

life is evil
Nov 6, 2020
I've always been a rebel and i reject the "normies" edicts like that "you must marry and you must have children", "you must love growing old" , "you must see Death and suicide as the worst things ever " and many more ridiculous illogical moronic things these normies believe. For me in my life i say screw that having kids is a lot of work and i hate work for what reason must i have kid? Tell me normies right here , come on normies , come on pro-lifers tell me convince me why i need to create another primate. why ? tell me what is the purpose to life ? i see no purpose. No i won't have children , no i won't get married . And no i won't grow old because i don't want to be a mass of wrinkles and pain that needs to be turned every 2 hours by nursing aides so that i don't develop bed sores . so no i won't grow old no thank you , i'll commit suicide before growing old. hey pro-lifers and normies remember my words when you're in a nursing home immobile and the nursing aide forgets to turn you. I'm considered insane for these beliefs. whose the insane one me or the one in a nursing home at 90?
so many good points! that's exactly what i think too!
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Dec 6, 2020
It's beyond me how normies keep going to live their lives. Like now, it's a shitty day, constantly raining, christmas turmoil is over, another year comes to an end (I'm not even mention the virus thing because it surprisingly didn't bother me that much). And normies have the will and power to keep going. Yes, there are people who maybe feel down right now but I know people/normies who aren't affected by all of that at all. They are a big miracle to me.
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
Lots of people may disagree and say it's judgemental, but I wholeheartedly agree with you. Perhaps I would not have this view if I hadn't witnessed the judgement of those who do not "fit the mold" by normies throughout my life.

There's a lot of platitudes about being yourself, and how you can trust others and be true and honest with them, but I rarely meet anyone who truly espouses such convictions.

I have lived in multiple countries in different areas and there is a clear divide culturally between those who conform and those who don't, no matter where you go.

You don't worship the diety the majority do? You're a heretic. You want to talk about "depressing" topics or have political views that don't represent the vox populi? You're insane. You don't want to bring children into this world to inevitably suffer? You're immature and you'll change your mind.

People want to say that those who do not identify as normies want to act like pseudo intellectuals and that they are somehow smarter and more enlightened. I don't think this is the case. There are lots of people who fit the description of a normie who are probably math geniuses, engineerers, authors, lawyers, and so on and so forth.

Yet, I think there is a clear disdain among normies when it comes to topics like philosophy and extessentialism. I've known a lot of fellow weridos and a lot of normies throughout my life, and I didn't know one normie type person who wanted to engage in those discussions. If anything like that popped up during a chat, I noticed people always try to change the subject, give half baked answers, or distract themselves with something else.

I mean yeah, a lot of "well adjusted" people probably contemplate life and death at least once. That's what makes them seem normal. Because they function and don't seem to care despite any brief perturbance of negativity. But they don't ponder it enough to reach the sort of blackpilled conclusions you'd find on this site or aggressively prowling the works of Nietzsche, Liggotti, Camus, and Shopenhaeur.

There is a reason why many great poets and philosophers died at their own hands. They thought too much, and they thought about the sort of ideas that disabuse you from cultural and societal programming, the kind of musings that are not "productive."

So I do not think it is arrogance to say that many people who do not fit the mold possess a unique sort of intelligence when it comes to rationalisation, imagination, and depressive realism. In the end, it only seems to hurt a lot of us, and is not useful in a utilitarian sense, because it further ostracises us from wider society. Is it wrong to acknowledge this? It is simply a different type of intelligence.

I wouldnt have such a disdain for this divide if it didn't actively harm people who do not fit the mold and the Normie lifestyle wasn't full of hypocrisy. Try being disabled your whole life and see how kindly the normal people treat you. A few rise above it and shown genuine compassion, but when it comes time to get a job the employer is going to care more about who is the most efficient worker rather than who desperately needs the job.

They pontificate that we need to kumbayah and respect everyone, yet they do not respect our own bodily autonomy. They won't let you take drugs or substances of your own accord, they won't let you end a life you never consented to in the first place, they trap you in a system where you must be confined to a specific job until your body is too frail to continue, then they have the nerve to say it's your fault for not wanting to be here and you're sick and delusional for wanting out.

People turn a blind eye to suffering everyday because it is the "normal thing to do" and I really cannot stand it. Being a child experiencing proselytizing from the church and listening to how if we don't repent to their chosen skydaddy, we will go burn in a fire forever, only to hear later in life that religion is sacred and must be cherished pisses me off so much. They don't respect our right to die, but we must respect children getting scarred by the horrific things found in their theocratic texts.

