brighter than the sun, that’s just me
- Sep 13, 2023
- 9,013
Multiphasic Personality Type Test
Multiphasic Personality Type Test, based on research from the University of Minnesota.
Your Multiphasic Personality Type:
Chronic, intense anger; harbors hostile and aggressive impulses but can't express them appropriately; usually overcontrolled, but occasional brief episodes of assaultive, violent acting out; lacks insight into origins and consequences of behavior; extra punitive; does not see own behavior as problematic.
Possible problems with uncontrolled anger expression.
Free of disabling anxiety and depression, somatic complaints may occur; occasional upset does not seem to be related directly to external stress.
Deep, chronic feelings of hostility toward family members; demands attention and approval from others; sensitive to rejection; hostile when criticized; outwardly conforming but inwardly rebellious; sexual maladjustment and promiscuity common; suicidal thoughts and attempts may follow acting out episodes; most common diagnoses are passive-aggressive personality and emotionally unstable personality.