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Oct 17, 2023
Nine out of ten people who attempt suicide and survive will not go on to die by suicide at a later date
There is a difference between attempting suicide and you letting someone stop you from jumping out of the window. That statistic is meant for people who actually attempted suicide.

Also, I thought you said that you would stop replying and that our convo ended? So you're a liar on top of being pro life?
So? Doesn't mean you can't make the best out of life
And be ignorant to the suffering that is happening around the world every day? No thanks.
It changed somethings. We have had great advancements in medicine over the past 100 years alleviating the suffering of many.
I'm sure that helped the millions of people that get killed every year.
But according to you, since we can't alleviate all suffering we should all just cease to exist.
I never said that. Stop putting words into my moutn.
Yes that's why you need a middle ground approach that covers both cases. That middle ground approach isn't "hey you want to die? Ok die. Byeeee"
Did you not listen to me? A middle ground approach is not possible here, because euthanasia isn't legalized everywhere and suicidal people are looked down upon. Society is full of pro life people, so why should I go with a middle ground approach here?
Wow great point. I'm gonna look at all the great thinkers, philosophers that ever lived and call them brainwashed because they didn't ctb the moment they were born
Wow great point, I'm gonna look at all the suffering that is happening around the world and call life beautiful because I'm a ignorant and selfish person.
Having a family, kids, romance, marriage
Okay, so forcing someone into existence and a life of suffering is beautiful in your eyes?
You know the normal life things that brainwashed people do that don't consider killing themselves the moment they were born?
Right, because I'm not brainwashed enough to consider forcing someone into existence. I know how unfair and cruel life is, I'm not selfish enough to think "I don't care, I want a child so I will force it into existence and a life of slavery".
But it's so pointless to you so why try at all right?
I'm not trying any of those things.
After all we are gonna die anyways right?
Thanks Sherlock.
Juvenile understanding of life
Said the pro-lifer who considers forcing someone into a life of suffering as beautiful.
Doesn't mean you can't make the best out of life even if you think it's pointless in the end
Where is the point in doing something that you know is pointless? What rational person would close an eye to the suffering around the world and say "Anyway, I'll make the best out of life, while you guys in the warzones/abusive households, etc, can go ahead and keep suffering".
Lol "life is pointless" take is literal im14andthisisdeep take
Lol "life is beautiful" take is literal im40andbrainwashedprolifer take
But you are smarter than all the great writers and philosophers who lived who "slaved away" their pointless lives. Okay.
Yes because their writing and philosophy helped the world so much, am I right? Millions of people get killed every day, millions of children get abused, millions of animals get killed, but because some dudes wrote things, you are like "abuse, rape, and murder may happen everywhere any day but anyways, those guys wrote great books so life isn't pointless"? Okay.
Then these people should get euthanesia. But you argued before that anyone who wishes to die should? That's not exactly the same thing.
So people who never suffered in their lives should get euthanasia, but people who suffered and decided after many years that they want to die, shouldn't get euthanasia? Where is the logic in that?
I'm pro choice given the fact that there is a rational suicide. A child coming to you and saying they want to die is not a rational suicide.
Again, why do you act like the suffering/feelings of a 13 year old are less valid than the suffering/feelings of a 23 or 33 year old? Suffering is still suffering, feelings are still feelings. Many people who end up committing suicide later in their life, already had suicidal tendencies at a young age.
But you would let them die anyways right, after all their word matters so much and there is literally no way to help them right?
I didn't say it like that so I don't know why you keep putting words into my mouth.
You are the opposite side of the same coin
Not really. I'm not brainwashed, nor pro-life.
For some people it is. For some it isn't. It's in the eye of the beholder
???? Death and suffering are facts. It's not "for some people" nor "in the eye of the beholder".
You don't see because you don't want to see
Just like you don't see the suffering that is happening every day around the world.
