
Jan 23, 2021
I was just layed off from my job of 8 years due to outsourcing. I'm single with no kids ( I'm single with no kids, (and gay, yet not a part of the "LGBT community", as I don't fit "the lifestyle" or the stereotypes, yet can't be with the one person I ever loved that way). Work it was the last thing I had in life, after I both cut off my abusive family in 2017, after I found some nasty skeletons in the closet, and also left behind by my best friend at that same time. Then the world shut down. Now, this. I left the house for the first time since I found out this week, to go to the store, and almost broke down in tears in public thinking about how this might be it, and no one would miss me.

I got severance, and most likely will get unemployment, but my lease is up at the end of May. So I have to not only find a job, but a new place, as I don't know where I will be working, or if I will be able to afford this place once unemployment runs out. But worse than the uncertainty of work and home is that I have to start over again from scratch with people in the workplace. I have few connections in real life, now, and have no emotional or physical support, no one to even get a hug from.

I was already on borrowed time. I wanted to die after I found out about my family, but I didn't have the means. Then my best friend left. Then, as I started to rebuild and get myself together, and tried to find community online, which held me for a little bit, but I'm already introverted/Aspergerish, and a bit of an outsider, and on the sidelines, "watching the wheels". But I had sever kidney stone blockage for six months and almost died from that. (And I even wanted to, but survived it.) Then another 6 months to get back in shape and feeling alive, only for the world to shut down with Covid, and be cut off from most contact. Now, this; the last vestige of structure and support. I've done everything I'm "supposed" to do; I've tried to forgive my family's past abuse, only to have that trust betrayed again. I went to therapy, and despite learning how much unearned guilt I took for my family's sake, and how intellectually it helped, it didn't heal me emotionally; it didn't replace the loss and anger and sadness with any love. I was able to put an end to the negative, but not to replace it with a positive. (I've been spiritually "dead inside" since. I tried to re-find religion, but it didn't take, intellectually, and my prayers for a personal connection with "God" were just met with silence.)

I've been responsible financially and with my health, only to start the slow, inevitable decline (and now, without insurance for who knows long. I've gone above and beyond at work, and did a great job, by all accounts (there and elsewhere), but that was futile, since the whole organization will soon be gone, anyway. I can only do so much in the face of a larger collapse that's happening everywhere. And believed that I had a duty to soldier on despite the loss of family and friends, to keep trying. But But this just may be the last straw.

I am trying to tell myself that this is a "blessing in disguise", that it will work out, that I have time and money to find something new, and maybe even something better. I've done it before. But I was younger then, and didn't have the disillusionment from experience. I'm almost 48, I've always thought I'd never see 50, and I just don't have the emotional fuel, this time. (I've already lived 20+ years longer than my father, who CBT'd, at least). I was already planning my exit, now that I have the method and means in hand, once I payed down the last of my debts. I was only a few months away from doing so at this point, and was going to take it day-by-day, after that, and see where things went, what life choices were open to me. I had been thinking about finding new work anyway, because the organization is quickly going downhill overall with layoffs and changes. But we had a merger, but we were told this would actually CREATE more opportunity for us; they lied.) But now I feel like my hand is being forced. With severance, I could pay it off in a couple of weeks easily with money left to carry me while I figure out what's next. I keep hearing that employers are desperate to hire, and I've sent out resumes and applications already. But that just feels like yet another cruel dangling carrot to keep me going indefinitely, with false hope; I can see the writing on the wall at large, not just for me. The anxiety of having to find a job, a place, and start my life all over again once again (that doesn't even mention the difficulty of trying to do so this time in the current inflationary economy/political climate), with no emotional and personal support, with no reason beyond my simply existing to exist...I've been lonely for too long, and I don't have it in me to start anew with strangers, at this point.

The only thing keeping me from doing it TONIGHT or tomorrow is that I am working on art projects. One is almost finished, an album, and will be finished in a week. I said I would never write another one after the one I finished in 2019, while racing the kidney stones, and I didn't want to do this one. But this one came about because of Covid and lockdowns and the world going crazy, as a way to deal with it. I added the final touch, tonight, sonically: a sound effect of a gun shot. My body feels like electricity is running throughout. It's not my personal method (that was my father's; I can't do to others what he did to us when we found his body), but the symbolism is there. It's not quite autobiographical, but it is, partly.

Once I finish this, I have one other project. It was actually what I started to do BEFORE the album, and the lockdowns, a graphic novel. It's a bigger, grander theme that is more personal and autobiographical, but more universal, too. I already had it storyboarded, but got sidetracked when the world shut down. Only now, I don't know that I can resume it and finish it before the NEXT deadline of finding a job and a new place.

Part of me thinks I could ride out a year on my savings, finish it, and release it to the world and THEN release myself from the world. But the other part of me says "why?" I'm not famous, no one cares about my art, so why bother? It's already written in my head. It doesn't matter, it won't make a difference if I finish it or not to the world at large. I can't fix the world, and trying to maintain a sense of "business as usual" in a collapse just seems a fool's errand. Even if things did turn around at large, I'd still be alone; there'd be no place for me in it. The few friends I have left are physically distant, and have families or problems of their own, and I can't impose on them. I'd still be an outsider with no community or family. I am thinking that, rather than being a "blessing in disguise" to find a new job and home, that the "blessing" is that this is my window to CBT by lease's end, while I can pay off debts and make a clean exit with loose ends wrapped up.

Truth be told: A part of me smiles when I think about my exit. Instead of trying to be "responsible" by continuing to live for the sake of other's beliefs that I SHOULD continue, while continuing to jump through the hoops to do so, with my efforts meaning nothing in the long run, that I can finally stop burning myself out with diminishing returns. Ironically, I've been constantly told that I need to "relax", that I work too hard, that I should not be too invested, even as things around me fall apart. But because of childhood abuse and violence, I've always been hyper-vigilant, and I can't turn it off; it's too ingrained. I even thought about taking the extra money and just having a "good time" before I go out. Take a trip, enjoy myself, etc. But I've never been able to just be; I've never been able to be a "human being", always had to be a "human DOING", and would feel guilty about that. Besides, I wouldn't know what to do. Vegas? I hate gambling. I don't enjoy amusement parks, and sitting on the beach makes me bored. I just like to create music and art after a good day's work, as reward, and stargaze at night. But I feel I have to earn those simple joys, and without a job, I don't feel like I'm deserving.

(But then, I think to myself: What if I considered this my "retirement" years? Why does one have to wait until 65 to feel that they've earned it? It's arbitrary Well, not arbitrary, monetarily. People do have to provide for themselves, that's fair enough. And retiring young is a privilege reserved for the rich, usually, which I am not by a longshot. Still, I've paid down my debts. I've put in many years of hard work. And why not retire NOW when, while not young enough to not be so old as to not be able to enjoy it? Why do we have to wait until we're sick or feeble, if there's a way to enjoy it when we can?

Because we still need purpose, even when rich. And we still need love and connection. Neither of which I have now.

