
Jan 23, 2021
Thank you. I am trying. I am rushing myself, I know, as if there was a timer ticking here.
I did make one decision. To be responsible, I responded to the agency. But I also "grew a spine", and said "no". I didn't make excuses to make them feel better, to spare their feelings. I said I can't afford the pay rate offered, and need to aim higher to make ends meet. I also said that I have to try for long-term/permanent positions, as I can't afford the risk of short-term work at varying rates, with possible down-times in the middle. I simply can't afford it. I can't afford to be "charitable" with my time regarding work, especially when the agency makes a profit on my work as the middle-man. I can't afford to sell myself short, financially or emotionally.

I still feel guilty, of course, for turning it down, but that was a given. And I don't want to flake out with them, as well, jerking them around. But being a wreck right now, I don't know how not to be a flake. But I've never been good at negotiating/bargaining, and usually get intimidated and give in.

Thank you for the encouragement. Enjoy your hills. I've always had a soft spot for Ireland and Irish accents. :)
Well, I just heard back from the leasing office. They don't offer "month-to-month", just "short term extensions" "yet at a premium price."

Of course, it's at a premium. I will see what the premium is, and the duration.
Once I know, than I can stop speculating with insufficient info, and make concrete decisions based on what is.
That helps to know just how I can wrap things up, and when, to make the best decisions on how to do it.

Sorry if this is all too wordy, I don't expect anyone to respond with "the answers", but this is giving me a place to work this out outside of my head. Thanks to you who took the time.
I just had a breakdown while taking a shower thinking about what I lost with when I lost my job. I think the reality just set in of how working from home since the pandemic just prolonged the inevitable. It really was my last vestige. And now, it's all real. I went into survival mode after I was let go without really processing it emotionally.

I started thinking about options, and how I would say goodbye, taking my remaining cash and sending it to my former best friend with a copy of my will, to cover cremation costs and leave the rest to him, as I won't need it. Then I just started sobbing. That made it all too real, and sobbing for the Ioss of family and friends. Got out of the shower, looked in the mirror, still sobbing, eyes blurry, seeing my face...thinking "is this what my dad looked life before he shot himself?" Then asking a god I don't believe in to just take me now, to forgive me and just let me be unconscious forever.

I need to lie down. I can't do it, yet. I have to clean up loose ends. I have to wait for the severance. Then I can pay off stuff, get rid of stuff, then I can do it. Then I can be at peace. I just don't know I can pretend to others until then. But then, I'm alone anyway, so who am I pretending to, beyond strangers? It's just for a little bit longer.
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Jan 23, 2021
The recruiter contacted me about 2 other positions with higher pay. (I absolutely could not live on the previous offer, now, with sanctions starting between the US and Russia, with promised gas price increases, now...FML...it's already close to $4 a gallon, here...see what I mean when I say all the personal and political are intertwined?)

One of the jobs I'm not really qualified for. The other? It's tempting, though I'm not sure I'm ready right off the bat without some on-site training, but I could learn it. (But it looks like an ASAP needed position, so I don't know if there's time on their end.) But even if they were willing, I'm not sure I can go through it again. All I see are the negatives, right now. I don't want to get my hopes up again. I can't take another fall.

That made me realize how much of my identity and self-worth was invested in my last job, and the dangers of such. Companies love to say "we're family, here", but that's rarely true. (Well, unless you count the phrase "nobody !@#$%'s you over like family.")

If they decide for an interview, I'll check it out, as it's the only thing offered that would look worthwhile on a deeper level. Otherwise, I'm calling it a day.
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Dec 15, 2021
The recruiter contacted me about 2 other positions with higher pay. (I absolutely could not live on the previous offer, now, with sanctions starting between the US and Russia, with promised gas price increases, now...FML...it's already close to $4 a gallon, here...see what I mean when I say all the personal and political are intertwined?)

In what kind of industry are you looking for work? At the company that I work for, there are programmers who are working from the Ukraine. I'm always surprised at their ability to keep up appearances of normalcy during online meetings.

My point is; could you try finding online work that lets you work from home, online?


Jan 23, 2021
In what kind of industry are you looking for work? At the company that I work for, there are programmers who are working from the Ukraine. I'm always surprised at their ability to keep up appearances of normalcy during online meetings.

My point is; could you try finding online work that lets you work from home, online?
Office/clerical work. My last job was a non-clinical office admin assistant in home health care. Medical records, orders, insurance authorizations, etc. Home health agencies were already struggling before the pandemic, and then it really hit. Even hospitals; a local hospital here just layed off 300 people. It's ironic.

I was working from home for the past year and a half, already, which was the only reason I was able to keep it together to begin with. I could try that, of course, it's a matter of getting a foot in the door, jumping through hoops, and the stability of the pay. You know, the usual.

It's not just about the work, though, it's about the company, their ethics, their financial stability, etc. I've seen a lot of failures and closings from many employers.

I don't know how Ukraine people are coping with all that's going on, I'll say that.

I have a video interview this week with the one company that even gave me a sliver of hope of something with meaning to it.
We'll see. The worst they can say is "no". (Or "yes", only for it to be a bad fit. )
(If I'm pessimistic, it's based on past experience, during the last recession in 2008, when work was hard to get. You do all the right things in interviews, presentation, etc, but it can be a roller-coaster of hopes getting crashed.)
The difference is this time, I have no backup/support, it's all on me, alone. And I'm racing the clock of a lease renewal, so time is a factor.
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Dec 15, 2021
Office/clerical work. My last job was a non-clinical office admin assistant in home health care. Medical records, orders, insurance authorizations, etc. Home health agencies were already struggling before the pandemic, and then it really hit. Even hospitals; a local hospital here just layed off 300 people. It's ironic.

I was working from home for the past year and a half, already, which was the only reason I was able to keep it together to begin with. I could try that, of course, it's a matter of getting a foot in the door, jumping through hoops, and the stability of the pay. You know, the usual.

It's not just about the work, though, it's about the company, their ethics, their financial stability, etc. I've seen a lot of failures and closings from many employers.

Then it sounds like you can be flexible and possibly work from home - that makes it a bit easier.

I have a video interview this week with the one company that even gave me a sliver of hope of something with meaning to it.
We'll see.

Good luck to you! I hope that it pans out to your advantage.
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Jan 23, 2021
Then it sounds like you can be flexible and possibly work from home - that makes it a bit easier.

Good luck to you! I hope that it pans out to your advantage.
Thank you, Julgran.
Here I am, fretting about a video call today for a job interview after driving around trying to find a decent affordable shirt and tie (a shortage, oddly) in a few hours, after staying up til 5 am cramming, because I am worried that I don't know Quickbooks well enough, and will be generally underqualified...meanwhile, Russia's made its move of marching into Ukraine, China's flying jets into Taiwan airspace, Canada's going crazy, and the National Guard is on standby in DC, while we're told to brace for even high inflation and gas prices, as our "sacrifice"...

But hey! I don't know Quickbooks well enough!

Perspective. Relax, man, relax; it's just the end of the world, as we know it (and I feel fine...)

Well, can't say the universe doesn't have a sense of humor, even if it's dark humor...
If I couldn't laugh...
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Dec 15, 2021
Thank you, Julgran.
Here I am, fretting about a video call today for a job interview after driving around trying to find a decent affordable shirt and tie (a shortage, oddly) in a few hours, after staying up til 5 am cramming, because I am worried that I don't know Quickbooks well enough, and will be generally underqualified...meanwhile, Russia's made its move of marching into Ukraine, China's flying jets into Taiwan airspace, Canada's going crazy, and the National Guard is on standby in DC, while we're told to brace for even high inflation and gas prices, as our "sacrifice"...

But hey! I don't know Quickbooks well enough!

