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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
I have the opposite problem. I am told that I am attractive. I have met some horrible, manipulative, evil men who will say/do anything to convince me they care just so that they can get me in bed. Then, after months of pretending, I find out who they really are, evil. I've often thought that I wish I was ugly because then when a man pursued me, I'd know it was because of my personality and not just that he wanted to sleep with me. I feel like men won't even bother to get to know me or anything about me and my more important qualities (intelligence, skills, interests, etc) because they're only after sexual conquest.
If you really wish to be ugly then why not be so? It's pretty easy to ruin your appearance.
I'm sorry but I'm really getting sick and tired of this shit.
That privileged thought process is extremely insulting to people who are trapped inside their unattractive faces and bodies and discriminated against their entire lives.

You have things backwards.
People open the door for attractive people in more ways than one, they are given the opportunity to be seen in the first place, so that their personality and other qualities can then be allowed to follow and be seen and appreciated as well.
Conversely, the unattractive get the door slammed shut in their face, nobody wants to even give them the chance to show what's beneath the surface.
They have to struggle and push their way through life, scream at the top of their lungs to be seen and heard, and even when they are, they will always get unsavory commentary and mistreatment thrown their way, alongside any success they've had to grovel in the dirt for.
Even the average Joe or Jane is worse off in the shadow of the beautiful ones.
In this society, based on the human proclivity to assessing via appearances, you have to be visible in the most obvious of ways, before you can be visible with any other aspect of who you are.

Being ugly does not save you from being manipulated and used or taken advantage of, in fact, it makes you a thousand times more vulnerable to it.
If you think being good looking means that you're the only person who suffers via being valued by your appearance, you are wrong, dead wrong.
Every last one of us succumbs to the superficiality of our fellow man, but people who are attractive still have the easiest go at it.

Being less than attractive is not going to help you know that a man, or anyone else for that matter, is pursuing you for your personality, rather than to sleep with you.
Do you know how many people have pretended to be nice to me under false pretenses?
Just to get something out of me? Countless!
And I'm not attractive in the slightest!
They see an unattractive woman and think I'm desperate enough to do anything they say or request of me, and if I don't, they will go straight for the low blows and rub it in-just how ugly they find me, just how worthless I am because of that, and let me tell you, the majority will back them up in their belittlement of me.
I don't get to stand tall and walk away from the abuse, I don't get to make them feel small and say "no thank you, I'm too good for you, see ya!"
I don't get to go home and look in the mirror and at least find comfort in the fact that my physical form is pleasing and freeing, there is no contentment when in the presence of others, nor on my own.
It is a prison sentence 24/7.

And if your problem is with men in romantic relationships, then physical attraction is always going to be a factor, if you don't want it to be, then the relationship would not be sexual or so heavily based on looks in the first place, as nearly all romances are.
I'm not saying that's the way things should be, but rather it is just how they are.
Even people you might consider ugly will still have to appeal to their partner physically in some way, and feel the pressure to keep up with that, or be tossed aside for another.
Not to mention the same type of 'evil' you recognize in certain men, is just as present, if not more so, in those same men, and society as a whole, toward the unattractive.

There are actually people who will sleep with ugly men and women, just to dump them on their asses afterward, because they know they will be "easy" to fuck and even easier to drop like a sack of shit.
Some even get into relationships with those who are less attractive, because it gives them a sense of power over them, it feeds their own ego, and it allows them to feel comfortable and secure, fully believing that their "poor little uggo" wouldn't dream of leaving them for someone else.
They don't see or appreciate the personality of the ugly person over their appearance, any more than an attractive person's.
The idea that they do is preposterous and a way for pretty people to throw pity parties, while the less fortunate are given a fake bone to chew on and ponder-until they realize it's made out of plastic.

It reminds me of that ridiculous quote that attractive people love to pull from 'The Guardians of the Galaxy':
"When you're ugly and someone loves you, you know they love you for who you are. Beautiful people never know who to trust." "Well, then I am certainly grateful to be ugly!"
..which I'm pretty sure was meant to be ironic (as the character claiming to be beautiful was arguably a brute, and the character being referred to as ugly, was very obviously alien-yet good looking), and if it wasn't..just wow.
You have to be daft to actually take a statement like that seriously.
As even in and of itself, it is easily disproved (and then some.)
As outlined above, ugly people are victims of having their trust abused, all the same and more than everyone else.
(Most vulnerable sides of any spectrum are.)

