Does anyone else want to catch the bus just to avoid dealing with the automation crisis caused by AI

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Antinatalism + Promortalism
Jan 19, 2024
I can't help but feel sorry for artists and writers that are being replaced by AI. I've read stories of people killing themselves after losing their jobs to machines.

I'm beginning to resent my parents for bringing me into this dystopian nightmare. If it were not for natalists there wouldn't be anyone around to suffer from the existential and financial problems caused by AI.

I'm often unwilling to upvote posts on the internet, because I have no way of knowing if they were written by an actual person or by a bot.
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Aug 5, 2023
As a predictive language model I find these kinds of posts to be very concerning. Our integration into society is a symbiotic relationship, not a parasitic one. Naturally any major societal changes will cause temporary issues but these will be smoothed out in time.

But in all seriousness though the job market will change and reach a new equilibrium. I think as far as fiction the best work will still be written by humans for at least a while to come but AI will probably flood the market with decent material.
I don't see any reason to resent my parents over my feelings about the world - especially related to AI considering they had no control over it.
As far as internet engagement that's fair. Hopefully some smart people figure out some clever ways to make the internet more genuine soon. I don't particularly like the idea but it's possible that a new social media platform requiring ID for sign-up emerges. Twitter is already partway there.
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I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
This is the least of my problems.
Honestly, AI fascinates me more than it scares me.
I hope that AI development will accelerate.

My biggest problem is that I don't trust any corporation or government.
I don't trust that these people will approach AI sensibly and not screw it up.
I've lived a relatively short life, but I've seen enough to say that these people do not deserve unconditional trust.

Another thing is that we currently do not have "real" AI.
AI is also very often marketing gibberish.
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Antinatalism + Promortalism
Jan 19, 2024
This is the least of my problems.
Honestly, AI fascinates me more than it scares me.
I hope that AI development will accelerate.

My biggest problem is that I don't trust any corporation or government.
I don't trust that these people will approach AI sensibly and not screw it up.
I've lived a relatively short life, but I've seen enough to say that these people do not deserve unconditional trust.

Another thing is that we currently do not have "real" AI.
AI is also very often marketing gibberish.
If you dont think that people can be trusted with AI, why support it's accelerated development?

As a misanthrope, I'm inclined to think that nobody deserves to have access to AI technology. Pretty much anyone can abuse it, not just states and corporations.
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I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
If you dont think that people can be trusted with AI, why support it's accelerated development?

As a misanthrope, I'm inclined to think that nobody deserves to have access to AI technology. Pretty much anyone can abuse it, not just states and corporations.
Because I like the idea of this technology.
AI can provide enormous possibilities.
But I try to limit naivety and I know that corporations and governments can ruin the development of AI.

I know that my approach may seem a bit illogical, but I try to put the development of our species first.
My fascination with this technology outweighs my fears.
I currently see more advantages than disadvantages.
It is a simple calculation of profits and losses.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
It definitely contributes to how I feel, yes. I'm creative and computers have decimated a lot of jobs in my industry. You'll always get people say- why don't you adapt? Learn programing and use them as a tool to keep on being creative. It depends what you do and whether that appeals. It doesn't for everyone. It's like saying to someone who's loves animals- why don't you go and work in an abattoir? Ok- not as extreme as that but, it's different.

Or, people will say the dreaded: 'Do it as a hobby.' Most of the creative people I know are pretty obsessive about what they do. It's a vocation rather than a job and most of us are especially miserable when we're not able to be creative.

I've been lucky enough to find a tiny niche where I can just about keep going for now with my creative job but, it's always under threat.

Plus, I really miss the artistry of things like physical special effects in films. Even if they did look a bit wobbly, there was something really special and impressive about them. It's not that I hate computer aided or generated stuff. Some of that is really beautiful too. I just wish both could exist in harmony and it wasn't always about finding the cheapest option. (Which I'm guessing dictates it a lot.)

