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losing hope

Apr 27, 2022
***Hopefully this thread can become a useful exploration/resource into this subject for anyone mature enough***

For context, here is some background on why I posted this. I am a weed & porn addict & I masturbate a lot…something like 10 times a day when high. When untake these "sessions" I've noticed how my ball bag inflates with air. Which then leads to me urinating too frequently. So much so that I get REALLY dehydrated, which surely must help with SN ingestion?

Think of like a bicycle tyre pump, inflating a flat tyre with air, expect the bicyle pump is my penis & the flat tyre is my ball bag. It seems, because air is being pumped into my ball bag it seems to increase the need for my ball bag to want to expel liquid from my balls. Even if there isn't any urine sitting in my balls in that moment. When I get like this I've noticed my balls really swell up (presuambly bc of the air?) & feel REALLY heavy.

What I have therefore notice is my balls therefore drains the rest of my body for that liquid. They say humans are made up of 70% water , so if I undertake these masturbation "sessions" for like a week. It gentiunely feels afterwards that I no longer have 70% of water in my body, but more like 35% water in my body.

Again surely that has got to be good for the SN protocol, as the liquid fast is a key element of that. Also I used to drink & therefore puke, alochol a lot. I know from that experience, if you are REALLY dehydrated (as I feel after my masturbation sessions) it is much harder to be sick.

Vomitting is a key fear for anyone planning on using SN to CTB.

It seems others experience similar things like this;


So would be interested on any thoughts anyone has on this, particular any medical professional, as to why any of this might NOT be a good idea to CTB with SN?
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Don’t send pm without asking first
Oct 17, 2021
LOL dude thats some complex process thinking there… men always impresses me even more
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losing hope

Apr 27, 2022
LOL dude thats some complex process thinking there… men always impresses me even more
Thanks & perhaps their is some sort of an equivalent for women as they seem to produce more fluids during sex than men?

Just want to ensure when I do take SN I ain't going to wake up the next morning & vomitting is my biggest fear with SN. So if weed & masturbating can help with that...then it's win-win!

Another reason why I feel so dehydrated after one of my "sessions" is obviously the sweat I produced when I am frantically going at it. Also masturbating all day helps burn off any residual food sitting in your tummy...so doing the job fasting would do in the SN protocol. Then I personally believe weed would be a decent anti-vomit...as long as you get "high" for long enough. So might use that if I can't get the tradiionally recommended anti-vomit drugs.

Again all of that will be relevant to women.
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Unsubscribing soon
Feb 21, 2022
I have no idea if this method of dehydration would help with SN ingestion, but I admire your innovative thought process. Got to say your bicycle pump imagery did make me laugh though.
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Jul 6, 2022
***Hopefully this thread can become a useful exploration/resource into this subject for anyone mature enough***

For context, here is some background on why I posted this. I am a weed & porn addict & I masturbate a lot…something like 10 times a day when high. When untake these "sessions" I've noticed how my ball bag inflates with air. Which then leads to me urinating too frequently. So much so that I get REALLY dehydrated, which surely must help with SN ingestion?

Think of like a bicycle tyre pump, inflating a flat tyre with air, expect the bicyle pump is my penis & the flat tyre is my ball bag. It seems, because air is being pumped into my ball bag it seems to increase the need for my ball bag to want to expel liquid from my balls. Even if there isn't any urine sitting in my balls in that moment. When I get like this I've noticed my balls really swell up (presuambly bc of the air?) & feel REALLY heavy.

What I have therefore notice is my balls therefore drains the rest of my body for that liquid. They say humans are made up of 70% water , so if I undertake these masturbation "sessions" for like a week. It gentiunely feels afterwards that I no longer have 70% of water in my body, but more like 35% water in my body.

Again surely that has got to be good for the SN protocol, as the liquid fast is a key element of that. Also I used to drink & therefore puke, alochol a lot. I know from that experience, if you are REALLY dehydrated (as I feel after my masturbation sessions) it is much harder to be sick.