A lot of normal people I've come across are myopic when it comes to others circumstances. They assume that person made bad decisions. I have to hold my tongue everytime I listen to those privledged people spout off how victims of sexual abuse asked for it, how homeless people must have been financially irresponsible, how those with a mental illness "choose not to get better" and loads of other nonsense that shows that they have no idea what life is like for people not in their glass slipper shoes. I only find understanding with those who suffered too.

For some of them, they are not happy living that picture perfect life in spite of all the propoganda you see in the media. Do not be fooled. A lot of people have kids solely because all their friends were doing it only to clandestinely neglect and emotionally abuse their offspring. It's the same with marriage. Monkey see, monkey do. We are 96-99% genetically similar to apes after all.
People feel pressured to live those lifestyles, which is why most humans are not good spouses nor parents. How could you expect someone to spent 50 hrs of their week at work and still bond with a child or partner? However, they convince themselves it's just how life is.

So I find solace with your words friend. I do not think you are in the wrong to judge a world where the standard of normalcy is pass on DNA, don't rock the boat, and don't dare think of checking out! I am glad you shared your true feelings here. I would not judge you for disliking normies, because its only been other "weird" people who have ever shown kindness to me and the other disabled/traumatised/physically and mentally ill people I know.

100% this... Sad some people are missing the point.

We are supposed to "respect" normies and not attack them when we the ones branded and insane and needing to be carted off to the looney bin for acknowledging the nature of reality. Seems pretty uneven to me.
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Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020
i don't want to be a mass of wrinkles and pain that needs to be turned every 2 hours by nursing aides so that i don't develop bed sores . so no i won't grow old no thank you , i'll commit suicide before growing old. hey pro-lifers and normies remember my words when you're in a nursing home immobile and the nursing aide forgets to turn you. I'm considered insane for these beliefs. whose the insane one me or the one in a nursing home at 90?
I second this. As luck would have it, I'm 'blessed' with a chronic condition. I'm only in my mid-20s. Lupus is like a fair-weathered friend, there to remind you that you're NOT the one in control of your body. As such, I'm nowhere near keen on 'living to a ripe old age' and 'dying a natural death'. To me there's no greater shame than having to depend on others for your basic needs and wants. Like wiping your own backside, to give an example. Witnessing my paternal grandmother's (not that I'm emotionally attached to her) passing in ICU didn't not help either. Spending my last days hooked up to machines is NOT how I want to go.

Don't even get me started on dementia.
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Dec 23, 2020
We could at least do with rigorous definitions of the two before we volantarily sever contact with 99% of humanity based on a stereotype. Very little actually needs to change to make someone suicidal in reality, they're in the same boat we are, they just don't know it yet. Don't hate them for their ignorance. Don't build unwarranted divides that encourage others to isolate themselves
Awesome reply. Normies are just us without that incident that changed us. Do not vilify them and do not glorify ctb. It is what it is. Life is what it is. Absurd, unfair, cruel. For some it is less so, for some more. Some have the coping mechanisms to keep going, some dont
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I like your poem and use of sarcasm to describe the normies and pro-lifers. It sums up their lives pretty well, almost to a "T". I too, feel like what you said about normies and pro-lifers are very accurate indeed.
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Deleted member 22624

Deleted member 22624

One foot in the grave
Oct 7, 2020
Awesome reply. Normies are just us without that incident that changed us. Do not vilify them and do not glorify ctb. It is what it is. Life is what it is. Absurd, unfair, cruel. For some it is less so, for some more. Some have the coping mechanisms to keep going, some dont
Thanks, really appreciate that. It's hard not glorifying ctb to myself but I try to keep my thought on that contained enough so it won't "infect" others who at least don't already have the "bug".
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Sep 15, 2020
This is dedicated to all those pro-lifers guests and normal people:

Oh you, normies, are certainly a peculiar species.
You're part of the majority of the humanity because you decide to live, have a job, a family, etc.
You call us, those who wanna ctb, COWARDS, MAD MEN/WOMEN, and then send us to a psych ward because that's the "right" thing to do. It's okay, you're pro-lifers after all, you wouldn't understand us even if you wanted to but...

Why are you so mean? Well, I think I have some idea...
You, normies, have problems just like any other human being but your life is VERY BASIC.

Since being teenagers, you had normal classmates, one or two girfriends and then you finished high school.

The system told you that you gotta go to university or get a job ASAP. Otherwise, you'd be homeless.
So, some of you got a slave job, some of you went to university and are now professionals but still slaves because you work too many hours a week.