You are okay with letting kids commit suicide
You are manipulative as fuck. Stop putting words into my mouth. I'm not "okay" with it. I said that I myself want to die since I'm 13 and now that I'm in my mid 20s, things have only gotten worse over the years. Like I told you, life isn't for everyone, recovery isn't possible for everyone and even if recovery is possible, not everyone wants to recover, not everyone wants to go through the time, effort, and pain to recover.
I already understood your pro death beliefs before
I'm pro choice.
There is nothing about them that's rational.
Just like there is nothing rational about forcing someone into existence. Crazy huh?
Your brain doesn't even develop till you are 25
And yet 18 is the age of adulthood.
let alone your perspective on life changes drastically
Only for some people. Not for everyone.
But why giving them a chance to see if they can turn things around
Because not everyone can recover and not everyone wants to recover. That's why I'm pro choice. It's their decision.
just let them die lmao
Just like a parent lets their child die by forcing them into existence.
If they hate life and don't want to live and can't change things go ahead let them ctb
It's their decision.
You are the one that's advocating for not letting them change things
You are the one that's advocating for not respecting their wish.
What you are advocating for is the moment someone claims" I want to die" is letting them die which is pro death
No, that's pro choice: It means respecting someone's wish and decision. Being pro-death would be more like "everyone should die, nobody should live, etc", I don't think that.
Why is it always forcing someone into existence and suffering with you guys? They can live a happy life with some bumps down the road. That's not a life of suffering.
Because bringing a child into this world means that you're putting them under the risks of abuse, rape, murder, and literally every possible way of suffering. It also means that your child has to die no matter what, that your child has to go to school, go to work, and basically slave away for 50+ years just to be able to afford the bare minimum, that they have to experience illnesses, pain, etc. What I'm saying is that being dead and unable to suffer, is far more attractive in my eyes, than the things life has put me through. Even if I was happy, life wouldn't be worth it. It's cruel to force someone into existence because if you don't lack brain cells then you should know how unfair life is, how much suffering is happening around the world every day, etc. Even if I wasn't suicidal because of what I went through, the injustices of this world are enough for me to still prefer death.
And if you enjoy what you are doing are you still slaving away?
I don't know anyone who genuinely enjoys their job so I wouldn't know. What I know is that most people only work for money, not because they enjoy their job.
Oh no, someone thinks someone who enjoys going to their 9-5 job and doesn't think about ctb as brainwashed.
You said "and even if they slave away, they may love it", as if any rational person would ever go to work if they got no money out of it.
Yes they love being a slave to companies, they go to work, come home see their family and decide to go to work again.
The fact that they see nothing wrong with doing the same bullshit every day for decades just to be able to afford the bare minimum, makes them brainwashed.
Who are you to tell them otherwise?
I'm not telling them anything, I won't even bother with it, they are beyond help.
"I enjoy what i do"
"But you are a slave to companies haven't you thought of that?"
"Nah I just enjoy doing this work and idc"
"Oh no you are brainwashed you are supposed to hate slavery"
"Haha no"
Brilliant logix
You sure love putting words into other people's mouths.
It's more like:
Person A.: "I enjoy what I do, slaving away, and ignoring the suffering that is happening around the world"
Person B: "But you are a slave to companies, haven't you thought of that?"
Person A: "Nah I just enjoy being a ignorant brainwashed slave, idc about the people who suffer, it's not my life"
Person B: "Wtf is wrong with you"
I knew pro death people are on the forum
Again, your perspective on things doesn't matter to people who don't share that perspective.
It doesn't matter if they don't share my perspective, death and suffering are both facts that can't be denied by anyone.
They have their own lives so they can decide what's good and what's bad ok?
I never said otherwise.
You thinking it's wrong to slave away your life for companies is your own personal idea
, plenty of people don't think that way and enjoy earning money and spending it on things
