
New Member
Oct 29, 2020
I'm in so much pain it's become unbearable. I used to have a normal life but even back when I was "normal" I had thoughts of suicide. Then almost two years ago I had a psychotic episode and jumped off the 6th story of a parking garage and destroyed my life. The whole week leading up to it I hardly remember and I don't remember jumping except that I got really paranoid and thought there were nazis after me. I thought they were going to kill me so I tried to kill myself first.

I broke so many bones and had a spinal cord injury. I can walk but I broke my leg so badly it almost had to be amputated. Now I walk slowly and with a limp. I used to run marathons and running was one of the few things in the world that I enjoyed and now I can't do it anymore. I also can't snowboard or hike anymore so all my hobbies are gone. I gained weight and lost so much hair from the stress and I have scars everywhere and I feel hideous. I used to be attractive and in such good shape and now I just feel terrible about myself.

I lost so many friends over this. I went did and said so many embarrassing things. And then a year after the attempt I moved cities and got a new job and was finally feeling good about myself again when I had another psychotic episode and ended up hospitalized for two months and lost my job and have been living with my parents ever since. I'm 29.

Then right after I got out of the hospital my brother died. He was an addict and overdosed on fentanyl. It's surreal that he's gone. It happened 5 months ago and I still haven't accepted it. Living with my parents has been hell. My mom has been abusive my whole life and she says the cruelest things. The other day she started a fight with me and said "What are you gonna do, blue1234, jump again?". I'm in constant agony thinking about how I destroyed my life and she makes me feel even worse about it.

I got a new job and am actually making a lot of money but I really don't give a shit. Working remotely because of covid is lonely. I'm moving out soon and I'll be living alone and working from home and I think the isolation is going to push me over the edge. I have like two friends left in my city and I always feel like I'm the one reaching out so I don't even know if they care about being friends with me. I think of the future and I picture me in my apartment, by myself, night after night.

I feel so fucking alone. I don't feel like I have anyone I can talk to. I've given up on the idea of ever having a partner again because of my mental illness and fucked up past. I've lost interest in everything. Music sounds terrible. Food has lost its appeal. I can't even watch a new movie or show. I sleep 12 hours a night because being unconscious is better than the constant pain I'm in while I'm awake. There is absolutely no part of my day that I enjoy.

I can't see a way out of this pain. I went back to the hospital for the depression and suicidal thoughts and no matter what meds I'm on I still feel the same way. I spend every night researching how to ctb and the only reason I haven't done it yet is because if I fail I'll end up at my parents house forever. I have to be sure that whatever I attempt works and it will be a easier to do when I live alone.

I feel like me joining this site has just brought everything to a new level. I'm actively planning my death. And it scares me.

Thanks to anyone who read this.
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Reactions: bov, woxihuanni, Hopeindeath! and 6 others


Nov 5, 2018
Damn, that's terrible.

I also sleep 12 hours per day. Hope you're ok:heart:
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Apr 26, 2020
I'm in so much pain it's become unbearable. I used to have a normal life but even back when I was "normal" I had thoughts of suicide. Then almost two years ago I had a psychotic episode and jumped off the 6th story of a parking garage and destroyed my life. The whole week leading up to it I hardly remember and I don't remember jumping except that I got really paranoid and thought there were nazis after me. I thought they were going to kill me so I tried to kill myself first.

I broke so many bones and had a spinal cord injury. I can walk but I broke my leg so badly it almost had to be amputated. Now I walk slowly and with a limp. I used to run marathons and running was one of the few things in the world that I enjoyed and now I can't do it anymore. I also can't snowboard or hike anymore so all my hobbies are gone. I gained weight and lost so much hair from the stress and I have scars everywhere and I feel hideous. I used to be attractive and in such good shape and now I just feel terrible about myself.

I lost so many friends over this. I went did and said so many embarrassing things. And then a year after the attempt I moved cities and got a new job and was finally feeling good about myself again when I had another psychotic episode and ended up hospitalized for two months and lost my job and have been living with my parents ever since. I'm 29.

Then right after I got out of the hospital my brother died. He was an addict and overdosed on fentanyl. It's surreal that he's gone. It happened 5 months ago and I still haven't accepted it. Living with my parents has been hell. My mom has been abusive my whole life and she says the cruelest things. The other day she started a fight with me and said "What are you gonna do, blue1234, jump again?". I'm in constant agony thinking about how I destroyed my life and she makes me feel even worse about it.

I got a new job and am actually making a lot of money but I really don't give a shit. Working remotely because of covid is lonely. I'm moving out soon and I'll be living alone and working from home and I think the isolation is going to push me over the edge. I have like two friends left in my city and I always feel like I'm the one reaching out so I don't even know if they care about being friends with me. I think of the future and I picture me in my apartment, by myself, night after night.

I feel so fucking alone. I don't feel like I have anyone I can talk to. I've given up on the idea of ever having a partner again because of my mental illness and fucked up past. I've lost interest in everything. Music sounds terrible. Food has lost its appeal. I can't even watch a new movie or show. I sleep 12 hours a night because being unconscious is better than the constant pain I'm in while I'm awake. There is absolutely no part of my day that I enjoy.

I can't see a way out of this pain. I went back to the hospital for the depression and suicidal thoughts and no matter what meds I'm on I still feel the same way. I spend every night researching how to ctb and the only reason I haven't done it yet is because if I fail I'll end up at my parents house forever. I have to be sure that whatever I attempt works and it will be a easier to do when I live alone.

I feel like me joining this site has just brought everything to a new level. I'm actively planning my death. And it scares me.

Thanks to anyone who read this.

Hi. Thank you for sharing your story. It was appreciated by me, and I am amazed at what you have accomplished even talking about jobs a year later.

Something is wrong, but you are a strong person it sounds like. Nazis? Jumping from six floors is amazing to live through, but I can not imagine the pain!

I am sorry to hear about all of your pain and troubles.
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Feb 21, 2020
Might be medical vs. mental. I just found out I have Babesia, a tick-borne illness and that thing has me insane. I spent the morning crying. Then I was raging angry. Best thing I did was find a functional medicine doc and a naturopath. Eliminate medical stuff. But I've spent 25 years going to docs and I'm not that impressed.
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Reactions: Hopeindeath!

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