
Jun 16, 2024
Like, overall what their did to me, nr of misdiagnoses, failures to refer and delays in healthcare-totally avoidable and preventable if THEY LISTENED to me. I will add details later

But no. I had bad luck to land with some sick, mentally ill Dr. She went general psychiatry route without need causing such suffering and harm to me-I actually started to self harm without previous wants or me being suicidal. 11years later suffering, health deterioration of PHYSICAL condition made me husk of former self and I just can;t bear what overall occured x how they messed up. Like if they do not compensate me for mess they did, only realistic solution is suicide.

So misdiagnoses:
*They confused eczema(whole body-especially face and scalp) and fungal acne(i battled it whole teen years) that can still flare up when I am stressed-with me 'picking on healthy skin' aka psychiatric/perception illness. Where I also suffer from ingrown hair& overall excessive hair growth due to hormonal issues. I am niot picking anything, I am trying to pull out hair on chin, NOT on skin and scars I have are from previous fungal acne battles.
*They misdiagnosed my physical condition(which occured from recommended previously medical treatment with full diagnoses-correct diagnoses) with Body dysmorphia
*They confused Allergy to chemicals(like massive rash on hands) with hand washing OCD
*They confused chronic major pain condition with 'schizophrenia'/other perception or psychological illness
*They were going further and insinuating gender issues/me being transgender(all those diagnoses made by same doctor and other doctors just repeating things recklessly and mindlessly)
*Failures to diagnose 2x other conditions(like after years in chronic pain, I only got diagnose thru private specialist and other diagnose is funnily-psychiatry related BUT nothing from disorders they were suggesting/totally opposite direction)

SO 5x MISDIAGNOSES and 2x failures to diagnose

They also:
*When I was victim of human trafficking, they claimed I am 'antisocial' and pushed me further into hands of my opressors.
*When I freed myself from abuse, they started to allege somebody coerces/controls me
*When I found myself safe housing and started to have it finally more ok, they started to accuse me I am in bad domestic situation

These ppl are reckless. Mindless. What is worse, they do not tell you what they say/think and do not ask-They just make statements in reports/send it off onto next docto or institution. Then harm and abuse continues. They effectively got everything WRONG regarding of diagnoses and situations. Police haven;t protected me,. Haven't stopped harm.

Their behaviour and wrongful treatment led to unbearable harm and suffering. I developed social anxiety where I was ok before, I do not read letters/answer calls especially if I suspect NHS.
Due to psychiatric treatment/me going to pscyhiatric hospital-I ended up victim of furhter accusations towards my parents(accusing them of childhood abuse without any evidences I was ever abused and me never making any disclosures)-I was battered, sexually abused in psychiatric hospital, brutalized, wrongfully imprisoned, physical and verbal threats and violence were used against me. Due to them repeatedly abusing me that I have all psychiatry disorders/perception issues(where there is nothing wrong with me) they robbed me of confidence to report things to Police as they were undermining my credibility and harm kept happening.

Like my losses go to around AT LEAST 50,000£(certain losses) depending on 'how you calculate it'(eg. if you factor in me missing out employment, miss out promotion, miss out many things bcuz of their medical errors and negligence) but it can be realistically anything up to 100,000£. Like I can;t live another life from start, can;t get my time back.
There are further massive debts/other unspecified losses from various life areas, into whcih I was lured/led to by ppl who coercivelly controlled me, how long it lasted. Like physically and psychologically I can;t bear it or sustain it anymore.

Doesn;t matter how I look it, without them admitting negligence, misdiagnoses, failures and so on, and to adequate levels, without relelvant compensation I just can;t carry on. I am fully non functional, can;t work at all, I need extensive private physiotherapy and levels of psychological support NHS do not provide/is unable to meet now due to previous mess they created and that was totally avoidable.

I was told/advised and read some news-medical negligence cases can last/go on for years before any payouts/admissions are made and that it depends sometimes on 'luck'/piece of evidence. Like I read NHS story where woman proved negligence only bcuz she kept some original documents bcuz staff of hospital altered(fabricated) records afterwards to state totally differnet story to what it actually was. Like I hope they will get it right bcuz If they do NOT I am going.
  • Aww..
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Reactions: timetodie24, Thisisme373, Praestat_Mori and 2 others


Jul 1, 2024
What happened to you is absolutely inexcusable! 🤬

Unfortunately, I can't even begin to provide any legal guidance, but I hope you're able to follow through on that and the guilty parties are made to pay for their clearly egregious harm to you, and that systems are changed to reduce the possibility of similar harm being done to others in the future.

Regardless, I hope you're able to find peace!
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Jun 16, 2024
What happened to you is absolutely inexcusable! 🤬

Unfortunately, I can't even begin to provide any legal guidance, but I hope you're able to follow through on that and the guilty parties are made to pay for their clearly egregious harm to you, and that systems are changed to reduce the possibility of similar harm being done to others in the future.

Regardless, I hope you're able to find peace!
Thanks whoever you are. Like overall-I can;t manage. I am given up.

I think in best case scenario-if they fail to make it right-I have slightly over 2 months left
  • Aww..
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May 31, 2024
I do not have time to read all that sorry, as i'm about to go to bed.

