so badly I had to have treatment( my daughter doesn't know about that and I'd never tell her)
My child who is a teenager and I have a good relationship and they tell me everything (they are non binary). But they have certain issues and mental health things going on. Self harm etc. This is where things start to get especially hard. NO ONE helps me with this. I've been to the school numerous times, to the Doctor, family members.. there is no help and I need help to support them and help them..And the lower I get feeling out of my depth helping my child, the more I think this must be all my fault! In the last year I wasn't invited to my older two daughters most important occasions.. it shows how shit I must be. I've infected them with my bad mental health, my dysfunctional bpd relationships and behaviour, now my teen child is self harming. If I was gone maybe the plague would be gone? The family would breathe a sigh of relief, the clouds would lift, my child could go live with their dad and probably be happy.
This is where my mind goes.
My current husband tells me I'm wrong etc but he would wouldn't he?
The one person I don't seem to have ruined by my existence is my youngest daughter. That's the one thing that stops me at this point. But absolutely when I've been intensely low and suicidal I definitely think she would be better off with me out the way before I can fuck her life up.
I just feel like suicidal parents are hated on here. What if a suicidal parent truly believes they are helping their child by removing themselves from their life before even more damage can be done? BPD contributed to my relationship with my oldest daughter completely disintegrating.. maybe being a parent with bpd just doesn't work?
Do you want the truth? I absolutely don't hate you, I think you are a real sweetheart. I am 22, my birth dad committed suicide when I was 1 years old. He must have thought the same "all my kids would be better of without me". Do you want to know how my life turned out? My birth mother started to sexually abuse me when I was 2-3 years old, she was a prostitute and she pimped me of to her boyfriends and sexually abused me herself. My eldest brother and eldest sister decided to sexually abuse me too. I was beaten regularly, neglected and emotionally abused. I'd like to add that I was in foster care when my birth dad committed suicide. I was in foster care from birth- 22 months old. My birth dad committed suicide when I was 18 months old. I went back into foster care when I was 10 years old. How did I fare out? I am diagnosed with BPD like yourself so I understand your pain and we both know people get BPD most of the time through being victims of abuse. I struggle with relationships, barely have any. I am totally estranged from my birth family. I am no longer beautiful like I used to be. I am obese and have health problems that were caused by the stress of the abuse, the abuse changed me so much I can get pregnant but all of my children die in miscarriages, I had no stability in foster care, I went on to be sexually abused and a victim of domestiv violence again. I am 22. I am the daughter of a man who committed suicide when I was just a baby. I was always told what a good man he was, how he would have protected me.

So the question is.....are your children really better of without you? How would you feel if you killed yourself and then saw your own children being victims of abuse and you knowing you couldn't stop it or help them? how would you feel? What if the abuser was someone you didn't expect and someone you thought your kids would be safe with? How would your kids feel in that situation? I can tell you how I feel. My birth dad whether he was a good person or not knew my birth mother was a cheating, child abusing vile creature. I don't believe he knew she was a paedophile or pervert. It's rare of women to be sex offenders so I don't believe her knew that. He knew she was a child neglector and beater. He knew that. So when I look back and think of him, I don't feel love, I ask myself "why wasn't I enough" "why did he abandon me" "why didn't he love me" "what did I do wrong." I hate him, he left me with someone he knew harmed his kids. I was defenceless. He chose my mom, and he chose some parts of disadvantage I have experienced. I was bullied for not having a dad, especially on fathers day and the lead up to it as a child. I'll never have my birth dad walk me down the isle. I'll never be able to call him up to safeguard me if someone harms me, I'll never be able to ask him how to fix something or do things dad's do. He took that away from me, he left me an orphan with a paedophile and violent animal for a parent. My chances of living long are slim. I'm only 22. I turned 22 not long ago. I'm on this website partly because of my birth dad. No one blames you for how you feel, but you have to be open to the fact that your children may not be better of without you. Statistically the rate of children who end up killing themselves because of a parent who killed themselves is high. Now I will likely die this year, before I even reach 23. My life is over before it has really even began. My pain is so horrendous and raw.