I don't know anyone who would go to work if they didn't earn money from it, do you?
Well first, if you have a family then you are just spreading that suffering onto other people
You and your guilt tripping again. Well first, nobody asked to be born, so everyone should have the right to die, and the whole "don't do it, think about how it will affect others" argument is just disgusting and selfish. If someone decides to ctb then the family (the parents) have nobody to blame but themselves because they were the ones who forced that person into existence, and I know from many suicidal people, that their parents are the reason as to why they want to die in the first place, because their parents abused them.
Second, not everyone lives a life of suffering
Second, just because not everyone lives a life of suffering, doesn't mean that suffering isn't happening every day around the world.
There is no logic behind dying now because you will die later anyway. Why not see what you can do in life instead of killing yourself?
Because it's not worth the suffering and pain.
Some people enjoy life believe it or not. And they aren't brainwashed
I know.
Their existence can be beautiful and peaceful
"Can", not "will be". And even then, nobody should have the right to force someone into existence, just like nobody should have the right to murder another person.
No what's better is:
"I want to die"
"Ok bye"
Which one is more cruel? At least when you tell that to someone you can make them rethink their actions and point them toward recovery and they can recover
I see your point but like I said, I'm pro choice, so I'm someone who respects others wish/decision to die. If they want to die, good. If they want to recover, good. And if they don't want to recover, that's also good. Recovery isn't for everyone, not everyone can recover, not everyone wants to recover, many suicidal people don't want to reach old age.
I know there isn't but what you are arguing for isn't middle ground it's a pro death society
You're the one arguing for a pro-life society though. I'm pro-choice, someone who respects others wish/decision to die if they want to die, not someone who would tell another person "yeah, go kys". I would never act like that.
So you are using some bad facts about the world to basically justify people not helping people alleviate their suffering and instead basically death as a way out?
People are literally pumping out babies left and right everywhere in the world just because of pleasure, and you think that life is something so special that you shouldn't be allowed to die unless you try to recover?
no, some suffering is unpleasant but it goes away and you get better. Some suffering is permanent
Suffering is suffering.
What you are advocating for is that anyone who suffers who considers death be allowed to die instead of letting them get help first to see if they can change things around. Like I said. Pro death.
I'm pro choice. You are pro-life. The fact that euthanasia isn't legalized everywhere and people like you treat suicide as this evil thing, tells me, that we are living in a very pro-life planet. What I'm advocating for is that anyone who suffers and considers death, should be allowed to die, because it's their life and their decision, because they didn't ask to be born, so it's cruel and sadistic that people like you are forcing other people who don't want to live, to live. Again, not everyone can recover and not everyone wants recover. The fact that suicidal people are forced to pick painful methods is because euthanasia isn't legalized everywhere and that's because of people like you.
Some people seek out suffering because they like to overcome things. Doesn't make them sadistic
Suffering is physical or mental pain that a person/animal feels. Someone who loves suffering is a masochist. No normal person "seeks out" suffering.
Yes because death is tragic and it brings grief and suffering to other people
AGAIN WITH THE GUILT TRIPPING LMAO. Why is death tragic to you? It's just as important as life. Anyway, nobody asked to be born, so everyone should have the right to die, and the fact that you bring up the whole "it will affect others" guilt trip bullshit is seriously annoying, because it shows that you are more concerned about their feelings than the feelings of the suicidal person.
I am all for legalisation do euthanesia everywhere but with some restrictions
Such as?
I know you would be for euthanesia for anyone though without any restrictions
I'm pro choice which means that I'm someone who respects others wish/decision to die, unlike you.
which would ultimately create disaster as little kids would die and people why could overcome things would choose death instead.
