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a grieving mother
Sep 15, 2019
I don't get it. If you don't tell your parents you plan to suicide, what can the "law" the police can do even if your parents tell them that you have a gun? You a grow man right? Meaning over 21. LEGALLY by law you can own a shotgun. Like you say you have a clean background, obviously you have to be clear in order for them to sale you the gun. So if you parents see it, just tell them you need it for home protection or it a hobby of shooting at outdoor range.

I mean at worst your parents can kick you out, since you over 18 so they not obligate to give you a roof over your head. But by law they can't remove the gun from your possession when by law you legally can own one, since you already pass the background check, etc..

I would just concentrate on whether it get a better job or whatever to move out. Rent a 1 bedroom studio apartment. Then problem solve. Not have to worry about your parents on this gun stuff anymore.


Life is temporary, death is permanent
Sep 26, 2019
I've simply dry-fired and practiced but never a real attempt

First thing is first, it will be sad to see you gone.

Now as far as the issue at hand, did you dry fire ahead or as if you were to do it? You might want to take the gun to the range and do a live fire at a target. The kickback on some guns is a bit. This is a huge reason why I'm not going to do it with a gun.

As far as hiding it. I can't give a good solution. But some guns you can take apart and put back together if you know what you're doing. If I was to do something shady (I don't know about the laws, but lets throw that to the side) and if I was going to hide or smuggle guns. Take apart the gun and have the barrel in a different place from the firing part. And even take that apart if you can

But why go through all this trouble to start with?


I Liked Ike
May 11, 2019
It's pretty common practice in UK to lodge a gun with a Registered Dealer, for a variety of reasons.

For the dealer it's business - there is invariably a small charge levied.

I'm intrigued as to why dealers in your neck of the woods are reluctant to do it.


Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
@toomuchgrief Look, I don't tell them about my plans nor even hint at suicidality, but since my parents know about my behaviors, manners, and also outbursts in the past (no longer the case), they don't trust me with a firearm and also due to their own personal views on guns, they still don't want it in their house. Fair enough and I respect their home and rules, so I went to the trouble of storing it away from parents. Yes, they are not obligated to give me a roof over my head and I do appreciate them doing so (out of their own kindness and volition), thus I am doing what I can to keep the peace until I'm ready to CTB (later this year). Yes, while the worst thing is that they could just kick me out (well within their rights), I'd want to avoid that outcome while also keeping my method in tact. I don't want to have to resort to less reliable methods and end up surviving as a vegetable or end up with collateral damage, hence I'm doing it at a place where it would have the LEAST impact on others' lives and not even involving others. In fact, I'm even going out of my way to avoid making a mess in my parents' place (CTB'ing at a remote location).

@Thatdude Yes, I have done an actual dryfire as if I was going to do it, so I do know the positioning and what not (practiced a few times in the privacy of my bedroom when I lived away from parents). Well as far as the troubles, it started with my living situation changing near the end of 2019. At the place I used to live at, I was more or less easier to go about things and the home owner wasn't really nosy and respected my privacy. Ever since moving back with parents, the environment and living situation is different so I have to go to lengths to keep the peace with parents while also protecting my method. The last thing I want to is to have to resort to lesser reliable methods and risk failure. The only people I can be honest about my thoughts are the ones on here, no where else.

@Roger Well, the thing is there are some FFL's (licensed gun dealers) that would do so, but then some not. I don't know all the reasons, but maybe sometimes due to storage space and other business related reasons.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
So recently things have become a bit easier for me in terms of logistics. I was able to work out an agreement with the store in terms of storage and for now, I will just focus on my goals and other things without worrying of a time limit or losing my method in the meantime.