I understand that everything can feel pointless in times like these. However, also think that if you don't try to do anything at all with your life, and if the world doesn't end, you will sit there with nothing. I mean, try to think "I may get this job and worry about the world while I work", instead of "Damn! I did survive, but I'm still nowhere in life".

Perspective. Relax, man, relax; it's just the end of the world, as we know it (and I feel fine...)

Well, can't say the universe doesn't have a sense of humor, even if it's dark humor...
If I couldn't laugh...

I'm confident that we are facing the end of the world as we know it, meaning that we may loose the Internet and need to go back to the 1800's type of living, or something similar, but the world as a whole won't disappear.

Those who live will get to see how it all plays out, but I feel very sorry for everyone who's worried about the events that are going on - be it war, viruses, the economy or anything else.


Jan 23, 2021
I appreciate what you're saying, in the abstract. I was somewhere, in life, after a long struggle, and taking risks and chances, so as not to live in regret.I was even looking at it as "my second act" at mid-life. I followed all the platitudes and such. But it was taken from me, despite my best efforts.

This is political AND personal, like I said. The political is just the icing on the cake. My life was already on the verge of collapse when I fought back. This is just the boot coming down on the anthill.

I saw these world events coming a long time ago, and did what I could. But it's out of my hands. The world itself will not end, but I won't have a place in whatever comes next, not at this stage in my life. And I hate what it will do to people in the meantime, getting there, especially children. It didn't have to be this way for them. And for me, it's too much at this point in my life. The rug was pulled out from under me in too many different ways.

Like I said, losing my job was losing the last vestige of normalcy and stability I had. The rest, now, is just the icing on the cake.

That said, it's not over til it's over. Here I am, about to take a shower, put on dress pants, shirt and tie, and do my best on an interview for a job I may not even be qualified for without time to adjust to it (they need someone ASAP, I'm told). But I'm still doing it.
In the wake of all that's happened.
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Sep 28, 2020
im sorry for what you are facing and all the tribulations also. Wish I had a solution to make it disapper. I also lost my dream job a few months because I wasnt able to take any mental medications and perform my duties, hope better days wI'll come to you from the bottom of my heart.
  • Aww..
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Jan 23, 2021
im sorry for what you are facing and all the tribulations also. Wish I had a solution to make it disapper. I also lost my dream job a few months because I wasnt able to take any mental medications and perform my duties, hope better days wI'll come to you from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you, Sherri. Sorry to hear, and best to you.


Sep 28, 2020
Thank you, Sherri. Sorry to hear, and best to you.
It's a pleasure, be patient we will get back on our feet regarding work. Just takes a bit of patience. if you wish come here for support helps me a big deal. A big hug. You are not alone.


Jan 23, 2021
That said, it's not over til it's over. Here I am, about to take a shower, put on dress pants, shirt and tie, and do my best on an interview for a job I may not even be qualified for without time to adjust to it (they need someone ASAP, I'm told). But I'm still doing it.
In the wake of all that's happened.

Regarding platitudes and such about "you won't know until you try", etc...
I appreciate the intent, but I've been through that all before, I'm well aware, have even acted upon it. I'm not that young.
My REASONS for doing so in the past are gone. That's the problem.

What's missed, in this context, is that I've DONE all those things. It's ultimately not about just finding a new job, but purpose after losing everyone in my life; cutting out cancerous family, but losing friends and the meaning my last job gave me.
I cut out a cancerous organ, and had other parts amputated or slough off, but the cells aren't growing back. There's no replacement to fill the void. And instead of a lengthy recovery in a convelescence, my sutures are constantly being ripped open before the wounds can heal.

That's how I feel, in my heart. It's torture. And it's killing me slowly.
If this is how it's going to be, I'd rather get it over with on my terms and time.
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Jan 23, 2021

Sorry if I am terse, or if I sound defeatist. I appreciate the intentions. It's just that my nerves are shot; literally affecting me, physically. It's too much stress all at once, and I swing from optimism to paralysis on the drop of a dime, lately. And my thoughts run towards worst-case scenarios easily, which has always been the case for me, because I had to in order to literally survive for a long time. Even after the life-threatening events in childhood to teen years. Like I said, it's a constant struggle that never went away. Hyper-vigilance never goes away, constantly scanning the environment, anticipating the worst case scenario while others are living it up and telling you to "Relax", planning and anticipating for the next disaster. And it's a constant effort to combat it, even in good times, let alone when things are actually going bad again and warrant it. (Like now. After my therapy, and being told I have to adjust to the present, not the past. But as I came around to accept that, and let my guard down, the present became a a threat, as well, A HUNDRED TIMES OVER. Like a said, a cruel joke.

I actually just had the interview, and it was pleasant enough. I'll have to see how it turns out.
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Sep 28, 2020
Hope you nail it, :hug:
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Jan 23, 2021
Hope you nail it, :hug:

Thank you, Sherri. I actually just had the interview, and it was pleasant enough. Of course, there are other candidates, though it's a possiblity. I'll have to see how that turns out. And how external factors beyond our control intervene. It's the waiting game, now. A lot of time for rumination.
But at least I put the effort in, and my "best foot forward". I will have no regrets, in that regard.


Sep 28, 2020
Thank you, Sherri. I actually just had the interview, and it was pleasant enough. Of course, there are other candidates, though it's a possiblity. I'll have to see how that turns out. And how external factors beyond our control intervene. It's the waiting game, now. A lot of time for rumination.
But at least I put the effort in, and my "best foot forward". I will have no regrets, in that regard.
Let us know if you got the job. some happy news are always welcome too.
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Sep 29, 2021
I was just layed off from my job of 8 years due to outsourcing. I'm single with no kids ( I'm single with no kids, (and gay, yet not a part of the "LGBT community", as I don't fit "the lifestyle" or the stereotypes, yet can't be with the one person I ever loved that way). Work it was the last thing I had in life, after I both cut off my abusive family in 2017, after I found some nasty skeletons in the closet, and also left behind by my best friend at that same time. Then the world shut down. Now, this. I left the house for the first time since I found out this week, to go to the store, and almost broke down in tears in public thinking about how this might be it, and no one would miss me.

I got severance, and most likely will get unemployment, but my lease is up at the end of May. So I have to not only find a job, but a new place, as I don't know where I will be working, or if I will be able to afford this place once unemployment runs out. But worse than the uncertainty of work and home is that I have to start over again from scratch with people in the workplace. I have few connections in real life, now, and have no emotional or physical support, no one to even get a hug from.

I was already on borrowed time. I wanted to die after I found out about my family, but I didn't have the means. Then my best friend left. Then, as I started to rebuild and get myself together, and tried to find community online, which held me for a little bit, but I'm already introverted/Aspergerish, and a bit of an outsider, and on the sidelines, "watching the wheels". But I had sever kidney stone blockage for six months and almost died from that. (And I even wanted to, but survived it.) Then another 6 months to get back in shape and feeling alive, only for the world to shut down with Covid, and be cut off from most contact. Now, this; the last vestige of structure and support. I've done everything I'm "supposed" to do; I've tried to forgive my family's past abuse, only to have that trust betrayed again. I went to therapy, and despite learning how much unearned guilt I took for my family's sake, and how intellectually it helped, it didn't heal me emotionally; it didn't replace the loss and anger and sadness with any love. I was able to put an end to the negative, but not to replace it with a positive. (I've been spiritually "dead inside" since. I tried to re-find religion, but it didn't take, intellectually, and my prayers for a personal connection with "God" were just met with silence.)

I've been responsible financially and with my health, only to start the slow, inevitable decline (and now, without insurance for who knows long. I've gone above and beyond at work, and did a great job, by all accounts (there and elsewhere), but that was futile, since the whole organization will soon be gone, anyway. I can only do so much in the face of a larger collapse that's happening everywhere. And believed that I had a duty to soldier on despite the loss of family and friends, to keep trying. But But this just may be the last straw.

