

Jun 1, 2019
A well known phrase if ever I saw one. Its debatable who actually coined the phrase, but its immaterial.

The saying is applied frequently to statistics because they can be bent, shaped, twisted to mean just about anything you want them to. Apparently, the UK ranks #75 on the list of highest suicide rates per 100,000 of population, yet we have one of the highest rates of suicide of men under the age of 25. Separately, they mean little to each other, together they present a completely different picture. Maybe a poor example, I dont know, but to me it highlights what the title and the quote are aiming at.

Recently, this forum, appears to have been beset by people demonising SN as a method. Now its my chosen method, so maybe I have a certain bias towards it. I did a lot of research into the method. Having been in Gas safety, I understand how haemoglobin works, what it does and what happens when we mess with it. So SN made sense from that perspective. Its easy [ish] to obtain, if things go wrong, there is little evidence to suggest lasting damage, it appears to be relatively painless but also quite effective if done right. So yeah, for me, its the way to go.

Now I am not stupid for the most part and if you beg to differ on that, I am ok with it and would not be offended. The actual research into SN as a cause of death is sketchy at best. As a method of suicide, its even more obtuse. We/you/I could bend what little information there is to make it mean whatever we would like it to mean, without any of it being accurate in the slightest. It is possible that whatever information is readily available online, is ambiguous at best, damned lies at worst.

Because SN is a food additive mainly, used for various reasons in food production, mainly as a preservative, its widely used across the globe. It remains largely unregulated. Before it was mentioned as a suicide method, who actually knew what it was and how harmful it could potentially be? Now its out there as a method, I could fully understand that due to its nature, the powers that be would want to deter its use as a method. What better way to do that than spread a few half truths, a few lies, some damned lies and some statistics, allegedly backing up what you are aiming at, discouraging anyone from using SN as a method to end ones life. The food industry has some very powerful companies running it, with almost endless resources to fight any attempts to regulate SN. So making it widely unavailable seems unrealistic to governments given its uses. So what is left as a way and means to prevent people using it to end their life? Back to the title and quote.

There is a megathread on this forum dedicated to SN. Its a mess if we are honest and I think admin are well aware of it. There have been numerous threads about how to use SN as a end of life method. Some good, some not so good. There are doubts about how effective it is, there are fears of what the side effects could be as there is so little available research. So in some respects, we are pissing into the wind when talking about the ifs and buts of SN as a method. But coming onto a pro choice forum and spreading lies, damned lies and statistics about SN is just silly in the extreme.

Yes, it does seem too good to be true as a method. It appears on the surface to be a very cheap alternative to the holy grail of N but just as effective. Yes, there are no doubt all kinds of complications that could occur for any given individual. Please show me a method of suicide where none of these concerns exist. Dying, to say it happens to all of us at some point, is not a exact science. 5g of SN will be enough to kill one person but will barely register with another. Why? no one really knows from what I have read. If someone falls 10000 feet and lives with barely a scratch, how can anyone explain that or why 5g of SN kills one but not another?

It really only comes down to what you want to believe. SN to me appears to be a way to die I am comfortable with. Jumping from a high structure is not something I am comfortable with. I read a lot, try and filter what I read into language that means something to me and then make a informed decision. That decision is right for me and ONLY me. I am not going to tell anyone here or in the real world what they should or should not do. I have reservations about some methods, but if someone is comfortable with their choices, then all I will do is outline my concerns and then wish them well. I will not frighten them with spurious statistics about how A or B could happen and neither should you or anyone else here.

Just to end on a lighter note and thanks for reading if you get this far. This is opinion and it is only opinion. In the UK we have a little thing we call taking the piss. Its making light of something for a whole host of different reasons. Maybe its our humour, maybe its because we are sarcastic fuckers most of the time and the rest of the world just does not "get it". I dont know. But its ok to take the piss in most cases. Its probably not ok to whoever I am taking the piss out of. I take the piss out of myself. I try not to take myself too seriously. But its not attacking someone, its not passive aggression, its just trying to lighten the mood a little in a place where it is all too easy to be bogged down in the mire of suicide and ideation. That is all, nothing more or less. So if you want to jump on a soap box and berate me for taking the piss, by all means do so, but dont expect me to take much notice. If you want to try and tell me its something its not, get on with it, it does not change anything.

Hopefully, we will see a end to demonising any method here that is considered serious enough by most. I know this thread will disappear into the darkness of a forum but I feel lighter for having written it and for me, thats what a forum is for.

Toodle Pip
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Oct 6, 2019

And, by the way, although I'm from the US, I love the UK sense of humor. I know I can always come to this site and get a laugh or two. :heart:

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