Besides: Truth be told, on the plus side, I'm simple in my needs, that way, and I've been blessed enough to do most of the things I wanted to do in life. But there's no excitement anymore in that regards; "the thrill is gone." But anything good that happens always followed with the other "shoe" dropping via abuse and trauma, which is probably why I don't enjoy amusements and such that much. Part of me thinks that maybe THIS is my time to let it go and enjoy myself as a reward, without having to worry about that shoe dropping again. But it would be a cheap thrill, or an empy "final hurrah". But I'm just not feeling it, and the anxiety of responsibility for everything outside of myself, and of what happens next would still be on my mind, So, to exit would be the only way to "relax", for me, ultimately. Because it's always going to be a matter of hyper "flight-or-fight" for me. And similar to the question of why waiting to retire, why not go out on a high note, instead of pushing a slow-decline without purpose or love? If I can take the reponsibility of living for sake of living, why not dying for the sake of my own sense of peace and finality? Why wait for a fatal illness or accident, instead of giving my death a purpose of its own, to end the suffering inside?

What to do? I don't know. Too many choices, with too many false hopes. All I know is that my body feels like it is burning just thinking about ending it.
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I am a prisoner locked up behind xanax bars
Dec 16, 2021
I'm sorry for your pain. I relate to many things that you're going through. Nothing I can say can make it better but I wish it could. It's hard to think you work so hard in life and should be at your peak and the rug gets pulled out from you. šŸ˜ž
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It sounds like you have been through a lot. I'm sorry you are in this situation. I know that it can be dreadful when things just get worse. Life is just so cruel and unfair. I wish you the best in whatever happens.
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Sep 16, 2021
I am really Sorry about your pain and situation.
You are in the middle of a storm.
I wish this storm goes away quickly. And also that you feel better.
Feel hugged and lovedā¤ļø
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Cat Lady
Oct 25, 2021
I understand how you feel. I am somewhat in the same position. I've been unemployed for six months - didn't get unemployment because the asshole I worked for lied (he's an attorney so of course they believed him over me). I'm at a point where I am self-sabotaging myself. No family or friends. Trying to find a home for my sweet cat and then I'm ctb. So done.
I understand how you feel. I am somewhat in the same position. I've been unemployed for six months - didn't get unemployment because the asshole I worked for lied (he's an attorney so of course they believed him over me). I'm at a point where I am self-sabotaging myself. No family or friends. Trying to find a home for my sweet cat and then I'm ctb. So done.
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Jan 23, 2021
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Dec 15, 2021
As I understand it, you find yourself in a bit of a limbo between wanting to end your life, and wanting to continue living. I think that's normal, and only you know what's best for you in your situation.

Keep on fighting, and you have all the reasons in the world to take any risks that you want - be it getting a new job or moving elsewhere - the choice to end your life is always there.

Good luck to you! :wink:
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Jan 29, 2022
I don't know what its like to have aspberger's. and the spectrum range is wide. Are you someone that requires a schedule and repetition?

What country do you live in? Maybe you could consider moving to a cheaper country in the meantime. If you don't have the pressure of expensive rent and food, you could use that time to figure out your situation and explore your art.

There are some places international places that have a more conservative gay scene that may appeal more to your internal makeup. Do you lean more toward a conservative scene?
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Jan 23, 2021
I don't know what its like to have aspberger's. and the spectrum range is wide. Are you someone that requires a schedule and repetition?

What country do you live in? Maybe you could consider moving to a cheaper country in the meantime. If you don't have the pressure of expensive rent and food, you could use that time to figure out your situation and explore your art.

There are some places international places that have a more conservative gay scene that may appeal more to your internal makeup. Do you lean more toward a conservative scene?
For the most part, yeah, it helps to have structure and a set schedule. I'm in the US, never been outside the country. I'd have enough trouble moving out of state, let alone another country. I tend more...not "conservative", but close (libertarianish, if I had to pick a label.)
As I understand it, you find yourself in a bit of a limbo between wanting to end your life, and wanting to continue living. I think that's normal, and only you know what's best for you in your situation.

Keep on fighting, and you have all the reasons in the world to take any risks that you want - be it getting a new job or moving elsewhere - the choice to end your life is always there.

Good luck to you! :wink:
Thank you. That is one consoling factor, that if I wanted to take a risk, I could. It's just that I really don't know what I'd risk it on, at this point.


Feb 14, 2022
I can hear you, i too quited my job too
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Jan 23, 2021
As I understand it, you find yourself in a bit of a limbo between wanting to end your life, and wanting to continue living. I think that's normal, and only you know what's best for you in your situation.

Keep on fighting, and you have all the reasons in the world to take any risks that you want - be it getting a new job or moving elsewhere - the choice to end your life is always there.

Good luck to you! :wink:
Thank you. I've been thinking about this, re, "the risks that you want"...WANT being the operative word. There's very little I want nowadays that I would want to take a risk for.

Yesterday, I was working out my worst-case scenario back-up plan, then took a nap. I wound up missing a phone call. I actually rec'd a response from one of the applications I wanted in a geographic location that I like, and for a bit, I got hopeful and even a little optimistic. But it would be the same kind of work situation that I just left (where I'd have to constantly bite my tongue, and potentially compromise my principles, to boot, something I've been able to avoid up to now). It would be in a religious, conservative small town where I'd still be something of an outcast/misfit, being gay. (Not that I'm a flamboyaant stereotype, and I don't like what the LGBT movement has become, but I'm looking to be a "self-hating queer", either, let alone a "second-class citizen".) And in worse winter conditions that could not be ignored, due to the job (in healthcare). I've braved such things in the past, as part of the job, but I don't think I'd be willing to do so again in this context, not because I'm lazy or such, but because it's throwing "pearls before swine", most of the time. For the right cause, I'd walk up hill, barefoot, both ways in the snow. I've gone above and beyond. Partly because of my work ethic, but also, because of fear that if I don't, I won't be "enough", that I have to prove myself to people to be loved, etc. And it's just been used against me too many times to want to take that risk again.

On that note, I started feeling guilty about having second thoughts, as if I owe them my services, since they called me. That's a life-long pattern, guilty feelings for saying "no", in work and personal situations. But also, this time, I feel like I'm letting myself down, since I like the geographical area, and feel that if I have an opportunity to move there, I should do whatever is necessary. But is that true?

The "reward" in this context would not be the job, or the people, but the geographical environment; mountains, lakes, stargazing. But I think I would wind up resenting the price for that. And that's a risk I don't want. I don't want the things I love to be used against me anymore. (And it's probably one of those places where it's "a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there" situation. And I can always visit.)

(And, to be fair, if I moved there, and it didn't work out, and I CBT'd there, that wouldn't be fair to those people, either, having to deal with it after taking a chance on me. I don't want to hurt anymore, but I don't want to hurt anyone, either...)