What if in the future your own children especially your youngest sends a similar message to someone else on a similar website? You'll not be there for her to comfort her, tell her it's going to be ok, and run into the room when you hear the bashing against the door after she's put a rope around her kneck if she decides to copy you. This is my story. I will die by hanging, just like my birth dad did. I want you to hear the truth from someone who has been in the position your children may end up in. I understand your pain, I have bpd too and ptsd. Sorry for the long message. I don't think you are taboo at all, I think people just can't understand why people who have kids only to sacrifice their sanity and happiness by committing an act that is irreversible. It's why people think parents who do this are selfish because they are passing their pain onto their own children. I don't think you are selfish at all, I live with your illness I understand. I just want you to see things from a different perspective.


Apr 18, 2022
I know as a mother on here I'm completely taboo and 90% of members think I don't have the right to feel suicidal. I just want to put my side.
I have 4 children, two are adults, one a teenager, one is 10.
I have a complex relationship history, 2 ex husbands, one current husband and have had children with each of them. I have bpd so my relationship patterns are all over the place.
My oldest daughter now 27 was witness to my horrible abusive second marriage and we were both victims of the man I was married too. He was very violent to me and didn't treat my daughter nicely either and I wish I'd escaped but I had no support. When my dad heard my ex had hurt me he just said 'oh Emma would test the patience of a saint' like it was all my fault.
That same daughter is now estranged from me and even got married last year and I only just found out because all my family hid it from me.
The next eldest daughter and I always had a very good relationship, but I have blamed myself completely when she was borderline anorexic as a teenager, self harmed once and has anxiety. But she turned it around and recently graduated. But she invited her dad (the one who was violent to me) to the graduation, not me, even though she knows a little of his violence to me. It seemed another symbol of my failure and I ended up burning myself as self harm so badly I had to have treatment( my daughter doesn't know about that and I'd never tell her)
My child who is a teenager and I have a good relationship and they tell me everything (they are non binary). But they have certain issues and mental health things going on. Self harm etc. This is where things start to get especially hard. NO ONE helps me with this. I've been to the school numerous times, to the Doctor, family members.. there is no help and I need help to support them and help them..And the lower I get feeling out of my depth helping my child, the more I think this must be all my fault! In the last year I wasn't invited to my older two daughters most important occasions.. it shows how shit I must be. I've infected them with my bad mental health, my dysfunctional bpd relationships and behaviour, now my teen child is self harming. If I was gone maybe the plague would be gone? The family would breathe a sigh of relief, the clouds would lift, my child could go live with their dad and probably be happy.
This is where my mind goes.
My current husband tells me I'm wrong etc but he would wouldn't he?
The one person I don't seem to have ruined by my existence is my youngest daughter. That's the one thing that stops me at this point. But absolutely when I've been intensely low and suicidal I definitely think she would be better off with me out the way before I can fuck her life up.
I just feel like suicidal parents are hated on here. What if a suicidal parent truly believes they are helping their child by removing themselves from their life before even more damage can be done? BPD contributed to my relationship with my oldest daughter completely disintegrating.. maybe being a parent with bpd just doesn't work?
For what it's worth I don't think that it's morally bad that you're suicidal or here. Your emotions should not be subject to hate. As a parent I do believe you have a higher duty of care than someone without children. I don't know what the solution is. My friend's dad committed suicide when she was 4 though and once she learned that's how he died part of her wondered if he loved her and why she wasn't enough. I personally know (and she does too) that that's not really how any of this works just. Your absence will also affect your children.

