Does anyone else want to catch the bus just to avoid dealing with the automation crisis caused by AI

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    Votes: 27 30.0%
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    Votes: 63 70.0%

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Jul 18, 2023
It definitely contributes to how I feel, yes. I'm creative and computers have decimated a lot of jobs in my industry. You'll always get people say- why don't you adapt? Learn programing and use them as a tool to keep on being creative. It depends what you do and whether that appeals. It doesn't for everyone. It's like saying to someone who's loves animals- why don't you go and work in an abattoir? Ok- not as extreme as that but, it's different.

Or, people will say the dreaded: 'Do it as a hobby.' Most of the creative people I know are pretty obsessive about what they do. It's a vocation rather than a job and most of us are especially miserable when we're not able to be creative.

I've been lucky enough to find a tiny niche where I can just about keep going for now with my creative job but, it's always under threat.

Plus, I really miss the artistry of things like physical special effects in films. Even if they did look a bit wobbly, there was something really special and impressive about them. It's not that I hate computer aided or generated stuff. Some of that is really beautiful too. I just wish both could exist in harmony and it wasn't always about finding the cheapest option. (Which I'm guessing dictates it a lot.)

Overall, I wish I hadn't been born at all but, if it had to have happened, a few decades prior to when it did would have been better. Maybe I would have done better in my 'career'.
Look at all the movies post heavy VFX era. Not a single movie has a clear blue sky. Now go back and watch the movies of 90s or 2000s . Beautiful nature was captured so effectively by moving camera!! Nature along with music has a deep soothing effect. I was dependent on movies for the same. Now I have moved on to those you tube videos with nature and music. Even there many videos are not authentic and are computerized.
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Nov 13, 2021
I'm a comp sci major so I honestly find AI more fascinating than anything. Having said that, I do feel like they'll replace various jobs. This is just my opinion based upon my own research but as you know, AI is replacing digital artists. It's also fair to assume, over time, it will take basic, repetitive jobs such as data entry, some customer service jobs, assembly line, basic analysis, and most graphic designing jobs. That being said, there are also jobs AI will likely never take, at least not in our life time. Some of those jobs are teaching, doctors, tradespeople like plumbers, electrician, construction, and janitors, artists that make physical art, first responders (police, fire, EMT, etc), athletes, and agriculture. There are other fields where AI might augment, but not replace.

Anyways, I'm not super smart on all of this, a lot of this is based upon a speech I did for my communications class on the effect AI could have on the future, so it wasn't super in-depth, but I did research what jobs could be affected and tried to quell the fears of AI taking over the world.


Jul 18, 2023
I'm a comp sci major so I honestly find AI more fascinating than anything. Having said that, I do feel like they'll replace various jobs. This is just my opinion based upon my own research but as you know, AI is replacing digital artists. It's also fair to assume, over time, it will take basic, repetitive jobs such as data entry, some customer service jobs, assembly line, basic analysis, and most graphic designing jobs. That being said, there are also jobs AI will likely never take, at least not in our life time. Some of those jobs are teaching, doctors, tradespeople like plumbers, electrician, construction, and janitors, artists that make physical art, first responders (police, fire, EMT, etc), athletes, and agriculture. There are other fields where AI might augment, but not replace.

Anyways, I'm not super smart on all of this, a lot of this is based upon a speech I did for my communications class on the effect AI could have on the future, so it wasn't super in-depth, but I did research what jobs could be affected and tried to quell the fears of AI taking over the world.
I mean, any job that we do , that's because we are trained to do so. If a human brain can be trained , and AI which replicates (not the current AI) , human brain can also be trained? Take an example of doctors. Symptoms, tests , results , medicines. Didn't fix the problem? Repeat with another dose of medicine, change the medicine. Still didn't fix..look for other missed out symptoms..more tests , results, new meds. The only reason, I feel, doctors won't be replaced, is cause the patients wouldn't be at ease to be cured by AI .


Aug 26, 2022
Yes. AI is the antichrist and everyone who doesn't oppose it are the biggest criminals to ever exist. They have taken the only thing I have ever been passionate about away from me.
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Nov 13, 2021
I mean, any job that we do , that's because we are trained to do so. If a human brain can be trained , and AI which replicates (not the current AI) , human brain can also be trained? Take an example of doctors. Symptoms, tests , results , medicines. Didn't fix the problem? Repeat with another dose of medicine, change the medicine. Still didn't fix..look for other missed out symptoms..more tests , results, new meds. The only reason, I feel, doctors won't be replaced, is cause the patients wouldn't be at ease to be cured by AI .
I get where you're coming from, but I don't think there's much to worry about. AI can help with things like analyzing data and suggesting possible treatments, simple diagnostic stuff, but it doesn't replace the human touch. Doctors do more than just follow a checklist—they understand the nuances of each patient's situation, offer emotional support, and make judgment calls based on experience. For example, take a surgeon. They're doing a surgery, they don't know what they will experience until they're in the surgery and if something happens, they have to make a judgement call right then and there to save a life. I genuinely don't think AI can critically think like that. Patients also trust doctors because of that human connection, which AI just can't replicate. So, AI will likely be a tool for doctors, not a replacement.


Antinatalism + Promortalism
Jan 19, 2024
Below is an excerpt from 'The Conspiracy Against the Human Race' by Thomas Ligotti, which can illuminate why I'm so repulsed by AI and automation:

Zapffe reviled technological advancements and the discoveries to which they led, since those interested in such things would be cheated of the distraction of finding them out for themselves at whatever pace they chose. Every human activity is a tack for killing time, and it seemed criminal to him that people should have their time already killed for them by explorers, inventors, and innovators of every stripe. Zapffe himself reserved his leisure hours for that most purposive time killer - mountain climbing.
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Aug 31, 2024
I'm majoring in Computer Science and working for a company that develops AI solutions for the institutions: I can assure you that most of the rumble about AI is Silicon Valley propaganda to make investors throw all their money to "AI" companies. AI writing and "creativity" is at the moment very, very bad; it could replace some jobs but only low level ones, at least in the creative industry. These "AIs" are mostly regurgitating what they've been fed, and if we don't find a way to improve the architecture of these models dramatically (I think radical changes would be needed), the data won't make them improve that much anymore. Until AGI will be achieved (which we are not even close to), we can only try to imitate, badly, the creative work of humans.

All this is to say, if you have an idea, want to draw, want to write a story: please go for it. I, and a lot of people as well, love well written stories, well written and drawn characters; "AI" only writes and draws bad stuff taken from somewhere on the Internet at the moment. Don't let the Silicon Valley get you guys down, poison your drawings with Nightshade and keep fighting to retain the intellectual property of your work, DON'T let these companies steal your work. You are much deeper than a machine.

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