That said, while I was thinking about my back-up plan, the other alternative that came to me, re something to take a risk on, was to "retire" early, ride out the money I have, and take a risk again with my art. It may not pan out, but then, it would be on my terms, even if I fail at it. As opposed to taking a risk on an organization that will probably fail, as so many others are right now, including the one that just let us go. Security under an irrational umbrella vs. a risk on my own...the way things are going, what's the difference, anymore? I've seen the "smartest people in the room" get it wrong so many times. So, then, If I'm going to CBT anyway, I'd rather take the risk of investing in myself over throwing that effort away on someone else's failure. My hope, there, is that my art will live on beyond both me and those failed organizations.

Part of me still has "guilt" at the idea of trying to engage in art for art's sake, without a "productive day job". But the money I've earned, I've EARNED, so this is my risk. And that's not to say I wouldn't still look for work, even if part-time; I wouldn't shirk my bills/debts. But if I don't have to settle or compromise on the first thing that comes along and risk my integrity out of desperation, well, I've earned THAT, too, both financially and ethically. And, at the very least, even if I still CBT due to loneliness, lack of family and connection, and financial ruin, at least I won't have sacrificed my dignity in the process.
What country do you live in? Maybe you could consider moving to a cheaper country in the meantime. If you don't have the pressure of expensive rent and food, you could use that time to figure out your situation and explore your art.
Thanks for the encouragement. While another country would not be the best option for me, I don't have to move far to follow up on my art, so I just may pursue that. The worst that can happen is that it doesn't work out, well, I was going to CBT anyway, either in a few months, when the lease is up, or within a year, if I exhaust my savings without finding a new job that I can live with. But if I don't, then I'll CBT with the last thing that was important to me.
I can hear you, i too quited my job too
Sorry to hear. It's rarely easy to do.
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Dec 15, 2021
Thank you. I've been thinking about this, re, "the risks that you want"...WANT being the operative word. There's very little I want nowadays that I would want to take a risk for.

Yesterday, I was working out my worst-case scenario back-up plan, then took a nap. I wound up missing a phone call. I actually rec'd a response from one of the applications I wanted in a geographic location that I like, and for a bit, I got hopeful and even a little optimistic. But it would be the same kind of work situation that I just left (where I'd have to constantly bite my tongue, and potentially compromise my principles, to boot, something I've been able to avoid up to now). It would be in a religious, conservative small town where I'd still be something of an outcast/misfit, being gay. (Not that I'm a flamboyaant stereotype, and I don't like what the LGBT movement has become, but I'm looking to be a "self-hating queer", either, let alone a "second-class citizen".) And in worse winter conditions that could not be ignored, due to the job (in healthcare). I've braved such things in the past, as part of the job, but I don't think I'd be willing to do so again in this context, not because I'm lazy or such, but because it's throwing "pearls before swine", most of the time. For the right cause, I'd walk up hill, barefoot, both ways in the snow. I've gone above and beyond. Partly because of my work ethic, but also, because of fear that if I don't, I won't be "enough", that I have to prove myself to people to be loved, etc. And it's just been used against me too many times to want to take that risk again.

On that note, I started feeling guilty about having second thoughts, as if I owe them my services, since they called me. That's a life-long pattern, guilty feelings for saying "no", in work and personal situations. But also, this time, I feel like I'm letting myself down, since I like the geographical area, and feel that if I have an opportunity to move there, I should do whatever is necessary. But is that true?

The "reward" in this context would not be the job, or the people, but the geographical environment; mountains, lakes, stargazing. But I think I would wind up resenting the price for that. And that's a risk I don't want. I don't want the things I love to be used against me anymore. (And it's probably one of those places where it's "a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there" situation. And I can always visit.)

(And, to be fair, if I moved there, and it didn't work out, and I CBT'd there, that wouldn't be fair to those people, either, having to deal with it after taking a chance on me. I don't want to hurt anymore, but I don't want to hurt anyone, either...)

That said, while I was thinking about my back-up plan, the other alternative that came to me, re something to take a risk on, was to "retire" early, ride out the money I have, and take a risk again with my art. It may not pan out, but then, it would be on my terms, even if I fail at it. As opposed to taking a risk on an organization that will probably fail, as so many others are right now, including the one that just let us go. Security under an irrational umbrella vs. a risk on my own...the way things are going, what's the difference, anymore? I've seen the "smartest people in the room" get it wrong so many times. So, then, If I'm going to CBT anyway, I'd rather take the risk of investing in myself over throwing that effort away on someone else's failure. My hope, there, is that my art will live on beyond both me and those failed organizations.

Part of me still has "guilt" at the idea of trying to engage in art for art's sake, without a "productive day job". But the money I've earned, I've EARNED, so this is my risk. And that's not to say I wouldn't still look for work, even if part-time; I wouldn't shirk my bills/debts. But if I don't have to settle or compromise on the first thing that comes along and risk my integrity out of desperation, well, I've earned THAT, too, both financially and ethically. And, at the very least, even if I still CBT due to loneliness, lack of family and connection, and financial ruin, at least I won't have sacrificed my dignity in the process.

What you are talking about going the art path or moving to another place is exactly the type of risk that I was talking about, as well. Few people take such risks, since it can mean an end to their financial freedom and/or social life.

I would also like to point out that our existence is temporary - no matter if we die by old age or by our own hand - so it doesn't matter much if other people see us as different - like you describe how you might be received by other people for being gay. Sure, living like that for many years can be emotionally taxing, but do haven't dones anything wrong for them to treat you badly.

Years ago, I was trapped in my own sense of always trying to do the right thing, or to please other people - but seeing as our lives have an end date, and that it doesn't count for much to be a good person in today's society, why not just do what feels right? Unless a person is religious, there is no scale at the end of life that measures one's accomplishments and says "Congratulations! You were such a good person in life! Well done!".

Go your way.
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Sep 16, 2021
Dear watchingthewheels,
I Hope you will be Very succesful with your New Path in Art.
You are very intelligent and passionate. Follow what makes you happy. And sell your Art Work in the internet. You could sell It to Us! SS is a big fĆ³rum.
ALL the best for you!
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Jan 23, 2021
What you are talking about going the art path or moving to another place is exactly the type of risk that I was talking about, as well. Few people take such risks, since it can mean an end to their financial freedom and/or social life.

I would also like to point out that our existence is temporary - no matter if we die by old age or by our own hand - so it doesn't matter much if other people see us as different - like you describe how you might be received by other people for being gay. Sure, living like that for many years can be emotionally taxing, but do haven't dones anything wrong for them to treat you badly.

Years ago, I was trapped in my own sense of always trying to do the right thing, or to please other people - but seeing as our lives have an end date, and that it doesn't count for much to be a good person in today's society, why not just do what feels right? Unless a person is religious, there is no scale at the end of life that measures one's accomplishments and says "Congratulations! You were such a good person in life! Well done!".

Go your way.