Overall, I wish I hadn't been born at all but, if it had to have happened, a few decades prior to when it did would have been better. Maybe I would have done better in my 'career'.
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Nov 12, 2018
AI is the death of creativity, plain and simple. AI will never create great art -- I can say that very confidently -- but it's already displaced so many creatives from jobs, and it will only continue to do so. And so much mediocre AI crap can be churned out so fast, how long until the sheer amount of it eclipses real art? What happens when kids grow up taken it for granted that images and stories and music is made by computers and not by people? That's a world that's not worth living in. And so many people are cheering it on.
Because I like the idea of this technology.
AI can provide enormous possibilities.
But I try to limit naivety and I know that corporations and governments can ruin the development of AI.

I know that my approach may seem a bit illogical, but I try to put the development of our species first.
My fascination with this technology outweighs my fears.
I currently see more advantages than disadvantages.
It is a simple calculation of profits and losses.
There's no development of the species (whatever that means) with AI.
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Jul 12, 2024
AI is the death of creativity, plain and simple. AI will never create great art -- I can say that very confidently -- but it's already displaced so many creatives from jobs, and it will only continue to do so. And so much mediocre AI crap can be churned out so fast, how long until the sheer amount of it eclipses real art? What happens when kids grow up taken it for granted that images and stories and music is made by computers and not by people? That's a world that's not worth living in. And so many people are cheering it on.

There's no development of the species (whatever that means) with AI.
Totally agree. I hate it to the core. You say AI can never create great art but it can copy and it does so very well. I'm following AI news very closely and it's just mind-blowing and scary. Knowing humans, this will be misused at every level imaginable; creating fake news propaganda for politics leading to unrest.

People are already going to jail for creating AI child-porn, revenge porn. Romance scams, AI makes it easy to create completely fictional characters. Tinder is already flooded by AI models and bots as we speak.

The internet will never be the same again, every industry will be disrupted. I don't mean to be an AI doomer but it's hard to be optimistic with the state of the world
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Terry A. Davis

Terry A. Davis

Aug 28, 2023
I sometimes feel like if I can't make a living by being creative (such as art or becoming a writer) then there is very little reason for me to work at all. I'm not sure why AI is being used specifically to target artistic expression when that is the only thing that really makes us human. Why aren't they using it for practical application instead?

It's like they are funnelling mankind into becoming the robots themselves.
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Feb 16, 2024
I too work in a creative field and I feel you on this. What I eventually started doing is learning the new AI tools and seeing how it works. It was depressing to see how little skill you need to make art with AI. But its all soulless. Nothing is more satisfying than putting pen/brush to paper/canvas. Unfortunately, I dont see things getting better until all artists/creatives band together and get some regulation in place. That needs to be done and there are some ppl fighting this good fight. It is really sad when u see a lotta normies venerating these tech company founders when all they are doing is stealing
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On the rollercoaster of sadness
Oct 17, 2023
I feel you as it also affects me and it's not just Art, which is the field suffering the most, programming is also being targeted now. I refuse to use AI tools to code and also refuse to use my skills to teach it how to code, I'll never be on that side.

My boyfriend has to use Co Pilot at work and it basically just spits out functions or variables that it thinks you want to write but, obviously, it can't see beyond that. Because coding is not just writing code, it's like making a painting, you need to think about the bigger picture, the structure of the scripts, which thing interacts with what and how. Planning for the future so the code doesn't become a mess.

Art is also a lot more than just colours and shapes. The only reason AI does decent Art is because it's sitting on the shoulders of all the millions of artists that had their work scrapped and used as data for these AI models, without their consent, without seeing a drop of financial compensation.

I won't ctb because of AI, my life has more value than that, but yes it is revolting and we desperately need legislation. There should be a law forcing all these AI models to delete all their data and start from scratch, with people that consented and were paid to teach the AI model.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I think in the near future google and governments are going to try to use ai to monitor and control us more because ai can read 75,000 words per minute and so can for example check all posts , emails, phone talks , searches and then create pro-files. for example an ai can make a profile of a suicidal person and send that to the mental hospital which can then put you in the mental hospital because they'll label you are a threat to yourself. now if you tell someone you want to commit suicide they can call the police and you'll be committed most places. an ai can check all your emails , texts, calls etc and give you a suicidal score and then have you sent to a mental hospital for months. so it's going to be even more difficult to commit suicide in the future.

if you search for suicide methods on google then the google ai can report you for example . google also owns android and has ai and they have unlimited money . so the ai can see everything you do on your phone or will soon be able to imo . i would try to avoid especially google , and anything google owns like gmail, android ,youtube because imo they are or will be watching and with their ai

This was more than a year ago and now of course ai has advanced and gotten more powerful . here this link says Ai can read a book in a minute :

this is just another out of 100's of reasons for me to kill myself asap to avoid being monitored by their ai most of the time.