I am trying to tell myself that this is a "blessing in disguise", that it will work out, that I have time and money to find something new, and maybe even something better. I've done it before. But I was younger then, and didn't have the disillusionment from experience. I'm almost 48, I've always thought I'd never see 50, and I just don't have the emotional fuel, this time. (I've already lived 20+ years longer than my father, who CBT'd, at least). I was already planning my exit, now that I have the method and means in hand, once I payed down the last of my debts. I was only a few months away from doing so at this point, and was going to take it day-by-day, after that, and see where things went, what life choices were open to me. I had been thinking about finding new work anyway, because the organization is quickly going downhill overall with layoffs and changes. But we had a merger, but we were told this would actually CREATE more opportunity for us; they lied.) But now I feel like my hand is being forced. With severance, I could pay it off in a couple of weeks easily with money left to carry me while I figure out what's next. I keep hearing that employers are desperate to hire, and I've sent out resumes and applications already. But that just feels like yet another cruel dangling carrot to keep me going indefinitely, with false hope; I can see the writing on the wall at large, not just for me. The anxiety of having to find a job, a place, and start my life all over again once again (that doesn't even mention the difficulty of trying to do so this time in the current inflationary economy/political climate), with no emotional and personal support, with no reason beyond my simply existing to exist...I've been lonely for too long, and I don't have it in me to start anew with strangers, at this point.

The only thing keeping me from doing it TONIGHT or tomorrow is that I am working on art projects. One is almost finished, an album, and will be finished in a week. I said I would never write another one after the one I finished in 2019, while racing the kidney stones, and I didn't want to do this one. But this one came about because of Covid and lockdowns and the world going crazy, as a way to deal with it. I added the final touch, tonight, sonically: a sound effect of a gun shot. My body feels like electricity is running throughout. It's not my personal method (that was my father's; I can't do to others what he did to us when we found his body), but the symbolism is there. It's not quite autobiographical, but it is, partly.

Once I finish this, I have one other project. It was actually what I started to do BEFORE the album, and the lockdowns, a graphic novel. It's a bigger, grander theme that is more personal and autobiographical, but more universal, too. I already had it storyboarded, but got sidetracked when the world shut down. Only now, I don't know that I can resume it and finish it before the NEXT deadline of finding a job and a new place.

Part of me thinks I could ride out a year on my savings, finish it, and release it to the world and THEN release myself from the world. But the other part of me says "why?" I'm not famous, no one cares about my art, so why bother? It's already written in my head. It doesn't matter, it won't make a difference if I finish it or not to the world at large. I can't fix the world, and trying to maintain a sense of "business as usual" in a collapse just seems a fool's errand. Even if things did turn around at large, I'd still be alone; there'd be no place for me in it. The few friends I have left are physically distant, and have families or problems of their own, and I can't impose on them. I'd still be an outsider with no community or family. I am thinking that, rather than being a "blessing in disguise" to find a new job and home, that the "blessing" is that this is my window to CBT by lease's end, while I can pay off debts and make a clean exit with loose ends wrapped up.

Truth be told: A part of me smiles when I think about my exit. Instead of trying to be "responsible" by continuing to live for the sake of other's beliefs that I SHOULD continue, while continuing to jump through the hoops to do so, with my efforts meaning nothing in the long run, that I can finally stop burning myself out with diminishing returns. Ironically, I've been constantly told that I need to "relax", that I work too hard, that I should not be too invested, even as things around me fall apart. But because of childhood abuse and violence, I've always been hyper-vigilant, and I can't turn it off; it's too ingrained. I even thought about taking the extra money and just having a "good time" before I go out. Take a trip, enjoy myself, etc. But I've never been able to just be; I've never been able to be a "human being", always had to be a "human DOING", and would feel guilty about that. Besides, I wouldn't know what to do. Vegas? I hate gambling. I don't enjoy amusement parks, and sitting on the beach makes me bored. I just like to create music and art after a good day's work, as reward, and stargaze at night. But I feel I have to earn those simple joys, and without a job, I don't feel like I'm deserving.

(But then, I think to myself: What if I considered this my "retirement" years? Why does one have to wait until 65 to feel that they've earned it? It's arbitrary Well, not arbitrary, monetarily. People do have to provide for themselves, that's fair enough. And retiring young is a privilege reserved for the rich, usually, which I am not by a longshot. Still, I've paid down my debts. I've put in many years of hard work. And why not retire NOW when, while not young enough to not be so old as to not be able to enjoy it? Why do we have to wait until we're sick or feeble, if there's a way to enjoy it when we can?

Because we still need purpose, even when rich. And we still need love and connection. Neither of which I have now.

Besides: Truth be told, on the plus side, I'm simple in my needs, that way, and I've been blessed enough to do most of the things I wanted to do in life. But there's no excitement anymore in that regards; "the thrill is gone." But anything good that happens always followed with the other "shoe" dropping via abuse and trauma, which is probably why I don't enjoy amusements and such that much. Part of me thinks that maybe THIS is my time to let it go and enjoy myself as a reward, without having to worry about that shoe dropping again. But it would be a cheap thrill, or an empy "final hurrah". But I'm just not feeling it, and the anxiety of responsibility for everything outside of myself, and of what happens next would still be on my mind, So, to exit would be the only way to "relax", for me, ultimately. Because it's always going to be a matter of hyper "flight-or-fight" for me. And similar to the question of why waiting to retire, why not go out on a high note, instead of pushing a slow-decline without purpose or love? If I can take the reponsibility of living for sake of living, why not dying for the sake of my own sense of peace and finality? Why wait for a fatal illness or accident, instead of giving my death a purpose of its own, to end the suffering inside?

What to do? I don't know. Too many choices, with too many false hopes. All I know is that my body feels like it is burning just thinking about ending it.
You should be a writer , I think you could write an autobiography and people would enjoy it :heart: Off course , I'm so sorry to hear how your father killed himself and you/your family found his body :'(
Where do you live ? You'd be welcome to stay on my couch if you need a place to sleep :hug:

Have you tried working from home through art, writing or music ? You could make tutorial videos on youtube, or sell items on etsy or either sell the digital images .
Or contact youtubers, see if they need help editing videos ? I don't know how much it would pay , but at least you'd have some income .
I'm not religious , but I think you said you are , have you tried contacting a local church , and to see if they have card game groups ?
My mom has recently started going to a local church card game group. They get together every wednesday for some games :happy:

You can always pm me if you want to private chat , & we could text if you'd like :heart:
Thank you, Julgran.
Here I am, fretting about a video call today for a job interview after driving around trying to find a decent affordable shirt and tie (a shortage, oddly) in a few hours, after staying up til 5 am cramming, because I am worried that I don't know Quickbooks well enough, and will be generally underqualified...meanwhile, Russia's made its move of marching into Ukraine, China's flying jets into Taiwan airspace, Canada's going crazy, and the National Guard is on standby in DC, while we're told to brace for even high inflation and gas prices, as our "sacrifice"...

But hey! I don't know Quickbooks well enough!

Perspective. Relax, man, relax; it's just the end of the world, as we know it (and I feel fine...)