Then, after some years you meet that person, and get married. You don't know exactly why but most people get married right? So you do.
Wait a moment! You're married and have no children! How could this be possible? Society wants you to have children, so you'll have at least 1. (they prefer if it's 2 or 3)

Great! You're in your 30s, have a nice car, your own house, a lovely family...YOU ARE NORMAL!

Now, the only thing left to di is get older and when you're too gray and skinny don't worry, your children will be your nurses.


Listen to me, normies. Haven't you ever wondered why the system wants you to live no matter what?
Have you heard about suicide?
What about the universe? Do you think a smiling God created us and that's it? Oh, you're a Christian so the other religions are all wrong? Doesn't it seem strange to you?
Why do you call us, the people who CTB, cowards?

Haven't you thought about the fact that maybe we don't want that "normal and happy" life because maybe, perhaps, it looks too fake and boring?

I still have more questions for you, normies, but let me tell you, man, you're kinda amazing.

I mean, you're suddenly born into this world and instantly activate your pilot mode/live the life and don't question anything mode. You simply, live...

How do you do it, normies?
How can you ignore the universe and the thought of existing. It's all so weird.

Oh you, normies! I hate you but kinda admire you...

(Thanks a bunch for reading my venting. I really needed it. Normal people are just amazing to me. I dislike them, though. I prefer people who feel more real, like YOU, my dear SS fellows).
THIS. IS. EVERYTHING. Yes yes yes yes yes!
Lots of people may disagree and say it's judgemental, but I wholeheartedly agree with you. Perhaps I would not have this view if I hadn't witnessed the judgement of those who do not "fit the mold" by normies throughout my life.

There's a lot of platitudes about being yourself, and how you can trust others and be true and honest with them, but I rarely meet anyone who truly espouses such convictions.

I have lived in multiple countries in different areas and there is a clear divide culturally between those who conform and those who don't, no matter where you go.

You don't worship the diety the majority do? You're a heretic. You want to talk about "depressing" topics or have political views that don't represent the vox populi? You're insane. You don't want to bring children into this world to inevitably suffer? You're immature and you'll change your mind.

People want to say that those who do not identify as normies want to act like pseudo intellectuals and that they are somehow smarter and more enlightened. I don't think this is the case. There are lots of people who fit the description of a normie who are probably math geniuses, engineerers, authors, lawyers, and so on and so forth.

Yet, I think there is a clear disdain among normies when it comes to topics like philosophy and extessentialism. I've known a lot of fellow weridos and a lot of normies throughout my life, and I didn't know one normie type person who wanted to engage in those discussions. If anything like that popped up during a chat, I noticed people always try to change the subject, give half baked answers, or distract themselves with something else.

I mean yeah, a lot of "well adjusted" people probably contemplate life and death at least once. That's what makes them seem normal. Because they function and don't seem to care despite any brief perturbance of negativity. But they don't ponder it enough to reach the sort of blackpilled conclusions you'd find on this site or aggressively prowling the works of Nietzsche, Liggotti, Camus, and Shopenhaeur.

There is a reason why many great poets and philosophers died at their own hands. They thought too much, and they thought about the sort of ideas that disabuse you from cultural and societal programming, the kind of musings that are not "productive."

So I do not think it is arrogance to say that many people who do not fit the mold possess a unique sort of intelligence when it comes to rationalisation, imagination, and depressive realism. In the end, it only seems to hurt a lot of us, and is not useful in a utilitarian sense, because it further ostracises us from wider society. Is it wrong to acknowledge this? It is simply a different type of intelligence.

I wouldnt have such a disdain for this divide if it didn't actively harm people who do not fit the mold and the Normie lifestyle wasn't full of hypocrisy. Try being disabled your whole life and see how kindly the normal people treat you. A few rise above it and shown genuine compassion, but when it comes time to get a job the employer is going to care more about who is the most efficient worker rather than who desperately needs the job.

They pontificate that we need to kumbayah and respect everyone, yet they do not respect our own bodily autonomy. They won't let you take drugs or substances of your own accord, they won't let you end a life you never consented to in the first place, they trap you in a system where you must be confined to a specific job until your body is too frail to continue, then they have the nerve to say it's your fault for not wanting to be here and you're sick and delusional for wanting out.

People turn a blind eye to suffering everyday because it is the "normal thing to do" and I really cannot stand it. Being a child experiencing proselytizing from the church and listening to how if we don't repent to their chosen skydaddy, we will go burn in a fire forever, only to hear later in life that religion is sacred and must be cherished pisses me off so much. They don't respect our right to die, but we must respect children getting scarred by the horrific things found in their theocratic texts.

