
Apr 22, 2024
I am open and curious about discussions. Also, I don't believe anyone is above another based on their beliefs or knowledge. If my previous post came across as prejudiced, that was not my intention.

There simply isn't concrete, objective evidence that definitively proves Pam Reynolds' NDE experience as true. Her case is primarily documented through testimonies, medical records, and her own accounts.
NDEs will never provide scientific evidence as they are personal anecdotes. However, when you look at them as a large body of collective anecdotes, the mathematical likelyhood of certain occurrences are so low simply by chance, that one has to contemplate that these are not random. In the list posted by OP, almost every single one of them contains something mathematically extremely unlikely. Examples: Dr. Mary Neal, spinal surgeon, was told during her NDE that her son, out of her 4 children will die within years. She even shared this information reluctantly with her son and her husband, and her son died in a car accident. Dr Eben Alexander, neurosurgeon, has met his dead sister during his NDE, even though he didn't know that he had a sister as he was adopted. He only found out about his sister after his NDE. Anita Moorjani, who went into end stage coma and organ failure due to stage 4 cancer saw his doctor during her NDE, and after she came back from her NDE, she called her doctor by name and recognized him. She also remembered a conversation between the doctor and her husband that took place in a completely different part of the hospital, not near her hospital room, and the conversation was validated by her husband. Tricia Barker was told during her NDE that she will become a teacher even though she came from a very poor family so she was planning to be a lawyer, as she wanted a high paying job. She ended up as a teacher. Or another guy died of COVID and told the message "Tell Madison at the salon; Her grandfather's okay." and this guy did not know anyone Madison, but after a few weeks, he went for a haircut and the young girl at the hair salon is called Madison, his grandad recently died and she was very close to him.
All anecdotes.
Scientific evidence: zero.
If we assume they are telling the truth, mathematical likelyhood of randomly happening: almost zero.
In the case of Pam R. she clearly saw that they appeared to have start operating on her leg, even though she was supposed to have had brain surgery, so she with confusion was looking at her body from above, she described the brain saw and other instruments, she said something that looked like an electric toothbrush, she described conversations in the operating theater, the tool case for the surgical instruments, what they contained, how they were organized.
In the case of Dr Eben Alexander, he didn't know his biological parents who were highschool sweethearts but he never met them, ended up staying together and getting married, had another child, a daughter, and she recently died very young. So what is the mathematical likelyhood that you have an NDE and your sister is waiting for you there, even though you never knew you had siblings, and later after the NdE, he obtains a photo of his sister and it is identical to the sister during the NDE. Or Dr Mary Neal, who is told that her young son will die young, she had 4 children, and the one that she was told about ends up dying in a car accident.
Anyway, the list is endless.
Every NDE have one.
Just anecdotes.
But what happens when you have thousands and thousand of anecdotes from all cultures, all languages, all ages.
I think at this point it is called data.
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Apr 22, 2024
I searched for reports of near-death experiences from people who attempted suicide. Here are 20 reports.
Clearly, no one could report what happened after a successful suicide attempt. :))

  1. Pam Reynolds: After a suicide attempt by overdose, Pam reported that she left her body and observed her resuscitation. She experienced a tunnel and a bright light, as well as a sense of peace and acceptance.

  2. Ken Doka: Ken survived a suicide attempt and had a near-death experience where he felt an invisible force pulling him out of his body. He saw his life in review and felt overwhelming love and acceptance.

  3. Nancy Evans Bush: Nancy attempted suicide and reported an experience where she went through a tunnel and saw a radiant light. She felt a deep connection to the universe and received a message of hope and new beginnings.

  4. Daniel Ekechukwu: After a suicide attempt by car accident, Daniel reported a near-death experience where he walked through a dark valley and eventually saw a bright light. He had encounters with deceased relatives and received messages of love and forgiveness.

  5. Kathy Baker: Kathy survived a suicide attempt by hanging and had a near-death experience where she saw her body from above. She experienced a journey through a tunnel to a bright light and felt overwhelming love and acceptance.

  6. Howard Storm: After a suicide attempt by poisoning, Howard reported a near-death experience where he was surrounded by dark beings who attacked him. Eventually, a bright light appeared, saving him and giving him a sense of peace and love.

