Do you think SaSu should disband the Partners' Megathread?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 31.3%
  • No

    Votes: 44 68.8%

  • Total voters


Exhausted. RadHomo.
Feb 11, 2020
How do we feel about the partners' thread?

On the one hand, it gives those seeking a way out a chance to find a partner on the same page. At the same time, however, it also provides predators who have a different agenda a catalogue to seek out a vulnerable person of their choice.

I believe in the disbanding of the thread because, in my view, the negatives outweigh the positives. Some people here are desperate and impulsive and may have lowered guards as a result.

Feel free to discuss. X
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Jun 12, 2018
We shouldn't use this incident to justify taking away freedom and autonomy of people in this forum. It goes against the philosophy of this website. This is a pro-choice forum and I strongly believe adults have the mental capacity and a fundamental right to make this decision for themselves, that includes leaving with someone else if that's their desire. If two consenting adults agree to leave together, what's the harm? It's just a matter of responsible behavior in my opinion.

(Written while sitting in a train, might edit and clarify later)
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Mar 18, 2021
We shouldn't use this incident to justify taking away freedom and autonomy of people in this forum. It goes against the philosophy of this website. This is a pro-choice forum and I strongly believe adults have the mental capacity and a fundamental right to make this decision for themselves, that includes leaving with someone else if that's their desire. If two consenting adults agree to leave together, what's the harm? It's just a matter of responsible behavior in my opinion.

(Written while sitting in a train, might edit and clarify later)
I agree to an extent, but the website also has a duty to protect its members from harm where possible.
If it is known that the partners thread is used as a platform for predators, the website, in my view, has a duty to act. I do not feel that disbanding the partners thread is obstructing people's freedom and autonomy.
This forum also prides itself on operating within the law, however suicide pacts are illegal in many countries including the UK.

Yes I'm a hypocrite as I posted in the partners thread, but this recent news has made me reconsider.
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Jul 7, 2019
I think it's impossible to say for sure that the negatives outweigh the positives. We know about the negative experience because they are more likely to become news and it's basic human psychology that we are far more likely to report on them rather than on positive ones, and most people are not monsters, I know for a fact that some people have found partners there.

I completely agree with @RainAndSadness, taking away the autonomy of consenting adults would be completely against the discussion that we have on this website. Censorship is the literal reason why this place exists to begin with.

I would say that warning people a bit more heavily could do something, but then I remember that all of this is stated in the first page of that thread, and most people just ignore it or read it and still believe that nothing bad will happen to them. It's all a game of luck, really.

At the end of the day, people should be more careful on the internet, period. It's not as if this was some sort of esoteric knowledge. These tragedies have happened since the dawn of the internet. Also, people should be hold accountable for their bad decisions, and this is one of them.
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Feb 23, 2020
Why is the vote publicly visible? Ain't voting!
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Don't you dare go hollow...
Nov 25, 2019
I'm going with "no". I understand your concerns and expect to be in the minority, but said perpetrator never, or for the most part, didn't actually use the partners megathread and instead turned to direct messaging and luring people away from this site onto more secluded, outside chat platforms for their nefarious intentions. Which makes sense, because it's likely that the victims were either targeted based on the stories they told beforehand or randomly selected to gauge their reaction. So, short of closing down this site and all others on the internet where people congregate and chat, such behaviour is impossible to control.

Basically, and this doesn't just go for said thread, people need to use common sense and not throw all caution overboard leaving their guard down. Yes, this is a safe space. A place where we talk about the most personal issues and the things we can hardly share with those closest to us, let alone strangers. But such an environment also creates a false sense of security and trust towards others, and is bound to attract some really vile people. People with intentions such as those above, ghouls, scammers, trolls and basically anyone who wants to exploit other people's desperate circumstances.