Little kids would never get their hands on euthanasia unless their parents are incompetent people who should have never been parents in the first place. Oh wait...
But that is what you want probably.
Nah. I'm not as manipulative as you are.
So just because some animal species died before we should wipe ourselves out because we are so bad and terrible?
You're the one who said "bUt hOw haSnT hUmAnItY dIeD oUt aFtEr sO mAnY yEaRs?" after I told you how much humanity has infected and destroyed this planet. That's why I brought up all the animal species that have died out BECAUSE of humans.
Not a pro lifer like I said. I am about pro choice but with some evaluation so that people impulsively don't kill themselves.
I highly doubt that. Since you come with the same guilt trip arguments which pro-lifers constantly come up with.
You on otherhand are pro death
I'm pro-choice.
because life is meaningless to you so anyone who suffers shouldn't get help but instead should die
I'm pro-choice which means that I'm someone who respects others wish/decision to die, not someone who thinks that everyone should die or whatever. And again, help isn't possible for everyone, nor does everyone want help, nor does eveeyone need help, because "help" isn't really help to begin with.
Very good you clarified that.
Their perspective on life is different.
The perspective on life stays the same or many people.
Brain doesn't develop until 25.
And yet the adulthood age is 18.
And yet many adults who lack brain cells pump out babies like there is no tomorrow just because of pleasure.
Why does suicide require a developed brain, but giving birth doesn't?
Like I said. Pro death.
Like I said. You are pro life, I'm pro choice.
If a child said that to you you wouldn't actually help them recover you would just say ok this child doesn't want to live. It's better to let them die. It's what they want after all
How many times do I need to tell you that not everyone can recover and that not everyone wants to recover? How many times do I need to tell you that the suffering and feelings of a 13 year old are just as valid as the suffering/feelings of someone older than him? If a suicidal child came up to me, I wouldn't tell them to go ahead and do it, because that would mean I'm pro-death, which I'm not.
Unfortunately that's our world.
That's not an excuse. Also, "unfortunately that's our world" should also be applied to suicide then. Because again, forcing someone into existence is a lot more wrong.
Doesn't mean everyone is suffering.
Suffering is happening everywhere around the world every day. Just because not every of the over 8 billions people are suffering, doesn't mean that life on this planet isn't full of suffering.
Doesn't mean everyone can't enjoy it
They don't.
Some people don't consider it slaving away, they enjoy raising kids, seeing them grow, go to college, get jobs. You know non suicidal people things?
Right, some people lack the brain cells to consider working every day for decades, just to be able to afford the bare minimum, as slaving away. There is nothing admirable about the whole "raising their kids, seeing them grow" stuff. That's literally their job, as they forced those kids into existence. And going to college and get jobs? Really? "Oh I'm so happy that my child joined the work life where they have to slave away for the rest of their life just to be able to afford being alive". Yikes.
According to you, everyone who is non suicidal and doesn't want to leave the world is brainwashed
According to me? I never said anything like that, can you stop being such a manipulative leech? It's seriously annoying. I'm well aware of people who genuinely enjoy living. I never said anything about them. By the way you're talking to me, to your guilt trip arguments, to your pro-life views, to your manipulative ways of putting words into my mouth, I never want to discuss with you again after this is over.
Insane thinking absolutely.
Right, you.
Every great man or woman that ever lived and didn't kill themselves were just brainwashed according to you because they didn't see that life is suffering and there is no point
Holy shit. Stop putting words into other people's mouths. First of all, define "every great man or woman", second of all, I never said anywhere that anyone who genuinely enjoys life is brainwashed. The people who are brainwashed in my eyes are the ones who are pro-life, religious, racist, anti-suicide, anti lgbt, and pro slavery.
It is wrong according to you.
According to you, it is wrong according to me. Again, stop putting words into my mouth.
Your perspective isn't relevant for people who enjoy life, and they have every right to do so.
I couldn't care less whether they enjoy life or not, they are the ones who agree with restricting the right to die, so they are cruel and sadistic to me.

