

Aug 2, 2020
Impossible not to melt listening to this.
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Silly Tulip is a color.
Jun 16, 2022
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
JO MAI MAI - videoclip oficial (HD) - JOAN DAUSÀ 🥺😢😭😭😭😭

Avui l'Albert arriba a l'hora // Today Albert arrives on time
Em dóna el cava i el poso en fred // He gives me the cava and I put it in the fridge
I arriben l'Hèctor i la Clara // And Hector and Clara arrive
Porten la nena adormida en el cotxet // They carry the sleeping child in the stroller

I obro la porta a la Judit // And I open the door to Judit
Avui vens sola, m'encanta el teu vestit // Today you come alone, I love your dress
I va arribant tota la colla // And the whole group arrives
Quan són a taula trec el sopar // When they're at the table I bring out dinner

Un menjar exquisit, vull provar aquest vi // An exquisite meal, I want to taste this wine
Qui vol cafè?, hi ha Gintònics també // Who wants coffee?, there's Gintonics too
I juguem al joc d'aquelles nits d'estiu // And we play the game of those summer nights
No parleu tan fort, que la nena dorm! // Don't talk so loud, the child sleeps!

I l'Hèctor diu: // And Hector says:
Jo mai mai he desitjat fer un petó a la Judit // I've never wanted to kiss Judit
I afegeix: Jo mai mai he desitjat que deixés el seu marit // And he adds: I've never wished she'd leave her husband
Tothom em mira i ningú beu // Everybody looks at me and nobody drinks

I aquell dard emmetzinat // And that poisoned dart
Se m'ha clavat al cor // It's stuck in my heart
I ho reconec i faig un glop // And I recognize it and I take a drink
I veig que tots riuen de cop // And I see everyone laugh all at once

Però la Judit aixeca el got, em mira I diu: // But Judit lifts the glass, looks at me And says:
Jo mai mai no he pensat que seria més feliç al teu costat // I've never thought I'd be happier by your side
Jo mai mai no he pensat que seria més feliç al teu costat... // I've never thought that I'd be happier by your side...
I jo em congelo i ella beu // And I freeze and she drinks

~ Farewell ~
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earth's rotation gets me dizzy everyday
Jul 5, 2022
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Jan 20, 2022
Nembutal, spanish song from Javier Krahe, year 1985, only for those who have black humor. If you are very sensitive about the issue of ctb skip it.

Ella se quita la vida a diario,
no sé por qué
no se convoca a un ilustre notario
para dar fe
de que sin duda es la mayor artistad el desvivir,
no la supera ningún trapecista,
ningún fakir.
Basta que un cerdo le pegue algún chascos sentimental,
y acto seguido ella toma del frasco
de Nembutal.

Como practica el suicidio a destajom ás pertinaz,
por la mañana antes de ir al trabajo, voy a La Paz.
Mientras mojamos tortell con microbiose n el café
le repetimos a coro los novios:
que la montaña a Mahoma no vayaeNs lo normal,
pero a tu alcance está siempre la playay es casi igual.

El primer día que llega a la playa
suele pasar,
que ella persiste en tirar la toalla,
tirarse al mar.
Gracias a Dios siempre va en su socorroa lgún delfín,
que nos la salva atizándole un porro, ¡ostras Pedrín!.

Si por azar le ha tocado la china
de un buen hachís
aplazará su entrevista Alfonsina
su vis a vis.
Porque -esa es otra-, es la literatura,
su otra pasión,
y cuanto más sea contra naturas su defunción
un autor tiene mucha más garra,
más interés:
todos tenemos un póster de Larra,
pues ella tres.
Virginia Woolf nos la vuelve tarumba,
y hasta un jersey
le ha tricotado a la cruz de la tumbad e Hemingway.