Well, can't say the universe doesn't have a sense of humor, even if it's dark humor...
If I couldn't laugh...
R.E.M :happy:
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Jan 23, 2021
You should be a writer , I think you could write an autobiography and people would enjoy it :heart: Off course , I'm so sorry to hear how your father killed himself and you/your family found his body :'(
Where do you live ? You'd be welcome to stay on my couch if you need a place to sleep :hug:

Have you tried working from home through art, writing or music ? You could make tutorial videos on youtube, or sell items on etsy or either sell the digital images .
Or contact youtubers, see if they need help editing videos ? I don't know how much it would pay , but at least you'd have some income .
I'm not religious , but I think you said you are , have you tried contacting a local church , and to see if they have card game groups ?
My mom has recently started going to a local church card game group. They get together every wednesday for some games :happy:

You can always pm me if you want to private chat , & we could text if you'd like :heart:

R.E.M :happy:
Thank you for saying so, and for the kind offer.
If I wrote a biography, it would be half-tragic, and not enjoyable, though. At least it would have it's lighter moments.
Yeah, I've tried working from home in the past, but not much success, then. And I make little to no money from art and music online, that's a highly competitive market. I was happy with being an office drone by day, and artist by night, though, because I didn't have to worry about making art for money, but for its own purpose.

The interview went well, and the job is nothing I couldn't learn. I even crammed a quickbooks course and felt comfortable with saying I could use the program, now (it's pretty similar to other software I've use.) But after my interview, I looked deeper into the company, as a few red flags came up in my mind, and I can't leave well enough alone. But sure enough, it was too good to be true, for me. And of course, they want me to come in for a tour, but now, I don't want to. And the irony is that I still feel guilty about not getting back to them to say yes or no, yet, despite the shadiness, like I owe them. Or that I should take it just because it's offered.

(Long story short: it's a non-profit that claims to be non-partisan, but really is, in a way that I cannot support, politically. It looked good on the surface, educating about history, freedom, free speech, etc, which appeals to me as being neither left or right, but somewhat libertarian; just keep your hands to yourself, and don't take other people's stuff, help each other voluntarily, pay for what you break, and don't start no damn wars. But their mission is actually neocon in sheep's clothing, and their donors support efforts to ban gay marriage, etc (obviously a deal-breaker for me). Not to mention a high emphasis on "Machiavelli in the workplace", something I DESPISE. That's not limited to neocons, though; my last job had a former CEO who utilized that Machiavelli in business mindset as well. And they were more left-leaning, politically, though as a non-profit, they couldn't say that outright, either. But that job, at least, was not political in nature, being health care; the political was a "means to an end" that health care business are forced into, nowadays. But with this other company, it's not as if it's incidental, but a primary part of what they do.)

Oh, well, then. I knew not to get my hopes up, at least. I still feel like there's no place out there, for me. But I still have time before I make any final decisions about CTB. Back to the drawing board.
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Jan 23, 2021
22 days later...

I am starting a temp job tomorrow, and I'm just...numb. No joy, no dread, just...numb. And I have no idea what I am walking into.

I have until March 31 to decide whether or not to renew my lease or stay here. Only, without a job, I won't have proof of employment to get a new place. Unemployment is still pending after a month and a half, and my fellow coworkers who were layed before me are still waiting, I found out, so it's not coming through anytime soon. And I thought I might find a cheaper place, but the few I've found are either too far away, or in bad neighborhoods, so it evens out. (Thanks, inflation! "Let's go, Branden!") So I decided to take to temp-to-hire position in the meantime.

I decided to "settle", I should say. I took the temp position I was previously offered, but turned down. But it was still available, and I have little choice. I had a few rejections, and a couple of offers, with more interview lined up later. But those jobs are farther out, and with the cost of gas skyrocketing quickly, it was becoming cost-prohibitive, plus the wait time between the interviews and the decisions would be too long a wait, with the lease deadline. Meanwhile, the temp job is relatively close, starts tomorrow, and though less than I was looking for, with my rent/parking increase, I can squeak by on it. And there's a train station in front of the building, 4 stops away from here, so I have a transportation backup, should I have to sell my car. It's relatively the same as what I was doing before. I don't know what the people will be like, or the Covid protocols (I really hope they don't require a mask all day), but if it's bad, I can request another assignment. Or just not stress it, and CTB.

I said once I paid off my debts, that I was going to take things day-by-day. And I did, so that's what I'm doing. I will work this week, see how it goes. And the next, if they still want me back. I don't have time to find a new place, so if, by the end of March, this assignment seems doable, I might just extend the lease. If not, I won't, and I'll CTB. (And if I extend the lease, only for the assignment not to go long-term, then I'll just CTB later, lease be damned. If I'm going to die here, either way, then what's the difference? At least if I do it after the lease is renewed, they are not showing the place to someone, only to find my body, and they wouldn't have rented it out in advance, only to have to cause problems to the new renter, as well. So if I do CTB here, it may be kinder to renew, cause that will give them time, as well, instead of renting the place out immediately to someone else and then dealing with it.) Because I can't keep doing this for months on end, trial and error all over again. My nerves are already shot, and can't take it. Not in this economy/political situation, all alone, with no one to lean on, not even to talk to. The few people I know and told about this have not even checked up on me, save one, but I don't feel comfortable even talking, after how people went cold after I opened up before about a traumatic situation and my best friend abandoned me. I had to list my erstwhile best friend as my emergency contact just to have a name, he doesn't even know I did it. But I have no one left.

But I keep telling myself not to stress it, no pressure. Just go in, do my best, and see what happens. Easier said than done. That last job was a "unicorn" after a lot of trial-and-error. Not perfect, and I had my fair share of stress. But the work itself suited me, Asperger's wise, with a lot of autonomy (at least, until towards the end), and as far a pay and timing and longevity...not to mention, I had the motivation to prove myself, to myself, and to my family and friends, because I was in a rut, back then. But now, I don't have that motivation. I've proven myself over and over, but for what? No one proved themselves to me, and abandoned me, or betrayed me, or let me down. So, then, it's not worth it to worry anymore. My best wasn't good enough to prevent layoffs at my last job, or to stop inflation, or prevent a pandemic, or to stop my father's suicide, or my mother's abuse, or anything else. But at least I'll know I tried. That's the only opinion that matters to me, anymore.

Day by day.
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Jan 15, 2022
22 days later...

I am starting a temp job tomorrow, and I'm just...numb. No joy, no dread, just...numb.

I have until March 31 to decide whether or not to renew my lease or stay here. Only, without a job, I won't have proof of employment to get a new place. Unemployment is still pending after a month and a half, and my fellow coworkers who were layed before me are still waiting, I found out, so it's not coming through anytime soon. And I thought I might find a cheaper place, but the few I've found are either too far away, or in bad neighborhoods, so it evens out. (Thanks, inflation! "Let's go, Branden!") So I decided to take to temp-to-hire position in the meantime.

I decided to "settle", I should say. But I have little choice. I had a few rejections, and a couple of offers, with more interview lined up later. But those jobs are farther out, and with the cost of gas skyrocketing quickly, it was becoming cost-prohibitive, plus the wait time between the interviews and the decisions would be too long a wait, with the lease deadline. Meanwhile, the temp job is relatively close, starts tomorrow, and though less than I was looking for, with my rent/parking increase, I can squeak by on it. It's relatively the same as what I was doing before. I don't know what the people will be like, or the Covid protocols (I really hope they don't require a mask all day), but if it's bad, I can request another assignment. Or just not stress it, and CTB.

I said once I paid off my debts, that I was going to take things day-by-day. And I did, so that's what I'm doing. I will work this week, see how it goes. And the next, if they still want me back. I don't have time to find a new place, so if, by the end of March, this assignment seems doable, I might just extend the lease. If not, I won't, and I'll CTB. (And if I extend the lease, only for the assignment not to go long-term, then I'll just CTB later, lease be damned. Because I can't keep doing this for months on end, trial and error all over again. My nerves are already shot, and can't take it. Not in this economy/political situation, all alone, with no one to lean on, not even to talk to. The few people I know and told about this have not even checked up on me, save one, but I don't feel comfortable even talking, after how people went cold after I opened up before about a traumatic situation and my best friend abandoned me. I had to list my erstwhile best friend as my emergency contact just to have a name, he doesn't even know I did it. But I have no one left.