Vomitting is a key fear for anyone planning on using SN to CTB.

It seems others experience similar things like this;


So would be interested on any thoughts anyone has on this, particular any medical professional, as to why any of this might NOT be a good idea to CTB with SN?
Wow uh… i mean if it helps you calm down or smtin then i guess its helpful
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Oct 4, 2022
(I apologize in advance if this offends you, but it's just the honest truth.)

It seems as if you are trying to find a way to incorporate your compulsive/addictive behavior into the CTB process. If any kind of addiction is a factor at play here, then it's worth addressing.

I've heard about at least one failed attempt on the forum from a guy who tried using weed as an antiemetic. The stuff about fapping and sweat retention is laughable at best, probably has no effect.

If you can't overcome compulsive/addictive behaviors for long enough to follow the regimen, then the method you've chosen won't work. You will make mistakes weighing SN or preparing solution if you are high.
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Sep 17, 2022
What the fuck did I just read
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losing hope

Apr 27, 2022
(I apologize in advance if this offends you, but it's just the honest truth.)

Your post doesn't offend me, but it's clear the various points you make aren't valid. Like…

It seems as if you are trying to find a way to incorporate your compulsive/addictive behavior into the CTB process. If any kind of addiction is a factor at play here, then it's worth addressing.

Not true. Look over my previous posts as I've looked into methods like exit bag / BBQ in a tent or jumping off Beachy Head etc where you can't incorporate my addictive behaviours. Indeed these methods are my backup except for exit bag where I don't think I would have the lung cacapity for it due to my weed smoking history. It was actually that latter point which started this thought process.

Even if what you said is true why is that a problem like you are trying to make out? I mean how many alcoholics get wasted before jumping to their death or hanging themselves to help overcome SI? If a suggestion helps someone CTB then why is it a problem as you seem to be making out?

I've heard about at least one failed attempt on the forum from a guy who tried using weed as an antiemetic.

Can you therefore post details / evidence of this, or again being truthful I simply don't believe you! Because it seems that @makethepainstop used THC gummies as an antiemetic & hasn't been seen since his CTB attempt on 7/1/23.

Then there is a medical website report on here of a (homeless I think) guy in the US who brought SN from Walmart back when it was available (in 2019 I think) & was found dead by the medical people lying in his own featus & vomit. I can't remember where the thread is now here perhaps someone can link it, but in that thread it was thought this guy didn't fast or follow protocol hence why he was found in his vomit & faeces. But the medical report did say he was found with weed in his system.

Then in the PPH handbook (from Exit International whom have witnessed hundreds of deaths via SN) it says that Cannabis can be used as a second line alternative smoked 10 mins before ingesting SN.

The stuff about fapping and sweat retention is laughable at best, probably has no effect.

What authority do you say that with? Because I've just googled "Masturbation & dehydrated" & got 1,970,000 results, clicked on the first one; https://www.google.com/search?q=Masturbation+&+dehydrated&sxsrf=AJOqlzXoM5VPIic_MbtVfQ8VCUEHjscYww:1673786086512&ei=5vLDY6vvHoOg8gKz25DwAg&ved=0ahUKEwir-vaIy8n8AhUDkFwKHbMtBC4Q4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=Masturbation+&+dehydrated&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzoFCAAQgAQ6BQgAEIYDSgQIQRgASgQIRhgAUABY6akBYLauAWgCcAF4AIABowOIAfoJkgEHNC40LjQtMZgBAKABAqABAcABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp

Which asked; "Why does my body get dehydrated after I masturbate?"

One of the answers I found was; "Because masturbation dumps fluids and electrolytes, the most notable one being zinc. Compounded with the fact people don't know how to hydrate properly. Masturbation also causes the dopamine receptors to desensitize and prolactin goes way up, this causes more electrolytes to be dumped to set in relaxation. It also causes an acute Testosterone drop as Testosterone and Prolactin have an inverse relationship."

That sounds more logical to me & fitting in with my own lived experience unlike your unscientific answer which for all I know could have been written by a 14 yr old kid who knows sweet FA on this!

