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Mar 28, 2018
I've finally gotten up from my bed and ended my procrastinating. I am planning to ctb by partial-suspension-hanging and decided to do some experimenting with different types of rope, techniques, positions...etc

The main goal here was to find out for myself what it actually feels like, how long it takes, what is the most comfortable way to do it and if I can do it. I want to be as prepared as I can and not be like last time I attempted, where i was overwhelmed by both the method and the survival instinct. I decided to get my method right.

I was scared to do it. I have no courage. But I thought of everyone and that gave me courage to do it.


Recreating what I did or doing something similar is dangerous. If you have any health problems you might cause some kind of nightmare scenario where something pops up. I have no diseases or ilnesses of that sort.

I did not use a slipknot or a noose. The reason is because I could have accidentally died had I passed out, I would've been on my way to death.(And knowing that I wouldn't be as calm as I was when thinking "It's just an experiment.")

I also did not use them, even when holding the end of the rope in my hand (so that I am not hanged if I pass out, the rope just falls down to the floor with me) because the noose sinches in tight and might not get off soon enough if I passed out. (I would probably not die, but could have severe brain damage, be paralyzed, blind, a vegetable...etc or just wake up with a bloody busted face, from bursted capillaries.)

I just used a rope, tied to my support beam, and used my hands to bend the rope so that it simulated a noose, but had I passed out, I would be fine. I did not make any noose. But I did get almost the same effect.(I wouldn't be wasting my own time, since I am doing this for myself. Trust me when I say I got almost the same effect)

Experiment 1:
I used a 6mm (roughly 1/4 inch) rope. The rope was coming down from the ceiling. Coming down from my support, above my head. (The position of the ropes was the same for all experiments, as I have deemed it the overall best and most effective position from my research.)
I had a light shirt around my neck as padding. One layer of padding. I then hyperventilated (search it on youtube if you need an example) for around 20 seconds and then let my body partially go, applying hard pressure on my neck. The "noose" here was below my jaw, above my adams apple.

From seconds 1-2 I didn't feel much. Then from seconds 3-4 I felt the rope applying pressure on my neck and the uncomfortable feeling of it. From seconds 5-6 I felt the most discomfort and made a little noise from my throat. Then from seconds 7-8 It faded really quickly and my vision became white and by seconds 9-10 I was feeling tingly, hot and the discomfort on my neck was gone.
Did not pass out due to the nature of the test (actively using my hands) but I was on my way to it and my hands lost strenght. So I deem it a success.

Experiment 2:

Same rope position as in experiment 1. Did it the same exact way as in experiment 1 but used a different rope. The rope I used here was a little thicker, a 8mm (roughly 1/3 inch) rope.
Same exact results as in experiment 1, except that during seconds 3-4 and 5-6 I felt a little more discomfort/pain, an uncomfortable desire to swallow and it was a litle harder to breathe.
So, just a little bit more discomfort and pain, but same speed of passing out.

Experiment 3:

Same as experiment 1, but I folded my shirt/cloth once so it was double-thick. Basically added more padding.
The result was that I felt less pain and discomfort. The speed was the same. Great discovery. Definetely more padding.

Experiment 4:

Same as experiment 2, but more padding like experiment 3.
Same result. More comfortable, less pain, less feeling of needing to swallow.

Experiment 5:
Here I decided to try put the "noose" lower on my neck, beneath the adam's apple. Some people say it helps for them.
For me, definetely a no-go. Extremely uncomfortable. Total fail.
For me, the best position is right beneath the jaw, above adams apple.

Experiment 6:
Here I decided to try to lean into the rope slowly and gradually, instead of just letting my weight drop and applying all the pressure in an instant.(like i did in experiment 1-5)
Some people said it helped them reduce the gag/need to swallow and discomfort.
For me, it just got my jugular veins closed and had the blooding building up in my head with nowhere to go.(This is because the pressure was not enough to shut down the carotid arteries which bring blood into the head.)
So basically blood was coming in, but not going out. Immediately stopped. Very uncomfortable. It is that "head will explode" feeling.
I have found that for me it is best to just apply hard pressure as quickly as possible instead of slow and steady.

Combining all the things I have learned, I have found a way to quickly pass out from partial-suspension-hanging with minimal discomfort. Which is of course the desired scenario with this method.

