

Sep 5, 2020
It's shitty pop music time... FUCK YES
I've been robot miming to this all night

The only thing that saved me from this was my male genes, honestly.

Although I was a stupid girl in high school, but a very different kind

I used to listen to this while reading twilight and thinking about my crush in high school. Literally LOL.
I'm going to fucking die soon so I'm not even embarrassed. Honestly they should regret what they missed out on. But not really obviously I mean I know how shit goes.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
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Jan 2, 2020
music, or maybe not...

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Deleted member 17331

Deleted member 17331

The swan sang with a broken neck
Apr 21, 2020
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
A favorite song for someone close to me.

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Rad maker
Jul 30, 2020

on what paths do you get lost to bring back such nuggets? the best French-sounding music to my ears comes from you but mostly seems to come from elsewhere

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Jul 2, 2018

This one hit something in me. I'm into electronic music, and I always value catchy tunes.
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Deleted member 17331

Deleted member 17331

The swan sang with a broken neck
Apr 21, 2020
on what paths do you get lost to bring back such nuggets? the best French-sounding music to my ears comes from you but mostly seems to come from elsewhere

Also friend! I've always loved your taste in music, all the songs are beautiful. But I can't cry now! Let's dance a little :tongue:

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Rad maker
Jul 30, 2020
(It's like I never lived here?! Discovering my own place :ohh: Surprised to relate with stronger bonds than I deemed possible. I like to be granted new eyes, thx. Don't ever want to grow unfamiliar with that option there's several perspectives available. Same places, same people but new lights, new weather, new moods, varied emotions)

Lead, we follow ! :halo: Avec un revirement sous forme de "pieds de nez"

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Rad maker
Jul 30, 2020

At the dawn of the year 2000, for young people it's no longer the same deal
For the one who hangs out, as for the one who runs all straight
Anyway there's no more work
The loop is complete, the system has its head underwater
And the young people are drunk, soiled in silence
The only way out is the street even when it's bleeding
It's not a concern for those who are prepared for it
If it can be, some of them will even do better
But for the others, it's clear, it won't be easy
You don't have to hide your face
It's not enough to sell kilos
Must hold the ground for the next day
Make sure his are okay
Avoid surin shots
In order to keep his property intact, its team compact and united
Listening to a scanner to keep in touch, or decide to move, avoid the red areas,
And especially never take time off
Is that what you want for your son?
Is that how you want him to grow up?
I have no advice to give, but if you don't want him slide, look at him
When he talks to you, listen to him
Don't let it look elsewhere, the love that should be in your eyes

Don't let your son hang around (don't let your son hang around)
If you don't want him to slip
That it brings you back from vice
Do not let your son hang
If you don't want him to slip

Damn, it's saying to myself "I never asked to have you"
It's with these formulas, too drunk, finally you have to believe, that my father helped bind me to the street
I had the illusion of finding better, I saw what a fourteen year old kid with the age lag can glimpse
It was like a mirage
No more forbidden, just to have long enough teeth
To bite into life, take advantage of all that falls
The street knew how to take me because it trusted me
Thing that with my father was like a nuisance
None of us wanted to put the pieces back together
Any attempt showed us that we really had too much ego
My father was not a singer, he liked the dirty ones catchphrases
Especially those which hit you like a big blow of surin in full chest
Believing to play it fine, he didn't want, didn't even seek to put away that fucking pride, that cut the family ties
Every day a little more
I didn't have the impression of being more popular than an argus fund
So I had to give up, find my own accomplices
My boarding partners
Sorry if I interfere

But don't let your son hang around (don't let your son)
If you don't want him to slip
That it brings you back from vice
Do not let your son hang
If you don't want him to slip

What did you want your son to learn on the street?
What virtues did you think we teach there?
You haven't seen how it stinks outside
But how does death smell?
When you breathe that, man, you're like stillborn
You end up stubborn
By going around in circles
Your brain fails you, then leaps
And it's really not good when you lose control
When for the eyes of others, you play your role better and better
Your role will curdle, just so as not to we say to you "here you are more part of the family from below"
It's crazy but it's like that
Know that here below, more than elsewhere, survival is a struggle
Based on low blows, blows with sticks, of dodging and paw, of fucking fights
Do not let your son hang, if you don't want him to slip
That it brings you back from vice
No, don't let your son hang around

Don't let your son hang around (don't let your son hang around)
If you don't want him to slip
That it brings you back from vice
Do not let your son hang
If you don't want him to slip

Don't let your son hang around (don't let your son hang around)
If you don't want him to slip
That it brings you back from vice
Do not let your son hang
If you don't want him to slip