ATM I trust all the sources I posted in the OP & above (the PPH / @makethepainstop & that medical website etc) much more than you. Prove to me why that shouldn't be the case!

If you can't overcome compulsive/addictive behaviors for long enough to follow the regimen, then the method you've chosen won't work. You will make mistakes weighing SN or preparing solution if you are high.

You really have NO CLUE what you are banging on about do you? Firstly addicts do sometimes have sober periods...not least to build up their torrance to their choosing drug. Otherwise how do the many addicts both on this forum & IRL CTB then?

Since you have been truthful, please allow me to do the same and I apologize in advance if this offends you. I think you made that above points because you are jealous that you didn't think of this particular idea first. As other posters have commented they find this line of thinking innovative. New protocols are created via innovate thinking. Fact.

Also in my experience, people who come up with new ideas sometimes get unnecessary shot down by jealous people who need a ego boost like these guys were...

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Jan 6, 2023
I wouldn't want to be found dead with my limp, discolored dick in my hand
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losing hope

Apr 27, 2022
I wouldn't want to be found dead with my limp, discolored dick in my hand

You have misunderstood the OP. Re-read it again.

In it I said;

What I have therefore notice is my balls therefore drains the rest of my body for that liquid. They say humans are made up of 70% water , so if I undertake these masturbation "sessions" for like a week. It gentiunely feels afterwards that I no longer have 70% of water in my body, but more like 35% water in my body.

So if lets say for arguement sake that a week of consitently masturbating (on weed) does reduce your hydration levels by 50%.

Then there is no need to "be found with your limp, discoulored dick in your hand." Because you are already 50% dehyradrated before you even touch the SN. So the work has already been done.
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Jul 1, 2022
I don't think anyone has failed SN because they didn't masturbate but a final fap session before you go isn't the worst idea.
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losing hope

Apr 27, 2022
respect to my mother! wtf
these comments not are allowed here!

Do you think your orginal "fake" comment is ok then?

Because of that & you telling me to "masturbate yourself" I posted my response. Don't dish out what you can't take especially if you are going to cry afterwards. Simples!

BTW I think your username is very appropriate given your behaviour on this thread.
Judy Garland

Judy Garland

Mar 23, 2022
When you talk about your "Ball Bag" are you talking about your scrotum? Your scrotum doesn't fill with air.
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Jul 15, 2022
Do you think your orginal "fake" comment is ok then?

Because of that & you telling me to "masturbate yourself" I posted my response. Don't dish out what you can't take especially if you are going to cry afterwards. Simples!

BTW I think your username is very appropriate given your behaviour on this thread.
"boy" is not a small child
it's a young man

it sounds weird "the teenager" or something like that
also, why are you naming a "mother"?

f***** you 😐


Dec 14, 2021
How do you think your scrotum is inflating with air? Urine doesn't "sit in your balls" it's in your bladder.
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Don’t send pm without asking first
Oct 17, 2021
Could you be having an episode now? I know you will be pissed off by my comment but truly don't want to hurt your feelings. And im so sorry you are considering ctb in the first place. Life can be so isolating, lately i mostly just limited my social interactions only to people here online where i can control the lengths of it and my mental state atm sort of. I don't think anybody wants to fight with you really. The toppic is kinda funny in the first place or the combination of both toppics. We all do masturbation and sex, its just one of those things one kinda keep it private like taking a shit.
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losing hope

Apr 27, 2022
When you talk about your "Ball Bag" are you talking about your scrotum? Your scrotum doesn't fill with air.

Yes I mean scrotum & your scrotum can swell up; https://www.healthline.com/health/scrotal-swelling#causes

In that link it said; "Scrotal swelling… may be caused by a buildup of fluid, inflammation, or an abnormal growth within the scrotum."