Hmmm...I had to think about this for a bit, because I don't believe in hedonism as a guiding principle, and because I've long been around people who were more than happy to do "whatever feels good", and screw others (like my abusive, drug addict of a mother, or coworkers who didn't "feel" like working, etc...). But you did say what feels "right", not "good". And while I still wouldn't word it that way, personally, I've had a tendency to sacrifice my own feelings in order to do the right thing, instead of making sure they were working together. It's one thing to be responsible for self-incurred debts and chosen obligations, of course, it's another to take the weight of the world of other's burdens on one's shoulders. I've known that for many years, I knew better, but I didn't feel that I could drop that weight, and that's been an eternal tug-of-war inside. I'm not religious, anymore, but there's still a remnant of that guilt, I think. "Everyone has their cross to bear; God doesn't give you more than you can carry..." Yeah, right...and I didn't ask for it. But if I continue to do so, then I am asking for it.

I just found out the rent increase for my lease renewal; $50, which is $25 more than I expected. I almost panicked, and was going to panick-call that job in the boondocks. But I calmed down. I can swing it, so I am not compromising again. If I'm going to CBT anyway, why panic? Why deviate from my own plan? Because it doesn't "feel" right? Does it "feel" right to be in a constant flight-flight-freeze response to things I can't control?

So I thought about it...would I rather spend the rest of my life in worry and panic, or doing what means something to me? Does it matter if it's a year or 50 years? Am I supposed to suffer for years because I'm supposed to, even if I don't feel good doing it? Or would it be better to go with a shortened life span, but go out feeling good about my choices and myself? (As long as I'm not hurting others in the process...) I'd choose the latter. For all I know, something good could come out of that choice too, that would make me want to continue living, as opposed to living years in misery wishing to CBT. But even if it doesn't, I'm still going out my way, and not at the whims of a sadistic worldview that says "life is suffering". (Not struggling, but suffering. I will struggle to achieve my goals, which does include suffering, sure, and that's how one grows; but that's not the end-goal. The end goal should be the purpose, not the suffering.

Speaking of...I woke up around 3 am with a pain in my side. I thought I was just sleeping funny, or maybe it was my IBS, but it could possibly have been a kidney stone (the symptoms I get with IBS can imitate stones, sometimes.) It's been 2 years since my severe stone blockage, and I can't go through with that again. (Not to mention that my insurance runs out at the end of this month.) While stones have made me pray for instant death, it doesn't work quite like that, it's a slow, painful process. I will NOT go through that again. This time, I have no reason to endure that, and I have the means to end it quick. Far from being hedonistic, that's the kind of thing that makes me say "do what FEELS right", because that's one of the worst feelings one can endure. I can't go through that again, months of feeling like the walking dead, with a swollen kidney, losing weight, and pounding my fists on the floor in pain.)

So, thanks for prompting me think about that. If I'm going to suffer, I'm going to suffer MY way. Because I am tired of suffering their way.
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Dec 15, 2021
Hmmm...I had to think about this for a bit, because I don't believe in hedonism as a guiding principle, and because I've long been around people who were more than happy to do "whatever feels good", and screw others (like my abusive, drug addict of a mother, or coworkers who didn't "feel" like working, etc...). But you did say what feels "right", not "good". And while I still wouldn't word it that way, personally, I've had a tendency to sacrifice my own feelings in order to do the right thing, instead of making sure they were working together. It's one thing to be responsible for self-incurred debts and chosen obligations, of course, it's another to take the weight of the world of other's burdens on one's shoulders. I've known that for many years, I knew better, but I didn't feel that I could drop that weight, and that's been an eternal tug-of-war inside. I'm not religious, anymore, but there's still a remnant of that guilt, I think. "Everyone has their cross to bear; God doesn't give you more than you can carry..." Yeah, right...and I didn't ask for it. But if I continue to do so, then I am asking for it.

I just found out the rent increase for my lease renewal; $50, which is $25 more than I expected. I almost panicked, and was going to panick-call that job in the boondocks. But I calmed down. I can swing it, so I am not compromising again. If I'm going to CBT anyway, why panic? Why deviate from my own plan? Because it doesn't "feel" right? Does it "feel" right to be in a constant flight-flight-freeze response to things I can't control?

So I thought about it...would I rather spend the rest of my life in worry and panick, or doing what means something to me? Does it matter if it's a year or 50 years? Am I supposed to suffer for years because I'm supposed to, even if I don't feel good doing it? Or would it be better to go with a shortened life span, but go out feeling good about my choices and myself? (As long as I'm not hurting others in the process...) I'd choose the latter. For all I know, something good could come out of that choice too, that would make me want to continue living, as opposed to living years in misery wishing to CBT. But even if it doesn't, I'm still going out my way, and not at the whims of a sadistic worldview that says "life is suffering". (Not struggling, but suffering. I will struggle to achieve my goals, which does include suffering, sure, and that's how one grows; but that's not the end-goal. The end goal should be the purpose, not the suffering.

So, if I'm going to suffer, I'm going to suffer MY way.

The only point that I tried to make was that there's no need to be a pushover, but instead, to reach at every chance of happiness - and to try to not be afraid of trying new things. You got the point just right in your third paragraph.

You'll do fine as long as you are content with your choices.
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Jan 23, 2021
The only point that I tried to make was that there's no need to be a pushover, but instead, to reach at every chance of happiness - and to try to not be afraid of trying new things. You got the point just right in your third paragraph.

You'll do fine as long as you are content with your choices.
Thanks. I appreciate what you were saying. I tend to overthink and over-analyze, I've been told, so please don't take it personally. (It's part of being "hypervigilant.")

Reminds me of a Zen parable about a man being chased by tigers, and falls over a cliff. He grabs onto a lone branch, which will not hold long. On the branch, there's a strawberry. He looks up at the tigers, and down at the rocky ground. What does he do? He takes the strawberry, which is the last strawberry he ever tastes, but the sweetest.

"If ya gotta go, go with a smile..."
Dear watchingthewheels,
I Hope you will be Very succesful with your New Path in Art.
You are very intelligent and passionate. Follow what makes you happy. And sell your Art Work in the internet. You could sell It to Us! SS is a big fĆ³rum.
ALL the best for you!
Thank you. :) It's not exactly a "new" path; a lifelong one, actually. I wanted to be an artist and musician since I was 4, and that was always my focus, to which my day jobs were the means to be able to do that. But, "starving artists", and all that. I've tried the "commercial "route, before, with little financial success. I did try "commercial" graphic art, as well, which was a very tough market, and I didn't enjoy it so much when I did find work. It's just not the same. But I did learn a lot, a least. Though it was never about the financial success, as long as I could pay my bills. There came I time when I couldn't, when the economy crashed in 2008, so I had to prioritize, which meant sidelining art as a serious, full-time pursuit, in order to be responsible. But that did take away from my time that I could focus on art, and dampened my artistic spirit for a bit. And this last "day job" became a long-term one, out of necessity, but also I invested in it emotionally, for various reaons, to find purpose and meaning and to be a value to society. But now that was taken away from me. So, I guess I could say it's a "renewed" path. And maybe that's for the best.