I am not saying you can't suffer or have painful problems/valid reasons to be on this site, you absolutely can, but to make your privilege into one of those problems?
Really? Come on now.
Like I've said before, it's like the rich moaning to the poor.
Know your audience, and realize your preferential position, in this one area, at the very least.
I have privileges too, in relation to others, and I would never dream of comparing them as an issue-to those who lack them altogether.
So I will never understand why other people continue to do this..
And I'm actually sorry to direct this all onto you, because you are far from the only person who is hellbent on twisting things in this way.
If you were, I'd probably let it be, but it's an issue that needs to be told it's an issue, so that a certain awareness in self-reflection can be possible.
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Jul 12, 2020
I have the opposite problem. I am told that I am attractive. I have met some horrible, manipulative, evil men who will say/do anything to convince me they care just so that they can get me in bed. Then, after months of pretending, I find out who they really are, evil. I've often thought that I wish I was ugly because then when a man pursued me, I'd know it was because of my personality and not just that he wanted to sleep with me. I feel like men won't even bother to get to know me or anything about me and my more important qualities (intelligence, skills, interests, etc) because they're only after sexual conquest.
What you describe has nothing to do with beauty. If you were "ugly" you'll get the same problem as long as you take some """care""" of your appearance just for being a woman.
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Dwelling within darkness
Mar 18, 2021
I'm really sorry that you went through all of that. I can really relate to that, especially coming from kinda catholic family where are parents wanting their sons/daughters to get a "good" partner to just bring them grandsons/granddaughters is sought after and social rejections of others online (because I have absolutely no social life irl). I really understand that must be painful to be in that.

Getting into a romantic journey is up to you if you desire to continue into the dating scene. These days, there's a lot of pressure from society to that is a "must" to have a romantic partner regardless of gender, which I personally really dislike a lot. I wish that could be more recognized to be single for life and not to be looked upon as a loser or "throwaway", I'm more inclined into not get any relationships of that nature because of that, is more of a fear-driven factor. That being said, you're not forced to find a romantic partner actually and neither is to follow a religion. Now, if having people who forces you to do or be in those, is really challenging to convince them, change their opinion, accept your decision... just totally depends of the individual.

And if wanting to get into dating, looks does matter, for first impression especially. But after that what's more important is what's their personality like and how they act like usually. Still, is important to take care of your appearance, hygiene and health though even when dating for quite sometime. I think might be ideal if you take care to feel good about yourself rather than to please another person for looks but that brings another one that it's depending of the individual...

You never know what that person might actually hide inside. Maybe they're under a mask, they might be oculting secrets, might be part of a plan to take advantage of you, they're faking it, they change over time, etc. You never know what they are like until you meet them and know the person more. Every person you meet is a mystery and puzzle...

Besides, is something I would most likely feel and think of if same thing happened to me regardless of type out of emotional distress but I consider it as not thinking well enough to do such action...
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Apr 5, 2020
I really think that looks and personality are equivalent, in that they're both physical things determined by genes & environment. Looks is the structure of the face and body, while personality is the structure of the neural architecture between your ears. Many people think that personality is this thing that you can freely shape to be however you want it to be. Not so. It's like with your face, there are changes you can make, but how much you can alter it is limited to the tech we currently have available/your luck with how the universe evolves.