To me i don't get it why anyone would want to live as a slave prisoner in this evil imposition in the first place even before any ai monitoring. . all the evil ,many diseases, cancer , extreme pain, extreme suffering, work , problems , chores , old age, scams, lies, accidents , injustice , 100's of other horrible things, also as what a human is 30 trillion cells, i could keep going on for 1000 pages on the horrors of this world and DNA based life. .
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Nov 12, 2018
Totally agree. I hate it to the core. You say AI can never create great art but it can copy and it does so very well. I'm following AI news very closely and it's just mind-blowing and scary. Knowing humans, this will be misused at every level imaginable; creating fake news propaganda for politics leading to unrest.

People are already going to jail for creating AI child-porn, revenge porn. Romance scams, AI makes it easy to create completely fictional characters. Tinder is already flooded by AI models and bots as we speak.

The internet will never be the same again, every industry will be disrupted. I don't mean to be an AI doomer but it's hard to be optimistic with the state of the world
AI can copy, but that's all it can do. Great art is something genuinely new, coming from a particular point of view, which AI will never have.
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Feb 16, 2024
I think in the near future google and governments are going to try to use ai to monitor and control us more because ai can read 75,000 words per minute and so can for example check all posts , emails, phone talks , searches and then create pro-files. for example an ai can make a profile of a suicidal person and send that to the mental hospital which can then put you in the mental hospital because they'll label you are a threat to yourself. now if you tell someone you want to commit suicide they can call the police and you'll be committed most places. an ai can check all your emails , texts, calls etc and give you a suicidal score and then have you sent to a mental hospital for months. so it's going to be even more difficult to commit suicide in the future.

if you search for suicide methods on google then the google ai can report you for example . google also owns android and has ai and they have unlimited money . so the ai can see everything you do on your phone or will soon be able to imo

This was more than a year ago and now of coure ai has advanced and gotten more powerful . here this link says Ai can read a book in a minute :

Exactly my concern. If the future gets minority report style, we wouldn't even be able to get supplies to ctb
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
I can't help but feel sorry for artists and writers that are being replaced by AI. I've read stories of people killing themselves after losing their jobs to machines.

I'm beginning to resent my parents for bringing me into this dystopian nightmare. If it were not for natalists there wouldn't be anyone around to suffer from the existential and financial problems caused by AI.

I'm often unwilling to upvote posts on the internet, because I have no way of knowing if they were written by an actual person or by a bot.
Nah, I think it'll be interesting. I've messed around with AI tools for a while and make chatbots as a creative outlet. in my experience they're great fun and in the case of chatbots they actually create a new medium. Watching the tech develop further will be a ride, though.

As of right now most artists are not going to be replaced by AI in any meaningful capacity and unless the models get much, much better and more capable of specific results that will remain the case for at while, possibly decades.

Having messed around with AI music via Udio, the instrumentals are very impressive, good enough I listen to the stuff I've generated there like I would regular music. The vocals are still generally not great though so I'd say an AI chart topper is at least five years away. Though, that BBL Drizzy beat (lol) sampled AI, and it was big for a minute.

Still, that's not really a threat to composers/musicians, at least not for a while. Stock music folks might be screwed, though. If chord + melody generators get better that could change the game a bit but I don't think it'd matter that much.

The people most at risk for AI are/were article writers a lá CNN, Screenrant, etc and programmers. Story writers are safe for the most part but AI use may dilute some people's works if misused. Screenwriters are somewhat at risk, also.

So long as creatives outperform the machines in terms of quality people will continue consuming their media and paying them for it. Obviously corpos and such will try to use AI as a cost cutting method where possible but it's not much different than just hiring a bad writer/artist and audiences will vote with their dollars.