But I keep telling myself not to stress it, no pressure. Just go in, do my best, and see what happens. Easier said than done. Because it's not worth it to worry anymore. My best wasn't good enough to prevent layoffs at my last job, or to stop inflation, or prevent a pandemic, or to stop my father's suicide, or my mother's abuse, or anything else. But at least I'll know I tried. That's the only opinion that matters to me, anymore.

Day by day.
good for you for keeping trying and doing what you can to solve your problems. that's all anyone can do, and i'm sorry you find yourself in such a dire situation. ever since my life started going off the rails, i realized that there are no trophies or rewards for surviving incredible hardship, but there certainly should be. my God, it's a far more difficult accomplishment to persevere through unforeseen catastrophe than earning any degree, award, accolade, or milestone. there's always a congratulations around the corner for earning stuff, but never for continuing on while the ride goes off the beaten path into a ditch. a trophy for you for your efforts 🏆 i hope things work out. i've seen apartments with leases for a shorter term like 3 or 6 months, idk if those are a possibility where you are but maybe it could buy you more time. i hope things at the temp job go well for you.
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Jan 23, 2021
The messed-up part: While looking for a cheaper place, I started giving myself "false hope", projecting "what if" this job works out...

I could move farther out, away from the city. I could never afford a home before, because I never had a downpayment, but with the rents getting to cost as much as a mortgage...I saw mobile homes for sale where I could feasibly come up with a downpayment, if things worked out, and such...but it wouldn't be in time for the lease renewal, and I haven't even started the job, yet...but maybe in a year, if I was still working there, I could take my savings for a downpayment, and have a cheap mortage for 10-15 years, that would be way cheaper than my apartment, and...

And here I am, not even sure I'll be alive in 3 months. But I lulled myself into false hope because it's been over a month since I've worked, and the stress of dealing with people made me forget that I was suicidal even before I was layed off, and just waiting for the right moment. And I was going stir-crazy sitting in the house all day, as I finished my project that I was working on. This is what I do to myself. Try to find solutions in my quieter moments, when, as soon as I start working, I may be driven to CTB in a couple of weeks just because I can't take the world and loneliness anymore. And even if I did pull it off, the next big disaster will just happen, anyway. It's inevitable. And even if I did pull it off, I was already looking to CTB before I was worried about losing this place, so what would I even do with a house? It wouldn't change anything fundamentally. I'd just CTB there instead of here.

So, I have to keep reminding myself, one day at a time, day by day.
good for you for keeping trying and doing what you can to solve your problems. that's all anyone can do, and i'm sorry you find yourself in such a dire situation. ever since my life started going off the rails, i realized that there are no trophies or rewards for surviving incredible hardship, but there certainly should be. my God, it's a far more difficult accomplishment to persevere through unforeseen catastrophe than earning any degree, award, accolade, or milestone. there's always a congratulations around the corner for earning stuff, but never for continuing on while the ride goes off the beaten path into a ditch. a trophy for you for your efforts 🏆 i hope things work out. i've seen apartments with leases for a shorter term like 3 or 6 months, idk if those are a possibility where you are but maybe it could buy you more time. i hope things at the temp job go well for you.
Thank you; you get it. (I should add that while I have a time-crunch, it's not so dire for me as it is for a lot of other people, if only because of my severance, so for that, I' grateful. I was already looking for a date to CTB on my own time, the layoff just forced my hand to make a decision sooner. But in a way, it was a silver lining, because it enables me to pay off the last of the little debt I was trying to pay down in order to CTB without feeling guilty about that.)

It gets to feeling like it's futile when, no matter how good one does, the stakes just get higher because of the external events like inflation, gas, war, etc, wiping out all the gains. Like playing Tetris, you can only keep up for so long as the game goes faster and faster until it's impossible to win. It's a "war of attrition", that way, just to wear you down until you buckle.

There are few options right now with apartments, few affordable ones, anyway. Especially without recent paystubs to prove employment, it's a no-go. And March 31 is 12 days away, now, with my first paycheck from this assignment coming 4/1. Since I have no clue whether this will continue long term, my best bet is to stay here.

This is actually my 4th option, to stay here. I originally thought my former work contact in New Hampshire might have pulled some strings up there, but I never got a response. My high school friend in Florida, who previously extended an invitation has fallen on hard times of his own, and the other high school friend in another state has a family, and I can't impose on them. They were my only friends left, and my only options. The other town I was looking at was a bad idea, so I am stuck here.

It is what it is. Again, Not going to stress it. If it's not meant to be, I have my out.

Something I learned about myself this last month, or, something that was reiterated to me:

I thought that I would just consider this my "retirement", and "enjoy" myself until May 31, when my lease expires, spend my leftover money, and go out in my sleep peacefully. I finished my project that I was working on, and was starting to get antsy just sitting around. (I'm not even happy about it the result, just that it's done, because it turned into a chore. I thought about starting another one that I had originally planned, but after finishing this one, and feeling dissatisfied, after all the time and effort, I don't want to. And it's just more of the same, anyway, no novelty.) So, retirement? But I couldn't think of anything to do. Travel? No where I want to go. (I did look up tickets to fly to Stonehenge, the one place I would be tempted, but I can't deal with the hassle of a passport, etc, now.) I've seen everything else I wanted to see. I don't like amusement parks. I've done everything I set out to do. And nothing else now motivates me. I bought an album that I wanted, that I had been waiting for to be released. I heard it. Music doesn't motivate me anymore. Even if the loneliness factor wasn't there.)

There's just nothing left inside. Nothing is sparking me to even enjoy "retirement". If that's the case when I'm near 50, what the hell would I do with myself when I'm 65, should my health last that long? (And as for a house: even if I were to pull that off by some miracle, even a simple mobile home, I can't see myself living 10 more years like this. I was looking to CTB before I was presented with the possibility of losing this place. Even if I paid off a home, and wasn't stressed for work, I'd still be the same.)

Nothing is bringing me joy. And I'm not even motivated by anger. I'm just killing time, watching the wheels. At least this job will bring some novelty to my day, even if it's bad. Better than just sitting around until June 1, should I ultimately CTB by that lease-end deadline.
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Jan 23, 2021
Update: 4 weeks into this job, and...I'm over it. Not the work, itself, but the bull around it. I didn't go into this looking for a fight, but it seems that's the world wants, so...

Basically: To both work and life:
Give me a reason to stay vs. a reason to go. Because you need me more than I need you. Literally. And I'm not seeing much reason to stay.

(TL:DR version):

It's got me stressed, and ready to CTB sooner. But even more than that, not being able to talk about it with friends, not even just to vent.

The sad-but-!@#% up part is that I don't share my thoughts much anymore already, because I don't want to overshare and burden people, like I did in the past, about my family trauma. But then, one online "friend" (actually, a long-time online acquaintance, which are all I have left, now, but one I've never spoken to in real life until recently) has recently not only been unexpectedly and aggressively reaching out to me (I didn't initiate it), but said he was concerned about my welfare (I actually started to get concerned that he was a member here, as I suspect he has ideations, too, and knew what I've been writing, hence the unexpected reaching out on the phone). It was weird, though; he was constantly bringing up that he was ok with me being gay, even when I wasn't talking about it, just things that made me think he knows I'm looking to CTB. So, I thought I shouldn't be ungrateful that someone out there is expressing concern in my life. So I took the risk and, without mentioning anything about CTB (no one knows that about me but me), I tried to open up about my job concerns, but when I started, he cut the call short (after previous calls were longer). Later, online, after I made a comment about work, not even addressed to him, on my own FB page, he jokingly(?) called me a "whiner", which sent me into another wave of doubt and shame over having concerns (maybe I'm not asking him enough about his own problems? Except that that's the reason I started to take his phone calls is not because I was looking to unburden myself on him (and I never told him I want to CTB), but because he made a comment about CTB himself. But he played that off as a joke.) The joke, both about CTB and the "whiner" remark, though, I think it's just "his way", (being former military), and I know he has his own issues, but he hasn't called since, after constantly calling me.