So, thank you for prompting me to think about that. (I'm an over-thinker, I've been told on more than one occasion...)
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Jan 23, 2021
The ironic thing about this? I don't know that I can actually let go and "enjoy myself" at this point, before CBT. Saying I'll work on art, etc, and go out on my terms. I don't know if I can do it without guilt. Too much ingrained, programmed guilt. That voice in the back of my head telling me I'm wrong, the urgency to try to fix everything again. I don't know how to shut it up. I will have to work at it.

That said, looking at world events, I really don't see a return to "status quo/normal" anytime soon, anyway. Canada, supply chains shortages, Ukraine, etc... I have a feeling things are about to go sky-high, so, my personal struggles and problems will be moot, in the grand scheme of things. So, that makes it "easier" to accept that I have no choice but to take things a day at a time. This is all bigger than any one person to fix. I'll finish my current project, at least, which is a week's worth left to do. After that...who knows...I don't. I can go at any time, after that. There's no reason. No reason to start anything new. I had a project planned, but not started. I don't want to get invested if I won't finish it. Maybe some smaller things that can be done quickly as opposed to larger projects.
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Jan 23, 2021
I am feeling paralyzed. Physically.
Still waiting for my severence and unemployment, which is still in review until 3/2 when the monetary finality date is. . Meanwhile, my lease renewal is coming up, and it's going up an extra $50. On top of that, it looks like my parking fee is too. Currently $50 a month, but with a $25 dollar credit because of what we were originally told. But it looks like that is going away, so, $75 extra a month total.

Meanwhile, I was offered a temp job at a place for $3 less an hour than what I was making. I thought I could afford the cut, but with the extra rent and parking, plus inflation on gas and food, I'm scrambling, now, to figure out how to make ends meet. And I don't get an interview, it would be an immediate start. And reviews of the business are not good. I would be miserable there, based on what I read and what I know about myself. I said I wouldn't do that to myself again, and wouldn't jump on the first thing that came along, that my severance would buy me time. But not if I don't get unemployment.

If that doesn't happen, I could take out my retirement plan, still in the workplace plan, and suck up the penalties. But I wanted to leave that to my former friend and roomate, who helped me out years ago when I was stuck. Only he hasn't spoken to me in 2 years, after leaving me behind. Still, he's the only one I would want to leave it to, but it may be more practical for me to use it as an emergency.

(This is typical of me, so typical. I just found out he's trying to buy a house, and here I am, about to potentially be homeless, trying to help HIM with it by leaving my retirement money to him.)

Re: Homeless: On top of that, my lease is up at the end of May, but I have to decide whether to renew or continue by the end of March. If I try to find a new place before I find a job, I won't have the pay stubs. And any place cheaper? Hah! In bad parts of towns. Unemployment rules say you can look for suitable work with similar pay ranges, but I don't know how they define that, it's so loose.

Too many choices and variables, with too much uncertainty, too soon at the same time as being let go. All my financial progress and attempts to build for the future are about to go down the drain if I don't find something that pays as much, and that's hard to come by. I am literally going into a freeze mode, physically. My shoulders are getting a numb feeling and my feet are feeling electrified.

On top of that, politics are making everything unstable and uncertain, as well. I feel like I am racing a ticking time bomb, and trying to diffuse the situation, except they took my bomb-disarming tools away from me. I have no one to turn to in real-time.

I can't do this much longer. I don't have it in my to start over, friendless and jobless, on the brink of a collapsing country. I'm trying to pretend everything's going to be ok if I just try and be optimistic, trying to be responsible in "the new normal", after the rug was pulled out from under me by the state of things, while being hamstrung in the process, told to run a marathon with a broken leg, and guilting myself for feeling broken. This is seriously breaking me to the point where I am paralyzing myself.

I've never said this out loud before, but I just want to stop. I'm tired of the rat race. Tired of being the hero. Tired of starting over.
As the old movie goes, "They shoot horses, don't they?"
I can't keep doing this. I'm 47 going on 48 by the time the lease comes around. Where am I going to go? Who am I going to meet? I am a misfit at best, and a loner introvert who already had a hard time in his prime, and it's not going to get better for me. I've peaked.

And now, I don't want to to the art, or care about it, anymore. It's just spinning wheels, after years of it. My current project will be done this week, hell or high water. It doesn't have to be perfect, few will hear it anyway. It just has to be done. Finishing touches, at this point. I'm sick of working on it, anyway, after 2 years. I only started it as a reaction to the pandemic and world shutting down, and only finishing it because I'm a completist, plus it's a final statement on all this, and why I'm at this point, in addition to the revelations about my family.

It wasn't a project I ever wanted to start, being originally started in 2011, but abandoned in its original form. But it was there and fit the theme. I wasn't even sure at the time that I wanted to do music. I had just finished a project during my kidney stone ordeal, and I was racing the clock, then, thinking I was going to die. When I didn't, and got better, I decided I had to get busy living, and got myself back in shape. I was going to do my first live performance of my own material ever (I was exclusively doing recordings only, since I was alive, and had to do SOMETHING, but then the world shut down. A kick in the head.

I had other art projects that I was working on, meant to be light and fun, but they turned into something else against my better judgement, that turned out to be related to the political world at large and to personal matters, again. I can't get away from it.

I was already feeling like I was just "Watching the wheels" since 2017, and wanted to die then, but felt I had a duty to continue, and didn't have the means. It's all gone downhill since then, and now it's going too fast.

I wish the kidney stones HAD killed me, as I had "prayed" for when I was lying in pain at night.
It's just a matter of time before they come back, as well. And while I don't have a life-threatening illness now, my body is in slow decline. Dental issues, intestinal issues, etc, making me miserable. And now, I have no insurance. I always said I didn't want to go the "Tuesdays With Morrie" route, being in a home, debilitated with someone having to wipe my butt. I'd rather go out on top, than the indignity of a slow decline while being a burden.

Still, sure, I have the means to do it NOW, peacefully, even. But the responsibility...I fear taking the responsibility for making that choice. Not regarding an afterlife, but my responsibilities here, and how people will react. If the stones had killed me, no one could say I didn't try, or shirked responsiblities. But if I do it, and it's known that it's suicide, then there's the stigma and resentment.

But then, if I want to be responsible, better to do it NOW while I'm NOT in a home, hooked up to machines, a burden while someone resents me for having to wipe my butt. Whatever inconvenience this may cause now has to be less worse than that.

Which is stupid, because I have no one save a few internet friends and a couple of now-former coworkers who, I suspect, are worried that I will. But they will forget about me soon enough, and my internet friends have their own problems. Still, I worry about the stigma, and the consequences for the living, and about my legacy, after my father killed himself when I was just 4. But I already outlived him by 20+ years; I don't owe him anything, whatever his reasons, and my family can go pound sand, anyway. I have to remind myself that I cut them out for a reason, being addicts, drunks, pedo's, and enablers.