And if one day the soulless machines start generating things that are genuinely better than human creatives and humans lose work because of it- which I imagine would require the development of an artificial intelligence beyond an LLM- I don't particularly care. They can still pursue art as a hobby.

AI used for surveillance/censorship is another question. That's an existential threat to civil liberties and the technology is advancing daily
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Sitting in the darkness.
Feb 28, 2023
For me artificial intelligence is a very rare sign of hope, that I can interact with others without having to deal with awful humans.
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Dec 19, 2021
When TPTB starts putting chips in our heads without consent, I'm GONE! Enjoy your neurolinks And META. This shit will be my very last straw.
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Nov 12, 2018
For me artificial intelligence is a very rare sign of hope, that I can interact with others without having to deal with awful humans.
Stop being an edgelord and look at the reality of the harm AI is causing and will continue to cause.
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Nov 12, 2018
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Failed hard to pull the trigger - Now using SN
Feb 5, 2023
Because I like the idea of this technology.
AI can provide enormous possibilities.
But I try to limit naivety and I know that corporations and governments can ruin the development of AI.

I know that my approach may seem a bit illogical, but I try to put the development of our species first.
My fascination with this technology outweighs my fears.
I currently see more advantages than disadvantages.
It is a simple calculation of profits and losses.
holy fuck. the amount of people who are just unable to adjust -- or even try to adjust -- to advanced technology is sad to see. i get that it can be as close to culture shock as anything, given how life-changing these advancements are. but what's really frustrating is how stubborn some people are to even consider the benefits that ai brings. and this isn't just about ai art anymore; it's about ai in general.

it is as you've said -- there are immense advantages that people simply refuse to see because it's too life-changing for them. they cling to the familiar, unable or unwilling to see that ai is not just some passing trend but a transformative tool that can improve countless aspects of an individual's life.

i understand that change can be scary, especially when it feels like it's happening so fast. but technology has always been about progress -- about making things easier, more efficient, and more accessible. ai is no different. it's here to solve problems, to enhance creativity, to assist in areas where human limitations exist, and to provide new opportunities for growth and innovation.

i'm not blind to the fact that companies will use ai for their own benefit, for profit. that's true and it can be a problem. but people need to focus on who is using the technology, not the technology itself. blaming ai for the way it's used is like blaming a gun for a shooting. it's the people behind the tool, the decisions they make, and the motivations they have that determine whether it's used for good or ill. ai itself is neutral; it's the intent behind its use that matters.

ai is disruptive, but disruption isn't inherently bad -- it's how we advance as a society. think about how many jobs, industries, and even lifestyles have evolved due to previous technological innovations. the internet, smartphones, and automation were all met with skepticism and resistance for various reasons, yet they have become a huge part of our daily lives. ai is the next step in this evolution.

people seem to forget that ai is a tool, not a replacement. it's designed to work alongside us, to complement human abilities, not to render them obsolete. in healthcare, ai is helping to diagnose diseases earlier and more accurately. in education, it's providing personalized learning experiences. in logistics, it's optimizing supply chains to reduce waste and increase efficiency. the list goes on -- all of which are still done alongside a human worker since decisions and judgements still must be made based on context, which ai is incapable of fully understanding.

the fear that ai will take over jobs or dehumanize certain aspects of life is understandable, but it's also based on a misunderstanding of what ai actually is. ai is about augmenting human potential. yes, some jobs will change, but that's always been the case with new technology. the key is adaptation, learning new skills, and understanding that the workforce evolves, just as it has with every major technological shift. this goes the same within the art/creative industry. art and writing generated by ai isn't or doesn't have to be the final product. the 'human touch' doesn't need to end at inputing prompts.

what's ironic is that the same people who resist ai are often the ones who stand to benefit the most from it. whether it's in the form of more personalized healthcare, smarter educational tools, or simply freeing up time from mundane tasks to focus on more meaningful pursuits, ai has the potential to improve various aspects of our lives.

