

For my next trick, I will disappear
Dec 12, 2021
Welcome to a Movie Megathread!
Post the latest movies you've seen (good or bad). Feel free to add a review as well! Would you recommend it?
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Better never to have been
Jul 4, 2021
Goodfellas, would recommend
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For my next trick, I will disappear
Dec 12, 2021
I recently watched "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" ( and would recommend it.
Without spoiling much, it is about a man with locked-in syndrome. He can understand everything just fine, but his only way to communicate is by blinking his left eye (so no speech or walking or anything like that).
It's loosely based off a true story, is well written and cast, and much of it is from the man's POV. Makes for an extraordinary viewing.
This movie has else been recommended in the past here and elsewhere, particularly because of how the film portrays wanting to die due to physical damage.
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My 2 cents
Feb 3, 2022
Recently watched Castaway starring Tom Hanks. It's a good movie and I'd recommend it. Whenever I watch it I ask myself how I would deal with being in that situation. Would I go crazy fast or actually be able to survivor or would I even try.
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I am a prisoner locked up behind xanax bars
Dec 16, 2021
I recently rewatched Basic Instinct. From my memory of watching it when I was young I had thought it was really good. But this time it only seemed meh. But if you've never seen it I'd say it's interesting.
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May 1, 2020
Back to the Future and American Psycho are two of my favorites. But generally I don't really like movies for whatever reason. I will usually get bored of any movie I watch pretty quickly.
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Mar 5, 2022
I watched Belladonna of Sadness. It's an "animated" (quotations because it's a lot of still frames) movie from the 70's that's very sexually charged. Very heavy themes like rape, rather intense on misogyny, and a lot more I can't remember off the top of my head. I think it came up around the same time the Japanese feminist movement was coming up but I 'm not 100% sure. It's a stunning film visually and was honestly triggering for me during some segments because the imagery can be vivid even during the times it's more subtle. Personally, some parts of it resonated with me too much. But I'd still recommend it to anyone who can stomach it.

This trailer skips out on the suggestive scenes, but gives a good feel for the movie.
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Jul 7, 2021
Shaolin Soccer!! Super dope and funny movie. Great comedy too (life - fuel)
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Don't Cry for Me, I'm Already Dead
Apr 7, 2021
Rewatched The Fugitive again a few days ago

I forgot how good this movie was, it's simple, but so incredible and the performances from Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones may be their best, which is saying something!
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Last three movies I saw recently were The Batman, Free Guy, and Turning Red.

The Batman was pretty good at first but ended up being way too long though I guess it has like a few interesting moments and there are some parts I was able to laugh at for being so ridiculous. Idk why people are saying this movie is too dark and gritty. It feels less grounded than the Nolan movies but in a good way and there's a lot of dumb scenes to laugh at too but maybe that's just me.

Free Guy was better than I expected. It kind of felt like a modern day Truman Show. Time will tell if it can actually predict the future. It also kind of tries to have this message of treating video game NPCs nicer but if you want to learn that lesson just play Undertale but that's the only part that kind of bothered me.

Now for Turning Red. Oof. I really wanted to like this movie. I feel like anyone who doesn't love this movie gets automatically branded as a racist, misogynist, or both. I guess I'll start with what I did like. First of all, it's Pixar so the animation was good. I also like the design of the Panda form like it's cute but it can be scary too when it needs to be much like Sully from Monsters Inc. The movie also has a really vibrant energy going on with the animation and some really good reaction faces and potential meme gifs. I'd be very disappointed if those moments don't get turned into memes. Finally, I liked most of the characters. Especially the dad. Unfortunately the dad is so cool and such a good character that…he makes the movie worse in my opinion, at least because him being such a good father kind of ruins what I wanted the movie to be.