A lot of normal people I've come across are myopic when it comes to others circumstances. They assume that person made bad decisions. I have to hold my tongue everytime I listen to those privledged people spout off how victims of sexual abuse asked for it, how homeless people must have been financially irresponsible, how those with a mental illness "choose not to get better" and loads of other nonsense that shows that they have no idea what life is like for people not in their glass slipper shoes. I only find understanding with those who suffered too.

For some of them, they are not happy living that picture perfect life in spite of all the propoganda you see in the media. Do not be fooled. A lot of people have kids solely because all their friends were doing it only to clandestinely neglect and emotionally abuse their offspring. It's the same with marriage. Monkey see, monkey do. We are 96-99% genetically similar to apes after all.
People feel pressured to live those lifestyles, which is why most humans are not good spouses nor parents. How could you expect someone to spent 50 hrs of their week at work and still bond with a child or partner? However, they convince themselves it's just how life is.

So I find solace with your words friend. I do not think you are in the wrong to judge a world where the standard of normalcy is pass on DNA, don't rock the boat, and don't dare think of checking out! I am glad you shared your true feelings here. I would not judge you for disliking normies, because its only been other "weird" people who have ever shown kindness to me and the other disabled/traumatised/physically and mentally ill people I know.
Beautiful! *chef's kiss*
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Apr 28, 2019
I've always been a rebel and i reject the "normies" edicts like that "you must marry and you must have children", "you must love growing old" , "you must see Death and suicide as the worst things ever " and many more ridiculous illogical moronic things these normies believe. For me in my life i say screw that having kids is a lot of work and i hate work for what reason must i have kid? Tell me normies right here , come on normies , come on pro-lifers tell me convince me why i need to create another primate. why ? tell me what is the purpose to life ? i see no purpose. No i won't have children , no i won't get married . And no i won't grow old because i don't want to be a mass of wrinkles and pain that needs to be turned every 2 hours by nursing aides so that i don't develop bed sores . so no i won't grow old no thank you , i'll commit suicide before growing old. hey pro-lifers and normies remember my words when you're in a nursing home immobile and the nursing aide forgets to turn you. I'm considered insane for these beliefs. whose the insane one me or the one in a nursing home at 90?
I can't convince you of anything because it doesn't matter if you have children or not, prolife is something different from normies, I don't know prolifer , but Normies ....I can tell you that they don't care if you kill yourself or not, if you have children or not , the normies are still able to go ahead in front of everything and pretend that everything is fine, they just go ahead, in itself I believe that there are also normies that do not want children or responsibilities, and they don't want to work and there are people who work and have children, who is suicide ....the questions learn to respect
Deleted member 94

Deleted member 94

Mar 24, 2018
I highly recommend you read your post. You very clearly say that you hate them and you imply throughout your post that they are simpletons too dumb to realize the vanity and insignificance of existence, the universe etc. Normies are not simpletons. Well some of them are but that means nothing. The myth that high intelligence, spirituality, wisdom, awareness etc is synonym to suicidality needs to be busted.
Life as a carbon based entity with finite lifespan on this planet can he wonderful. The problem arises when health ( physical or mental) problems do not allow one to enjoy life to its fullest. I would not want to live without limbs. Some people can. Now that is admirable
I agree add to that financial, my sister in law and others I've were very depressed due to the economic crash even suicidal but that's rational can't do anything without money, state benefits only put food on the table and pay bills and nothing else.

She's in a better position now, she's even preachy about life now that she's got financial freedom, I don't mind that but she shouldn't forget about her past state. Life can turn at a dime and add complexity where even once preachy people would start contemplating suicide.
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Deleted member 22624

Deleted member 22624

One foot in the grave
Oct 7, 2020
I agree add to that financial, my sister in law and others I've were very depressed due to the economic crash even suicidal but that's rational can't do anything without money, state benefits only put food on the table and pay bills and nothing else.

She's in a better position now, she's even preachy about life now that she's got financial freedom, I don't mind that but she shouldn't forget about her past state. Life can turn at a dime and add complexity where even once preachy people would start contemplating suicide.
I like the description preachy people , makes more sense than the other two terms normies and pro-lifers which everyone's just guessing the meaning to still lol
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Mar 29, 2020
I tried to find some evidence of popular opinions on suicide but was struggling to find anything reliable. Does anyone have any resources they could point to?

