
Ignorance is bliss
Jun 27, 2023
I used to belong to this depression support community and the admin of the site was soo hostile when i argued that UK mental health awareness campaigns telling people to seek help for mental illness is ineffective because the mental health care system is inaccessible to the majority of the general public.

The moderator got so defensive and disagreed with me saying how awareness and speaking up is important. She was unwilling to listen and have a civilised debate.
I m sorry you made this experience.... I was in a online forum for traumatized people and made the exact same experience..... this one was from Germany. It s so incredible, I mean, if you re not even allowed to have your own opinion..... then there is something fundamentally wrong.
How can people can't better if there is NO help.
They can't.... at least I cannot..... guess that's why we re here ;(