Pido perdón por hacer un inciso
tan funeral,
retomo el hilo de aquel paraíso
que junto al mar le ayudó, sin embargo,p ara que no
atravesara por un trago amargo
de H2O

Pero es inútil. Si se recupera,
cuando está bien
un par de días ya se considera

Y agarra el coche, que aunque es un cascajos e pone a mil,
y echa en cualquier curva por el atajo,r ompe el pretil.
Un precipicio le va cantidubi
si es eficaz
para ingresarla de nuevo en la UVI.
Vuelta a La Paz.

Y el traumatólogo le dice: Hola,
cómo te va.
Y ella musita desde la escayola:
ni fu ni fa.

Y en un arranque pueril que revela
su torpe afán
se comerá toda la mortadela
que allí les dan
Con la esperanza de alcanzar su nortec on la ilusión
de darle al mundo un penúltimo corted e digestión.

Y dado que en cada intento de ésoss sufre un revés
van a sacarla en un libro de excesosq ue hay en inglés.

Van a decir que es la mayor artista
del desvivir,
no la supera ningún trapecista,
ningún fakir.
Basta que un cerdo le pegue algún chasco
y acto seguido ella toma del frasco
de Nembutal.

Que se convoque a un ilustre notario para dar fe
de que se quita la vida a diario,
no sé porqué.

Ella se quita la vida a diario,
no sé porqué.

She kills herself daily,
I don't know why
an illustrious notary is not summoned
to attest to that she is undoubtedly the greatest artist
of desivir,
not exceeded by any trapeze artist,
no fakir.
It is enough that a pig hits some disappointment
and then she takes it from the bottle
from Nembutal.

How he practices suicide by piecework
more persistent,
In the morning before going to work, I go to La Paz.
While we wet tortell with microbes
in the cafe
We repeat the couple in chorus:
cheer up,
that the mountain to Mohammed does not go
it's normal,
but the beach is always within your reach
and it's almost the same.

The first day you arrive at the beach
usually happens,
that she persists in throwing in the towel,
jump into the sea.
Thank God he always goes to their help. some dolphin,
who saves her by hitting a joint,
Pedrin oysters !.

If by chance you have touched the Chinese
of a good hashish
Alfonsina will postpone her interview
his vis a vis.
Because -that's another-, it's literature,
his other passion,
and the more it's against nature
his death
an author has a lot more punch,
more interest:
We all have a poster of Larra,
well she three.
Virginia Woolf makes it tarumba for us,
and even a sweater
has knitted the cross from the grave
from Hemingway.

I apologize for making a subsection
so funeral,
I take up the thread of that paradise
which by the sea helped him, however,
why not will go through a bitter drink
of H2O

But it is useless. If he recovers,
when it's okay
a couple of days is already considered

And grab the car, which although it is gravel
it goes a thousand,
and take any curve through the shortcut,
breaks the parapet.
A cliff goes cantidubi
if it's effective
to enter it again in the UVI.
Back to La Paz.

And the traumatologist says to him: Hello,
how's it going.
And she whispers from the plaster:
Neither fa nor fa.

And in a childish outburst that reveals
his clumsy eagerness
will eat all the mortadella
they give them there Hoping to reach its north
with the illusion
of giving the world a penultimate cut

And since in every attempt of those
suffers a setback
they are going to take it out in a book of excesses
in English.

They are going to say that she is the greatest artist
of desivir,
No trapeze artist surpasses it,
no fakir.
It is enough that a pig hits a disappointment
and then she takes from the bottle
from Nembutal.

That an illustrious notary be summoned
to attest to that he takes his life on a daily basis,
I don't know why.

She kills herself daily,
I do not know why
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Mar 23, 2018
Time for something a little more fun. :wink:

Girls Aloud-I Think We're Alone Now :heart:

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Jul 10, 2022
Honestly linkin park
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Jul 11, 2022
"The spin wires" is a fun band - I like their delivery of content as I'm into upbeat music.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
QUAN TOT S'ENLAIRA - Txarango feat. Andrea Motis

Vaig estar temptant la sort,
mesurant les paraules,
vaig flotant entremig dels records.
I flotant buscant el paradís,
retallant les distàncies
que em transporten a un món indecís.

