
May 8, 2022
Actually, I finally have gotten information about the store selling halatal in Bolivia.
Also, I already bought 4 bottles of halatal via local resident, paying cash.

And I have bought a ticket to go to Bolivia on July 7th, so my CTB time will be the middle of July.
I will promise you guys I will inform you everything about the information about halatal in Bolivia just before I CTB.

There is just one thing I want you guys to keep in line.
Don't make a contact through Whatsapp as a trial.
As you guys know, after I announce the information, the store will stop selling the product sometime as the other stores written in PPeH used to be.
So we have to make the selling period longer for other CTB candidates.
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May 8, 2022
Thanks for the info and sorry if you haven't met your CTB goal. So, a pot of N costs about 25 dollars, a couple of them 50, enough for CTB. The wishes of so many people in this forum that we are suffering would be solved... There must be a way that someone in Bolivia can get them and send them around the world. The truth is that the difference is abysmal in price, 25 dollars a bottle, I think that the ones that D sells are worth 1000 dollars, according to what I have read in the forum.´

There is no one from Bolivia in the forum? I speak Spanish, but I don't think the store will send it to Europe if I ask for it by phone, even without a prescription, right?

PS: I have seen that you have edited your comment deleting some data, so I have also edited mine where I cited the data that you have deleted
Right, with over-counter.
And the delivery only is made within Santa Cruz district.

Sorry guys. I did not know quoting my post still remains even if I delete it.
So I have made a proton mail account.
If you want to know the name of the store name selling halatal, send an email to [email protected].
I will respond until tomorrow.

The price per bottle is 120bs and you can also make delivery with 20bs if you are good at Spanish.
And the halatal amout is 50 ml, containing 3.5 Pentobarbital Sodium.
So only with 100 bucks, you can buy 4 bottles.


First of all, I have failed to drink it in Bolivia.
Because I really don't like alcohol but the halatal taste was horrible like 40-degree alcohol.
Although I could not get neotame for making better taste, stevia sweeter was prepared.
But stevia did nothing inside of halatal. Only 5ml of halatal mixed in water for testing made me vomit.

Well.. conclusively, I failed to die in Bolivia and to fetch them to my home.
Anti-vomiting drug and neotame seem to be necessary.

Although I have failed to CTB with N, I want to help you guys who cannot access N form D.
Because I deeply empathize with the frustration of life.

But I just post this information for a few days, as I don't want to make this post harmful to me.
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Jul 30, 2022
Before I knew about D and this forum, I was planning to go to Bolivia this summer to try to get N in person. I was even studying Spanish on Duolingo in hopes that it would help me. However, I realized it would be super unsafe since I'm a young female, so I gave up on the idea. I will try ordering N from D, and if it doesn't work, I'll try using SN (I was able to order some from Amazon earlier this year before it got banned). Some people are recommending that you come to the US to get N from D, but I'm not sure it will work since N seizures/LE visits are happening here too. I live in the US and I'm quite worried about getting an LE visit/involuntary psych commitment. But I do agree with some of the other users that it would probably be cheaper for you to try ordering N from D than to travel to Bolivia and try purchasing it there. I think you should try it, just get one bottle instead of two so that you don't end up wasting as much money in case it doesn't work out.


May 8, 2022
Before I knew about D and this forum, I was planning to go to Bolivia this summer to try to get N in person. I was even studying Spanish on Duolingo in hopes that it would help me. However, I realized it would be super unsafe since I'm a young female, so I gave up on the idea. I will try ordering N from D, and if it doesn't work, I'll try using SN (I was able to order some from Amazon earlier this year before it got banned). Some people are recommending that you come to the US to get N from D, but I'm not sure it will work since N seizures/LE visits are happening here too. I live in the US and I'm quite worried about getting an LE visit/involuntary psych commitment. But I do agree with some of the other users that it would probably be cheaper for you to try ordering N from D than to travel to Bolivia and try purchasing it there. I think you should try it, just get one bottle instead of two so that you don't end up wasting as much money in case it doesn't work out.
I know Santa Cruz is the most dangerous city in Bolivia, but if you made a reservation of accommodation at Barriar Equipetrol area, you will be safe.
Most buildings here have guards and you can ask the Airbnb host whether the guard is.
And just make a phone call to that store. They will come to in front of your accommodation.

Furthermore, if you need to move to other places like supermarkets, use only Uber comfort to avoid taxi robbery.
Or if you have a cash or a Bolivia credit card, you don't need to go out.
There is a food delivery platform called Pedidosya. There, you can order everything including grocery store shopping.
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May 8, 2022
I have deleted the proton account and have answered a few people.
I will delete this account within a few days as I achieved all I can do in this forum and want to remove my personal information.