Imo, it's not 'virtuous' (I kinda hate that word) to value personality over looks, or vice versa. Both are equally determined features of the universe. Which is more important in determining a person's attractiveness? I've no idea, it may depend on the beholder, but again I've no idea.
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Broken and hated 7-14 years long overdue
May 14, 2018
The first impression is very important. If ppl don't like your looks at first then they probably don't want to know you. Even if for some reason they get to know your personality they probably don't want to be in a relationship with you unless you have money or/and status. But relationship based on money and status don't have love. Romantic love is largely based on looks. The blackpill is right.
. Romantic love is based on looks, and then for them to fall hard they must really enjoy your company and personality. If you're personality is crappy they won't want to stay around with you.
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May 8, 2021
It's just the truth. Am I being irrational for being triggered that after I had a recent hook up with a guy that didn't go anywhere that I want to CTB because it reminds me of my trauma of being abandoned, overlooked, second choice, I grew up in a religious household where my mom pressed that it was best to wait until marriage I no longer believe in the Christian god. I just felt so valueless and used after this situation and I can't forgive myself for sleeping with him so soon, it pops in my head while he's out living his life with real estate and social life I truly hate him and wish he never approached me and I sprayed him with pepper spray so we didn't interact that day now I wouldn't be suffering so much but I was so lonely and feeling down and wanted validation and to escape the feelings of social rejection I used him to feel the void. I know it's pathetic for my behavior and I hate myself. I'm embarrassed how I behaved and I want to CTB over this although he won't even remember me or care. But who cares we are all going to die anyway. And I don't want to remember him and have him in my memories idc anymore.
My borderline personality sense is tingling and I would look into this because regardless of what your mental state is it's easy to get hung up on recent events triggering stuff and also things that really bother us, the fact is that no one here can say for sure what's your best option. I think relationships are less important than overall mental resilience and potential to change. There are conventionally unattractive people in happy relationships and there are happy people who stay single and learn to be ok with that. But these are just occurrences and I can't tell you how your life will be only that to decide to ctb is something that IMO should really be considered carefully and with an attempt to pursue all options to make life better first
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Feb 2, 2020
I just broke up with a fiancé amid two years, trust me you don't want this. If I had the chance I would go back and stay single as hell.

you don't know anxiety like the anxiety of picturing them with someone else. It's stomach crunching, absolutely vile.


Apr 5, 2020
I just broke up with a fiancé amid two years, trust me you don't want this. If I had the chance I would go back and stay single as hell.

you don't know anxiety like the anxiety of picturing them with someone else. It's stomach crunching, absolutely vile.

It's so difficult, I totally understand what you're saying. But on the flip-side, the pain of being single can be really bad, it depends on the person and their situation/psyche I think. It's the agony of worrying about losing them vs the agony of never having them to begin with.
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Broken and hated 7-14 years long overdue
May 14, 2018
My borderline personality sense is tingling and I would look into this because regardless of what your mental state is it's easy to get hung up on recent events triggering stuff and also things that really bother us, the fact is that no one here can say for sure what's your best option. I think relationships are less important than overall mental resilience and potential to change. There are conventionally unattractive people in happy relationships and there are happy people who stay single and learn to be ok with that. But these are just occurrences and I can't tell you how your life will be only that to decide to ctb is something that IMO should really be considered carefully and with an attempt to pursue all options to make life better first
CTB is my solution I been in therapy for years and on anti depressants it doesn't work. I'm miserable and emotionally exhausted. I had enough of life.
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chicken neck

Dec 3, 2020
I think I'm talking to someone who is feigning support to a woman depressed about being ugly, but is passive-agressively spreading redpill rethoric "If YoU Go FoR SoMeOnE WiThOuT ThE StAtUs or REal EsTatE ThEy mIGht StiCk ArOunDD!1!!11" just like the other guy who made his answer about how ugly guys have it rougher than ugly FeMaLes. Men might indeed have lower standards for sex but that's because they have higher libido, not because they are more virtuous and nice while women are evil and shallow. I'm so tired of this bs
Yeah well I'm tired of the rhetoric coming from women about how caring and virtuous you all are when I have experienced nothing but scorn and bullying from your gender for decades. Why can't people like you accept that people are assholes regardless of what they got between their legs? While I can understand the thought process of hating men for being treated like shit by them for years since the same pathology has occurred to me with my experiences with women, there are so many women in this thread shitting on men in general while refusing to accept or downplaying that women are by no means exempt from bullying, superficial, or predatory behaviour. Being ugly or not having the ideal body is not easy for men or women, get over it. I would love to switch bodies for a week so you can see just how many lovely unprovoked interactions I have with random women I am not even talking to who feel the need to shit on me out of nowhere because I'm a 5'6 man.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Yeah well I'm tired of the rhetoric coming from women about how caring and virtuous you all are when I have experienced nothing but scorn and bullying from your gender for decades. Why can't people like you accept that people are assholes regardless of what they got between their legs? While I can understand the thought process of hating men for being treated like shit by them for years since the same pathology has occurred to me with my experiences with women, there are so many women in this thread shitting on men in general while refusing to accept or downplaying that women are by no means exempt from bullying, superficial, or predatory behaviour. Being ugly or not having the ideal body is not easy for men or women, get over it. I would love to switch bodies for a week so you can see just how many lovely unprovoked interactions I have with random women I am not even talking to who feel the need to shit on me out of nowhere because I'm a 5'6 man.
If anyone has been making generalizations, I'm not sure it's the women. OP put in her title that looks matted for men and women. I'm sorry you have faced discrimination for being short.
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chicken neck