You see, the dad being so cool is a problem because it just makes the movie wildly unrealistic to me. Yes it's weird to demand realism from a movie with girls turning into giant red pandas but I mean the movie itself is trying to be about the pressures of being a Westernized Asian. The main character is a girl who gets good grades and has to be on her best behavior all the time yes but it still feels like as far as Asian families go she's got it really easy. Yes she has to get good grades but this doesn't seem that difficult for her at all. Her mom is the one causing her stress but it really doesn't feel like the mom is relatively that bad, just somewhat embarrassing to deal with but Asian moms can be so, so much worse that the mom not being an outright villain in this movie (she is an antagonist but a sympathetic one) is kind of a slap in the face to any Asian looking to feel validated for having a shitty mom. Even the mom's mom is better than one would expect and the movie itself makes this clear. Also her dad is so chill it again feels kind of insulting to everyone whose dads beat them up just because they lied once about something or stayed up late for an hour past bedtime. I get that this is Disney and maybe they don't want to address hardcore abuse beyond the emotional kind but this is a kids movie with the words "crap", "sexy", "pervs", and "stripper music" in the dialogue. I don't think that in itself is wrong but if you've already gone that far why not go further?

Now enough of what I was hoping the movie would be about. What about the movie itself? Well the story is extremely predictable. There was only one major story moment that actually surprised me and even then it's just a part of the escalation for the climax and nothing groundbreaking that redeems an otherwise mediocre movie. Monsters University for example was a really run-of-the-mill college movie with nothing interesting until its final scenes which taught something unique and unseen in most movies so that alone redeemed the whole movie for me. Sorry, sorry, that's me going on a tangent again over what I wanted and not what we got.

So what did we get? Well, we got stripper music. We also got a lot of other bits that made me uncomfortable. Now I'm not talking about the period talk. This movie is getting praised as movie of the century alone just because there's a scene where they mention menstrual pads. That's fine, great even. That's not the part that made me uncomfortable at all because I live with two sisters. The problem is that this movie shouldn't be put on a pedestal just because it does something that should always have been okay. Also the period talk itself kind of stops once the actual movie takes off although you could argue that the transformation into a red panda is in itself a poorly executed metaphor for periods but I think it more just represents puberty itself. If this had been a family movie that was just about a girl actually getting her period with no other bells and whistles then that would have been a lot better honestly but a helluva lot less marketable I guess.

The parts that made me most uncomfortable were the 13 year old girls openly wanting to sleep with adult men. There's no way around it. They even say they want to go to a concert to become women with their crushes in a boy band so how else am I supposed to interpret that? I don't care that that's really how girls might be at that age but even if this were a group of boys wanting to go after adult women (which admittedly does happen a lot in movies), I'd still feel very disturbed by it at least with the way this movie portrays it. There's also a scene where a dude almost gets mistaken for a pedophile because the girls are so horny for him and that was just extremely cringey to watch. For a supposed feminist paragon movie it certainly fails the Bechdel Test in so, so many ways. There's another scene that also made me kind of uncomfortable when the red panda form gets mildly sexualized but maybe me being bothered by that just makes me a boomer and just as bad as her mom for being disgusted by it.

All in all I guess me not liking this movie despite being an Asian born and raised in the West myself still makes me a bigot of some kind and I guess all the more reason why I need to be dead. 🤷
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Lost and forgotten
Jul 15, 2021
Been rewatching a lot of old horror movies lately. The Beyond, Alucarda, Night of the Demons (1988), City of the living dead, The Howling, among others. Most recent one was Suspiria (1977)
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Sunset Limited

Sunset Limited

I believe in Sunset Limited
Jul 29, 2019
Rewatched The Fugitive again a few days ago

I forgot how good this movie was, it's simple, but so incredible and the performances from Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones may be their best, which is saying something!