Reason I ask is I'm not convinced I totally get who normies are, and if they are apparently defined by having a job, a family, etc and not being suicidal, then I'm not convinced that thats how the majority of people feel about suicide is it? I can only speak for where I happen to live, however.

Sure, I've come across absolutely clueless, ignorant people who dont understand suicide - People who sadly think suicide is a cowardly way to deal with things etc.

But in my own experience i wouldn't say the majority of people believe that?

And I worry that if we all work off the assumption that anyone who isn't exactly like us is automatically ill-intentioned or has negative views towards us, probably doesnt help anyone.

We can absolutely be angry when someone (or society as a whole) denigrates alternative ways to live or think, but I don't think the guy down the road with a flashy car and kids automatically would look down or think im cowardly because im suicidal. And to suggest that way of living (a 'normie life) is pointless sounds to denigrate someone elses life choice in return? It may not fulfill all of us, but if that life fulfills someone else, then i won't hold it against them (of course balancing usual ethical considerations of the modern capatalist world! Theres always things we should question!)

I'd certainly hope the majority of people are more compassionate anyway, so I'd be interested to see any survey results for popular opinion on the issue.
Deleted member 94

Deleted member 94

Mar 24, 2018
They are hypocritical as soon as they start to suffer like us they want to commit suicide. I am speaking from experience.

I once found a suicide partner looking to end asap but when I checked into their background online they were having the time of their life in the Bahamas a year before. And would have never have considered suicide and probably talked down to people like us.

Life can change at the flip of a coin.

They are fickle.
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Dec 23, 2020
Why are you so keen and so eager to create rivalries or enemies. There is no such thing as normies. If your own mental or physical health was ok, if your upbringing your life circumstances etc were different you would be the ones encouraging ppl to keep on fighting and not ctb. Quit with this immature almost preteen division of people. If your will to suicide is the only thing that gives you identity and you view ppl based on their stance on that you are in total confusion and maybe suicide was never for you. Be reasonable. Be angry to the actual reasons that brought you here not to normal people that just want to live their lives.
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Jan 29, 2020
Why are you so keen and so eager to create rivalries or enemies. There is no such thing as normies. If your own mental or physical health was ok, if your upbringing your life circumstances etc were different you would be the ones encouraging ppl to keep on fighting and not ctb. Quit with this immature almost preteen division of people. If your will to suicide is the only thing that gives you identity and you view ppl based on their stance on that you are in total confusion and maybe suicide was never for you. Be reasonable. Be angry to the actual reasons that brought you here not to normal people that just want to live their lives.
Funny you said that when it's normies that created rivilaries, enemies, society, laws, religion, etc in the first place. "Normies" definitely exist that's why people like us find ourselves all alone and ridiculed by most. All it means is people that are normal neurotypical people who go through life the way society and perhaps nature has intended it for them by conforming to or amenable to popular beliefs.

They get relationships, sex, children, friends, jobs, do well in school or otherwise have some talent, proclaim life is good, group think, confirm to norms. They do this all naturally and organically. For us this is so much of a struggle it suggest it's not even be for us. That's pretty lonely and humiliating being a social creature made to suffer and suffer when you don't belong. They have no real issue with reality, live on autopilot willing to live, see no inherent problem with living, never or can throughougly question the existential or metaphysics of life. I could go on but sure if my circumstances were different I would or could be a normie but the same could be same for the opposite.

You would end up just like be with the same circumstances and upbringing realising life isn't worth living. But what does that also suggest? Their is no free will. Everything is fated just like we all must die. Normies are programmed to be tribal and we're programmed like a glitch because we want to get out of the matrix because we recongise all the npcs and errors within the field.
I like the description preachy people , makes more sense than the other two terms normies and pro-lifers which everyone's just guessing the meaning to still lol
It's pretty self explanatory to be honest unless you're find yourself in that category.
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Dec 23, 2020
Funny you said that when it's normies that created rivilaries, enemies, society, laws, religion, etc in the first place. "Normies" definitely exist that's why people like us find ourselves all alone and ridiculed by most. All it means is people that are normal neurotypical people who go through life the way society and perhaps nature has intended it for them by conforming to or amenable to popular beliefs.

They get relationships, sex, children, friends, jobs, do well in school or otherwise have some talent, proclaim life is good, group think, confirm to norms. They do this all naturally and organically. For us this is so much of a struggle it suggest it's not even be for us. That's pretty lonely and humiliating being a social creature made to suffer and suffer when you don't belong. They have no real issue with reality, live on autopilot willing to live, see no inherent problem with living, never or can throughougly question the existential or metaphysics of life. I could go on but sure if my circumstances were different I would or could be a normie but the same could be same for the opposite.

