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Mar 28, 2022
If presented with the option to destroy all of existence in an instant, would you do it? Why or why not?

Personally, I wouldn't even hesitate. Suffering is an inherent property of reality and all sentient (and likely some forms of non-sentient) lifeforms are guaranteed pain in their lifetimes. Ending existence thus prevents all further suffering. The only real argument I can see against it would be that it denies people the choice whether to live or die, but in these circumstances, denying just short of 8 billion people the choice is a small price to pay to prevent a potentially infinite amount of people from suffering. Is it morally right to end so many lives without consent? No, but the alternative is even worse, in my point of view.

I should probably add that this is purely hypothetical as omnicide is by all means impossible to accomplish. Just in case anyone interprets this as advocating for genocide or mass murder, rest assured, it is not. Murdering people isn't the answer and would only cause further suffering while the end of the universe will be the end of it.
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She wished that she never existed...
Sep 24, 2020
I do think that it would have been better if life was never a thing in the first place, existence is completely pointless and unnecessary, and is just suffering for the sake of it. However, all that I want is to end my own life. It does not concern me if others choose to live and I would see myself as having no right to destroy existence. Others should be able to make decisions about their own lives. I would instead choose to make peaceful methods easily available so all those who want to leave can just go.
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who knows
May 21, 2022
I'd perhaps do so, existence (of the consciousness at least) is attached to suffering, you can't have one without the other, and by doing so, you'd be erasing any kind of suffering that exists. Maybe making people able to die peacefully and when they want would help too, but you'd still have accidents, diseases, violence and so on, so suffering in general would remain.
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Feb 27, 2021
Nah, ending my existence should be enough. I'd take all the pos in the world out of existence with me though.

Also the truly suicidal peeps. My clan.❤
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
This can't be forced or rushed, it should happen naturally when the intent behind life is satiated or fed up, cosmically speaking.
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Jun 19, 2022
There are good people out there, doing meaningful, important things. Helping others. There is goodness out there. So for that alone, I couldn't.
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Mar 28, 2022
There are good people out there, doing meaningful, important things. Helping others. There is goodness out there. So for that alone, I couldn't.
Is said goodness merely the action reducing pain or does it have innate value in and of itself? You mention helping others as a reason to keep the world going, but if nothing exists, there is no need to help anyone because no one is in pain. By this logic, the goodness of helping others suffer less outweighs and justifies the original suffering.
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Jun 19, 2022
Is said goodness merely the action reducing pain or does it have innate value in and of itself? You mention helping others as a reason to keep the world going, but if nothing exists, there is no need to help anyone because no one is in pain. By this logic, the goodness of helping others suffer less outweighs and justifies the original suffering.
Maybe you're right. I don't know. All this stuff flies past my head to tell you the truth. It's not a decision I would make lightly.
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Cinnamon Squares > Power
Apr 27, 2022
If it's truly immediate and there's no suffering involved, yes. I'd very much do it, though I wouldn't really feel happy about it. Even if that is the best possible action, it's still revolting (and scary) in a way—even if that's illogical. The good thing about it is that after the button is pressed, we wouldn't feel bad about it, there wouldn't be any self-doubt. No reconsidering.
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𝔄 𝔲 𝔱 𝔦 𝔰 𝔪
May 21, 2021
as omnicide is by all means impossible to accomplish. J
they can come up with a bomb that'll erase all life form in an instant.

as for Me, no I wouldn't do it. I just want to disappear, I don't care about others. I'm not that merciful.
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im a mk ultra victim
Jul 27, 2022
I'm usually happy for happy people , when I see a couple making out or PDAing , or there's a family raising their children and they're in harmony , I just see the beauty in their human nature , I don't feel envy and I wouldn't ever want someone's happy life to be laid to rest


Snuffing the Light Out
Nov 6, 2021
I wouldn't. It's not my place to decide for everyone else. I agree that the world contains a lot of suffering, but for some, the good in the world is enough.


Jun 17, 2022
Life is suffering. Remove life, remove suffering. Simple.
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Aug 7, 2022
I'm not so selfish that I'd want to remove the whole universe for an absolutely-tiny blue speck of 8 billion shitshows.


Max Azzarello was a hero and a martyr.
Aug 28, 2020
Thanos was on to something with his "snap"
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You can just call me K
Aug 6, 2022
No. Part of the reason I want to ctb is to make life for those around me easier in the long run. I want the world to exist without me, or really without who I am right now.


Mar 2, 2020
I don't think it's fair to wipe out the *entirety of humanity* just 'cos *I'm* having a bad time/life...! 😱

I've been at the nadir of my depression for quite sometime now.

I've always been afraid of three things when it comes to ctb: the pain, what comes next and the damage it'll do to my family; they don't deserve that, nor the subsequent "cleaning up" they'd have to do. But I also don't want to go on living.

For this reason, since I no longer have any incentive to improve things at all, I've decided that I'm just going to live life to the minimum; I just have no drive to improve it anymore.

Sadly, I very much doubt I'll ever ctb; the factors mentioned above will prevent it from happening, so I imagine I'll just continue to exist within (rather than "live") the fairly mediocre life that I'm "living", doing the absolute minimum that I have to because I just don't have the impetus to truly live any more. Then one day, I'll die. Hallelujah!

This idea has only just occurred to me, rather than constantly wishing I could ctb - which'll never happen - or trying to force myself to do things that would improve my life, but which I just don't have the incentive to do.

My brain began to atrophy & became mush years ago (btw, NOT 'cos of drugs or alcohol, neither of which I've never been into); I tried to watch No Time To Die for the first time last week, but I no longer have the cognitive capacity to follow the plot of the more recent Bond movies (the ones that feat. Daniel Craig) - as they demand a *lot* more memory & cognitive processing than the Bond movies of yesteryear. (This bugged me, but now I've decided to just coast through my life and just follow the impulses, rather than try to strive for something I'll never achieve, I'm not particularly bothered by this anymore. 👍🏿)

The saying, "If you don't use it, you lose it" is very true indeed, as is the fact that repeated bouts of depression erode the mind further each time they occur; and there have been *many* such episodes over the years.

This is pretty much the case for most things I try to watch; just haven't got the memory capacity/mental faculties to process anything with a plot that's too convoluted, anymore.

The one show that I *can* still understand is The Big Bang Theory, but I watched all episodes before my brain went to the dogs. Still can't resist bingeing the reruns whenever they're on, as even though I've seen them all, they still make me smile and are easy on the ol' grey matter...🤭

I'm also not too bothered about being in a relationship or about sex; the latter has never been high on the agenda and I've become so used to my own company that I actually prefer *not* to be around other people anymore.

Maybe just accepting the persistent depression & going with it, rather than constantly trying to resist it will be a better way to exist...🤷🏿‍♂️
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