Thank you very much. This is the movie I'm going to watch tonight. I have sunflower seeds and cherry juice :sunglasses:


A Stephen King masterpiece. Storm of the Century (1999)

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There’s nothing there
Feb 20, 2022
I recently watched the movie "My Suicide" which has an alternate title of "Archie's Final Project". I recently made a post about it so you may have seen me mention it before. It's on US Netflix and can probably be found other places online if you look for it. The concept was pretty interesting. It's about a kid who for a class project says he's going to film his suicide. He has a video camera he takes with him everywhere and he films everything that happens in his daily life up until the suicide. Through word of mouth the rest of the school finds out and he gets varying reactions. Some think it's really cool and respect him for it, some are just curious about it, and some are highly critical, but overall he becomes very well known after previously being unknown. A lot of chaos ensues and it has a lot of comedic moments. Also I liked how it was relatively self-aware and portrayed mental illness well. For example he makes fun of society views suicide and the mental health system, for example how people always say things like "it's a temporary solution to a permanent problem". This movie is fairly unknown and I don't think it ever got a wide theatrical release because of its content, but it's definitely worth watching and I highly recommend it.
Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
Definitely one of my more recent favorites.

S like suicide

S like suicide

Apr 29, 2021
Some days ago i watched Once upon a time in Hollywood and i think it's a good movie,i liked the soundtrack,the colors and it's funny,especially the scene of Leonardo Dicaprio in the roulotte

Then two days ago i rewatched Girl interrupted...i was curious to watch it again after i stayed in a psy ward last year...after i experienced personally what it means and i think it's a good movie this too

I wish i could hang myself as Daisy
Shaolin Soccer!! Super dope and funny movie. Great comedy too (life - fuel)
Oh my God hahahha i'm so nostalgic right now!I remember this movie hahah Super dope really
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Feb 26, 2022
Perks of Being a Wallflower or The Blue Hour

Cosmic dust

Cosmic dust

Among the stars
Feb 28, 2022
This movie is on my mind since I watched it a week ago. Its about suicide but I am not posting it because of it. I found the whole concept of the girl, the events and the clues in the movie great.

Its the first movie in a very long time that gave me the sensation of whatching a real art piece and not just some cheap mass entertainment product.

Can anyone give me some recomendations of movies like this?
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Mar 15, 2022
Blade Runner 2049 was really nice. I think I can recommend it even to those who haven't seen previous blade runner.
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I was once a pretty angel
Mar 4, 2022
Anyone seen a good foreign movie recently? There is a lot more good cinematography outside of Hollywood. Recently saw Time of the Gypsies by Emir Kusturica. Amazing movie. I've read Japanese filmography has some incredible work. Anyone got any suggestions? Next movie on my list is Warriors from 1979, an American film. Also saw Meet the Parents recently with Ben Stiller, really funny.
This movie is on my mind since I watched it a week ago. Its about suicide but I am not posting it because of it. I found the whole concept of the girl, the events and the clues in the movie great.

Its the first movie in a very long time that gave me the sensation of whatching a real art piece and not just some cheap mass entertainment product.

Can anyone give me some recomendations of movies like this?

From the writer of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, which is a trippy movie, to say the least.
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❤️ Dissociatives ❤️
Feb 17, 2022
The Matrix Resurrections.

Wow that was bad.
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
So I just saw the Sonic the Hedgehog 2 movie today. I think I liked it more than the first one though I'd probably want to put a bunch of warnings to anyone who's an adult that wants to see this movie. It's important to remember that this movie is for kids but at least this time theres a lot more time spent with the actual Sonic characters. Maybe like 70% of the jokes in this movie are exceedingly cringe but the jokes that did make me laugh were really good at least. There's also some scenes where no Sonic characters are on screen at all and it almost feels like a separate movie trying to troll us.

For the Sonic fans: at first I thought they were setting up the introduction of Chaos. Might as well rip the band-aid off now but Chaos does not appear so that this mild disappointment stings less.