Però jo mai, mai, mai, mai
seré feliç, com ho he estat aquesta nit,
però jo mai, mai, mai, mai...

Quan tot s'enlaira
toco els somnis de puntetes
junts podem arribar més lluny, més lluny.
Un llarg viatge,
il·lusions dins les maletes,
junts podem arribar més lluny, més lluny.

Vaig flirtejant amb la por,
navegant entre dubtes
vaig somiant amb la teva escalfor.
I somiant que tu remes amb mi
fins que aquella incertesa
es fon quan se'ns creuen els camins.

Però jo mai, mai, mai, mai
seré feliç, com ho he estat aquesta nit,
però jo mai, mai, mai, mai...

Quan tot s'enlaira
toco els somnis de puntetes
junts podem arribar més lluny, més lluny.
Un llarg viatge,
il·lusions dins les maletes,
junts podem arribar més lluny, més lluny.

Quan tot s'enlaira.

~ Farewell ~
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Oct 20, 2021

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Jul 11, 2022
I like the collab w/ snoop dogg for that "Riders on the storm"
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Mar 23, 2018
Now, for something I didn't expect.:blarg:
Fozzy Say Relax :pfff:
Fozzy-Relax :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

Oh oh

Relax don't do it
When you want to go to it
Relax don't do it
When you want to come
Relax don't do it
When you want to come
When you want to come

Relax don't do it
When you want to to go to it
Relax don't do it
When you want to come
Relax don't do it
When you want to suck to it
Relax don't do it
When you want to come
Come- oh oh oh
But shoot it in the right direction
Make making it your intention-ooh yeah
Live those dreams
Scheme those schemes
Got to hit me
Hit me
Hit me with those laser beams

I'm coming
I'm coming-yeah

Rеlax don't do it
When you want to go to it
Relax don't do it
When you want to comе

Relax don't do it
When you want to suck to it
Relax don't do it (love)
When you want to come
When you want to come
When you want to come
Come- huh

Get it up
The scene of love
Oh feel it
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Jul 11, 2022
I even played the actual pacman game on my Sega Genesis I had when I was a kid. I friggin dig this shit!
Buckner & Garcia - Pacman Fever
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Mar 23, 2018
Sa-Fire-Thinking Of You 💔💔💔💔💔💔

As I sit
Looking out the window
I can still remember
They call me to tell me
You went away
It was such a cold day
On a sunday morning
It came without a warning
And all the pain I felt inside
I just can't forget you
I'm feeling so alone
Though many times I've tried
I can't get you off my mind
I'm thinking of you
Wonder where you are tonight
I wish that I could hold you tight
I'm thinking of you
Wish you could stay
But you're so far away
So far away
And even though you're gone
I know you're happy
Where you are
I know someday
Will be together
Together again
On a sunday morning
It came without a warning
And all the pain I felt inside
I just can't forget you
I'm feeling so alone
Though many times I've tried
I can't get you off my mind
I'm thinking of you
Wonder where you are tonight
I wish that I could hold you tight
I'm thinking of you
Wish you could stay
But you're so far away
So far away
I know someday
I'll hold you again
You and me together again
But untill that day
I'm thinking of you
I'm thinking of you
I wonder where you are tonight
I wish I could you tight
I'm thinking of you
I wish could you could stay
But you're so far away
I'm thinking of you
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Jul 11, 2022
The Go Team - grip like a vice (cuz anything less is best)
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Silly Tulip is a color.
Jun 16, 2022
Mood in the beats

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earth's rotation gets me dizzy everyday
Jul 5, 2022

Lady, get out of the balcony
You are too young to play with the death
Tell me what is happening, what life did to you this time?