I got a lot of information from this forum, that make me succeed to obtain N.
I appreciate the founders of this forum and members.

I hope this thread helps some people who are really desperate.
Goodbye, good luck with your life.

And below are some advice for traveling to Bolivia.

The cost
  • Flight ticket
Traveling to Bolivia by airplane is not cheap.
If you board from Asia, the ticket price for a round trip will be over 2,500 dollars because of the too far distance and less flight frequency.
If you live in America, the cost will be half or less, but if you are in Europe, you don't need to expect significant cost reduction.
So it's not a good choice if you are able to access N from D and there is no worry about custom.
  • Accommodation
Although Bolivia has less crime than other Latin American countries, Santa Cruz is famous for high crime rate in Bolivia.
So you should stay in a rich area. Barrio Equipetrol is the safest district in Santa Cruz.
Search the room on Airbnb. Some apartments with guards cost about 20~30 dollars a day.
There are a lot of clean and cozy room options there, you don't need to worry about the outdated building and facilities.
  • Food
The average prices was quite expensive for me. As I expect lower living expenses than my country because Bolivia is the poorest country in South America.
But 10$ is enough for a day. You can order food on Pedidosya which is a delivery platform including grocery shopping.
Large size pizza with soda cost about 8$.
  • Transportation
Use only Uber. There are lots of cases of taxi robbery. Within 5$ you can go everywhere inside of Santa Curz.
  • N
120bs(20$) per bottle and delivery fee is 20bs(3$).

  • Visa & immigration
Most of you will be required a visa. Bolivia is not friendly to foreigners.
There is a 30days visa for tourism. I recommend it as it does not require lots of documents.
And Bolivia does not require a negative covid-19 certification but vaccine certification over 2 doses.
The visa and vaccine certification are all you need to enter Bolivia.
But there are so few flights going directly to Bolivia, so most of you should have to layover in some Latin American countries.
So although Bolivia does not need a negative covid-19 certification, the other countries may require it.
So you should carefully inspect the entring rules of layover countries.
  • Layover
If it is your first flight travel, you should secure enough time for transit.
The needed transit time differs by the airport you visit, but I recommend you at least 4 hours for transit.
And do not buy a ticket from low-quality website platforms such as Kiwi and Kayak.
These platforms piece together parts of airplane tickets to show you a cheaper price.
But those tickets do not guarantee your missing flights, so if you miss the next connecting flight for some reason, the airline does not give you another option.
At that moment, only one way left. Buying a ticket again. If you do not, you will be an international missing child.
Furthermore, you will get a really hard time if you change your mind to go to Bolivia and want to refund it.
Just search for some reviews about those platforms, after then you will know what I am saying.
Conclusively, I highly recommend you buy a ticket on Airline's official website providing check-in throw and luggage throw.
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Jul 25, 2022
I know he is a reliable person here and there are many successful cases on this forum, but I cannot find any case of Korea.
Korean custom is so strict that it would be failed. Also, the price is too expensive to order as a trial.

I do not want to blame "D", I also will try to order him after I fail to get N from Bolivia.
But I meant It has more belief to move my ass than just praying for no accident on internet black market transaction.
you in korea
you in korea


Jul 25, 2022
First. I do not order from "D". Because my country's customs are too severe, so it will be censored with high probability.
And the price is too expensive to order as a trial. Also, I cannot believe the sudden stock of N of "D".
So as in the past, It can be the last big fraud using reputation so far.

Anyway, I heard a lot of news that Mexico is not a good destination to buy N from the PPH and this forum.
Also, I can realize the PPH is not always right. There is almost no way to find a halatal in Cusco, Peru.
Cusco is just a tourist attraction, not a secret black market to sell CTB medicines.

Then, the last country to get it seems to be Bolivia.
So I contact Bolivia agro veterinaria which states their WhatsApp number on Google Map, but disposingly they always require me a prescription or vet certification.
Here is the list of agro veterinaria which I failed to ask to get N.
  • Agropecuatia Agrofutruo, Santa Cruz
  • Veterinaria Canto, Santa Cruz
  • Agro Insunos Bolivia, Santa Cruz
  • Veterinaria Pet Shop ( This is where we can find in the Bolivia section of PPH ), La Paz
There is a few more store, but they did not answer my question.

So I tried another way to get information about this through dating applications to talk with local residents.
The result was half and half. Someone said there is no way to get it here, but others said it is possible to get a euthanasia medician here over-the-counter.
But there was always a common part that it would be hard to obtain as a foreigner.
They advised me to cooperate with local residents.