But yes the NHS is terrible. I had an issue with failure to diagnose something in the past, and it can't have been incompetence. There was absolutely no way the symptoms i told him about warranted dismissing me, he was just saying things to get rid of me, presumably as they assessed i wasn't dying and didn't want to invest any more resources on it.

In the end after months of anxiety, i went for a private ultrasound and they confirmed within minutes what i thought was the problem. Then i went privately abroad to get it fixed as i couldn't wait for years for an op. They were worse than useless as all it did was delay my treatment.

It has the polar opposite problems to the US, where affordability can be a problem. In the the UK, a lot of times you just can't get seen by a doctor. It is a USSR style system at the end of the day, with all the problems of that, queuing, rationing, bureaucracy, underfunding, misallocated investment, no customer input.

It's frustrating to pay taxes all your life and then having to go private anyway.
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Reactions: Praestat_Mori and wren-briar


Jun 16, 2024
I do not have time to read all that sorry, as i'm about to go to bed.

But yes the NHS is terrible. I had an issue with failure to diagnose something in the past, and it can't have been incompetence. There was absolutely no way the symptoms i told him about warranted dismissing me, he was just saying things to get rid of me, presumably as they assessed i wasn't dying and didn't want to invest any more resources on it.

In the end after months of anxiety, i went for a private ultrasound and they confirmed within minutes what i thought was the problem. Then i went privately abroad to get it fixed as i couldn't wait for years for an op. They were worse than useless as all it did was delay my treatment.

It has the polar opposite problems to the US, where affordability can be a problem. In the the UK, a lot of times you just can't get seen by a doctor. It is a USSR style system at the end of the day, with all the problems of that, queuing, rationing, bureaucracy, underfunding, misallocated investment, no customer input.

It's frustrating to pay taxes all your life and then having to go private anyway.
well, The issue is I was actually seeing doctors!!! GPs!!! Like I told them what was wrong. And they were like you have psychiatric issues/pain in your head, anxiety and is all somatic. Now I barely move around, and I lost all joy in life/normality.

I don't where I am going but the more I think of it is suicide. Like when I first started to thinkk of harm nhs caused me and suicide, Ithought I was being stupid. I felt anxiety for even thought of end own life. But the more i think of it, how long their harmful activity lasted-the more I convince myself I have no choice.

They referred me(finally and about time, I have been waiting only 10+ years) to pain clinic-guess, what. Is almost 10 months wait time and obviously, being seen is NOT equal to any treatment. Nah. Is like, from what I know how they operate in hospitals/investigations, it will be 3-4 visits before I will get any pain relief. And considering current wait times/between appoinments time-I think I will get pain relief in 16-24 months. I don't think I am pessimistic, as for other referral, time between appointments is circa 6 months

I get how things work x queues but it just makes me even more(healthy) angry how many errors they made, to which status they led me and what sort of losses(various personal x financial x emotional) and injuries(physical x psychiatric) I sustained. Like I can;t stay alive in current condition for another 1year. I just can't. ANd to make matters better, I was willing to pay privately pain relief but hospital refused treatment due to previous trauma history, due to NHS failures(like I am liability risk) and they excused themselves in nice way(safeguarding concerns). Wrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I do not have time to read all that sorry, as i'm about to go to bed.

But yes the NHS is terrible. I had an issue with failure to diagnose something in the past, and it can't have been incompetence. There was absolutely no way the symptoms i told him about warranted dismissing me, he was just saying things to get rid of me, presumably as they assessed i wasn't dying and didn't want to invest any more resources on it.

In the end after months of anxiety, i went for a private ultrasound and they confirmed within minutes what i thought was the problem. Then i went privately abroad to get it fixed as i couldn't wait for years for an op. They were worse than useless as all it did was delay my treatment.

It has the polar opposite problems to the US, where affordability can be a problem. In the the UK, a lot of times you just can't get seen by a doctor. It is a USSR style system at the end of the day, with all the problems of that, queuing, rationing, bureaucracy, underfunding, misallocated investment, no customer input.

It's frustrating to pay taxes all your life and then having to go private anyway.
Like it hurts me they waste taxpayers money on pretending they are 'helping/doing something' where in reality they pretending/doing nothing/killing time whilst collecting hefty paychecks. Like how socially, morally and ethics wise can it be right? Just how?

And then they dare to blame/guilt trip patients how much NHS losses on missed appoinments!!! I think its systemic issue. NHS should start to penalise with fees those who miss they appoinements and reward those who are on time and so on. I think healthcare is mess bcuz of ppl and I feel so affected by everything, everybody, nhs messing up everything-is unbearable for me. Like I was always in job on time, always do right things, help others, support weaker, elders, kids etc-for all my kind heart in life, all good I did and just being normal, decent human being-I just got robbed by criminals-to no justice and no resolution and i ain't hoping for one, I have lost my career, all friends x family x pet. My condition requires really intensive physiotherapy and I need help which I am not getting.