Ok, then, lesson learned: Don't "whine", then anymore. "Suck it up, and be grateful to have a job" ( even if it's abusive, because !@#% you). No one wants to hear it. I have no one to count on. It's just me.

That made my decision to CTB that much easier. I thought I was supposed to try harder for the sake of those who reach out and express concern, but "SIKE!" You fool; they don't want to hear it. Fine. I'm not going to try to stick around for the sake of others, and aside the matter of finishing my last obligations, I'm not going to worry about how they'll be affected by it, emotionally. ("Whiners.")

Venting version:

So, then, if the people who want to me "live" don't want to hear it, I'll just vent here. No expectations, and no one trying to talk me out of it, or even acting as if they care, only to shut me out, again, when I do finally open up. At least, this will help me to get the thoughts out of my head, and off my chest, instead of bottling it up and pretending I'm ok from 9 to 5...

I was trying to put my best foot forward with dealing this job and making it work, and my desire to CBT, but damned if I reach out, damned if I don't...

So here I am, venting here, again.

2 weeks into it, it wasn't so bad. It's busy, there's plenty of work (a lot, actually), but they weren't unreasonable in their expectations, as long as you're focused and not slacking, and I can do the work. And for the most part, the people weren't bothering me.

I even started feeling optimistic, that they might hire me on permanently. But then, during the 3rd week, there was a management shift which gave us a new supervisor. A passive-aggressive, gaslighting, micromanaging supervisor, who decided that nothing was good enough, while wrapped up in a sweet "I'm just a nice grandmother who makes cookies for everyone" outer shell. But asks questions, and when you answer, says "well, can't you do MORE?" or "why don't you know who that person is?" (regarding a casually mentioned name of someone I was never introduced to, despite only being there for 2 weeks, and having no interaction with said person, yet), or "why are you doing this THAT way?" (because I was told to, thank you), etc...(Not just to me, to everyone, temp and permanent.)

She's got the whole department stressed out, not just me. (And she's screwing things up, in the process, trying to change everything on the spot, to show "who's in charge"). But still, it's me, as well, especially when my every movement is being questioned. And I don't mean checking my emails or slacking, I mean: Why am I holding the paper this way? Why am I putting things at this angle instead of that? Why isn't the penguin facing east? (Ok, the last one was from MISERY, but that's what it's feeling like...) And when I try to explain what I'm doing (as if it was a problem, to begin with), I get puzzled looks back. Because I'm actually explaining what I am doing, and why, and not bullshitting. (I've done office work for a long time, I know how to handle it efficiently). Stupid !#$% questions to undermine my self-confidence while making her look smart and in control. All things my own grandmother used to do (that's how I'm able to recognize it, now that I know the truth about her and my family.) Nothing is ever good enough, no matter how good it is. Anywya, the supervisor asked me to staple some stuff as if it were the most important thing in the world, like I wasn't capable of such a remedial task. And she was fretting that I didn't have an electric stapler. I showed her. I took the stack, did them by hand with a manual stapler, and knocked them out. "Need more done?" I asked. Lady, I will dance rings around you in efficiency. But I think I scared her, too, because I scared myself. Because I wasn't just reacting to her, but to my grandmother, my mother, and everyone else. I got "aggressive" back about it. Not yelling, not cursing, but you could feel it, you could see it in my eyes. Like, my words were saying "How can I help you? What do you need done?" but my energy was saying "Don't test me, don't try me, and don't come at me, because I know exactly what you are doing..."

That's the thing: it's making me hostile. But I wasn't looking for that. If you treat me with respect, I will move mountains to get the job done, with a smile. I want to treat you with respect and do a good job. But if you treat me like I'm stupid, I will first doubt myself, thanks to childhood abuse, and try to move mountains to gain your approval. But then I will get angry and hostile and drop that mountain and let it crash.

(Basically, there are "bins" of paperwork to process and mail. We were told between 2 and 3 a day, 2 being realistic, maybe 2/3 -2 1/5 if everything's clean. But there are a lot of mistakes that have to be corrected, or simply some bins have more documents than others, and some go faster because they need less prep work, etc. But this new person wants us to do MORE, but also, with LESS TIME to do it, because she wants us to to do OTHER work for another section as well. And of course, I'm reading this as a quota to be met, or they won't hire me permanently. So, even if it's not personal, it is a threat to my prospects of getting hired on permanently...and yet, they'd be cutting their nose off to spite their face, because none of the temps can do three bins under the current conditions, so, just call their bluff.)

And I 'm not authorized for overtime, as a temp. The permanent employees are all putting in many hours of overtime, and temps aren't authorized for that, so...push us to work harder, with less time, while piling on more work? I am not a lazy person, but I know when I'm being taken advantage of, too...Hell. They sat me down in a dust-covered cubicle and gave me vague instructions on what's to be done, with little followup, but I put in the effort (even brought in my own Windex and scrubbed the cube down, etc, in addition to figuring out the work), as long as they don't bullshit me. And until the new person, they weren't. So when someone new comes along and casts aspersions, I'm going to take it personal.)

Fortunately, she was off the last 3 days of last week, which gave us some breathing room. But it has me dreading returning to work tomorrow, which will be my 5th week. What bugs me more than the person, though, is my physical reactions: my anxiety shot up again, my jaw is clenched again, I'm stress-eating, and waking up on the weekends from work dreams. When talking to her, my ears get red and my body gets hot, in flight-fight mode, because she keeps asking me questions that I've already answered, trying to make me look like an idiot or catch me in a trap. And yet, I keep telling myself I shouldn't be feeling this way. This is just a temp position. If it works out, that'd be great, but I wasn't supposed to get my hopes up.

Still, I did. But as far as the anger: Why? Because of the abruptness of it. And it seemed to be a bit screwed up for everyone, so my sense of justice gets riled up. But still, I knew this kind of thing was a possibility. And if I'm going to CBT soon, anyway, what's the big deal? I have my "out", I'm just buying time, anyway, to get my affairs in order. I think it was because the sudden change in management took me by surprise (as it did everyone, it seems, as I'm not the only one feeling it). I don't know if it's just past situations and patterns taking over, or SI, because if this doesn't work out, I'm not going through all this trial-and-error again. So why am I stressing it so much, when I say it doesn't matter?

But also: Because I told myself NOT to get attached to this job. Yes, do a good job, don't take advantage or be lazy, but not to burn myself out for their sake (as I've done in the past), or to be manipulated, take abuse, etc (whether over or, in this case, covert). Because I tend to care TOO much, and take things to heart, and it gets used against me too often. (Already I can feel that it was going there, because I'm catching errors and fixing things that I'm told I'm supposed to do, and the comments are "wow, you're so good at that! I can tell you take pride in your work." But the subtext is "just get the damned files out the door", errors be damned; they just won't say it out-loud. But they'll blame you when they don't get paid due to said errors, that's for sure!) But overall, it was going fine, in that regard. But the bait-and-switch in management that led to this just feels like another cosmic joke.