Conclusively, It looks like worth to go there and cooperate with some locals such as uber taxi driver.
So I am planning to go to Bolivia this year. Is there anybody come with me?
i m
First. I do not order from "D". Because my country's customs are too severe, so it will be censored with high probability.
And the price is too expensive to order as a trial. Also, I cannot believe the sudden stock of N of "D".
So as in the past, It can be the last big fraud using reputation so far.

Anyway, I heard a lot of news that Mexico is not a good destination to buy N from the PPH and this forum.
Also, I can realize the PPH is not always right. There is almost no way to find a halatal in Cusco, Peru.
Cusco is just a tourist attraction, not a secret black market to sell CTB medicines.

Then, the last country to get it seems to be Bolivia.
So I contact Bolivia agro veterinaria which states their WhatsApp number on Google Map, but disposingly they always require me a prescription or vet certification.
Here is the list of agro veterinaria which I failed to ask to get N.
  • Agropecuatia Agrofutruo, Santa Cruz
  • Veterinaria Canto, Santa Cruz
  • Agro Insunos Bolivia, Santa Cruz
  • Veterinaria Pet Shop ( This is where we can find in the Bolivia section of PPH ), La Paz
There is a few more store, but they did not answer my question.

So I tried another way to get information about this through dating applications to talk with local residents.
The result was half and half. Someone said there is no way to get it here, but others said it is possible to get a euthanasia medician here over-the-counter.
But there was always a common part that it would be hard to obtain as a foreigner.
They advised me to cooperate with local residents.

Conclusively, It looks like worth to go there and cooperate with some locals such as uber taxi driver.
So I am planning to go to Bolivia this year. Is there anybody come with mi

First. I do not order from "D". Because my country's customs are too severe, so it will be censored with high probability.
And the price is too expensive to order as a trial. Also, I cannot believe the sudden stock of N of "D".
So as in the past, It can be the last big fraud using reputation so far.

Anyway, I heard a lot of news that Mexico is not a good destination to buy N from the PPH and this forum.
Also, I can realize the PPH is not always right. There is almost no way to find a halatal in Cusco, Peru.
Cusco is just a tourist attraction, not a secret black market to sell CTB medicines.

Then, the last country to get it seems to be Bolivia.
So I contact Bolivia agro veterinaria which states their WhatsApp number on Google Map, but disposingly they always require me a prescription or vet certification.
Here is the list of agro veterinaria which I failed to ask to get N.
  • Agropecuatia Agrofutruo, Santa Cruz
  • Veterinaria Canto, Santa Cruz
  • Agro Insunos Bolivia, Santa Cruz
  • Veterinaria Pet Shop ( This is where we can find in the Bolivia section of PPH ), La Paz
There is a few more store, but they did not answer my question.

So I tried another way to get information about this through dating applications to talk with local residents.
The result was half and half. Someone said there is no way to get it here, but others said it is possible to get a euthanasia medician here over-the-counter.
But there was always a common part that it would be hard to obtain as a foreigner.
They advised me to cooperate with local residents.

Conclusively, It looks like worth to go there and cooperate with some locals such as uber taxi driver.
So I am planning to go to Bolivia this year. Is there anybody come with me?
i m planning to go in nov , dec . i have a better idea then uber
First. I do not order from "D". Because my country's customs are too severe, so it will be censored with high probability.
And the price is too expensive to order as a trial. Also, I cannot believe the sudden stock of N of "D".
So as in the past, It can be the last big fraud using reputation so far.

Anyway, I heard a lot of news that Mexico is not a good destination to buy N from the PPH and this forum.
Also, I can realize the PPH is not always right. There is almost no way to find a halatal in Cusco, Peru.
Cusco is just a tourist attraction, not a secret black market to sell CTB medicines.

Then, the last country to get it seems to be Bolivia.
So I contact Bolivia agro veterinaria which states their WhatsApp number on Google Map, but disposingly they always require me a prescription or vet certification.
Here is the list of agro veterinaria which I failed to ask to get N.
  • Agropecuatia Agrofutruo, Santa Cruz
  • Veterinaria Canto, Santa Cruz
  • Agro Insunos Bolivia, Santa Cruz
  • Veterinaria Pet Shop ( This is where we can find in the Bolivia section of PPH ), La Paz
There is a few more store, but they did not answer my question.

So I tried another way to get information about this through dating applications to talk with local residents.
The result was half and half. Someone said there is no way to get it here, but others said it is possible to get a euthanasia medician here over-the-counter.
But there was always a common part that it would be hard to obtain as a foreigner.
They advised me to cooperate with local residents.

Conclusively, It looks like worth to go there and cooperate with some locals such as uber taxi driver.
So I am planning to go to Bolivia this year. Is there anybody come with me?
pm me

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