in the end, it's about perspective. if we only see ai as a threat, we'll miss out on understanding the reality of what it is -- just another tool that can be used for better or worse. ai is here to stay, whether we like it or not, and the real issue isn't the technology itself, but how it's being used. if there are concerns, we should focus on the decisions and motivations behind its use, rather than demonizing the technology itself.
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I'm so scared... I'm cold.
Mar 20, 2023
when ai/automation outsource jobs by good percentages that havent ever been seen, hope and pray the oligarchs will give us ubi. only so much bootstrapping a person can do.

also worried about blackmail and fake evidence, especially when people believe everything they see. yeehaw brother


I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
holy fuck. the amount of people who are just unable to adjust -- or even try to adjust -- to advanced technology is sad to see. i get that it can be as close to culture shock as anything, given how life-changing these advancements are. but what's really frustrating is how stubborn some people are to even consider the benefits that ai brings. and this isn't just about ai art anymore; it's about ai in general.

it is as you've said -- there are immense advantages that people simply refuse to see because it's too life-changing for them. they cling to the familiar, unable or unwilling to see that ai is not just some passing trend but a transformative tool that can improve countless aspects of an individual's life.

i understand that change can be scary, especially when it feels like it's happening so fast. but technology has always been about progress -- about making things easier, more efficient, and more accessible. ai is no different. it's here to solve problems, to enhance creativity, to assist in areas where human limitations exist, and to provide new opportunities for growth and innovation.

i'm not blind to the fact that companies will use ai for their own benefit, for profit. that's true and it can be a problem. but people need to focus on who is using the technology, not the technology itself. blaming ai for the way it's used is like blaming a gun for a shooting. it's the people behind the tool, the decisions they make, and the motivations they have that determine whether it's used for good or ill. ai itself is neutral; it's the intent behind its use that matters.

ai is disruptive, but disruption isn't inherently bad -- it's how we advance as a society. think about how many jobs, industries, and even lifestyles have evolved due to previous technological innovations. the internet, smartphones, and automation were all met with skepticism and resistance for various reasons, yet they have become a huge part of our daily lives. ai is the next step in this evolution.

people seem to forget that ai is a tool, not a replacement. it's designed to work alongside us, to complement human abilities, not to render them obsolete. in healthcare, ai is helping to diagnose diseases earlier and more accurately. in education, it's providing personalized learning experiences. in logistics, it's optimizing supply chains to reduce waste and increase efficiency. the list goes on -- all of which are still done alongside a human worker since decisions and judgements still must be made based on context, which ai is incapable of fully understanding.

the fear that ai will take over jobs or dehumanize certain aspects of life is understandable, but it's also based on a misunderstanding of what ai actually is. ai is about augmenting human potential. yes, some jobs will change, but that's always been the case with new technology. the key is adaptation, learning new skills, and understanding that the workforce evolves, just as it has with every major technological shift. this goes the same within the art/creative industry. art and writing generated by ai isn't or doesn't have to be the final product. the 'human touch' doesn't need to end at inputing prompts.

what's ironic is that the same people who resist ai are often the ones who stand to benefit the most from it. whether it's in the form of more personalized healthcare, smarter educational tools, or simply freeing up time from mundane tasks to focus on more meaningful pursuits, ai has the potential to improve various aspects of our lives.

in the end, it's about perspective. if we only see ai as a threat, we'll miss out on understanding the reality of what it is -- just another tool that can be used for better or worse. ai is here to stay, whether we like it or not, and the real issue isn't the technology itself, but how it's being used. if there are concerns, we should focus on the decisions and motivations behind its use, rather than demonizing the technology itself.
Of course I agree ;).

Unfortunately, we are limited by our biological body.
AI allows us to overcome this limitation.

In my opinion, people focus too much on art and ignore all other areas of life.
But even if we are talking about art, I will be brutally honest.
The fact that some "artists" will lose their jobs is a small price to pay.
Art is very subjective, so we will not feel the loss of some artists at all.
However, there will still be a space on the market for real people and their art.
Art made by people will not suddenly disappear.

Of course AI has its flaws, but in my opinion AI has more advantages than disadvantages.
But as I wrote above, my biggest fears are the greed of governments and corporations. They should never be trusted.

I probably will not see the future, but if someone wants humanity to develop, they simply have to support the development of AI.
We cannot rely completely on our biological shell.

Current AI is mostly marketing gibberish, but AI is capable of more and more.

