I think the problem is to acquire Morphine in the needed purity legally and not via a black/dark market place.
There are the "Lethal Mixtures" in the PPH and none of them suggests only Morphine as a single drug. All of them suggest 15g Morphine and additional drugs.
That will be injectible I imagine? And typically Benzos and Alcohol?
I was thinking of Propranolol and Benzo's of some kind prior. The Morphine (Oramorph) looks legitimate enough.
I'll just add something I found by the Poster Romanticise...
"Opioid CTB is FAR better than SN. No panic, no pain, nothing.
You don't have to have fentanyl. You don't need to shoot it up your vein. Oxy or Morphine oral route is all you need.
People choose SN because its legal, can be ordered via clearned.
For Opio you need some contacts or darknet.
Also many people lack the understading how opioids work.
You need a big dose + potentiate it with benzos. It's the most simialr method to our beloved N, drift off to sleep and that's all.
I envy people who got no tolerance to those substances. It can change a lot. You need much higher dose, andis still unreliable. Tolerance is hard to grasp for people that haven't experienced it."