Who will resent me? My disgusting family? My job that let me go? The apartment building losing revenue? The employers losing someone to boss around and exploit? There's no kids, spouse, or pets that I'm abandoning, so there's at least that.

Screw it. I'm tired. I'm lonely. I'm done.
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Feb 4, 2022
(I've been spiritually "dead inside" since. I tried to re-find religion, but it didn't take, intellectually, and my prayers for a personal connection with "God" were just met with silence.)

I'm an atheist/follower of Buddhist doctrine myself. When I read that I immediately thought of this song:

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Jan 23, 2021
I will finish up my projects, ride out the time until the lease ends, and be gone. I've peaked; I've done what I wanted to do, but now it's time. My body is already starting to fall apart, anyway, but my heart and mind are already broken.

My decision: do I make a will? Do I leave a note? Or do I let it look like a peaceful death in my sleep?
Will they do an autopsy? Will they find the N in my system? Will they even care?

I have the money to pay off the last of my debts, which is only $2000 or so. I can sell my car to get rid of that financing. My expenses will be paid through the end of May, when the lease is up. If unemployment comes through, I can either extend the lease if I need to and take the time to finish up loose ends or keep looking for work. If not, I can take out the retirement money to buy time, and CBT later. I think, though, that I would rather wrap things up now, before the lease renews. That way, I'm not putting them out any more than finding the body come move-out time. I hate the idea of a suicide in the building for them to find, but it will not be bloody. I will clean out as much as possible. I will have no credit card/loan debts left. The car will be sold, so no auto financing debts.

As to the rest: All there will be is the body to dispose of, as well as my few possessions which I don't care about. Books, records, collectibles, music instruments. Some have value, some don't, but I'm not taking it with me, so, let them fight it out. Should I even worry about a will? There will be no debts. I don't care who gets what. The retirement beneficiary is my former best friend, who doesn't even know. How will he know? How will my former employer know?

I could leave a will; my state doesn't require witnesses or a notary. Just have to arrange for it to be found. But do I want it to be known that it's a CBT, or a mystery? I don't know. I don't want to make a scene. I just want to go peacefully, without animosity, or regret. It is what it is. I don't want to burden people with the anger and such. I don't even want revenge against my family, or to make them suffer. I just want out, peacefully, on my own terms, while I have the chance.

Do I do it here, in my own bed? If I found a new place, and did it there, that would suck for them, too, just like doing it in a hotel would. I would do it out in the woods, under the stars, but I am worried about being found and revived, and I don't want that. Once it's done, it's done. No turning back.

Now, I will over-analyze and paralyze with these decisions on HOW to do it, I guess. I have time to figure that out, though, til June. Once the money is in hand, I can pay off the last debt. Once I'm no longer in need of it, I can sell the car. I could waste the money on frivolous things, or a trip, or something, but there's nothing I want, or want to do. It would be a waste of time. The rest of my money will tempt me to continue, to start over, but I don't want to. I don't want to start again, and risk the loss of a clean out; otherwise, the cycle continues again and I will be in debt again, but with less options. I will most likely CBT later anyway then, but in debt and such. I want the out. I can just ride my time with short little art projects I can complete in a day or two while listening to music. That's all I would want to do. even if it's just for a month or two. No grand projects, just killing time with small things.

As to the body, I dont' want a funeral, or burial, or memorial, personally. I want to be cremated. No fuss, no muss, no high costs for anyone. But then, I have to communicate that. And I don't want anyone to have to go in debt to do it. I could leave the rest of my money in the bank, and let them seize that for disposal costs. I don't know who will claim my body, as I am estranged from my family, and they're poor, anyway. My former best friend is my emergency contact on the current lease; I guess they'll notify him, and he can choose whether or not he still has any good will towards me enough, or can be bothered to pull himself away from his new chosen lifestyle to do so.

This is the truly hard part. Leave a note or leave a mystery. I think mystery, except for the practical intent of having notifications so that the retirement fund will go to him. I am not the first CBT in the world, I guess, though; they will figure it out, money-wise. I don't want to inconvenience or hurt people, even out of anger, but I don't want to hurt anymore, either.
I'm an atheist/follower of Buddhist doctrine myself. When I read that I immediately thought of this song:

"Divine Comedy"...yeah, it feels like it's all been a big joke, anymore...

I'm an atheist as well, with some sympathy towards some Buddhist ideas. It sometimes gives me solace in the fact that none of this matters in the long run, no matter if I struggle and be responsible or give it up now. We come, we go; ashes to ashes...no heaven, no hell, just a transfer of matter to energy...
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Feb 4, 2022
This is the truly hard part. Leave a note or leave a mystery. I think mystery, except for the practical intent of having notifications so that the retirement fund will go to him. I am not the first CBT in the world, I guess, though; they will figure it out, money-wise. I don't want to inconvenience or hurt people, even out of anger, but I don't want to hurt anymore, either.

No mystery. Consider those you are going to leave behind. Good intentions and forgiveness to those you leave behind should be foremost, no matter how hard it seems.
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Jan 23, 2021
I'm an atheist/follower of Buddhist doctrine myself. When I read that I immediately thought of this song:

I just read the lyrics...I can relate. I can so relate. Not just to religion (there's that), but to even some secular ideas and ideologies with similar themes.

This part, though:

"I know that it's wrong for the faithful to seek it
But sometimes I long for a sign, anything
Something to wake up the whole congregation
And finally make up my mind"

I wonder what he meant by that, that he "made up his mind"...
No mystery. Consider those you are going to leave behind. Good intentions and forgiveness to those you leave behind should be foremost, no matter how hard it seems.
This has me crying, now. Literally.

I'm afraid if I reveal it, it will make others lose hope, as well.


Dec 15, 2021
I thought I could afford the cut, but with the extra rent and parking, plus inflation on gas and food, I'm scrambling, now, to figure out how to make ends meet.

And I don't get an interview, it would be an immediate start. And reviews of the business are not good. I would be miserable there, based on what I read and what I know about myself. I said I wouldn't do that to myself again, and wouldn't jump on the first thing that came along, that my severance would buy me time. But not if I don't get unemployment.

If you are willing to fight on, keep on fighting. Any chance at a job you get, take it. You don't have to stay at that new job for long, if you can find another employment opportunity.

If that doesn't happen, I could take out my retirement plan, still in the workplace plan, and suck up the penalties. But I wanted to leave that to my former friend and roomate, who helped me out years ago when I was stuck. Only he hasn't spoken to me in 2 years, after leaving me behind. Still, he's the only one I would want to leave it to, but it may be more practical for me to use it as an emergency.

Depending on how old you are, and how your future may turn out, there may be plenty of other opportunities for you to help your friend out. Focus on yourself in this moment. Your friend may be thankful that you chose to focus on your own issues, and you may even be able to help them more in the future, while you can't really do much for either of you right now.

Re: Homeless: On top of that, my lease is up at the end of May, but I have to decide whether to renew or continue by the end of March. If I try to find a new place before I find a job, I won't have the pay stubs. And any place cheaper? Hah! In bad parts of towns.

