
May 7, 2024
As a sugestion of many members here and due to the increased demand for questions regarding unreliable methods that appears here frequently, lets try to make a megathread regarding all unreliable methods that you should NOT try even if you are desperate.

Those methods have less than 3% / 1% probability of sucess and you can find hundreads of reports/testmonials of failed attemps in this forum (Sometimes leaving some bad permanent injuries). Also you can find some of the low probability of sucess of those methods listed bellow in those 2 sources right bellow:

I'll start, and please feel free to coment and to include others unreliable methods missing in this list.

  • Overdose in modern prescribed and non-prescribed pills even with alcool or mixed with other pills in same categories:
    • Paracetamol, Tylenol, Aspirin and similars
    • Benadryl
    • Clonazepam, Xanax, Diazepam, Alprazolam and similars
    • Any modern sleeping pill (e.g. Zolpidem, Zopiclone)
    • Energetic drink
    • Anything else you can get easily prescribed from your psychiatric
  • Cutting / stabing a hot knife in your heart
  • VSED (Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking)
  • Non-orthodox but somehow very popular fantasies:
    • CTB by cops/police
    • Hiring a hitman
    • Forcely trying to get Cancer/Aids
    • CTB by going to war in Ukraine or any other conflict zone
    • Praying to God asking to die in your sleep
  • Others methods commonly glamorised in Hollywood but very unreliable/inefective:
    • OD by drinking/ Alcohol (movie "Leaving Las Vegas")
    • Bathtub + eletrify by a toaster (movie "Greyhound day")
    • Bathtub + jellyfish (movie "Seven Pounds")

Please be aware that CTB is not easy and for a sucessfull attempt planning is required. Its highly recommend to read PPH (The Bible guide for Suicide) and Resources Compilation (link bellow) to find true reliable methods:

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Silhouettes on the ceiling
Aug 2, 2023
I think adding why these methods are unsafe would be a good idea too. Some of these are very self-explanatory though, I didn't know people would want to go to a warzone to CTB.
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May 7, 2024
I think adding why these methods are unsafe would be a good idea too. Some of these are very self-explanatory though, I didn't know people would want to go to a warzone to CTB.

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May 28, 2024
Hello. So I came here cause this website seems serious. The internet is full of completely made up things about everything, so I was wondering about this thing - Why is stabbing unreliable, as ( even if you miss the heart) the body is still full of arteries veins and stuff that can create internal bleeding, so the actual difficulty is to actually hit one of those critical areas, right? but still... that can be studied.
Also, what about crashing a car into something, like a tree, how reliable would that be, at what speed, etcetera? I mean at a certain speed in a not so safe car surely it would be deadly.
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Wanting to find peace
Mar 28, 2024
Ok i know alot of these are things I've suggested and considered at one point or another so maybe i shouldn't talk

But "praying to god" was a genuine CTB method considered by people am I hearing this right?
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I knew I forgot to do something when I was 15...
Mar 26, 2024
Why is stabbing unreliable, as ( even if you miss the heart) the body is still full of arteries veins and stuff that can create internal bleeding, so the actual difficulty is to actually hit one of those critical areas, right? but still... that can be studied.
Unfortunately, the human body is made to keep the blood on the inside and getting a significant amount of it outside of where it's supposed to be is difficult for a number of reasons.

Problem 1: Platelets. As soon as damage occurs, hormones are sent out to recruit platelets to the damage site. They immediately react by becoming "sticky" to plug the hole (form a "clot") and slow the loss of blood. Platelets do a really, REALLY good job of clotting so long as you have enough of them in your blood and, unless you have some sort of disorder that affects your platelet count, you do! And no, things like aspirin, NSAIDs, or alcohol do NOT thin your blood enough to override clotting. So, as soon as you cut yourself your body is immediately fighting to keep the blood in and your body usually wins.
Problem 2: Veins. Most people go for veins because veins are near the surface and easily visible (they're blue). But veins are tiny. Trying to get a significant amount of blood out through a vein takes forever. Imagine trying to drain a bathtub through a drinking straw. Also, the fluid pressure in veins isn't very high so your blood just kind of lazily drips out. Now, throw in platelets doing their job and you are way more likely to clot off and stop bleeding before you could ever get enough blood out of you to die.
Problem 3: Arteries. Alright. Let's go for the big tubes! These are the ones bringing the red, oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the rest of your body. The tubes are bigger and they're under high pressure! Except they are also buried deep in your body, usually under layers of nerves, tendons, muscle, and even bone. Arteries are a vulnerable part of us so they are well protected. While they may be larger than veins, they still aren't huge. Blindly cutting or stabbing means you are unlikely to hit one of these. Ok, look at some anatomy pictures online. If it were that easy, there would be a lot more surgeons in the world! Unless you have practiced cutting open other humans, you aren't going to know where to cut to find an artery. Even if you could, there is still one giant obstacle in the way...
Problem 4: Pain. One of the major issues with ctb. Your body will fight you tooth and nail to avoid pain because pain means damage and damage could mean death. It is fundamental and will override pretty much every single conscious thought you will have. Most people can barely break the surface of their skin willingly because of our hard-wired fear of pain. If you want to get to an artery, you're going to have to cut deep. Not just into your skin, but all the way through your skin and through whatever else is under it while making precise cuts. This is surgery. You have to perform surgery on yourself while wide awake. It takes surgeons years to learn this and you think you're going to get it right first try with your shaky hand while fighting your own SI? What if you miss with the first cut, do you really think you're going to have the fortitude to take another try?

