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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024

"Even though firearms are only used in 5% to 6% of attempts, they are responsible for half of all suicide deaths and are by far the most common method of suicide."

"Drug poisoning accounted for 59.4% of suicide attempts but only 13.5% of deaths, while firearms and hanging accounted for 8.8% of attempts , but 75.3% of deaths. Firearms were the most lethal method with 89.6% of attempts with firearms resulting in death, followed by drowning at 56.4% and hanging at 52.7%."

Guns are the most reliable by a huge margin.
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Jul 8, 2023
Jumping from 200 feet or more. Unfortunately, the higher the success rate, the more courage and will power it requires.


Jun 30, 2024
Seems like it, I took 7 grams (yes, not 5g). And I survived with no intervention. I took very low dose because a guy nearly died with only 2g. Maybe the lowest you can possibly go is 15g.

When you want to die, it should be as peaceful as possible. Maybe you should check out the charcoal burning methode, its probably one the least stress inducing methode.
I have heard a lot of news where people have passed away in their sleep in their room because of carbon monoxide poisoning which happens due to charcoal burning in a packed room. I think it is one of the most reliable method but I can't find exact procedure to use it and I am afraid if it fails because of me not able to execute it properly and I may end up being mentally handicapped. Do you know of any thread which talks about charcoal burning method?
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Jun 13, 2024
I have heard a lot of news where people have passed away in their sleep in their room because of carbon monoxide poisoning which happens due to charcoal burning in a packed room. I think it is one of the most reliable method but I can't find exact procedure to use it and I am afraid if it fails because of me not able to execute it properly and I may end up being mentally handicapped. Do you know of any thread which talks about charcoal burning method?

This is the best i can find.
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Gone soon

Jun 11, 2024
Being beheaded by a train. I don't think anyone has ever survived that
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English or Spanish...
May 5, 2024
i know one method that has a 100% rate of death, its very very reliable and most people actually die with this method, its one con is it takes quite some time, old age
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Dark Window

Dark Window

Forest Wanderer
Mar 12, 2024
What is the outcome of a failed SN attempt?

It's not always as peaceful as some people make it out.

I've seen consequences such as renal failure, severe pain etc.
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Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
i know one method that has a 100% rate of death, its very very reliable and most people actually die with this method, its one con is it takes quite some time, old age
That's no longer a guarantee either. Aging process will be stopped within a decade.

They already say the last person to die of natural old age is already somewhere in the world today.
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All human rights are important
Feb 5, 2021
Nitrogen with a medical face mask. I wish I had a drivers license and a car, then I could do the logistics of this method.

Transporting the gas bottle without my own car is not possible. I also don't know one I can trust with the transport.
This above mentioned method is 10x more expensive than the popular SN method.
It would cost me about 300-400 USD, which is durable. Also there is enough tutorial and information on the internet/PPEH.
Also one can test this method before real CTB execution. One checks if all the cables are not leaking and there is enough nitrogen flowing.

How can I be 99% percent sure if SN would work for me. My physical health is not perfect and I can vomit. It happened to me when I ate bad food. Also being in a hotel for example. When one vomits a little too strong. Then people can hear that in the hotel facility or some neighbors. And get you "rescued". It happened in some of the failed SN attempts. I am sorry for them. Both having to CTB, but also failing it in this way.


Apr 28, 2024
I have spent too much time watching suicide videos, which I don't suggest that anyone ever do. But it does give perspective on what works the fastest and most efficiently. Guns, specifically shotguns, under the chin or through the forehead seem to be most reliable. On the temple or through the mouth seems to have a higher failure rate and sometimes leaves people alive with disfigurement and disabilities. Drowning in the ocean with weights tied to the legs seems very reliable as well. No coming back up from that. But it's not instant and must be quite psychologically taxing in those last moments.

Hanging is not super reliable. A lot can go wrong. The rope can be tied too loosely, the height can be insufficient, someone can find you rather quickly and lift you up to take the pressure off the rope, your neck fat/skin can be too thick which results in failure or prolonged suffering, etc.
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
J'ai passé trop de temps à regarder des vidéos de suicide, ce que je ne conseille à personne de faire. Mais cela donne une idée de ce qui fonctionne le plus rapidement et le plus efficacement. Les armes à feu, en particulier les fusils de chasse, sous le menton ou à travers le front semblent être les plus fiables. Sur la tempe ou à travers la bouche semblent avoir un taux d'échec plus élevé et laissent parfois les gens en vie avec des défigurations et des handicaps. Se noyer dans l'océan avec des poids attachés aux jambes semble également très fiable. On ne peut pas remonter à la surface. Mais ce n'est pas instantané et cela doit être assez éprouvant psychologiquement dans ces derniers moments.

La suspension n'est pas très fiable. Beaucoup de choses peuvent mal se passer. La corde peut être attachée de manière trop lâche, la hauteur peut être insuffisante, quelqu'un peut vous trouver assez rapidement et vous soulever pour soulager la corde, la graisse/peau de votre cou peut être trop épaisse, ce qui entraîne un échec ou une souffrance prolongée, etc.

I have spent too much time watching suicide videos, which I don't suggest that anyone ever do. But it does give perspective on what works the fastest and most efficiently. Guns, specifically shotguns, under the chin or through the forehead seem to be most reliable. On the temple or through the mouth seems to have a higher failure rate and sometimes leaves people alive with disfigurement and disabilities. Drowning in the ocean with weights tied to the legs seems very reliable as well. No coming back up from that. But it's not instant and must be quite psychologically taxing in those last moments.

Hanging is not super reliable. A lot can go wrong. The rope can be tied too loosely, the height can be insufficient, someone can find you rather quickly and lift you up to take the pressure off the rope, your neck fat/skin can be too thick which results in failure or prolonged suffering, etc.
Have you Seen vidéos of jumping?
i sent you private discussion


Apr 28, 2024
Have you Seen vidéos of jumping?
Yes, I have. That is another one where a lot can go wrong. If someone hits their neck or head, there's no coming back from that, but if they land on their legs or back then they can survive and be paralyzed instead of dying. There's other variables that can get in the way as well like landing on an object besides the ground, falling on another person, or the height not being enough.

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