  7. Betty Eadie: Betty survived a suicide attempt by overdose and had a near-death experience where she left her body and was surrounded by a bright light. She experienced a life review and felt a deep connection to divine love.

  8. George Ritchie: After a suicide attempt by drowning, George reported a near-death experience where he left his body and traveled through a tunnel to a bright light. He met spiritual beings who gave him messages of hope and new beginnings.

  9. Barbara Harris: Barbara survived a suicide attempt by hanging and had a near-death experience where she left her body and was guided into a bright light. She experienced a life review and felt deep love and acceptance.

  10. Peter Fenwick: Peter survived a suicide attempt by overdose and had a near-death experience where he saw his body from above. He experienced a journey through a tunnel to a bright light and felt overwhelming love and acceptance.

  11. Gloria Polo: Gloria survived a suicide attempt by drowning and had a near-death experience where she found herself in a dark room. She then saw a bright light and experienced a life review that led her to change her life.

  12. Mary Neal: After a suicide attempt by overdose, Mary reported a near-death experience where she left her body and was surrounded by a bright light. She felt overwhelming love and met spiritual beings who gave her messages of hope.

  13. Eben Alexander: Eben attempted suicide and had a near-death experience where he traveled to another dimension. He experienced a deep connection to divine love and received messages that led him to change his life.

  14. Colton Burpo: Colton survived a suicide attempt by hanging and reported a near-death experience where he left his body and was guided into a radiant light. He met deceased relatives and felt deep love and acceptance.

  15. Anita Moorjani: Anita attempted suicide and had a near-death experience where she left her body and traveled to another dimension. She experienced a deep connection to divine love and received messages of healing and hope.

  16. Don Piper: Don survived a suicide attempt by car accident and had a near-death experience where he traveled to heaven. He experienced a deep connection to divine love and met spiritual beings who gave him messages of hope and new beginnings.

  17. Alex Malarkey: Alex attempted suicide and had a near-death experience where he left his body and was surrounded by a bright light. He experienced a life review and felt a deep connection to divine love.

  18. Ian McCormack: Ian survived a suicide attempt by drowning and had a near-death experience where he traveled to another dimension. He experienced a deep connection to divine love and received messages of healing and hope.

  19. Jeff Olsen: Jeff attempted suicide and had a near-death experience where he left his body and was guided into a radiant light. He experienced a life review and felt deep love and acceptance.

  20. Tricia Barker: Tricia survived a suicide attempt by overdose and had a near-death experience where she left her body and was surrounded by a bright light. She experienced a deep connection to divine love and received messages of healing and hope.
Please ask ChatGPT to remove the suicide part as these NDEs were not suicides and update your post. You registered less than a week ago and managed to spread falsehoods, lies and misinformation right away.


New Member
Jun 8, 2024
There is absolutely no point in fully believing this, but I personally think near-death experiences are kinda real. The reasons for this include my own experience, stories from people I know who have had NDEs, research by scientists, and numerous reports from others. I believe there must be some truth to it because, when asked about their experiences, all of them described the same things almost one and one. I'm not talking about people in comas or those experiencing hallucinations, I'm referring to individuals who had no brain function whatsoever and were essentially dead at that point.