Some other things to consider:
Time. Even if you hit an artery, it can take time to bleed out. This gives SI plenty of opportunity to kick in and get you to call for help. Why not take a sedative/drink to help relax? How are you going to make those precise, surgical cuts if you're half asleep/tipsy?
Having the right tool. A lot of people just use a knife they happen to have laying around. There is a reason surgeons don't just use any old knife. Human tissue is tough stuff and it takes an INCREDIBLY sharp blade to get through all of it. Dull blades actually do more damage because they "tear" tissue instead of neatly "cutting" it. So many people who try to cut themselves end up with...
Lasting damage. Whether by using a dull blade or hitting nerves and tendons, a failed cutting/stabbing can have debilitating effects. You can lose the use of fingers, hands, even whole arms/legs or damage nerves to where you are in constant nerve pain the rest of your life.

TL;DR: For successful cutting/stabbing you need precise anatomy knowledge, steady hands, the ability to withstand a large amount of self-inflicted pain, the fortitude to override SI for however long it takes to bleed out, and enough time alone to bleed out before you are found. All of that combined gives a success rate of just 1-2%. Failure often comes with scars that people are not proud of and potential permanent damage. It's heavily discouraged for these reasons.
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Oct 18, 2023
Very informative. Thank you very much for these clear guidelines and explanations. I think it's for this reason that I say this website has one benefit, to help explore your options and gain knowledge and guidance instead of acting impulsively based off irrational and dangerously desperate emotions that can cause severe irreversible harm and add additional great suffering to a life that's already hell. We do not want to make it worse and regret. It's important to think with a clear mind and do sufficient research before coming to any conclusion or taking any action. Thank you for the voice of reason.
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May 28, 2024
Ok, what about jumping? I mean, golden gate is famous for this. I won't spend money - that I dont actually have btw - to go to S.Francisco for this, but there are bridges all over the place. What is the height, is 70 m enough or I need 300? 100, 150? Thanx.


I knew I forgot to do something when I was 15...
Mar 26, 2024
Ok, what about jumping? I mean, golden gate is famous for this. I won't spend money - that I dont actually have btw - to go to S.Francisco for this, but there are bridges all over the place. What is the height, is 70 m enough or I need 300? 100, 150? Thanx.
This post can help with heights:
Post in thread 'Jumping of bridge' https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/jumping-of-bridge.165375/post-2525950
Jumping can work if you can jump from a high enough place and land on a hard surface like water or concrete. The largest problem with jumping is finding somewhere that 1 does not have a barrier to jumping and 2 does not have constant surveillance for jumping. Unfortunately, it's very obvious when a place is good for jumping, so it's usually heavily monitored to prevent such things. Also, SI is very difficult to overcome with jumping.

Jumping is indeed a valid method, but it's not the easiest and not the most accessible.
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feliksy magaliNé

feliksy magaliNé

bride in dream
Mar 27, 2023
would jumping off a cliff be effective?
it's my #1 method as of now but i've heard stories of people surviving deathly falls
what would be the most effective conditions for CTB jumping by cliff?


I knew I forgot to do something when I was 15...
Mar 26, 2024
would jumping off a cliff be effective?
it's my #1 method as of now but i've heard stories of people surviving deathly falls
what would be the most effective conditions for CTB jumping by cliff?
All that is required for jumping is height and a hard surface. Both of those and it's as close to 100% as you are going to get.
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I need RCs
May 6, 2024
Anything to do with diseases because they're not guaranteed to kill you and even if they are when untreated, SI could cause you to call an ambulance before it's too late
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May 28, 2024
Hello. what about the japanese ritual suicide, why did that work then, was it only because someone else cut their heads in the end to complete it? Or ?


Sep 18, 2023
This thread could be more useful if stickied, or atleast mentioned in the Suicide Resource Compilation.

I keep seeing the same type of threads about whether OD on prescription drugs will kill you, or other unreliable methods.

People ought to do more research into reliable methods if they're serious about suicide.
Recklessly attempting with unreliable methods is a sureproof way to end up in an even worse situation than you're in right now.
I think that should be discouraged.
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Oct 18, 2020
I am wondering about inserting air into veins. Wouldn't that be effective?


Guided by the void
Jun 7, 2024
I am wondering about inserting air into veins. Wouldn't that be effective?
I think the volume of air & how fast it needs to be injected makes it an unviable method
This thread could be more useful if stickied, or atleast mentioned in the Suicide Resource Compilation.

I keep seeing the same type of threads about whether OD on prescription drugs will kill you, or other unreliable methods.

People ought to do more research into reliable methods if they're serious about suicide.
Recklessly attempting with unreliable methods is a sureproof way to end up in an even worse situation than you're in right now.
I think that should be discouraged.
I agree, the only issue i can see is maybe how the title is worded.
Definelty agree with the harm reduction point though.
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Jul 2, 2024
You forgot hot bathtub + cutting wrists. Every time I hear about it, it's about a failed attempt, and this is not just my personal perception, but the numbers are with me too. It's completely outlandish to me, how many people actually want to end their life this way. I don't know where this comes from, but it's simply a shitty way to get you institutionalized and nothing more.


Apr 15, 2022
Here's another one to add to the list that I just saw the other day. Someone posted a thread with the idea of creating a wound on themselves, and then taking some of their feces and smearing it into the open wound. All in the hopes of developing sepsis. People, please don't do this.
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