@DeaD❌BatterY🔋 You're right, sorry.
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Ignorance is bliss
Jun 27, 2023
It is totally absurd, indeed.
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Aug 4, 2022
There is a difference between attempting suicide and you letting someone stop you from jumping out of the window. That statistic is meant for people who actually attempted suicide.

Also, I thought you said that you would stop replying and that our convo ended? So you're a liar on top of being pro life?

And be ignorant to the suffering that is happening around the world every day? No thanks.

I'm sure that helped the millions of people that get killed every year.

I never said that. Stop putting words into my moutn.

Did you not listen to me? A middle ground approach is not possible here, because euthanasia isn't legalized everywhere and suicidal people are looked down upon. Society is full of pro life people, so why should I go with a middle ground approach here?

Wow great point, I'm gonna look at all the suffering that is happening around the world and call life beautiful because I'm a ignorant and selfish person.

Okay, so forcing someone into existence and a life of suffering is beautiful in your eyes?

Right, because I'm not brainwashed enough to consider forcing someone into existence. I know how unfair and cruel life is, I'm not selfish enough to think "I don't care, I want a child so I will force it into existence and a life of slavery".

I'm not trying any of those things.

Thanks Sherlock.

Said the pro-lifer who considers forcing someone into a life of suffering as beautiful.

Where is the point in doing something that you know is pointless? What rational person would close an eye to the suffering around the world and say "Anyway, I'll make the best out of life, while you guys in the warzones/abusive households, etc, can go ahead and keep suffering".

Lol "life is beautiful" take is literal im40andbrainwashedprolifer take

Yes because their writing and philosophy helped the world so much, am I right? Millions of people get killed every day, millions of children get abused, millions of animals get killed, but because some dudes wrote things, you are like "abuse, rape, and murder may happen everywhere any day but anyways, those guys wrote great books so life isn't pointless"? Okay.

So people who never suffered in their lives should get euthanasia, but people who suffered and decided after many years that they want to die, shouldn't get euthanasia? Where is the logic in that?

Again, why do you act like the suffering/feelings of a 13 year old are less valid than the suffering/feelings of a 23 or 33 year old? Suffering is still suffering, feelings are still feelings. Many people who end up committing suicide later in their life, already had suicidal tendencies at a young age.

I didn't say it like that so I don't know why you keep putting words into my mouth.

Not really. I'm not brainwashed, nor pro-life.

???? Death and suffering are facts. It's not "for some people" nor "in the eye of the beholder".

Just like you don't see the suffering that is happening every day around the world.

You are manipulative as fuck. Stop putting words into my mouth. I'm not "okay" with it. I said that I myself want to die since I'm 13 and now that I'm in my mid 20s, things have only gotten worse over the years. Like I told you, life isn't for everyone, recovery isn't possible for everyone and even if recovery is possible, not everyone wants to recover, not everyone wants to go through the time, effort, and pain to recover.

I'm pro choice.

Just like there is nothing rational about forcing someone into existence. Crazy huh?

And yet 18 is the age of adulthood.

Only for some people. Not for everyone.

Because not everyone can recover and not everyone wants to recover. That's why I'm pro choice. It's their decision.

Just like a parent lets their child die by forcing them into existence.

It's their decision.

You are the one that's advocating for not respecting their wish.

No, that's pro choice: It means respecting someone's wish and decision. Being pro-death would be more like "everyone should die, nobody should live, etc", I don't think that.

Because bringing a child into this world means that you're putting them under the risks of abuse, rape, murder, and literally every possible way of suffering. It also means that your child has to die no matter what, that your child has to go to school, go to work, and basically slave away for 50+ years just to be able to afford the bare minimum, that they have to experience illnesses, pain, etc. What I'm saying is that being dead and unable to suffer, is far more attractive in my eyes, than the things life has put me through. Even if I was happy, life wouldn't be worth it. It's cruel to force someone into existence because if you don't lack brain cells then you should know how unfair life is, how much suffering is happening around the world every day, etc. Even if I wasn't suicidal because of what I went through, the injustices of this world are enough for me to still prefer death.

I don't know anyone who genuinely enjoys their job so I wouldn't know. What I know is that most people only work for money, not because they enjoy their job.

You said "and even if they slave away, they may love it", as if any rational person would ever go to work if they got no money out of it.

The fact that they see nothing wrong with doing the same bullshit every day for decades just to be able to afford the bare minimum, makes them brainwashed.

I'm not telling them anything, I won't even bother with it, they are beyond help.

You sure love putting words into other people's mouths.
It's more like:
Person A.: "I enjoy what I do, slaving away, and ignoring the suffering that is happening around the world"
Person B: "But you are a slave to companies, haven't you thought of that?"
Person A: "Nah I just enjoy being a ignorant brainwashed slave, idc about the people who suffer, it's not my life"
Person B: "Wtf is wrong with you"


It doesn't matter if they don't share my perspective, death and suffering are both facts that can't be denied by anyone.

I never said otherwise.


I don't know anyone who would go to work if they didn't earn money from it, do you?

You and your guilt tripping again. Well first, nobody asked to be born, so everyone should have the right to die, and the whole "don't do it, think about how it will affect others" argument is just disgusting and selfish. If someone decides to ctb then the family (the parents) have nobody to blame but themselves because they were the ones who forced that person into existence, and I know from many suicidal people, that their parents are the reason as to why they want to die in the first place, because their parents abused them.