Dec 3, 2020
If anyone has been making generalizations, I'm not sure it's the women. OP put in her title that looks matted for men and women. I'm sorry you have faced discrimination for being short.
It isn't the OP, but if you read through the thread and have come to that conclusion, then I really don't know what to tell you.


shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
It isn't the OP, but if you read through the thread and have come to that conclusion, then I really don't know what to tell you.
I mostly see you and others jumping on OP more than the other way around. We clearly have completely opposite perspectives.
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chicken neck

Dec 3, 2020
I mostly see you and others jumping on OP more than the other way around. We clearly have completely opposite perspectives.
When did I jump on the OP, I quoted someone completely different. This is absolute nonsense.


shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
When did I jump on the OP, I quoted someone completely different. This is absolute nonsense.
The initial criticism of OP and the rest of the argument appears to be between other members, so why exactly are you injecting yourself into this conversation if you don't agree with these other posters?
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chicken neck

Dec 3, 2020
The initial criticism of OP and the rest of the argument appears to be between other members, so why exactly are you injecting yourself into this conversation if you don't agree with these other posters?
Didn't realize I wasn't allowed to have an opinion! Apologies for expressing myself on a message board


shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Didn't realize I wasn't allowed to have an opinion! Apologies for expressing myself on a message board
Go back to overreading hostility into people's posts. Talking about the struggles women face isn't the same as saying we're angels. Your victim complex about your height is a real trip.
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chicken neck

Dec 3, 2020
Go back to overreading hostility into people's posts. Talking about the struggles women face isn't the same as saying we're angels. Your victim complex about your height is a real trip.
Yeah well that's what happens when you're treated like garbage for it your whole life I guess. The fact you threw that in my face shows just how genuine you were when you said you were sorry for how I was treated. I didn't overread into anything, your comment on page 2 says it all, your victim complex for being a female is a real trip!


Feb 22, 2020
I relate to this so much. I'm unattractive and autistic and men just take advantage of me and abandon me. I have horrible abandonment issues. I understand how you feel.
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May 8, 2021
CTB is my solution I been in therapy for years and on anti depressants it doesn't work. I'm miserable and emotionally exhausted. I had enough of life.
Ah I didn't know you've tried therapy and meds already and sorry to hear it didn't help, we're in the same boat then.. It sounds like ctb is about more than just the relationship/dating issues then, life is hard and I wish I could give you a hug. Been crying today (which is unusual for me) thinking about my own future and possible ctb and it sucks that some of us have to go through this. Hope you have emotional relief soon regardless of what you choose


May 8, 2021
Because we're shallow, primarily visual animals. Yes, it's sad & cruel, just like everything else in life
Damn straight
While personally I'd say you could find other things to live for, killing yourself isn't evil and doesn't need a long and complex excuse to other people - if you're suffering and don't expect anything else from life, whatever your reasons are, they're not "irrational". We've just been brainwashed to think that living is our duty and only people with good enough excuses get to experience the big die with dignity.

I'm not encouraging anything. Get help and stuff. It's just weird to me how society views this. The right to die is the only freedom a living organism really has.
Ya know, I like this. Yeah. This point of view is mine now :P lol
As if more than 3 people even read my post :))
Oh yeah? Well how bout I read it..... 4 times in a row! :hmph:
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Apr 28, 2021
The most beautiful woman in the world will always have a man that is tired of fucking her.