Maybe some people need to be reminded of this at times, but I'm also cautious on deciding who's to be considered vulnerable and who's not. We're neither capable nor entitled to do so. There's enough intrusive paternalism out there already and this place is meant to be a safe space from all of that. A place where we as autonomous individuals make our own decisions based on our thoughts and judgment.

Lastly, I feel as long as there are people there will always be those who prey on others, and while the partners megathread has it's problems and some improvements could be made, I do feel it's preferable and safer due to it's transparency than shady backroom dealings, since the entire community can exchange and scrutinize suspicious behaviour there.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
I'm not sure if it would be effective, but I think it would help the website's image, so I believe it's a good move.
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Mar 22, 2020
Thanks to the partners megathread I was able to meet a member from SS IRL and had lots of fun. We were just planning to ctb together while drinking alcohol and having fun.
As for predators, well, we're all adults. I highly recommend getting to know that person really well before meeting them. For instance, in my case, this person and I had shared our social networks each other and videochatted many times.

Anyway, there's always a risk. I guess it's up to us to take it but you can highly reduce "the amount of danger" by getting to know them at least.
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Apr 30, 2019
The Partners Megathread was temporarily removed in the past. As much as I thought it was a good idea at the time for this very reason, I remember there was a lot of backlash from members who didn't want to die alone.

I would feel bad for these members if this decision was repeated.


shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
The Partners Megathread was temporarily removed in the past. As much as I thought it was a good idea at the time for this very reason, I remember there was a lot of backlash from members who didn't want to die alone.

I would feel bad for these members if this decision was repeated.
Honest question- what do you do if your partner catches the bus but you chicken out? How long do you wait before you're considered an accessory to their death?
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I just don't want to hear about people hooking up on here whilst I can't even find someone to pretend to like me in chat. Get this meetup shit out of here.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Even if we removed the Partners Megathread, people can still private message and/or meet each other in real life. Just matter of educating online users about being wary about predators and avoiding taking unnecessary risks to protect themselves from greater harm. This thing could happen anywhere, not just this site. There are thousands of online communities for different niches, we're not the only special one. There's also many underground pro-suicide forums I'm sure that also have their own risks as well.

I'm already skeptical when someone asks me for my name or a picture of me. I told them a name I don't legally use and told them I was uncomfortable with sharing my picture, but then it also helps to know the person that you're talking to. Like really know them to see if they're the kind of person that would backstab you or sell you out to some organization. I've been around many shady organizations to know that one day they won't be your friend, but we'll become your common enemy. So it's best to either give them nothing or give them something misleading.

A partner's thread is either long-term or short-term. Everyone in there is trying to find someone to befriend or form a suicide pact. We have a lot of desperate and vulnerable people in this community and that some do not have the self-awareness that they could be walking into a trap. Understanding the risks you take online and how much risk you're willing to accept when shit goes bad. An escort is safer than a suicide pact, even if you have one last hoo-rah, you know it's a business transaction and they leave afterwards. You still die alone, but at least you're not getting maimed or tortured in the process.

If you're gonna meet someone, meet them in a public location first. Never visit someone's house or in a forest. Never meet them in a bad neighborhood. Make sure the location is well-lit, have no hiding corners (parking garage), or just make it safe and go to a well known hotel chain. If it sounds too good to be true about a person, then break it off. If that person gives you weird vibes or comes off pushy, break it off. If you feel uncomfortable about the whole thing, break it off. You should never be forced into a situation you do not want in order to CTB. You can still do it on your own terms and conditions that can be dignified and respectful.
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Apr 30, 2019
Honest question- what do you do if your partner catches the bus but you chicken out? How long do you wait before you're considered an accessory to their death?
Is a valid argument not to ctb with a partner, but saying we shouldn't have a topic is like saying method info shouldn't be freely available here since not everyone might really want to die. If someone isn't prepared to accept risks and accountability, they shouldn't even be using that topic.