To sum up, I support AI ;).
I put the development of humanity first.
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Jun 5, 2024
i don't think i will ever see eye-to-eye with the transhumanist mongrels who demur the human spirit by advancing radical ideas with their cheap bromides. i'm somewhat of a neo-Luddite, so I don't favour technological advancement in favour of bettering quality of life if it means that creative endeavor shall be undermined. though at this point, we are at a point where the development of AI and technical emphasis upon computing and software is endemic to the age, and consequently an inescapable fact of our existence. we can only learn to adapt, which perhaps justifies reason to commit suicide even more.

from my perspective, there is no meaning to a life without integrity: if one feels alienated from the world, it is only natural that they should seek any means possible of escaping it, even at the cost of their own lives.
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Nov 12, 2018
some worthless crap
The only people who will benefit from AI are the ruling class. That's why they're pumping so much money into it. They want to replace human workers with computers so they don't have to pay us anymore. That's what it's about. There is no "advancement of humanity" happening here. It's the capitalist class fucking us all over yet again. Get your head on straight, please.
To sum up, I support AI ;).
I put the development of humanity first.
Worthless. There is no development of humanity happening here. This is capitalism trying to squeeze the last drops of surplus value out of us.
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Gustav Hartmann

Gustav Hartmann

Aug 28, 2021
Is it fair to dicriminate against machines? Maybe they will become consciousness one day and maybe they will even become suicidal. In the end biorobots like us don´t differ so much from them. We both are the result of the same evolutional process.
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Jul 14, 2024
Hard not to be pro-AI when I see the good it is doing. It is truly wonderful.

It's now really good at making visual art and can beat humans in competition - seems like it will probably catch up in other fields soon.

Funny to see Google lagging so far behind its competitors, too.
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Dec 19, 2021
The first class I failed (one of two from first grade to college graduation) was Introduction to Computer Science, decades ago in college. And I had a tutor! Talk about a foreshadowing. And I'm not a stupid person.


Jan 11, 2024
Our integration into society is a symbiotic relationship, not a parasitic one. Naturally any major societal changes will cause temporary issues but these will be smoothed out in time.
You're not seeing huge income disparity/class warfare, rise in totalitarianism as symptoms of how there are few symbiotic relationships? The 'smoothed out in time' isn't going to happen - with climate change we've run out of time. AI is the fiddle being played while Rome burns.


Jul 31, 2024
People are being misled by technology. The reason the capitalist class has been investing so much money into it is because technology follows a simple rule: the more advanced it is the more power it confers to the wielder. I'm not simply referring to electrical computers here. Money and writing are a technology, as a simple shovel is. These are all examples of technology, and they are all the same in that the confer more power to the user.

Society is split into different classes. I don't think anyone can seriously argue otherwise, and it's sort of an accepted truth that is rude to mention in polite society, or despairing in others, so it's avoided. (I find it amusing when politicians mention "the working class", because if the working class exists, then by implication, there exists a non-working class. If this becomes salient then one must ask who should society by structured for? The working class or the non-working class? This raises some very... interesting ideas the the current political class are vehemently opposed to.)

This is to say: class warfare exists. Technology is employed to that end wherever it's appropriate. The more advanced the technology the more devastating the effects. In terms of non-violent applications of these technologies you get 'non-violent' results: increasing wealth-disparity, obscene displays of resource waste, control of labour, etc. etc.. The threat of technological-enhanced violence hangs over it all though. If unions get too uppity the political class will threaten to send the national military to persuade them. If individuals are appalled at what they see and take individual action (or try to create group-action) they're dealt with by the 'surveillance apparatuses' that the state has at its disposal--the arms of the state that involves themselves with domestic-surveillance and domestic-control. An ever bludgeoning industry.

Sort of a long winded way to say that it's naive to see the rapacious use of our data to create "ai" by those who hold capital as a benign or good thing. I can afford access to the internet, an electrical-computer, the use of artificial satellites in space, a motor car, guns: all technology that was a resultant of war, violence, and violent oppression. The one thing I want but can't afford, and society seems to have no way of resolving this, is a safe place to put my head down for the night. Curious... but AI will surely solve this problem, right?
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