At least the climax and post credit scenes were really good. I'd actually be super excited for the next movie if I wasn't already planning on dying this year.
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Down in a Mirror
Feb 19, 2022
I recently saw Mike Leigh's "Naked" (1993), and this movie really got under my skin (no pun intended). Very dark movie with existential themes, although quite funny at moments. I was reminded of Samuel Beckett and Harold Pinter at times. There's not much by way of plot, but it focuses on the nocturnal wanderings of Johnny, a displaced pseudo-intellectual, through London and his encounters with other lost people. David Thewlis does an incredible job as Johnny, even if the character is a real pos. Great acting all around. As bleak as it is, I appreciated how this film doesn't turn a blind eye to human suffering and alienation, and there are moments of great compassion and tenderness too.

Viewers should be warned that this movie contains scenes of rape and rough sex. I imagine it could being triggering for some.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

On the one hand, they really made the visuals great and worth seeing in theaters. This also feels like the most Sam Raimi movie ever made. It's like he was given a bunch of bullet points for what to include but other than that was given free reign to go crazy on what to include and it's all the better for it. This movie is a lot like his version of the Snyder Cut like it's just so easy to gauge all the parts from his previous movies from stylistic choices to camera angles, to even the orchestration. Plus for what it's worth I think they hit a perfect balance of being scary and including horror elements, even with jump scares, but not too scary for cowardly bitches like me and I'm glad it didn't keep me up at night. I also like how this movie really stretches the violence rating for a PG-13 movie with how brutal some of the deaths are.

Now for my gripes about the movie, they're mostly spoilery so I guess don't read the rest if you actually care. For a movie called "Multiverse of Madness", they really only spend a lengthy amount of time in about maybe two alternate universes one of which is pretty cool but the other is almost completely empty and uninteresting and it's not even fully explained why. Sure there's like a little montage of potential universes but not enough time is spent in any of them. Also why didn't they just find a universe where the villain can get the thing they want without having to kill that version of themself? Surely in the infinite possibilities of the cosmos there had to be one but then again there are some possible explanations if you dig deeper but I just wish the movie had cared to explain them. Like they do establish that dreams are a must for exploring alternate universe possibilities so maybe they really couldn't have checked universes where they were already dead.

I'm kind of joking here since it's probably not intentional but I find it funny how the movie has sort of a pro-abortion message in it. Like it technically deals with a mother trying to save her unborn, or rather nonexistent children even if it means killing other people and even other children. Really makes ya think. I guess it might also be intentional but surely not with the timing of current events. They just wanted to release it on Mother's Day weekend and Multiverse of Madness even abbreviates to MoM…

Also might as well rip the band-aid off now again like I did with the Sonic movie: There's no Magneto, any version of him. For a movie with Scarlet Witch and the multiverse, not a single Magneto shows up not even as a joke. That was disappointing but not movie-ruining. All in all I liked this movie and think it was good but once again my expectations may have been set a little too high. Let's hope Jurassic World Dominion is still as amazing as I've been hoping it will be. 🙃


a hikikomori waiting to catch the bus
Mar 1, 2021
i think the last movie i remember watching was turning red? i loved it because as an asian, i could heavily relate to the family dynamics of mei and her family. the story was also enjoyable :)
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Just saw the new Chip N' Dale: Rescue Rangers movie and it was surprisingly decent. Not perfect, but definitely watchable if you like references. I didn't grow up with the original show at all but this movie felt a lot like a mix between Who Framed Roger Rabbit and the 2011 Muppet movie (which is still my favorite movie of all time). As far as big crossover films go like Ready Player One or the new Space Jam, it manages to work in some references much better than both those movies did. One character in particular I found very enjoyable when he was on screen to a point where I'm kind of astounded how well they redeemed the real life negative portrayal of this character overall. The only things I didn't like too much about it were related to Chip himself. I wasn't really buying his voice actor. He was funny enough but didn't seem right for the more emotional lines the character had to get across. Also even though he's supposed to be the 2D animated one, it's pretty obvious that he's just a badly cel-shaded CGI model. The effects on Dale actually look way better. They should have just committed to making Chip fully 2D-animated like they did with many of the background cameos.

All in all, probably the best kids movie I saw that come out this year but that's not saying much.