However, some things work for some, while others work fot others. There is so much difference between neck muscles, neck fat, neck anatomy, personal tolerance to certain things....

So this information may not apply to you. Take it with a grain of salt. I just had to share my experiments with the community since I owe it to a lot of people here, and to the people who I learned from.

Hyperventilating for a bit before doing it also made me pass out quicker. Checks out with the experiences of others. Definetely a +.

I believe using alcohol to get very drunk and using a slipknot to make a noose will make this method pretty much painless and discomfortless, at least physically.

Thanks for reading. I finally made the post..
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Mar 28, 2018
Do share any of your partial-suspension-hanging related experiments or experiences here if you want to. It might help someone looking for that information.
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Jen Erik

Jen Erik

Oct 12, 2018
Very helpful, thanks
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Oct 7, 2018
Thank you so much! Very informational post, was wanting something like this. A couple questions, in case you have answers. Because of my limited options, the place I have everything set up right now has me sat down on the floor. Would this work, I can technically get the rope right above my neck, but I can't seem to find the right position. Should I try and change the angle of the rope? Since you used the ceiling- were you relying on body weight to apply the pressure?
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Sep 19, 2018
I'll look more into this
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Mar 28, 2018
Since you used the ceiling- were you relying on body weight to apply the pressure?

Rope came from above me.
I did use bodyweight to apply the pressure. I let part of my weight down.
I'd say the most important thing is to try and get the rope be anchored above your head.
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Oct 7, 2018
Rope came from above me.
I did use bodyweight to apply the pressure. I let part of my weight down.
I'd say the most important thing is to try and get the rope be anchored above your head.

So the rope should technically be in front of my neck so it's over my head rather than my back hairline area?
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Mar 28, 2018
So the rope should technically be in front of my neck so it's over my head rather than my back hairline area?

For some people it works better with it at the front.

For me the rope is at the back of my neck. In the hairline area. The knot is also there.

However, some people have told me that it worker better for them with the knot it front.

It is different for everyone I guess.
That is the main point of this post. Only you know.
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Oct 21, 2018
In the how to hang yourself guide, people say that low on the neck is better. I tried both and they are uncomfortable as fuck. The only thing that makes it painless for me is alcohol. I tried and it was like falling asleep. But I want to do it sober so there's no chance of failure.

Heh my bf can choke me during sex and I get that floaty headed vision dissapearing passing out feeling with zero pain. If only I could replicate that. When he does it it seems he's applying pressure at the middle of the neck, at the sides. But rope seems to compress everything and make it hard to breathe. Man I wish I could just die being choked while getting boned.
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Oct 7, 2018
For some people it works better with it at the front.

For me the rope is at the back of my neck. In the hairline area. The knot is also there.

However, some people have told me that it worker better for them with the knot it front.

It is different for everyone I guess.
That is the main point of this post. Only you know.

Alright, thanks so much for the tips!!!!
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Oct 3, 2018
Thank you very much for this write-up. I might run some experiments myself, if I'm forced to rely on hanging once again. These forums are always helpful.
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Oct 6, 2018
I see the rope you are using is only half as thick as mine, and you said the 6mm rope was more comfortable than the 8. Maybe I need to get some thinner rope..
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Apr 9, 2018
Personally, I'd just tie it off and try with the rope supported and the noose in place. Your not going to pass out in a few seconds, you'll have a chance to abort, instinctually.
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Aug 27, 2018
Thanks for sharing I will definitely be saving this post for when I ctb.
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Mar 28, 2018
I see the rope you are using is only half as thick as mine, and you said the 6mm rope was more comfortable than the 8. Maybe I need to get some thinner rope..

Maybe a different rope will be more comfortable for you. Again, we all have different bodies.
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Mar 28, 2018
Personally, I'd just tie it off and try with the rope supported and the noose in place. Your not going to pass out in a few seconds, you'll have a chance to abort, instinctually.

You might be right about the not passing out instantly, but there is still a chance of something going wrong/right and passing out...

And having others in the house it is not a good time to die. Also I was so calm because I knew I would not die.

If it was for real. I'd be more scared....Need to prepare myself for the real deal.

But I will do it soon. For real. With everything..
If I am successful, I'll be gone. If not, I'll talk to you guys about it. Fix the method.