Because I'm a good worker, and because I was given the impression that they were happy with my work, up to now. (I was even trying to figure out ways to optimize the process, while reminding myself that I'm new, and that's not my job, not to mention it pisses off lazy coworkers who don't want to do better). It was fine, until this new person came in, making me doubt myself. Again, I know it's not personal, as it's not just me...( I was even told that it's not me, by the lead clerk, that they know the new person is being unreasonable, and to just do what I can, like I have been...) But still, it makes me angry. I don't like lazy co-workers, but I don't like abusive management, either. And when people tell me not to, or relax, or whatever, it just doesn't work, because I ruminate so much; it's ingrained in me; hyper-vigiliance, thanks to past abuse. It's a lifelong thing that I can't turn off, and it makes me drink. And I'm not an alcoholic, but drinking is the only way I can stop when I get like this, and I hate having to do that.

What angers me the most is that I am trying to make this job work. It's not perfect or my ideal (I've had two "dream jobs" in the past, but one went under, and the other I quit after 4 months because of abusive management.) If it's not" ideal", at least it's honest work, in itself, and I am trying to work with what I have, and trying to do a good job. I am even coming home physically exhausted, my back sore from constant movement and my eyes strained from paperwork, to the point, where I'm worried about my sight while driving. But now, I have to spend time and energy dealing with workplace games and manipulations, and answer questions "politically" or "Strategically", since they don't seem to want the truth, but games. Which, as an introvert/Asperger type, is more exhausting for me than the work itself.

Still, I keep telling myself, "So what? If it gets too much, I have my out. I don't have to go get angry, or make a scene. I really think it was being blind-sided by the change, and the flight-fight response kicking in. I just hope I don't lose my cool, like I almost did. There's no need. I can walk away at any time, calm and cool, if it gets too ridiculous. Or I can call her bluff. But I'm just damn tired of the games. I just wanted to do a good day's work and earn my pay without the games. I didn't want to spend my final months sitting around doing nothing, and I couldn't even think of something to blow my money on, like a vacation, that I'd enjoy, especially without feeling "guilty". I just wanted to be productive and keep my mind occupied. But I got my hopes up, foolishly.

Lesson learned: the games never end, and the mind!@#% never stop. Still, why let it get the best of me? No use crying over things I cannot change, and the whole point of having a "peaceful pill" is so that I don't have to get all hostile and worked up in defense. Just do what I can, let others deal with their mistakes, and let the chips fall where they may.

So, with that in mind, and now that the "element of surprise" has worn off: I'm flipping the "game". When I go in, tomorrow, she'll ask me what I did in her absence, and I'll tell her. (Heck, despite being new, I was trying different ways to speed things up, but the reality is that it takes as long as it does, period, unless one uses "short cuts" and does sloppy work.) And she'll either accept that or she won't. I will not allow myself to be "interrogated", or have my work ethic called into doubt, etc. But I will not get angry, or make a scene, either.

Maybe this is a life "test" for me? To test my SI? To test my will? To prove that I'm not here to be abused and manipulated, to show myself that the past is the past, and I don't have to take it, anymore? Ok, then. Fine. I will play along. I will call the bluff. (For all I know, she'll simply back off. Or, maybe it's the new supervisor who won't last, the way she's going...)

Who needs whom more? Me, or them? I don't need a job where I'm going to be physically stressed for bull reasons, and I wouldn't want to be hired by such a place if that's what they want. And if accept that kind of behavior, then I deserve the stress they give me. And if they start losing people over bullshit like arbitrary quotas and mind games, then she'll have to do the work herself. (Because I'm not the only one who feels this way.)

So, then, new game, for work, and for life:

Give me a reason to stay vs. a reason to go. Because you need me more than I need you. Literally. And I'm not seeing much reason to stay.
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Jan 23, 2021
Putting aside the verbiage of the above, I'm still left with the question: "if I have my peaceful pill, and intend on CTB soon, why I am allowing myself to get so upset about things?" I can rationalize it all day, but in the end, I can't escape one thing: because it still feels like I'm letting them win, that I'm the one surrendering, and that there's no justice in it all. They'll still be here, and I won't. (They, being abusive work, abusive family, abusive politicians, etc.) They'll be alive, and I won't.

And maybe be it's just SI, or maybe, I just don't want to go. But this is a long time coming, and I don't want to stay, either. It's not like this is the only trigger in my life..."just another brick in the wall."

But then, I can take solace in knowing that, well, they'll be alive, and living with the mess that they made. Because they sure as hell aren't enjoying their lives, not in any healthy sense of the word. Else, they wouldn't be making everyone else's lives miserable, in the process.

So, there's that. If this is the world they want, it's all theirs. They asked for it.

("All the Dude wanted was his rug...")
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Jan 23, 2021
"(Almost) Five months later..."
Status report: Was offered a full-time position at the temp job I've been working since late March, after being layed off in Feb. from my job of 9 years.
Had to think about it, and politely declined, with the option to stay on for most of the summer (even though they need to transition from temps to permanent employees, now that the 'rona is dying down, they do still need temps because some people were out sick or didn't want the permanent gig, either). There were a few reasons for me to decline:

- despite health benefits and 401k, the pay would be LESS than what I'm making as a temp, and would have to do regular overtime just to break even. (Apparently, that's how they do it, there.)

- the supervisor: a manipulative micromanager who treats adults like school children (even has a "stick" in her office that she jokes is her "discipline stick"; wtf?). And while she has some good traits (she is trying to make things more efficient, which they did need), she's not as smart as she projects, or won't admit when she doesn't know something (and has gotten called out on it by her manager for making too many changes, even, or for contradicting, in error, what we were previously told to do. (She even caused on person to move her retirement date from Dec to June, and is now retired, just because of this person.) Even though she did back off a bit, she made my decision easier one morning just by opening her mouth, with another change in the work expectations, and when I said I couldn't physically do it (moving a bunch of heavy boxes, which would my back go out, and I don't have insurance), as previously explained, she got passive-aggressive about it, making me look weak in front of everyone. I have scars on my tongue from biting it so hard...

-My physical health: it was supposed to be a clerical job, but the supervisor seems hell-bent on transitioning me into a more physically demanding mailroom-type position to fill a gap created by her restructuring of duties (against the desire of the person who was already doing that job, to boot, a younger autistic person who was quite happy doing the job by himself). ( As a temp, there's a limit to my duties, per the contract, and the agency already did remind them once of that, but as an permanent employee, they could make all sorts of demands.)

Now, those 3 things were enough for me to turn it down ( I've been walking in with dread most mornings already, because of the supervisor alone), and the 4th being that it wasn't enough to make me reconsider my plan to CTB, and I've enough saved now to get me to fall, when I want to do it. But yesterday something happened that made me not only NOT regret turning it down, but probably assured that I won't seek any other job after this assignment ends, and even welcome the bus. I've suspected that certain clerks were getting ahead by "cheating", taking the good work from the bin and returning the more difficult work, which boosted their productivity numbers. I could only tell by inference, because bins seemingly had more work in them then before, and I was getting them with none of the easier bulk jobs, so it took me longer to do and reduced my numbers, making me look less productive. Not only were they getting away with it, they were being celebrated for it with little "way to go!" signs (like kindergarten, lol). A lot of it was occurring during the early hours before my own start time. But after people being reassigned to new desks near me, I actually saw them returning the difficult work to the workflow for others to do instead. (And I had marked where the new work started with a pen, so I had a visible marker of just how much work was being returned.)

Ok, so they were cheating. Now what? Well, I almost got upset, but thought twice. I already turned down the permanent position, so it's not like I'm going to get fired for not "keeping up". (Actually, I don't think they'd fire me because my numbers are not actually "low", they just are "lower" than the artificially inflated ones, and they DO like my work, because I'm detail-oriented and efficient. (Even when I say "screw it", I can't purposely do a bad job if I tried). And they did offer me a position, so I can't take it too personally. And honestly, I know by know that people lie, cheat, and steal to get ahead, while lying with a big smile, so it's not a shock. (Right, mom?)