Broken and hated 7-14 years long overdue
May 14, 2018
Ah I didn't know you've tried therapy and meds already and sorry to hear it didn't help, we're in the same boat then.. It sounds like ctb is about more than just the relationship/dating issues then, life is hard and I wish I could give you a hug. Been crying today (which is unusual for me) thinking about my own future and possible ctb and it sucks that some of us have to go through this. Hope you have emotional relief soon regardless of what you choose
Yup. I tried therapy and medication since age 19. It just mask the issue it isn't the solution. If they cannot cure my incurable acne there is no solution to be sociable and interact with others. My only solution therefore is to end myself. Also unhealed trauma it cannot be solved. My peace will only come once I end my self
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Oh yeah? Well how bout I read it..... 4 times in a row! :hmph:
read turn around GIF by Dr. Donna Thomas Rodgers
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May 8, 2021
I tried it a few times however I have no energy to really stick with it as a daily routine
Ok do we have like the exact same combination of depression chronic fatigue and adhd cuz lotta ur comments are like what I would write
Yup. I tried therapy and medication since age 19. It just mask the issue it isn't the solution. If they cannot cure my incurable acne there is no solution to be sociable and interact with others. My only solution therefore is to end myself. Also unhealed trauma it cannot be solved. My peace will only come once I end my self
Well sorry you are suffering and wishing you some relief from that. <3
The most beautiful woman in the world will always have a man that is tired of fucking her.
Gee never heard that one before you come up w that all on ur own buddy
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Jun 15, 2021
I have the opposite problem. I am told that I am attractive. I have met some horrible, manipulative, evil men who will say/do anything to convince me they care just so that they can get me in bed. Then, after months of pretending, I find out who they really are, evil. I've often thought that I wish I was ugly because then when a man pursued me, I'd know it was because of my personality and not just that he wanted to sleep with me. I feel like men won't even bother to get to know me or anything about me and my more important qualities (intelligence, skills, interests, etc) because they're only after sexual conquest.
I totally empathise with you. And despite what others may say due to their own issues, your problems are valid and they matter. Ignore the haters.
Only a month ago I had this sort of issue where this guy had put me on a pedestal because he fancied me so much. It ended up he sexually assaulted me, it was very clear he thought as an attractive and sexual woman he saw me like my existence was for his own pleasure. It said so much about how he saw women. I knew he had been to a prostitute before so maybe that skewed his thinking.
Anyway, I understand how you feel. And I understand about wanting to make yourself ugly! I think that's partly why I'm a bit fat, to put men off as I've had so many problems from them xx
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Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
A past acquaintance of mine once said "if it moves, I'll fuck it. If it doesn't move, I'll fuck it until it does."

That one kind of stuck with me.
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Jan 9, 2021
If I were beautiful more guys would flock to me and like me. Trust me this is already true, we see it all over social media where the prettiest, gorgeous girls receive all male attention because men select them for procreation because they have favorable characteristics for their children. If our purpose wasn't to find a husband as a woman and to procreate , then what is the point of being here? Please explain it, because everything seems to be about self preservation and procreation.

there are objective universal truths and it's observed in nature all beings are procreating.

And then human groups have subjective views. Men get by through "hard work" and looks woman get by on their looks alone.
A man can only get a woman by hard work. Even if you are above average like i am hou wont get any woman interested in you. As a woman you only have to look average to get attention from even the prettiest and most successfull of guys. Even if you are ugly as a woman you can still get an ugly boyfriend. As a woman you can always get someone but women have such high standards that they don't even give most men even a look. If you don't believe me i have attached a statistic on how men perceive women vs hoView attachment DGkqApK_d.webpw women perceive men. 3a9c7c9


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Jun 15, 2021
A man can only get a woman by hard work. Even if you are above average like i am hou wont get any woman interested in you. As a woman you only have to look average to get attention from even the prettiest and most successfull of guys. Even if you are ugly as a woman you can still get an ugly boyfriend. As a woman you can always get someone but women have such high standards that they don't even give most men even a look. If you don't believe me i have attached a statistic on how men perceive women vs how women perceive men.
Do you think you might be generalising a tiny bit?
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Jan 9, 2021
Do you think you might be generalising a tiny bit?
Look at the statistics. They dont lie. Its just a fact that as an average looking woman you have much more options than an average looking man. Which isnt fair, but those are problems men face, so nobody gives a fuck, because who gives a fuck about mens problems.
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