Jan 1, 2024
NDEs will never provide scientific evidence as they are personal anecdotes. However, when you look at them as a large body of collective anecdotes, the mathematical likelyhood of certain occurrences are so low simply by chance, that one has to contemplate that these are not random. In the list posted by OP, almost every single one of them contains something mathematically extremely unlikely. Examples: Dr. Mary Neal, spinal surgeon, was told during her NDE that her son, out of her 4 children will die within years. She even shared this information reluctantly with her son and her husband, and her son died in a car accident. Dr Eben Alexander, neurosurgeon, has met his dead sister during his NDE, even though he didn't know that he had a sister as he was adopted. He only found out about his sister after his NDE. Anita Moorjani, who went into end stage coma and organ failure due to stage 4 cancer saw his doctor during her NDE, and after she came back from her NDE, she called her doctor by name and recognized him. She also remembered a conversation between the doctor and her husband that took place in a completely different part of the hospital, not near her hospital room, and the conversation was validated by her husband. Tricia Barker was told during her NDE that she will become a teacher even though she came from a very poor family so she was planning to be a lawyer, as she wanted a high paying job. She ended up as a teacher. Or another guy died of COVID and told the message "Tell Madison at the salon; Her grandfather's okay." and this guy did not know anyone Madison, but after a few weeks, he went for a haircut and the young girl at the hair salon is called Madison, his grandad recently died and she was very close to him.
All anecdotes.
Scientific evidence: zero.
If we assume they are telling the truth, mathematical likelyhood of randomly happening: almost zero.
In the case of Pam R. she clearly saw that they appeared to have start operating on her leg, even though she was supposed to have had brain surgery, so she with confusion was looking at her body from above, she described the brain saw and other instruments, she said something that looked like an electric toothbrush, she described conversations in the operating theater, the tool case for the surgical instruments, what they contained, how they were organized.
In the case of Dr Eben Alexander, he didn't know his biological parents who were highschool sweethearts but he never met them, ended up staying together and getting married, had another child, a daughter, and she recently died very young. So what is the mathematical likelyhood that you have an NDE and your sister is waiting for you there, even though you never knew you had siblings, and later after the NdE, he obtains a photo of his sister and it is identical to the sister during the NDE. Or Dr Mary Neal, who is told that her young son will die young, she had 4 children, and the one that she was told about ends up dying in a car accident.
Anyway, the list is endless.
Every NDE have one.
Just anecdotes.
But what happens when you have thousands and thousand of anecdotes from all cultures, all languages, all ages.
I think at this point it is called data.
There is so much science cant explain I agree with this


Jan 11, 2019
(From research and my own personal belief)
(I don't know for sure what happens after death like everyone else but this is what I lean towards)

Don't go to the white light when you leave your body.

It's a trap to get you reincarnated back into another human life.
The issue is almost everyone says they are completely FLOODED with love and positive feelings, so that they don't think clear anymore nor care.
How can we prevent that? If you are drugged 100000x with love you are far more likely to accept reincarnation or whatever bullshit they tell you over there. Even in human life if someone pumped heroine and MDMA into you, you would probably become extremely docile and agree with everything and over there it is FAR more stronger than any earthly drugs.
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Nov 12, 2021
The issue is almost everyone says they are completely FLOODED with love and positive feelings, so that they don't think clear anymore nor care.
How can we prevent that? If you are drugged 100000x with love you are far more likely to accept reincarnation or whatever bullshit they tell you over there. Even in human life if someone pumped heroine and MDMA into you, you would probably become extremely docile and agree with everything and over there it is FAR more stronger than any earthly drugs.

I don't know for certain what it's going to be like,
However, you can do certain things right now to train yourself.

Meditation is one of the first things, not to feel better but to be clear headed and not let anything distract you from the internal self. The silence that you feel in deep meditation. You must practice holding that in all situations of daily life. Do it as often as possible.

Reject materialism, authority, religion, family, friends, loved ones. This one is difficult. But if you can be in the world but not of the world you'll stand a better chance in the after death state.

You should spend some time going through your current life, what happened, how you treated others, how others treated you, things you are still attached to, all of these things will be used against you potentially in the after death state.

Things like life reviews are common tactics the archons use, they try and say you didn't help people enough or you need to go back and learn lessons. All of this is bollocks

If you are aware of your life, things you did, things that happened to you, you can make peace with it and forgive and let go of the trauma. So they cannot use anything against you.

Any deep addictions you might struggle with must be worked on, because they will tempt you with that as well.

Lucid dreaming/Astral Projection. Important thing to learn. If you can master your dreams, then you'll have a better time at controlling your after death scenario.

A great book to check out:
Exit the Cave: Ending the Reincarnation Trap,
Book by Howdie Mickoski
(You don't have to, but this has some useful information)

You don't necessarily need any special information or guides. Because everything you need is within you. You have to start understanding what you are, what this place is and how it operates.

I don't know for certain of anything, all of this stuff could be nonsense. But if it resonates with you then start researching, watching videos and reading as much information as you can, knowledge is power.