Second, just because not everyone lives a life of suffering, doesn't mean that suffering isn't happening every day around the world.

Because it's not worth the suffering and pain.

I know.

"Can", not "will be". And even then, nobody should have the right to force someone into existence, just like nobody should have the right to murder another person.

I see your point but like I said, I'm pro choice, so I'm someone who respects others wish/decision to die. If they want to die, good. If they want to recover, good. And if they don't want to recover, that's also good. Recovery isn't for everyone, not everyone can recover, not everyone wants to recover, many suicidal people don't want to reach old age.

You're the one arguing for a pro-life society though. I'm pro-choice, someone who respects others wish/decision to die if they want to die, not someone who would tell another person "yeah, go kys". I would never act like that.

People are literally pumping out babies left and right everywhere in the world just because of pleasure, and you think that life is something so special that you shouldn't be allowed to die unless you try to recover?

Suffering is suffering.

I'm pro choice. You are pro-life. The fact that euthanasia isn't legalized everywhere and people like you treat suicide as this evil thing, tells me, that we are living in a very pro-life planet. What I'm advocating for is that anyone who suffers and considers death, should be allowed to die, because it's their life and their decision, because they didn't ask to be born, so it's cruel and sadistic that people like you are forcing other people who don't want to live, to live. Again, not everyone can recover and not everyone wants recover. The fact that suicidal people are forced to pick painful methods is because euthanasia isn't legalized everywhere and that's because of people like you.

Suffering is physical or mental pain that a person/animal feels. Someone who loves suffering is a masochist. No normal person "seeks out" suffering.

AGAIN WITH THE GUILT TRIPPING LMAO. Why is death tragic to you? It's just as important as life. Anyway, nobody asked to be born, so everyone should have the right to die, and the fact that you bring up the whole "it will affect others" guilt trip bullshit is seriously annoying, because it shows that you are more concerned about their feelings than the feelings of the suicidal person.

Such as?

I'm pro choice which means that I'm someone who respects others wish/decision to die, unlike you.

Little kids would never get their hands on euthanasia unless their parents are incompetent people who should have never been parents in the first place. Oh wait...

Nah. I'm not as manipulative as you are.

You're the one who said "bUt hOw haSnT hUmAnItY dIeD oUt aFtEr sO mAnY yEaRs?" after I told you how much humanity has infected and destroyed this planet. That's why I brought up all the animal species that have died out BECAUSE of humans.

I highly doubt that. Since you come with the same guilt trip arguments which pro-lifers constantly come up with.

I'm pro-choice.

I'm pro-choice which means that I'm someone who respects others wish/decision to die, not someone who thinks that everyone should die or whatever. And again, help isn't possible for everyone, nor does everyone want help, nor does eveeyone need help, because "help" isn't really help to begin with.


The perspective on life stays the same or many people.

And yet the adulthood age is 18.
And yet many adults who lack brain cells pump out babies like there is no tomorrow just because of pleasure.
Why does suicide require a developed brain, but giving birth doesn't?

Like I said. You are pro life, I'm pro choice.

How many times do I need to tell you that not everyone can recover and that not everyone wants to recover? How many times do I need to tell you that the suffering and feelings of a 13 year old are just as valid as the suffering/feelings of someone older than him? If a suicidal child came up to me, I wouldn't tell them to go ahead and do it, because that would mean I'm pro-death, which I'm not.

That's not an excuse. Also, "unfortunately that's our world" should also be applied to suicide then. Because again, forcing someone into existence is a lot more wrong.

Suffering is happening everywhere around the world every day. Just because not every of the over 8 billions people are suffering, doesn't mean that life on this planet isn't full of suffering.

They don't.

Right, some people lack the brain cells to consider working every day for decades, just to be able to afford the bare minimum, as slaving away. There is nothing admirable about the whole "raising their kids, seeing them grow" stuff. That's literally their job, as they forced those kids into existence. And going to college and get jobs? Really? "Oh I'm so happy that my child joined the work life where they have to slave away for the rest of their life just to be able to afford being alive". Yikes.