Apr 11, 2021
I would love to have a CTB partner. Not so much as having a person to die with but as an assistant to assist. Probably not possible in my case but I'd hate to see others cut off front the opportunity.

just my 2 cents.


the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
Why is the vote publicly visible? Ain't voting!
Lol I see what you're saying.

I will admit I said yes but it doesn't mean I think anything is going to come of it, I just feel the thread is a beacon of what will continue to happen regardless, people will pm one another and evolve their communication into a meet-up quite easily, same as anywhere else, as Symbiote mentioned.
So in that way we are not taking away anyone's autonomy by simply removing the thread. At the same time, we wouldn't exactly be solving the problem either.
A problem that is admittedly, much worse on more popular and well known sites/apps.
People will do as they please whether I agree with it or not, I don't want to tie anyone down and prevent them from going forward with what they want when it comes to ending their suffering, even if it could harm them.
If I did, I would not be much better than those who want to lock someone up for being suicidal.
But-besides the fact that many partnerships don't actually end in putting a stop to the suffering via ctb-as others have brought up, most ignore the cautionary measures and any warnings and advice the site admins/mods give out on the matter.
We can't cure willful ignorance of safety, and "safety" might be an ironic word to use in the context of suicide, but I think we all want to avoid anymore excessive harm to ourselves (save for a select few who may have some wild ideas).

Another thing to add is that some predators play the long game, you could meet up in a safe place, multiple times, before you are lulled into a false sense of security, and the one time you follow this new found friend into the shadows, you're done for. Because eventually it's going to happen, especially if you are actually going to go through with the suicide together, I doubt most partnerships end their lives in the middle of a public market.

As far as the censorship aspect, this site has had to censor certain things before for the benefit of its user base, we are certainly not a free-for-all, and I would never advocate to censor the topic of partnerships, or a person bringing up the desire on their own, but that thread is not really a topic of discussion, the last time I checked it appeared more like a list of people advertising themselves to eachother, and IMO, that makes things a little too easy for the prey to be scoped out by the predators, also a great way for them to fish using their own bullshit description.

I don't enjoy having to say this because I don't want to bring any detriment to a necessary place or give the pro-life delirium any substance to twist to fit their insane narrative, but I have to be honest.
And yes, I am obviously not open to partnerships and I think the whole idea of a pact is highly unfavorable to both parties. As I've said before on other threads, beyond the danger aspect, I find it very unlikely that two people would be on the exact same page and become ready to die at the exact same time, without some coercion going on, on one side or the other. People are less likely to appeal to their own trepidation and doubt when there is peer pressure, even if unspoken.
Idk about anybody else but even if someone tells me "no pressure", I will still feel the pressure, especially if there's another person involved and I see the frustration and desperation on their face.

On a lighter note, there are also partnerships that end with one person turning heel and trying to tell the other person not to go through with it, for selfish reasons, or because that was their plan all along, wasting the actually suicidal's time, effort, and sanity..where I suppose the only danger is a whopping dose of irritation and betrayal of a purported shared values/beliefs system.
Other meet-ups that may be on the 'recovery' side of things can also lead to unnecessary drama and doxxing, negating the positives and leading to one or both parties spiraling, so no matter what your reason for taking the plunge, there is a spectrum of risks to take into consideration that most are not appreciating.

It's definitely something I may have to think more on after reading some of the replies here, because some do get a benefit out of it and may have different backgrounds where the idea of meeting in person is a lot more tantalizing or necessary to alleviate their loneliness, but all I know for certain is that it's something I won't personally ever give the time of day.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Is a valid argument not to ctb with a partner, but saying we shouldn't have a topic is like saying method info shouldn't be freely available here since not everyone might really want to die. If someone isn't prepared to accept risks and accountability, they shouldn't even be using that topic.
That's fair, but I think it would help the site's image if they shut the thread down. Would it actually help with the predator problem? Probably not. But so many people want to shut this place down that the owners of the site need to take the threat seriously.
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Dec 20, 2020
predators operate on fakebook, shall we close that down too?