But it really looks perfect by now. So hopefully, I got it right. Took years of (lazy) work to get here.

You will get your full attempt results soon.
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Sep 24, 2018
Thank you for sharing your experiences, hanging (particularly partial) can be quite tricky because as oft-quoted; the survival instinct, and the fact that you can back out of it pretty much anytime during the entire process.
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Seul contre tous
Jul 23, 2018
Great post! Seems like its working for you out-of-the-box...
I've been trying for 10 days, with different angles of attack, different knot position.
Still out of reach because my arteries are not that prominent. But I'll keep on!
(In fact, I tried again today after reading your post. Survival instinct is nothing for me, but choking and exploding head sensation is what makes me to bail out)...

And by the way, what happens if you simply wrap the rope around the neck, and holding the ends like you're doing a bow-tie and pull them? If the airpipe is padded, can you still put enough pressure on the right spot?
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Sep 24, 2018
Thanks for sharing your results.
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Mar 28, 2018
Great post! Seems like its working for you out-of-the-box...
I've been trying for 10 days, with different angles of attack, different knot position.
Still out of reach because my arteries are not that prominent. But I'll keep on!
(In fact, I tried again today after reading your post. Survival instinct is nothing for me, but choking and exploding head sensation is what makes me to bail out)...

And by the way, what happens if you simply wrap the rope around the neck, and holding the ends like you're doing a bow-tie and pull them? If the airpipe is padded, can you still put enough pressure on the right spot?

If you feel blood rushing to your head and face and "your head will explode" then you are not compressing everything. Not enough pressure. Pull Harder and faster.

Yes the choking sucks. Try different knot positions, different neck positions.

And yes you can get a similar effect with anything. As long as your arteries are pressed shut. But you won't die from the others.
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Mar 28, 2018

Apprently, and from tests, tilting your head up makes it easier to compress the arteries and pass out. Pretty neat.

Might help someone
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Seul contre tous
Jul 23, 2018
Two useful pictures..
Carotid sinus pressure 2
Trying to figure out how to put the most pressure on the carotid but skip the jugs. They are millimetres apart.

Carotid sinus pressure 1
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Mar 28, 2018
Hey...it's not comfy...

But it works. That's for sure for this method.
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A Nihilist
Oct 25, 2018
Maybe a different rope will be more comfortable for you. Again, we all have different bodies.
Yes this rope width thing is different for different people. like i find 12-15mm the most comfortable.
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A Nihilist
Oct 25, 2018

Apprently, and from tests, tilting your head up makes it easier to compress the arteries and pass out. Pretty neat.

Might help someone
Yes I have made that observation in my experiments too.
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A Nihilist
Oct 25, 2018
What to do about this problem?
I succeed in perfect carotid compression everytime but my legs shake and I lose control of my legs before I completely black out. This causes my body to go down and put a lot of weight on the ligature causing terrible pain. Convulsions, quite severe, start for me a little before complete unconsciousness. To help with this I have tried sitting down and then leaning forward with my legs folded and under my hips but that makes it difficult to pass out properly.
Any suggestions?
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A Nihilist
Oct 25, 2018
And I don't have access to alcohol but I have a serbitol syrup at home. It is for appetite and good sleep. Its quite strong for a syrup. It causes heavy sleepiness within thirty minutes if I take two spoons of it. Can it work like alcohol if I drink a cupfull of it or a glassfull of it or the entire bottle? But I think drinking a lot of appetite syrup may start vomitings and mess everything up. Any suggestions on this?
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A Nihilist
Oct 25, 2018
And I don't have a point to suspend the rope from directly overhead coming from the ceiling. All the points I can use are attached to walls. This makes things a little bit more difficult.
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A Nihilist
Oct 25, 2018
I need some suggestions
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
In the how to hang yourself guide, people say that low on the neck is better. I tried both and they are uncomfortable as fuck. The only thing that makes it painless for me is alcohol. I tried and it was like falling asleep. But I want to do it sober so there's no chance of failure.

Heh my bf can choke me during sex and I get that floaty headed vision dissapearing passing out feeling with zero pain. If only I could replicate that. When he does it it seems he's applying pressure at the middle of the neck, at the sides. But rope seems to compress everything and make it hard to breathe. Man I wish I could just die being choked while getting boned.
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