I know is not only me having issues, but it pisses me off they waste resources for wrong things. Like is fraud basically. Misappropriation of funds. I am not going to let it go. I sustained catastrophic, life altering aggrevation of pre existing condition, life altering physcial and psychiatric injuries, with diminished earning capacity and so on. Like I am basically so bad, I can;t even take shower when/as I want. Same for toilet, food prep. I can;t even collect myself to go to shop when I need/want and if not online deliveries, I'd have starved already.

Money wise-I am not staying afloat at all. Like I haven't been tracking finances properly for various reasons, but as of today(comparing to last year) amount in my bank account have gone down significantly. Is related many things.

I mean, if they do not pay up its over. Just over. I just can;t do this anymore. Thhey knew and for 11 years did nothing.
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  • Aww..
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Fixed in one determined flash
Aug 19, 2023
The system we have in this country is all levels of fucked up, although I can't fully relate, the fact that you have to fight tooth and nail just to get some semblance of help is actually disgusting, I was put into CAHMS when I was 11 years old for self harm and it took me until I was 17 to get any form of help, which was family therapy that didn't even work anyway and they refused to give me medication until I was 18, I went into the hospital several times because of attempts but none of them lead to anything. I also suspect I suffer from chronic pain as since I was 12 I had frequent unexplainable symptoms of UTI's but never had a bacterial culture, despite this every time I had one they still gave me antibiotics that were worthless to me because there was no infection! I've been send to urology 3 times now and had to wait multiple years just to do the basic tests for them to discharge me again and again because whenever I go to the hospital for completely different reason I always have white blood cells present in my urine and always need to go to back. It's actually disgusting how they can do this to people, deny them help and then constantly take advantage of them when they desperately need help, I have been waiting 2 weeks to get admitted to a psych ward, 2 weeks. They really don't give a shit about anyone in this country
  • Aww..
Reactions: wren-briar and shinigami_1992


Jun 16, 2024
The system we have in this country is all levels of fucked up, although I can't fully relate, the fact that you have to fight tooth and nail just to get some semblance of help is actually disgusting, I was put into CAHMS when I was 11 years old for self harm and it took me until I was 17 to get any form of help, which was family therapy that didn't even work anyway and they refused to give me medication until I was 18, I went into the hospital several times because of attempts but none of them lead to anything. I also suspect I suffer from chronic pain as since I was 12 I had frequent unexplainable symptoms of UTI's but never had a bacterial culture, despite this every time I had one they still gave me antibiotics that were worthless to me because there was no infection! I've been send to urology 3 times now and had to wait multiple years just to do the basic tests for them to discharge me again and again because whenever I go to the hospital for completely different reason I always have white blood cells present in my urine and always need to go to back. It's actually disgusting how they can do this to people, deny them help and then constantly take advantage of them when they desperately need help, I have been waiting 2 weeks to get admitted to a psych ward, 2 weeks. They really don't give a shit about anyone in this country
I am so sorry to hear this.

Like, I have aversion to psych hospitals. I guess it depends on case but between years 2019-2020 things were looking up and better. Only physical health was deteriorating.

Obsessed with me Dr who lured me into excess of appointments with her under false pretences, exposed me to vultures of psychiatric hospital X single point access useless therapy

She went as far as file some reports and they came with threats of sectioning where I can't take care of myself not bcuz of mental illness, but bcuz of pain X untreated major disability

Furthermore, if she wasn't sexually molesting me under medical treatment disguises and someone treated me seriously and help, I'd not self harm.

Now I have no choice. I have no way to sustain my life X healthcare financially

No matter how I want to look at things it's coming to end
  • Aww..
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Fixed in one determined flash
Aug 19, 2023
I am so sorry to hear this.

Like, I have aversion to psych hospitals. I guess it depends on case but between years 2019-2020 things were looking up and better. Only physical health was deteriorating.

Obsessed with me Dr who lured me into excess of appointments with her under false pretences, exposed me to vultures of psychiatric hospital X single point access useless therapy

She went as far as file some reports and they came with threats of sectioning where I can't take care of myself not bcuz of mental illness, but bcuz of pain X untreated major disability

Furthermore, if she wasn't sexually molesting me under medical treatment disguises and someone treated me seriously and help, I'd not self harm.

Now I have no choice. I have no way to sustain my life X healthcare financially

No matter how I want to look at things it's coming to end
Some people just do these jobs to take advantage of others I swear, it's disgusting how we let people like this into our systems and let them ruin others lives, unfortunately I NEED to go to the ward because there is no other option for me and my family will only push it further if I refuse because I will eventually end up ending my life, my partner just recently committed so that is their reasoning for wanting to get my admitted

I hope that this Doctor gets fired, as long as it may take, she needs to be held accountable and pay for what she has done to you and most likely many others, my dad has been in the system much longer than I have ans has warned me about the types of people he has met that take advantage of their patients and manipulate them and making them worse and it is vile, I just hope that these people get what they deserve, preying on the most vulnerable of people is a crime that should never go unpunished
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I'm sorry you've had to suffer so unbearably, it sounds like you've suffered a lot, it really is so cruel to me how there's all this suffering. But anyway I wish you the best.
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Feb 16, 2019
The nhs is terrible, I know first hand, they have screwed me over too, I'm sorry all this has happened to you
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