So, what's the problem, right? Because I still take it personally, foolishly. I know that many would think "What's the problem? If they want to hire you, just take the job and milk it, like everyone else", but I've never been that way. (That's half the problem with the world, right there...) But that's just the clerical part; there's still the clash with the supervisor and the attempts to have me do the physical mailroom stuff instead. (And yes, importantly, the pay cut. It's costing me more in gas just to get there, now, let alone the inflation of everything else; I can't afford any more paycuts. And to work MORE hours just to make ends meet is enough to make me want to CTB, if more work at less pay is my "reward" for years of hard work...)

The real mistake I ALMOST made was that I almost spoke up, out of a desire for justice (especially since one of the cheaters is also purposely rude, even to the supervisor. But because she's "speedy", they let her say whatever she wants to people). The "mistake" being the expectation that I'd change anything. But then, I've done that in the past, and it's either dismissed, or I'm made out to be the bad guy. ("Snitches get stiches", right?) People will smile and reassure you that they understand, but then talk smack about you behind your back for ruining their 'ride on the gravy train". Or, I'm "rewarded" with MORE work for being honest and efficient to make up for the other's lack. So, I let it go. It's not on me. It's just a few more weeks, until late summer at most. It just makes me sad that I have to think that way, as I am usually the opposite, and try to give 100%, and I don't want to be the kind of person who partakes in their kind of "reindeer games" to make myself look good; my honest work should be enough, and Asperger's/autistism doesn't go hand-in-hand with office politics like that; I just want to do my work without the bs that goes with all that. But they made me glad I didn't take it, and reminded me that it will be like this in most places I would go. And since I don't have the means to be self-employed, it just reminds me of why I want to CTB in the first place. Diminishing returns, physically and socially.

I keep looking for a sign from "the universe" to stay, but it just keeps giving me reasons to go. Ah, well. I'll have no regrets, at least.
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Jan 23, 2021
Update: I left the temp job at the end of August, and took September to finish up some things. I had set my mind to CTB by the end of November, but started thinking I might not make it even that far. Still, I applied to a couple of jobs, with one phone interview yesterday, with another on Thursday. Excited about neither. Then, out of the blue, I get a phone call today from the company that layed me off after 9 years with a re-employment opportunity, and at a higher pay rate...apparently, the outsourcing of the work isn't working out.

Anyone else would probably be ecstatic, but I am a nervous wreck, feeling like I'm about to break out into hives. Partly because of the job: Which would might include some more extroverted tasks that I avoided previously, and might be in a tighter workspace than I an comfortable with. Truth be told, I was already wanting to leave that job before I was laid off, but between health, personal family issues, then the pandemic, it was never the right time. It would be a different supervisor, someone who I was never comfortable with (my previous supervisor was one of the reasons I DID stay a as long as a did.) Also, it's not quite the same company anymore since they did a merger, so I don't know what to expect. I did agree to an interview for Monday, so I can feel out the other job interview, and to buy time to think about it. But I'm more worried about the timing, since I was thinking aout setting my CTB date sooner than later, for reasons not related to working. I still have no one close in my life, and have been pretty isolated. And feeling alienated the "gay community", I don't see myself ever having a relationship again (and at my age, feeling like it's too late to start over anywhere.) On top of that, my eyesight is starting to go; even with my new prescription, it's getting harder to read for long periods of time...

I've finished my project (even started another to use up previous unused material) , and don't feel the urge to start on previously planned ones. Hell, I put my heart and soul into the past ones, and no one gives a damn but me, anyway. And my day jobs were meant to fuel my projects, and I tolerated much in those for that specific purpose. But if I'm not doing any more projects, there's no need for a day job. I feel like if I start this new job, I'm just giving myself false hope. Especially since I wanted to leave that job before they laid me off anyway. (And they laid me off once, so who's to say how long this would last? Or, if they're that desperate, is it even worth it? What would I be walking back into?)
But I have this feeling that I "owe" it to them, simply because they are offering, when that's silly, since they are the ones who let me go. Or, like it's "the universe sending me a sign", when the universe is impassive and doesn't give a damn. It just feels like a cruelly timed joke.

This choice/situation is just messing with my head so much that it's making me feel physically ill, when I was feeling good about the choice to CTB.
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Jan 23, 2021
Had a chance to sleep on it (once I finally was able to fall asleep)...I woke up with the important reminder that I was already planning to CTB while I was still working there, before I was laid off. And though it wasn't the main cause, that place contributed to it along with the main drivers. Should I accept an offer to go back, it would not solve my problems, even if it is more money; it would only buy me more time, and I have too much time on my hands at the moment, as it is, and I'd only be dragging out things further.

(Oh, and I was working from home since summer of 2020, due to the pandemic, which made a difference. This would be back in the office, in direct contact with certain people...)
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Kali Yuga

Oct 4, 2022
Dude you're a friggin artist!! Album and a novel!? You don't need to be famous to be an artist. Fame places no value on art. If anything it devalues; look at commercial music. Are you gonna release your album? Try get your book published? The bit you said about star gazing at night for some reason brought me a vicarious sense of peace.

And you've proactively applied for jobs already so I think you've earnt some form of "holiday" after 8 years to just chill tf out and focus on you for a bit. You're taking action to sort your shit, which is more than what most people can do with their problems… me included. You proactively engage in healthy hobbies. You def got some good shit going on.

Trauma is not easy man. Nor loneliness. But that's not to say it can't be negotiated.

It seems life has thrown you a bit at the moment. And if religion didn't work out, all good, but I believe spirituality is an integral part of the human experience. I'm not religious but ive relatively recently come to believe that life is not without meaning and we all have a "spirit". If you're ever interested in learning some skills to reduce suffering and maybe reconnect with your spiritual side, I'd recommend a book called The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle or even some YouTube vids with him.

You sound like you really could do with support rn… Another integral part of the human experience. What's stopping you from shooting you're old best friend a message?
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Jan 23, 2021
Dude you're a friggin artist!! Album and a novel!? You don't need to be famous to be an artist. Fame places no value on art. If anything it devalues; look at commercial music. Are you gonna release your album? Try get your book published? The bit you said about star gazing at night for some reason brought me a vicarious sense of peace.

And you've proactively applied for jobs already so I think you've earnt some form of "holiday" after 8 years to just chill tf out and focus on you for a bit. You're taking action to sort your shit, which is more than what most people can do with their problems… me included. You proactively engage in healthy hobbies. You def got some good shit going on.

Trauma is not easy man. Nor loneliness. But that's not to say it can't be negotiated.

It seems life has thrown you a bit at the moment. And if religion didn't work out, all good, but I believe spirituality is an integral part of the human experience. I'm not religious but ive relatively recently come to believe that life is not without meaning and we all have a "spirit". If you're ever interested in learning some skills to reduce suffering and maybe reconnect with your spiritual side, I'd recommend a book called The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle or even some YouTube vids with him.

You sound like you really could do with support rn… Another integral part of the human experience. What's stopping you from shooting you're old best friend a message?
Thank you for your response. I've already released several albums over the years. No one cares. I've read Eckhart Tolle, among others in that field.
My friend doesn't want to hear from me (he abandoned ME, he was already starting to shut me out when we were still talking; we were growing apart for a while), and he's supposedly "living his best life", now (which, sadly, involve questionable choices that are out of character for him). But even if he did, I don't want to go down that road because I don't want to do that only to CTB and have it hurt him more than it would just by hearing about it after not speaking for a few years.

That is another factor in not wanting to go back to the job: my previous supervisor, a very sweet woman. She already messaged me to tell me that something was happening, and wants me to come back. It would hurt her a lot if I did, only to CTB soon after. But I can't stay around just for her sake, either.

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