Nov 5, 2020
The Batman was pretty good at first but ended up being way too long though I guess it has like a few interesting moments and there are some parts I was able to laugh at for being so ridiculous. Idk why people are saying this movie is too dark and gritty. It feels less grounded than the Nolan movies but in a good way and there's a lot of dumb scenes to laugh at too but maybe that's just me.
I watched The Batman as well not too long ago. I kinda went into the movie expecting to hate it but I probably liked it more than the Dark Knight Rises. Serial killer Riddler was a great, though not definitive in my opinion, take on the character and they drew inspirations from various Batman sources and pieced them together to make a pretty good narrative.

I did kinda get a case of ending fatigue. I'll try and keep this in a way that isn't too spoilery, but that last scene of Batman and Catwoman together went on too long and was just kinda ridiculous. Tangent, Catwoman's costume annoyed me because it was SO CLOSE to being a great, comics accurate, costume but her mask just looks goofy and made it hard for me to take her seriously. Should have gave her the goggles. Anyway, the big reveal that starts what I guess you could say is the 3rd act even though it's really a 4th act by the time you get to it would have been better as the actual ending but I guess they didn't want to end it on a total downer. Otherwise, most of my other critiques are rather nitpicky. I came away feeling it was 8/10.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
So I finally saw Jurassic World Dominion. This movie was pretty impactful to me in that I made it the baseline for all efforts to delay my own suicide. So much frustration and despair was endured especially from within the past couple years ever since I had my heart broken by my own ineptitude back in September 2020. What did I think of the movie?

Well it was good…I guess. It met all my expectations except one of my hopes was that it would actually find a way to exceed my expectations, which it really didn't. I think depending on who you ask this could either be the worst or the best Jurassic movie ever. I don't get why a lot of critics hate this movie so much but I definitely think it could have been better. I think the main issue might be the fact that the supposed main dinosaur antagonist: the Giganotosaurus, was set up pretty poorly and defeated way too easily. I really think maybe it should have been a hybrid because the Indominus Rex and the Indoraptor both felt way cooler than this thing. The only reason to even consider the Giganotosaurus a worthy rival to the T-Rex is because of the cut scene that shows the versions of those dinosaurs from the past fighting, with the T-Rex losing in the past. More scenes like that should have been included or at least ones where it antagonizes the humans like the Spinosaurus in Jurassic Park 3 did. I'm also a little disappointed that that dinosaur didn't return in some form I thought for sure either it or some hybrid of it might show but I guess they saved it for Camp Cretaceous already so that's why they didn't include it. The climax also feels like a limp version of the one from Jurassic World 2015 because it just felt the same as that but rushed.

At least the acting was good and so were the effects. My god, practically all of the practical effects were insane and not once did I notice any awful CG or anything like that. A lot of the dinosaurs they use also look really cool too.

I wish I could have more to say about this movie I was so hyped for but even though I tried to temper my expectations, I couldn't help but overhype myself for this movie and make it my main reason to stay alive. Now that it's out of the way I do feel freed from this burden though I'm still nowhere near finished with all my death preparations so hopefully they announce more movies or something…


Aug 28, 2022
watching the new weird al docu-parody. appropriately weird movie so far.
free to stream on roku site



Feb 18, 2022
Saw about 5 movies in the past 3 days, so I guess I'll go through them sequentially.

Watched Predator
10/10 purely for Arnold Schwarzenegger's glorious abs. Alien is still the better of the two but they're both very similar in concept and pacing.

Watched Free Guy
I thought it was going to be funny-bad going in but it was mostly just boring-bad. It did manage to make me cringe for a solid minute when they attempted a wrecking ball joke.

Watched Get Out
Entertained me the whole way through. Better (very intentional) cringe value than all those "cringe compilations" you used to watch on youtube when you were 12. also genuinely pretty freaky. highly recommend

Watched Birdman
I still can't tell whether this movie was very good or very pretentious because I finished it earlier today. Going to have to let it settle.

Watched Dr Strangelove
I think the people on this forum would get a kick out of it.
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