À l'aube de l'an 2000
Pour les jeunes c'est plus le même deal
Pour celui qui traîne, comme pour celui qui file
Tout droit, de toutes façons y'a plus de boulot
La boucle est bouclée, le système a la tête sous l'eau
Et les jeunes sont saoulés, salis sous le silence
Seule issue la rue même quand elle est en sang
C'est pas un souci pour ceux qui s'y sont préparés, si ça se peut
Certains d'entre eux même s'en sortiront mieux
Mais pour les autres, c'est clair, ça sera pas facile
Faut pas se voiler la face, il suffit pas de vendre des kil'
Faut tenir le terrain pour le lendemain
S'assurer que les siens aillent bien
Éviter les coups de surin
Afin de garder son bien intact
Son équipe compacte, soudée
Écoute de scanner pour garder le contact
Ou décider de bouger, éviter les zones rouges, et
Surtout jamais prendre de congés
C'est ça que tu veux pour ton fils?
C'est comme ça que tu veux qu'il grandisse?
J'ai pas de conseil à donner, mais si tu veux pas qu'il
Regarde-le, quand il te parle, écoute-le
Le laisse pas chercher ailleurs, l'amour qu'il devrait y avoir dans tes yeux

Laisse pas traîner ton fils (laisse pas traîner ton fils)
Si tu veux pas qu'il glisse
Qu'il te ramène du vice
Laisse pas traîner ton fils
Si tu veux pas qu'il glisse

Putain, c'est en me disant "j'ai jamais demandé à t'avoir"
C'est avec ces formules, trop saoulées, enfin faut croire
Que mon père a contribué à me lier avec la rue
J'ai eu l'illusion de trouver mieux, j'ai vu
Ce qu'un gamin de quatorze ans, avec le décalage de l'âge
Peut entrevoir, c'était comme un mirage
Plus d'interdit, juste avoir les dents assez longues
Pour croquer la vie, profiter de tout ce qui tombe
La rue a su me prendre car elle me faisait confiance
Chose qui avec mon père était comme de la nuisance
Aucun d'entre nous n'a voulu recoller les morceaux
Toute tentative nous montrait qu'on avait vraiment trop
Mon père n'était pas chanteur, il aimait les sales
Surtout celles qui vous tapent comme un grand coup de surin
en pleine poitrine
Croyant la jouer fine, il ne voulait pas, ne cherchait même pas
À ranger ce putain d'orgueil qui trancha les liens
Chaque jour un peu plus
J'avais pas l'impression d'être plus coté qu'une caisse à l'argus
Donc j'ai dû renoncer, trouver mes propres complices
Mes partenaires de glisse
Désolé si je m'immisce

Mais laisse pas traîner ton fils (laisse pas traîner ton
Si tu veux pas qu'il glisse
Qu'il te ramène du vice
Laisse pas traîner ton fils
Si tu veux pas qu'il glisse

Que voulais-tu que ton fils apprenne dans la rue?
Quelles vertus croyais-tu qu'on y enseigne?
T'as pas vu comment ça pue dehors
Mais comment ça sent la mort?
Quand tu respires ça, mec, t'es comme mort-né
Tu finis borné
À force de tourner en rond
Ton cerveau te fait défaut, puis fait des bonds
Et c'est vraiment pas bon quand t'en perd le contrôle
Quand pour les yeux des autres, tu joues de mieux en mieux ton rôle
Ton rôle de caillera, juste pour ne pas
Qu'on te dise "voilà tu fais plus partie de la famille
C'est dingue mais c'est comme ça
Sache qu'ici-bas, plus qu'ailleurs, la survie est un combat
À base de coups bas, de coups de batons
D'esquives et de "paw", de putains de bastons
Laisse pas traîner ton fils
Si tu veux pas qu'il glisse
Qu'il te ramène du vice
Non laisse pas traîner ton fils

Laisse pas traîner ton fils (laisse pas traîner ton fils)
Si tu veux pas qu'il glisse
Qu'il te ramène du vice
Laisse pas traîner ton fils
Si tu veux pas qu'il glisse

Laisse pas traîner ton fils (laisse pas traîner ton fils)
Si tu veux pas qu'il glisse
Qu'il te ramène du vice
Laisse pas traîner ton fils
Si tu veux pas qu'il glisse
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Deleted member 17331

Deleted member 17331

The swan sang with a broken neck
Apr 21, 2020
There's still more :wink:

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Rad maker
Jul 30, 2020
Humm such a scene I was not aware of that it even existed, damn
It just goes to show one cannot be complete by staying on his/her own. It's important to reach out for hands, accept to blend and expand the circle of beating hearts. From personal experience, I'd suggest it can even be a fruitful accelerator to run into those who appear to be the least like you, even if it means friction initially, as long as good intentions are saved (obviously, run away fast from those who are responsible of your misery)

