Having shitty day? Today I was thinking about it again feeling closer to ready everyday. Im screwed financially so it's coming. I hate having to take myself out but I can't live like this. I've became so much worse mentally now.
Isittimetogonola, itsamadworld and Oyoy
I'm screwed financially also because of this economic lockdown. Millions if not billions of people will starve in the economic collapse if they don't open up the economy soon. So i have to move my ctb date up too.
It sucks to feel pressured because u are backed into a corner. Others around u might be shocked but what other options are there when u know u won't be working and ure running out of money. On top of it you're lonely and your life is fucked up in all sorts of ways and u can't do anything about it.
Your brain is now also more fucked up then it was before the lockdown. Now I can't even function well enough to complete tasks or any little goals. I can't concentrate and I masturbate way too much lol! I just need to be put out if my misery for real.
Feel the exact same way. Get so close every day. Bought so many supplies. Minute by minute feel like there is no hope, I just want to be gone and find peace. It's exhausting living.
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