As with your employment situation, you can see any living location as temporary.

To me, it sounds like you need to see your whole life situation as temporary and just monkey-branch your way back to normalcy.

Too many choices and variables, with too much uncertainty, too soon at the same time as being let go. All my financial progress and attempts to build for the future are about to go down the drain if I don't find something that pays as much, and that's hard to come by. I am literally going into a freeze mode, physically. My shoulders are getting a numb feeling and my feet are feeling electrified.

I'm here for similar reasons, and of no fault of my own, so I think that I understand how you are feeling. In fact, all I'm waiting for is for some situation to push me off the cliff completely, such as losing my job, which I don't think will happen any time soon, but it's just an example.

On top of that, politics are making everything unstable and uncertain, as well. I feel like I am racing a ticking time bomb, and trying to diffuse the situation, except they took my bomb-disarming tools away from me. I have no one to turn to in real-time.

This isn't much comfort, I know, but try not to focus on the world-stage events, such as wars and such. Your personal problems should take center stage right now. To the world at large, you don't exist, and the only ones who genuinely care about you are you, and possibly your friends and your family, in normal cases.

The world could go down in flames tomorrow, but that can't be allowed to ruin our personal lives. For myself, I find it a bit comforting to know that the world is facing great danger, because it makes my own problems feel a little less acute.

I can't do this much longer. I don't have it in my to start over, friendless and jobless, on the brink of a collapsing country. I'm trying to pretend everything's going to be ok if I just try and be optimistic, trying to be responsible in "the new normal", after the rug was pulled out from under me by the state of things, while being hamstrung in the process, told to run a marathon with a broken leg, and guilting myself for feeling broken. This is seriously breaking me to the point where I am paralyzing myself.

I've never said this out loud before, but I just want to stop. I'm tired of the rat race. Tired of being the hero. Tired of starting over.
As the old movie goes, "They shoot horses, don't they?"
I can't keep doing this. I'm 47 going on 48 by the time the lease comes around. Where am I going to go? Who am I going to meet? I am a misfit at best, and a loner introvert who already had a hard time in his prime, and it's not going to get better for me. I've peaked.

You are still alive. It takes a strong-willed person to carry all these burdens, but it all comes down to how far you are willing to go with all this on your back. You could, as I said, just try to hang on and find any job and living location you can until you eventually find something that suits you, given that you don't run out of money too soon.

I'm saying this as someone who's not as strong as you.

And now, I don't want to to the art, or care about it, anymore. It's just spinning wheels, after years of it. My current project will be done this week, hell or high water. It doesn't have to be perfect, few will hear it anyway. It just has to be done. Finishing touches, at this point. I'm sick of working on it, anyway, after 2 years. I only started it as a reaction to the pandemic and world shutting down, and only finishing it because I'm a completist, plus it's a final statement on all this, and why I'm at this point, in addition to the revelations about my family.

Do you think that you can release your song on the Internet somewhere?

What happened with your family?

I wish the kidney stones HAD killed me, as I had "prayed" for when I was lying in pain at night.

Sometimes, life has a way of treating us with contempt. We never get what we truly want, do we..?

Sure, I have the means to do it NOW, peacefully, even. But the responsibility...I fear taking the responsibility for making that choice. Not regarding an afterlife, but my responsibilities here, and how people will react. If the stones had killed me, no one could say I didn't try, or shirked responsiblities. But if I do it, and it's known that it's suicide, then there's the stigma and resentment.

Which is stupid, because I have no one save a few internet friends and a couple of now-former coworkers who, I suspect, are worried that I will. But they will forget about me soon enough, and my internet friends have their own problems. Still, I worry about the stigma, and the consequences for the living, and about my legacy, after my father killed himself when I was just 4. But I already outlived him by 20+ years; I don't owe him anything, whatever his reasons, and my family can go pound sand, anyway. I have to remind myself that I cut them out for a reason, being addicts, drunks, pedo's, and enablers.

Who will resent me? My disgusting family? My job that let me go? The apartment building losing revenue? The employers losing someone to boss around and exploit? There's no kids, spouse, or pets that I'm abandoning, so there's at least that.

I take it that you have neither a family nor friends who care about you. If you don't have anyone who you think really cares about you, you don't need to feel forced to take their feelings into consideration.

Screw it. I'm tired. I'm lonely. I'm done.

If you are like me, you can begin to see every day - no matter how pointless it is - as a game or experiment. I mean, one day you will be dead - be it of your own hand or by time - so imagine that you are already dead, and then you rewind time to today and see how you would or could act if you were alive. As I said earlier, you could just try do anything - just anything you can - to progress in life, with a new job and living location. If nothing works, you always have the option to end your life.

Life is absurd enough as it is. Try to be a bit absurd back at it :wink:
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Jan 23, 2021
My apartment manager just confirmed the rate hike doesn't include the previous parking discount.
Bleeding me dry. Telling me I can lock in the new rate in a 2-year lease to avoid further another increase.
I won't be here in 2 years.

I know it's not their fault, per say, inflation is hitting everyone hard. But when I moved in, parking was free.
And my last increases were only $20, not $50.

And here I am, worried about their feelings, on the edge of suicide.

I know it's not their fault, economically, and she's just the spokesperson, but they're not being forthright about the info, either. They're being cagey about it. I had to pry it out of them, and get them to spell it out. And if it's not their fault, well, it's not mine, either. I can say it's not fair, well, it's not fair. Life's not fair. So, it goes both ways.


Feb 4, 2022
I wonder what he meant by that, that he "made up his mind"...
It was written by a guy called Neil Hannon. His father was a bishop in the Church of Ireland.

His father used to make him attend mass every Sunday.

He just saw the usual parishioners file in every week, docile in their belief.

He wanted a big sign, like a bolt of thunder, just to wake them up.

I love the lyric - the cars in the churchyard - so shiny and German - totally at odds with - the words of the sermon.

The sermon being it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

Hence the title of the song.


Jan 23, 2021
If you are willing to fight on, keep on fighting. Any chance at a job you get, take it. You don't have to stay at that new job for long, if you can find another employment opportunity.

Depending on how old you are, and how your future may turn out, there may be plenty of other opportunities for you to help your friend out. Focus on yourself in this moment. Your friend may be thankful that you chose to focus on your own issues, and you may even be able to help them more in the future, while you can't really do much for either of you right now.

As with your employment situation, you can see any living location as temporary.

To me, it sounds like you need to see your whole life situation as temporary and just monkey-branch your way back to normalcy.

I'm here for similar reasons, and of no fault of my own, so I think that I understand how you are feeling. In fact, all I'm waiting for is for some situation to push me off the cliff completely, such as losing my job, which I don't think will happen any time soon, but it's just an example.

This isn't much comfort, I know, but try not to focus on the world-stage events, such as wars and such. Your personal problems should take center stage right now. To the world at large, you don't exist, and the only ones who genuinely care about you are you, and possibly your friends and your family, in normal cases.