I understand the thought process of "maybe they'll be better with me gone". I think most of us have had that thought regardless of whether we have kids. Having those thoughts and feelings isn't selfish, but it's easy to take those to places that will hurt the people you have a greater responsibility to. Suicide will hurt your children. It's not fair or simple, but regardless it will. I think we should be careful about assigning blame because it's not simple. There often isn't a right answer in these situations and piling hate on to someone who is past their limit doesn't help. Personally I see it more as a wider societal failing than an individual one.

I don't have the answers for you and I know there's likely no easy or even doable solution available to you. In general I'd encourage you to reach out to whatever resources are available and try to expand the support systems for your children. I think you should do everything you can to at least survive until they're all adults- I would never condemn you for dying, but that decision will hurt them. I think people here are especially sensitive to children getting hurt as many of us have been hurt as children and are hyperaware of the vulnerability and unfairness of situations involving children.
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May 6, 2023
Holy fuck, what did I just read? I do not want to violate the rules of the forum, but did not you really understand that you would make a bad mother? You knew you had bpd but decided to have kids anyway. This is very stupid and disgusting. Even after the first failed child who harmed himself, you still decided to give birth again, God, can you control your sexual instinct? Congratulations, now your children are as unhappy as you. It's very disgusting when people think not with their heads, but with their cunts.
I think it's pretty clear you just violated the rules of the forum. Recommend taking this down before someone reports the post. You can ask the question in a more respectful way if you really want to know the answer, but as written it just looks like an attack.
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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
Holy fuck, what did I just read? I do not want to violate the rules of the forum, but did not you really understand that you would make a bad mother? You knew you had bpd but decided to have kids anyway. This is very stupid and disgusting. Even after the first failed child who harmed himself, you still decided to give birth again, God, can you control your sexual instinct? Congratulations, now your children are as unhappy as you. It's very disgusting when people think not with their heads, but with their cunts.
And this is helpful in what way?
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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
I think it's pretty clear you just violated the rules of the forum. Recommend taking this down before someone reports the post. You can ask the question in a more respectful way if you really want to know the answer, but as written it just looks like an attack.
To late


Apr 11, 2023
For what it's worth I don't think that it's morally bad that you're suicidal or here. Your emotions should not be subject to hate. As a parent I do believe you have a higher duty of care than someone without children. I don't know what the solution is. My friend's dad committed suicide when she was 4 though and once she learned that's how he died part of her wondered if he loved her and why she wasn't enough. I personally know (and she does too) that that's not really how any of this works just. Your absence will also affect your children.

I understand the thought process of "maybe they'll be better with me gone". I think most of us have had that thought regardless of whether we have kids. Having those thoughts and feelings isn't selfish, but it's easy to take those to places that will hurt the people you have a greater responsibility to. Suicide will hurt your children. It's not fair or simple, but regardless it will. I think we should be careful about assigning blame because it's not simple. There often isn't a right answer in these situations and piling hate on to someone who is past their limit doesn't help. Personally I see it more as a wider societal failing than an individual one.

I don't have the answers for you and I know there's likely no easy or even doable solution available to you. In general I'd encourage you to reach out to whatever resources are available and try to expand the support systems for your children. I think you should do everything you can to at least survive until they're all adults- I would never condemn you for dying, but that decision will hurt them. I think people here are especially sensitive to children getting hurt as many of us have been hurt as children and are hyperaware of the vulnerability and unfairness of situations involving children.
Thank you. I totally get that people are sensitive here as they were hurt as children.. that is a really good point.. It's hard as I represent both groups.. I have bpd due to childhood experiences. I understand people's anger towards me, but also I'm so appreciative of people like you trying to understand xxx
I think it's pretty clear you just violated the rules of the forum. Recommend taking this down before someone reports the post. You can ask the question in a more respectful way if you really want to know the answer, but as written it just looks like an attack.
I can't answer the post from @Bobert_Beniro as it's gone. But I just wanted to say for the record.. I only got my diagnosis in 2019. I clearly had bpd before they but didn't know it. I didn't ever have children knowing I had bpd.
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