I was taking Hydroxyzine for a while. It didn't help too much at the time (in my experience). I had a lot of racing thoughts still, but it helped keep my anxiety levels baseline a bit lower. Like, I had tried a lot of anti-anxiety medications at the time and it was the one I liked the most. So I was on it for a few years.
I was off of it for a while, and noticed that my anxiety levels was off of the charts. I was having panic attacks all of the time and my resting heart rate was insanely high every time I measured. I was even passing out due to it and I had to go to the ER for one of the times I fainted. I've been on anti-anxiety medication since puberty, so me being off all anti-anxiety medicine had drastic changes on my life, as you could tell.
That being said, because I fainted, I went to my primary care about it. At the time I didn't know my fainting spells were anxiety-induced, but after they did some testing that's what they assessed it to be. I go to therapy, so in that regards there wasn't much they could do mental/emotional wise. But, they suggested that I started beta blockers. I was willing to try almost anything at that point, so I agreed.
I started taking Propranolol and I've been on it for a few months. I have to say - as dramatic as it might sound - it's changed my life. For the better. I'm still anxious and I don't think I will ever not be a nervous person, but it's helped so much. Even though "emotionally" and "mentally" I'm still a nervous wreck, because I'm not feeling the physical symptoms of it, it's easier for me to manage.
Anyways, sorry for the long back story. I thought the context was important, in case anyone else is experiencing anything similar to me. Sometimes taking medication that's designed for anxiety isn't always going to work - and that's okay! - you should try contacting your doctors instead of your psychiatrists and see if there's any alternatives for you.
CBD also helps with my anxiety. I highly recommend broad spectrum CBD if anxiety is another thing you suffer with but don't have easy access to treatment. It's something you can get over the counter and/or in specialized shops. ID isn't required to purchase and it shouldn't have THC in it, if that's a concern you might have.