my friend once got spiked in a pub, lets close them down whilst we're at it :I


the members of this site have a duty to protect themselves. everyone here is an adult. its not the mods responsibility. they already do a great job putting their necks on the line just having this place open to us, not to mention they make no money through advertising and all the flack they get from thefixer wateva

suicide pacts are not illegal, assisting in someone else's suicide is. so mix your own SN and not your buddys, simples.
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Jan 29, 2021
I agree to an extent, but the website also has a duty to protect its members from harm where possible.
I think the duty for protection should be on our own shoulders, each and everyone of us, we're adults after all. This is a place to meet, talk about things most of us can't talk in real life, share ideas, resources and information.
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Oct 5, 2020
I'm gonna vote no only because I know dying alone is something a lot of people are afraid of and I don't want them to be deprived of that just because of a few creeps


May 27, 2020
That's fair, but I think it would help the site's image if they shut the thread down. Would it actually help with the predator problem? Probably not. But so many people want to shut this place down that the owners of the site need to take the threat seriously.
Removing a thread will not help improve the image of Sanctioned Suicide, because the hostile beliefs that are held against this website were preconceived; those who oppose this community were against it from the start. Any bad or horrible event that occurs here is merely ammunition for them; they do not care whether or not the forum is actually to blame - which is an important question.

The only way to improve the image or reputation of this website, in the eyes of its opponents, would be to shut the website itself down - that is all that they want.
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Mar 18, 2021
I think the duty for protection should be on our own shoulders, each and everyone of us, we're adults after all. This is a place to meet, talk about things most of us can't talk in real life, share ideas, resources and information.
Yes but people come here in a very vulnerable state, and it is this that predators take advantage of.


Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
Yes but people come here in a very vulnerable state, and it is this that predators take advantage of.
this specific predator that started this didnt even use the partners thread, by getting rid of it we arent preventing or stopping anything
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Jul 7, 2019
I agree to an extent, but the website also has a duty to protect its members from harm where possible.
If it is known that the partners thread is used as a platform for predators, the website, in my view, has a duty to act. I do not feel that disbanding the partners thread is obstructing people's freedom and autonomy.
This forum also prides itself on operating within the law, however suicide pacts are illegal in many countries including the UK.

Yes I'm a hypocrite as I posted in the partners thread, but this recent news has made me reconsider.
Then, how exactly do you propose that the website protects their users?

Not even multi billion-dollar platforms like all big social media sites can do that effectively, and when they try it, it just becomes a slippery slope into more censorship, user agreement breaches and unwanted loss of privacy.

It's extremely easy to say that that things should change in a positive way without offering any solution.
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
There is no guarentee members will be safe by dispanding it I have discussed many times possible meetings by DM and that was before I posted on the partners mega thread. If a preditor wants to meet me they have to put in the effort by DM and then I would only meet in a busy city centre Mcdonalds where we exchange personal ID, Passport, Driving Licence etc and have a contigincy plan, like knowing where the nearest taxi rank was and tube and train services.

If we were going to CTB I would choose a city hotel so no going to each other homes or secret locations, lol.


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Mar 18, 2021
Then, how exactly do you propose that the website protects their users?

Not even multi billion-dollar platforms like all big social media sites can do that effectively, and when they try it, it just becomes a slippery slope into more censorship, user agreement breaches and unwanted loss of privacy.

It's extremely easy to say that that things should change in a positive way without offering any solution.
If you follow that line of reasoning to its natural end point, we should ditch the moderators and to f-all.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
Ok, cool, but what does that has to do with anything?
i actually thought it was proving your point about censorship ect


Oct 1, 2020
Yes but people come here in a very vulnerable state, and it is this that predators take advantage of.
There are also predators in AA meetings etc should we stop holding those meetings? Should we stop the potential healing of those individuals due to some may or may not be predators? No. It doesn't matter how the thread is moderated or requires to post. Predators will always slip in.

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