The world could go down in flames tomorrow, but that can't be allowed to ruin our personal lives. For myself, I find it a bit comforting to know that the world is facing great danger, because it makes my own problems feel a little less acute.

You are still alive. It takes a strong-willed person to carry all these burdens, but it all comes down to how far you are willing to go with all this on your back. You could, as I said, just try to hang on and find any job and living location you can until you eventually find something that suits you, given that you don't run out of money too soon.

I'm saying this as someone who's not as strong as you.

Do you think that you can release your song on the Internet somewhere?

What happened with your family?

Sometimes, life has a way of treating us with contempt. We never get what we truly want, do we..?

I take it that you have neither a family nor friends who care about you. If you don't have anyone who you think really cares about you, you don't need to feel forced to take their feelings into consideration.

If you are like me, you can begin to see every day - no matter how pointless it is - as a game or experiment. I mean, one day you will be dead - be it of your own hand or by time - so imagine that you are already dead, and then you rewind time to today and see how you would or could act if you were alive. As I said earlier, you could just try do anything - just anything you can - to progress in life, with a new job and living location. If nothing works, you always have the option to end your life.

Life is absurd enough as it is. Try to be a bit absurd back at it :wink:
Thanks for the kind words and encouragement, but it's too late. This isn't my first go-round, only I was younger then, and more naive, and my attitudes then were based on lies told to me by my family. (I've detailed that in an older post, sorry I don't have the strength to go into it again without a total breakdown, now.) Long story short: my whole life's choices were based on a lie regarding my father's cause of death, manipulated and gaslit into forgiving my abuser, thinking she was the victim, when she was the cause. And the cover-ups about it, the lies, and more that came out when I found out the truth. I was dead inside when I learned all that 6 years ago. Everything has been corrupted by it. Work, my personal relationships, etc. Even the fact that I'm homosexual, I believe, was partly caused by this, the timing of the trauma and the nature of it. (I'm not going to get into "nature/nurture", genetics, no one truly knows the cause, but my particular form of it, I believe, was cause by the trauma. It didn't help that my mother lied to me about my father possibly being gay as well, when it turns out not to be true. She threw everyone and everything under the bus to hide her role in it, and when caught in the lie, went cold and distant on me.)

Everything about my life, and how I approached it, was based on a lie, and it affected me too much at the root to change it, even with therapy and philosphy. I've been able to manage it, but never eliminate it. It's a constant tug-of-war in my mind and body, every reaction I have to counter with a lot of effort just to keep going. It's always been that way, and will always be that way. I was able to cope for a long time carrying a boulder on my shoulders, but now it's a mountain, and it's too much too fight and bear anymore. I've reached my stress fracture point.

I don't have it in me to be "absurd" about it, unfortunately. It's too tragic. I would literally be insane if I could. But I'm all too sane.
I know what it all is. And it's too late in the game. It's like fourth quarter, with minutes on the clock. I might get a score, but will still lose the game.

As to everything else: it's all connected to the larger world, unfortunately. Especially financially; it's all connected. And I don't have the means for an extended start-over to ride it out. I wish I had it in me to just "shrug" like an Atlas. But I can't. I don't have the means, I don't have the will, I don't have the heart. I don't want to start over again. it's all been a cruel lie and a joke. I just want out.
It was written by a guy called Neil Hannon. His father was a bishop in the Church of Ireland.

His father used to make him attend mass every Sunday.

He just saw the usual parishioners file in every week, docile in their belief.

He wanted a big sign, like a bolt of thunder, just to wake them up.

I love the lyric - the cars in the churchyard - so shiny and German - totally at odds with - the words of the sermon.

The sermon being it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

Hence the title of the song.
Thanks for the background. Makes sense. And I'm well-versed in Christianity enough to get the references. I just thought the "made up his mind" was something specific, about what to do about it all.

"Cars in the churchyard, so shiny and German"...reminds me of "Deadhead stickers on Cadillacs..."
It was written by a guy called Neil Hannon. His father was a bishop in the Church of Ireland.

His father used to make him attend mass every Sunday.

He just saw the usual parishioners file in every week, docile in their belief.

He wanted a big sign, like a bolt of thunder, just to wake them up.

I love the lyric - the cars in the churchyard - so shiny and German - totally at odds with - the words of the sermon.

The sermon being it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

Hence the title of the song.
Thanks for the background. Makes sense. And I'm well-versed in Christianity enough to get the references. I just thought the "made up his mind" was something specific, about what to do about it all.

"Cars in the churchyard, so shiny and German"...reminds me of "Deadhead stickers on Cadillacs..."
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Jan 23, 2021
The irony: After I decided previously to live, I told myself that perhaps my 50's would be my "second act", as it was for some
I'm Irish, I never understood that line in the song, what does it mean?
Ah. Refers to the "hippies" of the 60's who sold out and became the "yuppies" of the 80's.
I just got a message from the temp agency rep. It's funny, I didn't even fill out paperwork with them yet, formally, no W2's or background check completed yet, which means this company they're filling for must be desperate, which is never a good sign.

Here I am, making a final decision, and now feeling guilty about wanting to say "no" to something I sense is a bad job.
I can't turn it off, and it's paralyzing me, again. I don't know how to say "no" without messing everything up. If I make a wrong move, I feel like a house of cards will come down. I'm afraid to even respond. I hate to say I'm afraid, but that's exactly what it is. I sound like such a !@#% about it, so weak. But my nerves are shot. People say they feel better having the option of a peaceful CBT. But even with my "insurance policy" in the cabinet, my nerves are shot.
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Feb 4, 2022
The irony: After I decided previously to live, I told myself that perhaps my 50's would be my "second act", as it was for some

Ah. Refers to the "hippies" of the 60's who sold out and became the "yuppies" of the 80's.
I just got a message from the temp agency rep. It's funny, I didn't even fill out paperwork with them yet, formally, no W2's or background check completed yet, which means this company they're filling for must be desperate, which is never a good sign.

Here I am, making a final decision, and now feeling guilty about wanting to say "no" to something I sense is a bad job.
I can't turn it off, and it's paralyzing me, again. I don't know how to say "no" without messing everything up. If I make a wrong move, I feel like a house of cards will come down. I'm afraid to even respond. I hate to say I'm afraid, but that's exactly what it is. I sound like such a !@#% about it, so weak. But my nerves are shot. People say they feel better having the option of a peaceful CBT. But even with my "insurance policy" in the cabinet, my nerves are shot. I am in no state to make any decisions at the moment.

This is what I mean about an endless struggle inside me. It's always been this way, difficulty saying no, feeling responsible for the world.

Ah, ok, got it.

Seriously dude, take a few days. Learn to breathe.

I've had the same problem. Couldn't say 'no'. Self-employed.

You're far from weak if you've come this far.

Will walk out to my yard later, look at the lush Irish green hills, think about you and have a drink.

I'll be taking a weight off my shoulders, hope you can too.

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