I'm no medical expert so I DON'T know the swelling is air for sure it just felt like that for a layman like me. It could equally be inflammation or pressure build up as well, so any professional medical opinions on this subject would be appreciated. What I thought might be happening (before reading the above link) is air might be getting in the pee hole. But after reading that link...equally the air could simply be a pressure build up in the scrotum from masturbating the penis. Whatever it is (maybe pressure?) it the same thing that forces sperm out of your penis when you cum.

f***** you 😐

Same to you & I actually really enjoyed our encounter as I like standing up to trolls. So I had fun! Lesson of the day… don't make immature posts saying "fake" otherwise someone might just get your mother involved. :wink:

How do you think your scrotum is inflating with air? Urine doesn't "sit in your balls" it's in your bladder.
See my response to Judy Garland above as that along with the website link provided answers your question about the Scrotum. Your are correct in that urine doesn't sit in your balls & thank you for correcting me on that. :happy:

However your balls do feel like they play a part when expelling liquids from your penis. That is what I meant.

Could you be having an episode now? I know you will be pissed off by my comment but truly don't want to hurt your feelings. And im so sorry you are considering ctb in the first place. Life can be so isolating, lately i mostly just limited my social interactions only to people here online where i can control the lengths of it and my mental state atm sort of. I don't think anybody wants to fight with you really. The toppic is kinda funny in the first place or the combination of both toppics. We all do masturbation and sex, its just one of those things one kinda keep it private like taking a shit.

Please don't worry you haven't offended me... I've just spent the last hour on the phone, so away from this forum. Hence why I haven't replied to you immediately. I understand the topic is funny hence why my first words in the OP were;

***Hopefully this thread can become a useful exploration/resource into this subject for anyone mature enough***

Since this forum is supposed to be over 18's only, I was hoping to have a grown up mature chat on this. Especially as trying to dehydrate oneself might be an element of SN's success. So for anyone who REALLY does want to CTB (as apose to just talking about CTB or using it as a cry for help). Finding the answer to this question might just be the difference between CTB success v experiencing an SN failure horror story like that of @IntelligentLeg recently.

IMO That @IntelligentLeg SN failure thread showed there might be some SN fantanics on here. And they might have a problem with new innovate ideas to improve SN ingestion that aren't in Stan's guide or the PPH because they are sheep... so only have enough intelligence to do as they are told.

But just consider that the experts on this subject, Exit international, regualarly update their recommended SN protocol in the PPH as they did last Sept. They do this after witnessing, first hand, hundreds of SN deaths. Stan...who made the guide on here that most follow CTB'ed so obviously can't update his guide anymore.

There is likely to be a 15 to 30 mins window of potenial pain / vomitting / unpleasantness that could happen after drinking SN assuming you have followed the protocol correctly & are successful. I am merely looking for ways to reduce that 15 - 30 mins window of potenial pain / vomitting / unpleasaness & ensure I do pass out quickly. Don't care if I have to masturbate myself silly beforehand to achieve that. In fact it would be fun!

People also don't talk about suicide in normal life....but I thought this forum was different?

No so long along someone made a thread about their penis size being too small. These kind of frank & mature discussions are why I return to this forum.
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As above, So Below.
Jan 21, 2022
High on what? Amphetamine? That's the only thing that makes me want to fap constantly.
Yes I mean scrotum & your scrotum can swell up; https://www.healthline.com/health/scrotal-swelling#causes

In that link it said; "Scrotal swelling… may be caused by a buildup of fluid, inflammation, or an abnormal growth within the scrotum."

I'm no medical expert so I DON'T know the swelling is air for sure it just felt like that for a layman like me. It could equally be inflammation or pressure build up as well, so any professional medical opinions on this subject would be appreciated. What I thought might be happening (before reading the above link) is air might be getting in the pee hole. But after reading that link...equally the air could simply be a pressure build up in the scrotum from masturbating the penis. Whatever it is (maybe pressure?) it the same thing that forces sperm out of your penis when you cum.