You would end up just like be with the same circumstances and upbringing realising life isn't worth living. But what does that also suggest? Their is no free will. Everything is fated just like we all must die. Normies are programmed to be tribal and we're programmed like a glitch because we want to get out of the matrix because we recongise all the npcs and errors within the field.

It's pretty self explanatory to be honest unless you're find yourself in that category.
You still don't provide a reason why normies are your enemy. Invisible enemies like "the system" or " society" that puts us down is baby talk. Noone is stopping us from taking our own lives. Noone. What you wish is that the normies share your own point of view and even provide you with the easiest pleasant and fastest way to do that.
And don't use we. People that seek suicide are not in the same boat. A tetraplegic after an accident, a bankrupt businessman with a family, a 80 year old alone with no family left, a terminal cancer patient, a schizoaffective patient, a Huntington chorea patient, a disfigured burn victim, a CRPS sufferer, a major depression disorder patient has nothing to do with the wannabe edgy man-or woman-child that is so "rebel" and sees through the hypocrisy of this world and the vanity of existence. Oh triple f..... Wow. You think that normies are simpletons chimps that do not ponder on subjects like mortality, ethics, the meaning of existence, the fabric of the universe? Stop searching for enemies and accept your fate or do something about it.


Aug 6, 2020
I do agree with OP most people have this view where they can't even look at things from the angle of life is just pointless and saying such things you must be sick.

I find it very hard to believe they can't see it, I find myself questioning myself that surely I must be very stupid not to see what they see and if that is the case again full circle I'm so stupid I should blow my brains out, there's no resolve for me I just end up at the same solution.


Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020
I once found a suicide partner looking to end asap but when I checked into their background online they were having the time of their life in the Bahamas a year before. And would have never have considered suicide and probably talked down to people like us.
I never wanted it this way, but unfortunately chronic pain was what opened my eyes to harsh reality and what I've taken for granted.
I see the little girl frolick through the meadows over younder, her head in the clouds. Now and again she paused to smell the flowers.

"Never give up. For the sun will rise tomorrow!"

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
Deleted member 94

Deleted member 94

Mar 24, 2018
I never wanted it this way, but unfortunately chronic pain was what opened my eyes to harsh reality and what I've taken for granted.
I see the little girl frolick through the meadows over younder, her head in the clouds. Now and again she paused to smell the flowers.

"Never give up. For the sun will rise tomorrow!"

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
I didn't mean it in bad way but normal people lack understanding of our pain. Why is it when a dog or cat is in pain we put it down to end it's suffering.
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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019

"Oh you normies! I hate you but kinda admire you."​

A wee bit off the main intention of your post I think OP, but the title of your thread got me to thinking.

Contrary to the usual and widely accepted definition of "normies," sometimes I wonder if in fact we, who see life without rose-colored glasses that shade reality into a pretty, pretty and ultimately false picture, are really the true so-called "normies."

Pologies - my brain has almost reached its limit and I am yet again off on another tangent.


On a side note, from what I have read from your posts, I am so glad that you have gained some freedom. Hard won eh?


Also, I know how hard it is to deal with a schizophrenic relative. My aunt was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. so I totally understand what you are going though.

She was actually very dangerous - she chased my cousin around the house with a butcher knife. Although I received this information from a 2nd-hand source, I saw enough that I am left with no doubts that her diagnosis was accurate.

As the son of a schizophrenic parent, my heart goes out to you and your father.

Peace and much love to you : )
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Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020
I didn't mean it in bad way but normal people lack understanding of our pain. Why is it when a dog or cat is in pain we put it down to end it's suffering.
That's why I'm pro-euthanasia. We all have a right to die with dignity.
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
What happened to OP? :nomouth:
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Dec 4, 2020
Taking sophomoric snowflake syndrome to new heights.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
Is he still with us? Such a lovely and well articulated person. I was so glad when he said that he had some freedom to do what he liked again and didn't have to be under house arrest by his parents. I hope he is alright.
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Dec 18, 2020
What does it mean when the name is crossed?
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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
Oh no, it looks Worn Out Life is gone.

He was so very kind and a wonderful person.

I have seen so very many kind people here; so many that understand where so-called "normies" don't - and it is heartbreaking to see the leave.

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
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Dec 4, 2020
In this place though you guys are the normies...

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