Check out this website, by Wayne Bush who's done a lot of interviews on YouTube regarding the Soul Trap theory.

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I want to hang myself
Mar 7, 2022
Sometimes at night my astral body comes out of my physical body. On the Internet, people write that people who have experienced clinical death experience the same sensations.
I feel euphoric and liberated.
It cannot be described in words, it needs to be felt.
I've seen myself from the outside a few times.
This is called the practice of going astral.
But all this is often accompanied by fear, despite the wonderful sensations I experience when I leave my body.
The dumb instinct of self-preservation works like that, I think.

Why am I writing this?
I just hope to overcome the fear and that one night I will leave the body, I will break the connection between the physical body and the mental one.
Because I really feel liberated in such moments.
anyone who believes they live on after death aren't aware that they are just a machine made up of 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms
once you die that's the end of you
Atoms are life.
We are surrounded by atoms, we are made up of atoms.
Therefore, to say that there is no other life after life is strange.
It's the same as if you said: after death, you stop being an atom.
It's just that your atoms take on a different state and merge with the atoms of the universe.

That's how I understand it. But I'm not saying
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Mar 4, 2024
NDEs are my special interest and I have studied thousands of them in 4 different languages. The ones listed by OP are quite well known globally as many of them wrote a book about their NDE. There are actually real suicide NDEs, they do exist, but the OP did not bother to make a list of those. In any case, there are no distinguishable difference between an NDE from injury or disease or suicide. The reports are very similar regardless of the cause of death.
I think OP probably used ChatGPT or something similar which is problematic for two reasons. ChatGPT doesn't yet have the product maturity to be trusted as a valid source of information without verifying. Second, when you use AI, you have to say it was AI, not you. Basic protocol and curtesy. There was a guy on Reddit that said he had draw a picture, turns out AI draw the picture and many people on Reddit were upset that he took credit. We now live in a world where AI can draw, make stories, movies, fake news, fake phone calls, fake someone's voice or face. We have to say when something was created by AI.
Are you autistic? I think I go into autistic rage when I see any information and I have an inkling of "I need to research this because something doesn't look/sound right".

It's probably why I got let go of my first job at a gym because I informed management of someone stealing from the safe. I had an idea of who it could have been (due to timescales and shifts) but ultimately it was causing a thorn for them and they slowly whittled my hours down to zero and told me I can't even be a member there anymore. Stuff like that only solidified my distrust in organisations and people at the top saying statements that you know is completely off.


Apr 22, 2024
Are you autistic? I think I go into autistic rage when I see any information and I have an inkling of "I need to research this because something doesn't look/sound right".

It's probably why I got let go of my first job at a gym because I informed management of someone stealing from the safe. I had an idea of who it could have been (due to timescales and shifts) but ultimately it was causing a thorn for them and they slowly whittled my hours down to zero and told me I can't even be a member there anymore. Stuff like that only solidified my distrust in organisations and people at the top saying statements that you know is completely off.
Yes, I am autistic. Excellent insight!


Mar 4, 2024
Yes, I am autistic. Excellent insight!
Autists Rise!!! lol. If this was any other platform or medium your post would be turned to dust over OPs nonsense. Got to keep the agenda going somehow.
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Jan 11, 2019
I don't know for certain what it's going to be like,
However, you can do certain things right now to train yourself.
Where is God or our creator in all of this according to this theory? Why does "he" just let archons mindfuck and enslave us like that?


Jul 24, 2024
I feel this is biased and overstepping the mark of encouraging people under false pretenses, there are many accounts on youtube of attempted suicides where encounters with the afterlife were hellish.

If people are concerned about these kind of things they should get balanced opinion


Apr 22, 2024
I feel this is biased and overstepping the mark of encouraging people under false pretenses, there are many accounts on youtube of attempted suicides where encounters with the afterlife were hellish.