Also, learn early that you never fully know ? Maybe the believers are less heretic, when indirectly admitting doubts with hesitation, than those who have their mind sure of themselves with "understanding". If one maintains polarised views, it becomes harder than hard to navigate, failing to achieve fluid adaptation
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Deleted member 13227

Deleted member 13227

Good night
Dec 21, 2019

I have just started to love old rock music, Its sound so catchy and fun. This song makes me think of the wild west in America.
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I'm not strong enough for life.
Feb 24, 2020
A Seattle band, signed to Sub Pop, with an awesome Brit Pop sound. From 1992

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Apr 14, 2019

That feeling thats me but the vis-a-vis remains silent.
I want this person so much but maybe it's good she won't return the feelings. I have to go and so I don't create another soul hole.
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Deleted member 17331

Deleted member 17331

The swan sang with a broken neck
Apr 21, 2020

There's things I haven't told you
I go out late at night
And I was to tell you
You'd see my different side

There's things I haven't told you
I go out late at night
And I was to tell you
You'd see my different side

There's things I haven't told you
I go out late at night
And I was to tell you
You'd see my different side

There's things I haven't told you
I go out late at night
And I was to tell you
You'd see my different side

There's things I haven't told you
I go out late at night
And I was to tell you
You'd see my different side

What the fuck

We don't care
What you say
I'm a do my thing
From day to day
(Get it?)

We don't care
What you think
'Cause in this world
It's swim or sink
(What the fuck)
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Mar 23, 2018
It's shitty pop music time... FUCK YES

Nothing wrong with Pop Music :wink: I don't like every song but some are good.

Shawn Mendes-If I Can't Have You :heart::heart::heart::heart:

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I'm not strong enough for life.
Feb 24, 2020

There's things I haven't told you
I go out late at night
And I was to tell you
You'd see my different side

There's things I haven't told you
I go out late at night
And I was to tell you
You'd see my different side

There's things I haven't told you
I go out late at night
And I was to tell you
You'd see my different side

There's things I haven't told you
I go out late at night
And I was to tell you
You'd see my different side

There's things I haven't told you
I go out late at night
And I was to tell you
You'd see my different side

What the fuck

We don't care
What you say
I'm a do my thing
From day to day
(Get it?)

We don't care
What you think
'Cause in this world
It's swim or sink
(What the fuck)

I was listening to this yesterday!! Nice one, love it!
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Apr 8, 2020
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Mar 23, 2018
Royal Bliss-Medication :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

(feat. Shim)

I don't really want to talk about it
I don't really want to waste my time
Everybody's got their ways around it
You've got yours and I've got mine
I don't need another intervention
I don't need another rescue line
Everybody's got their ways around it
You've got yours and I've got mine
You've got yours, now give me mine

Where's my, where's my medication?
Cause I'm about to lose my mind
Where's my, where's my medication?
Cause you pushed me one too many times
You've got yours, now give me mine

You're a walking contradiction
Don't tell me how to live my life
I can make my own decisions
You make yours and I'll make mine
You can take your words of wisdom
You can take that shit advice
You can take this conversation
And stick it where the sun don't shine
Stick it where the sun don't shine
You've got yours, now give me mine!

Where's my, where's my medication?
Cause I'm about to lose my mind
Where's my, where's my medication?
You pushed me one too many times
You've got yours, now give me mine

(The youth of America of the 21st century is statistically 17 times more medicated than the previous generation, which was 5 times more medicated than the last!)

You've got yours, now give me mine
You've got yours, now give me mine
You've got yours, now give me mine
You've got yours, now give me mine

Where's my fucking medication?
Cause I'm about to lose my mind
Where's my, where's my medication?
You pushed me one too many times
You've got yours, now give me mine
You've got yours, now give me mine
You've got yours, now give me mine!

Submit Corrections
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Feb 10, 2020

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Rad maker
Jul 30, 2020
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Aug 2, 2020

A song that reminds me of college, a period of life when I still had potential and not the waste I am now.
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Rad maker
Jul 30, 2020

A song that reminds me of college, a period of life when I still had potential and not the waste I am now.

Had long forgotten about them, thx ! I remember what I was listening to the day I dropped out of my airline pilot studies due to hardcore melancholia and suffocating anxiety. To each his own demise

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I'm not strong enough for life.
Feb 24, 2020
This isn't the most instantly accessible song. It's a bit mad but in a cool way. Give it a go and see what you think

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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
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Jun 25, 2020
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fat cringey shut-in
Jun 19, 2019

:love: :love: :love:
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