I also had another idea if I ever get questioned or confronted about it by other people who know me IRL (like if my parents found out somehow but I highly doubt it), which is saying that I am doing target shooting at a range and it's a hobby. Worst comes to worst, I could say that I bought it for my hobby but if they aren't comfortable with the knowledge that I own a firearm, then I could appease them by saying that I do plan to sell it at some point in the future. Of course, those are my two advantages and defenses should such a situation ever arise, which I don't believe they would. I just need to buy myself enough time (about 7-8 months from february at least, maybe a bit more) then I would be ready. Of course, the date could be expedited, should the situation ever change.
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Jan 30, 2020
take oil for weapons put your shotgun in a plastic bag after you oil it and dug it inside 1 meter of soil i dont see whats so complicated in storing your weapon for when you feel ready...but i do understand that your not ready yet and why and how it feels ..usually.
And the shotgun has nearly no rate of failure so i dont see why you worry...i saw a video with a homemade shotgun someone made a small one he only bought the shell and he aimed under his chin and boom he was out ....its instant messy for others yes but i can assure you , little chance of failure... as for storage stop paying others to store the gun shove it in the ground and you can pick it up years later... just make sure the soil doesnt seem like someone has been digging in case you burry it somewhere public..... make sure the upper layer of grass stays grass...sry if i made a mistake i skipped what you wrote a lot but i saw you talking about stores keeping your gun.... Your only problem of your family or people finding out about your plans would be them putting you in a mental hospital or even worse taking your gun from you with you having no chance of buying a new gun because of your mental history... so i suggest hide that gun you bought in 2018 if you still got it and when you are ready do it... You can buy a mechanical timer and do some engineering for an automatic trigger pull while your sleeping.... I was thinking this one before i read your thread.... i know how it goes in my mind you need some elastic strong rubbers a small rope a heating stove wire a timer and a base to attach your shotgun which will be aiming your bedsite at your head.... just make sure you stay awake 2 days and then go to sleep so you dont move a lot in your bed...
So recently things have become a bit easier for me in terms of logistics. I was able to work out an agreement with the store in terms of storage and for now, I will just focus on my goals and other things without worrying of a time limit or losing my method in the meantime.

I also had another idea if I ever get questioned or confronted about it by other people who know me IRL (like if my parents found out somehow but I highly doubt it), which is saying that I am doing target shooting at a range and it's a hobby. Worst comes to worst, I could say that I bought it for my hobby but if they aren't comfortable with the knowledge that I own a firearm, then I could appease them by saying that I do plan to sell it at some point in the future. Of course, those are my two advantages and defenses should such a situation ever arise, which I don't believe they would. I just need to buy myself enough time (about 7-8 months from february at least, maybe a bit more) then I would be ready. Of course, the date could be expedited, should the situation ever change.

Please make sure noone finds out about your plans youll go to mental hospital then your gun removed and then no possibility of owning a gun in your life again so this easy method will be taken from you.... On the contrast please dont proceed with your plan without leaving some kind of message for your loved ones so they dont think that you was suffering in silence all this time.... let them know it was part of the plan for the above reasons .....they will think that you was in some kind of awful situation that you couldnt even share with them your problems.....
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
@SettOne1994 Thanks for your comments and as far as people finding out, I am doing everything I can to AVOID that happening, including not dropping any hints of CTB or anything related to CTB'ing. I have taken just about every measure I could think of (and possibly more than average) to avoid discovery and detection. I even had alibis constructed for the worst (rare but possible) case scenarios which means the hobby reason as well as selling the firearm if they ever discover it, though I will strongly assert the first alibi (because I have gone to a range to shoot for fun before).

In regards to your idea about how to CTB with a firearm, first off, no I don't have my firearm with me; it is stored with a gun store and not accessible to me. I would have to go through another background check when I access it and gain physical possession of it again (which should be no problem), but that won't be until I am fully ready and am going to CTB.

You can buy a mechanical timer and do some engineering for an automatic trigger pull while your sleeping.... I was thinking this one before i read your thread.... i know how it goes in my mind you need some elastic strong rubbers a small rope a heating stove wire a timer and a base to attach your shotgun which will be aiming your bedsite at your head.... just make sure you stay awake 2 days and then go to sleep so you dont move a lot in your bed...

Here is a post to explain why using your mechanical trigger to discharge the weapon is a bad idea.

As for when time gets close (like half a year from now), I will have notes and stuff (including delayed emails and messages) once I am ready to attempt. Everything will come together once I am going through with CTB'ing.
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