If people are concerned about these kind of things they should get balanced opinion
I told you not to quote me or respond to me and here you are again with your uninformed, unresearched opinion. I will block you so that I will not see you again. But first:1982 Gallup poll estimated that less than 1% are considered to be negative, hellish.
Out if this 1%, the majority of the time, if not all, only the first part of the NDE was hellish and as soon as help was requested, they were removed from the hellish conditions. Out of thousands of NDEs that I studied in 4 different languages, I have not found one that turned out to be a genuine NDE (and not religious propaganda) and stayed in the hellish realm.
Clearly you are stalking my posts, even old posts, which is sick. Sick sick sick.
I am blocking you.
I already told you to leave me alone and don't response or quote any of my posts.
You are arrogant and misinformed.
Also, I don't even see what is your point of responding to this post specifically.
I made it clear I think that original OP used ChatGPT to create the original post and none of those are even suicides, and what ChatGPT has compiled is incorrect and not factual. The post was NOT made by human. The post was made by AI.
And none of these are even suicides. Incorrect data compiled by machine.
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Jul 24, 2024
I told you not to quote me or respond to me and here you are again with your uninformed, unresearched opinion. I will block you so that I will not see you again. But first:1982 Gallup poll estimated that less than 1% are considered to be negative, hellish.
Out if this 1%, the majority of the time, if not all, only the first part of the NDE was hellish and as soon as help was requested, they were removed from the hellish conditions. Out of thousands of NDEs that I studied in 4 different languages, I have not found one that turned out to be a genuine NDE (and not religious propaganda) and stayed in the hellish realm.
Clearly you are stalking my posts, even old posts, which is sick. Sick sick sick.
I am blocking you.
I already told you to leave me alone and don't response or quote any of my posts.
You are arrogant and misinformed.
Also, I don't even see what is your point of responding to this post specifically.
I made it clear I think that original OP used ChatGPT to create the original post and none of those are even suicides, and what ChatGPT has compiled is incorrect and not factual. The post was NOT made by human. The post was made by AI.
And none of these are even suicides. Incorrect data compiled by machine.
I did not even realise I was conversing with the same person, I think this happened because the post was suggested in relation to the other. calm down!


Apr 22, 2024
I did not even realise I was conversing with the same person, I think this happened because the post was suggested in relation to the other. calm down!
OK, fine. Thank you.
Original post was created by OP using ChatGPT, not by a human. And what ChatGPT has compiled is not factual. In fact these are not suicide NDEs but car accidents, surgeries and accidental drownings, among others. And whatever ChatGPT has compiled here is incorrect and not factual. I have pointed out in this thread that these NDEs are erroneous, not factual, and incorrect.
There are real suicide NDEs out there but apparently ChatGPT has not found those.
Considering that this post was not even created by a human, and it is factually incorrect, I would even prefer to remove the post completely.


Jul 24, 2024
OK, fine. Thank you.
Original post was created by OP using ChatGPT, not by a human. And what ChatGPT has compiled is not factual. In fact these are not suicide NDEs but car accidents, surgeries and accidental drownings, among others. And whatever ChatGPT has compiled here is incorrect and not factual. I have pointed out in this thread that these NDEs are erroneous, not factual, and incorrect.
There are real suicide NDEs out there but apparently ChatGPT has not found those.
Considering that this post was not even created by a human, and it is factually incorrect, I would even prefer to remove the post completely.
Im very confused , it appears you were not the OP anyway??


Apr 22, 2024
Im very confused , it appears you were not the OP anyway??
Sorry, I thought you have responded to me as I made it clear in this thread that the post is not factual, not created by human, not suicide attempts and incorrect data compiled by AI.
If you responded to OP and not me, I apologize. However OP will not care that all they posted is incorrect data as they have not removed or interacted on this post.

However I hope that nobody takes the original post seriously after me confirming that all the data provided in the post is incorrect, all false, not factual, and not even written by a human.
This is a ChatGPT post that is incorrect and not factual in any ways.
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Oct 15, 2023
Apart of me wonders if gunshot survivors have had any near-death experiences. If not then it seems that a somewhat intact brain is required to experience the phenomenon.

How do you know for sure?
One thing atheists and the religious have in common is they are one 100 percent sure they are right. I don't trust anyone's analysis on something if they aren't able to consider that they could be wrong.


Life and Death
Feb 14, 2024
I have read that near-death experiences of suicides are generally not worse than other experiences, in the vast majority of cases they are positive experiences.

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