Come on, get down
Let me take you to a coffe, to talk
Listen to you
And try to convince you

That life is like a mother
Who makes the dinner and forces the children to eat vegetables
Because know that does well
And death is like a father
Who hits the mother and steals the children the pleasure of playing
Like there is no tomorrow

Lady, don't look down
In there is too high
For you to jump
I'll hear you
And try to convince you
(We are programmed to...)

That life is like a mother
Who makes the dinner and forces the children to eat vegetables
Because know that does well
And death is like a father
Who hits the mother and steals the children the pleasure of playing
Like there is no tomorrow

But, okay, we aren't always in the best

Young man, no one is made of iron
We are programmed to fall
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Mar 23, 2018
Hollywood Undead-City Of The Dead:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

Welcome to the city of the dead
Where we all wear crowns upon our head
Welcome to the city of the dead
Where the lost are found, in peace we rest

She said there was a place
Where every single person had the same face
So she fled, and I stayed
The life in her eyes seemed to fade away
She sold all her bones for the money
And I'm fucking stoned, ain't it lovely?
So why is my soul so hungry for a broken heart?

Welcome to the city of the dead
Where we all wear crowns upon our head
Welcome to the city of the dead
Where the lost are found, in peace we rest

There goes the sun
I've come undone
There goes the sun
I've come undone

Two empty eyes, that old reflection of mine
Pleading for a reason, I always leave 'em behind
But I don't think I'm gonna make it out, no, not this time
This rope's a little tight, my feet are scraping the skyline
Spitting up this blood again so I can bring back the flood again
Noah's Ark is sinking in, I'm thinking about the end, my friend
I never meant to hurt nobody, I just wanna be somebody
I'm here way down below, all you living look so lovely

Welcome to the city of the dead
Where we all wear crowns upon our heads
Welcome to the city of the dead
Where the lost are found, in peace we rest

Welcome to the city of the dead
Where we all wear crowns upon our head
Welcome to the city of the dead
Where the lost are found, in peace we rest

There goes the sun
I've come undone
There goes the sun
I've come undone
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
BLAUMUT - El Primer Arbre del Bosc

Era un lloc petit, no hi cabien els mobles.
La finestra, un quadre exacte d'en Magritte.
El sofà es mirava la novel·la,
i en va perdre el fil.

I passaven nits com passen els cotxes.
La bombeta equilibrista sobre el buit,
tripulant la pols damunt les coses
pel pes de l'oblit.

La lluna ve, la lluna va,
com un pèndol a la mà,
la cadència de la son.
Cara a vent o cara a mar,
un adéu sempre és polar,
però hi ha llum encara
al primer arbre del bosc.

L'almirall perdut en una gotera,
navegava dins la closca d'una nou.
La deriva és només un poema,
el cubell del pou.

La lluna ve, la lluna va,
com un pèndol a la mà,
la cadència de la son.
Cara a vent o cara a mar.
un adéu sempre és polar,
però hi ha llum encara
al primer arbre del bosc.

La lluna ve, la lluna va,
com un pèndol a la mà,
la cadència de la son.
Cara a vent o cara a mar.
un adéu sempre és polar,
però hi ha llum encara
al primer arbre del bosc.

~ Farewell ~
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Jul 11, 2022
I get down with Latin trax as well:
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Aug 2, 2020

Sensuous love song written by Burt Bacharach. Don't be fooled by the prince/princess theme going on here, the singer here, Dusty Springfield, was actually a lesbian irl. RIP, queen. :heart:
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*~ 絶対に 全てを取り戻させてもらう ~*
Jul 5, 2020

0.34 to 2.32 part

Undyne the Undying

"My body... It feels like it's splitting apart.
Like any instant... I'll scatter into a million pieces.
Deep, deep in my soul.
There's a burning feeling I can't describe
A burning feeling that WON'T let me die."

Original :

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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
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Jul 11, 2022
Nuthin like good ol folk musik.
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Silly Tulip is a color.
Jun 16, 2022
I ask myself every day this question.

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*~ 絶対に 全てを取り戻させてもらう ~*
Jul 5, 2020

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