Same to you & I actually really enjoyed our encounter as I like standing up to trolls. So I had fun! Lesson of the day… don't make immature posts saying "fake" otherwise someone might just get your mother involved. :wink:

See my response to Judy Garland above as that along with the website link provided answers your question about the Scrotum. Your are correct in that urine doesn't sit in your balls & thank you for correcting me on that. :happy:

However your balls do feel like they play a part when expelling liquids from your penis. That is what I meant.

Please don't worry you haven't offended me... I've just spent the last hour on the phone, so away from this forum. Hence why I haven't replied to you immediately. I understand the topic is funny hence why my first words in the OP were;

Since this forum is supposed to be over 18's only, I was hoping to have a grown up mature chat on this. Especially as trying to dehydrate oneself might be an element of SN's success. So for anyone who REALLY does want to CTB (as apose to just talking about CTB or using it as a cry for help). Finding the answer to this question might just be the difference between CTB success v experiencing an SN failure horror story like that of @IntelligentLeg recently.

IMO That @IntelligentLeg SN failure thread showed there might be some SN fantanics on here. And they might have a problem with new innovate ideas to improve SN ingestion that aren't in Stan's guide or the PPH because they are sheep... so only have enough intelligence to do as they are told.

But just consider that the experts on this subject, Exit international, regualarly update their recommended SN protocol in the PPH as they did last Sept. They do this after witnessing, first hand, hundreds of SN deaths. Stan...who made the guide on here that most follow CTB'ed so obviously can't update his guide anymore.

There is likely to be a 15 to 30 mins window of potenial pain / vomitting / unpleasantness that could happen after drinking SN assuming you have followed the protocol correctly & are successful. I am merely looking for ways to reduce that 15 - 30 mins window of potenial pain / vomitting / unpleasaness & ensure I do pass out quickly. Don't care if I have to masturbate myself silly beforehand to achieve that. In fact it would be fun!

People also don't talk about suicide in normal life....but I thought this forum was different?

No so long along someone made a thread about their penis size being too small. These kind of frank & mature discussions are why I return to this forum.
IntelligentLeg failed because of the brand they used.
Yes I mean scrotum & your scrotum can swell up; https://www.healthline.com/health/scrotal-swelling#causes

In that link it said; "Scrotal swelling… may be caused by a buildup of fluid, inflammation, or an abnormal growth within the scrotum."

I'm no medical expert so I DON'T know the swelling is air for sure it just felt like that for a layman like me. It could equally be inflammation or pressure build up as well, so any professional medical opinions on this subject would be appreciated. What I thought might be happening (before reading the above link) is air might be getting in the pee hole. But after reading that link...equally the air could simply be a pressure build up in the scrotum from masturbating the penis. Whatever it is (maybe pressure?) it the same thing that forces sperm out of your penis when you cum.

Same to you & I actually really enjoyed our encounter as I like standing up to trolls. So I had fun! Lesson of the day… don't make immature posts saying "fake" otherwise someone might just get your mother involved. :wink:

See my response to Judy Garland above as that along with the website link provided answers your question about the Scrotum. Your are correct in that urine doesn't sit in your balls & thank you for correcting me on that. :happy:

However your balls do feel like they play a part when expelling liquids from your penis. That is what I meant.

Please don't worry you haven't offended me... I've just spent the last hour on the phone, so away from this forum. Hence why I haven't replied to you immediately. I understand the topic is funny hence why my first words in the OP were;

Since this forum is supposed to be over 18's only, I was hoping to have a grown up mature chat on this. Especially as trying to dehydrate oneself might be an element of SN's success. So for anyone who REALLY does want to CTB (as apose to just talking about CTB or using it as a cry for help). Finding the answer to this question might just be the difference between CTB success v experiencing an SN failure horror story like that of @IntelligentLeg recently.

IMO That @IntelligentLeg SN failure thread showed there might be some SN fantanics on here. And they might have a problem with new innovate ideas to improve SN ingestion that aren't in Stan's guide or the PPH because they are sheep... so only have enough intelligence to do as they are told.

But just consider that the experts on this subject, Exit international, regualarly update their recommended SN protocol in the PPH as they did last Sept. They do this after witnessing, first hand, hundreds of SN deaths. Stan...who made the guide on here that most follow CTB'ed so obviously can't update his guide anymore.

There is likely to be a 15 to 30 mins window of potenial pain / vomitting / unpleasantness that could happen after drinking SN assuming you have followed the protocol correctly & are successful. I am merely looking for ways to reduce that 15 - 30 mins window of potenial pain / vomitting / unpleasaness & ensure I do pass out quickly. Don't care if I have to masturbate myself silly beforehand to achieve that. In fact it would be fun!

People also don't talk about suicide in normal life....but I thought this forum was different?

No so long along someone made a thread about their penis size being too small. These kind of frank & mature discussions are why I return to this forum.
I agree with you about Stans Guide. People make it seem like such a big deal to worship Stan's Guide, when Stan was getting most of his information from the PPH, and he is not here to update it anymore. Thank you @Stan btw, no hate. Thanks for compiling all the information for us.
Oh you're just smoking weed.. dude.. don't ever touch meth. You might get stuck masturbating for the rest of your life.
Just fast. Lol.
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losing hope

Apr 27, 2022
Thank you @Stan btw, no hate.

I also want to echo these words

Just fast. Lol.

darksunshine01 apparently fasted for 14hours & drank 2x 25g SN with 50ml each of water. The first was I thrown up. The second around 15mins later was also thrown up too but not as much.
Whilst we think all that SN did get to them it just took it's time. We don't know how much suffering they might have gone through until they passed out:


What I am suggesting here might have mitigiated some of their vomitting / suffering. So unless someone can provide a scientific reason, backed by evidence, why it would wouldn't be a good idea, I am inclined to try it.


As above, So Below.
Jan 21, 2022
I also want to echo these words

darksunshine01 apparently fasted for 14hours & drank 2x 25g SN with 50ml each of water. The first was I thrown up. The second around 15mins later was also thrown up too but not as much.
Whilst we think all that SN did get to them it just took it's time. We don't know how much suffering they might have gone through until they passed out:


What I am suggesting here might have mitigiated some of their vomitting / suffering. So unless someone can provide a scientific reason, backed by evidence, why it would wouldn't be a good idea, I am inclined to try it.
Most people vomit even without an antiemetic.

losing hope

Apr 27, 2022
Most people vomit even without an antiemetic.
All the more reason to get REALLY dehydrated then. As I said in the OP I used to drink & therefore puke, alochol a lot. I know from that experience, if you are REALLY dehydrated (as I feel after my masturbation sessions) it is much harder to be sick. As there is no liqiud in your system forcing the vomit from your tummy out. So you dry heave instead.

Weed also dries your mouth: https://www.mic.com/life/why-weed-makes-your-mouth-feel-dry-what-to-do-about-it-27628918


Sep 8, 2022
I am blown away by this train of logic.
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As above, So Below.
Jan 21, 2022
All the more reason to get REALLY dehydrated then. As I said in the OP I used to drink & therefore puke, alochol a lot. I know from that experience, if you are REALLY dehydrated (as I feel after my masturbation sessions) it is much harder to be sick. As there is no liqiud in your system forcing the vomit from your tummy out. So you dry heave instead.

Weed also dries your mouth: https://www.mic.com/life/why-weed-makes-your-mouth-feel-dry-what-to-do-about-it-27628918
Couldn't you just smoke a joint and go for a jog?

losing hope

Apr 27, 2022
Couldn't you just smoke a joint and go for a jog?

Yes you could do that. Personally I can get myself more dehydrated by other means :wink:

The other thing I find with weed is it seems to numb my mouth & relax me, which might help when it comes to drinking SN & having to endure it's very salty unpleasant taste. Was reading the goodbye thread for @GOODHI & he/she seemed to struggle with SN after drinking it;


So I just want check their is no valid / scencitific reason against what I am suggesting?
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May you find peace in living or dying
Oct 24, 2023
The Greatest Showman Lol GIF by Sky
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