According to me? I never said anything like that, can you stop being such a manipulative leech? It's seriously annoying. I'm well aware of people who genuinely enjoy living. I never said anything about them. By the way you're talking to me, to your guilt trip arguments, to your pro-life views, to your manipulative ways of putting words into my mouth, I never want to discuss with you again after this is over.

Right, you.

Holy shit. Stop putting words into other people's mouths. First of all, define "every great man or woman", second of all, I never said anywhere that anyone who genuinely enjoys life is brainwashed. The people who are brainwashed in my eyes are the ones who are pro-life, religious, racist, anti-suicide, anti lgbt, and pro slavery.

According to you, it is wrong according to me. Again, stop putting words into my mouth.

I couldn't care less whether they enjoy life or not, they are the ones who agree with restricting the right to die, so they are cruel and sadistic to me.

@DeaD❌BatterY🔋 You're right, sorry.
Not gonna take the bait again. You are pro death because you don't give people a chance to recover or see things differently, even if they don't recover they can still ctb later on.

You said not everyone recovers, it's true but some people do so what is the better option? To restructure our society so that we first help people try to recover and then ctb if they can't or let anyone who wishes to die do so at any moment if their wish? You are advocating for the latter and you would let kids die without evaluating them first or giving them chances to recover. Like I said. Pro death.

Saying other people will be affected by your death isn't guilt tripping. It's telling how things are. I'm not saying oh don't die because of this I'm saying please consider this fact in your decision and try to recover if possible. Different things.❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


Oct 17, 2023
Not gonna take the bait again.
Holy shit, do you really want the last word that badly? How many times did you say that you would end this conversation, just to continue it?
You are pro death
I'm pro choice. I'm someone who respects others wish/decision to die.

You are pro-life. You guilt trip suicidal people.
because you don't give people a chance to recover or see things differently, even if they don't recover they can still ctb later on
How many times do I need to repeat myself? Not everyone can recover and not everyone wants to recover. Why should they see things differently? Tell me? Pm me right now and we can continue this.
You said not everyone recovers, it's true but some people do so why is the better option?
Yes, "some", not "everyone", and that't not even me going into the people who don't want to recover at all. Hell, even the people who "recover" don't actually recover at all, they're still depressed.
To restructure our society so that we first help people try to recover and then ctb if they can't or let anyone who wishes to die do so.
Being pro-choice means respecting others wish/decision to die.

Because you are treating suicide as a evil thing and use guilt trip arguments, you are pro life.

You are not helping a suicidal person by forcing them to continue living.
You are advocating for the latter
That's what being pro choice means. Respecting others/wish/choice. I'm not someone who would ever tell someone something like "go kys", but if a suicidal person told me that they want to die, I would respect their choice. That's why it's pro-CHOICE.
and you would let kids die without evaluating them first or giving them chances to recover
And you would let incompetent people pump babies out into the world like there is no tomorrow just because of pleasure, without first telling them what a serious and bad decision that is.
Like I said. Pro death.
Like I said. Pro life.
Saying other people will be affected by your death isn't guilt tripping.
Yes it is.
It's telling how things are.
Doesn't matter. That's still guilt tripping. Telling a suicidal person to not die and how they should think about how it will affect others, is guilt tripping, which you are doing.
I'm not saying oh don't die because of this I'm saying please consider this fact in your decision and try to recover if possible
That's not what you said. Stop changing your words.
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Aug 4, 2022
Holy shit, do you really want the last word that badly? How many times did you say that you would end this conversation, just to continue it?

I'm pro choice. I'm someone who respects others wish/decision to die.

You are pro-life. You guilt trip suicidal people.

How many times do I need to repeat myself? Not everyone can recover and not everyone wants to recover. Why should they see things differently? Tell me? Pm me right now and we can continue this.

Yes, "some", not "everyone", and that't not even me going into the people who don't want to recover at all. Hell, even the people who "recover" don't actually recover at all, they're still depressed.

Being pro-choice means respecting others wish/decision to die.

Because you are treating suicide as a evil thing and use guilt trip arguments, you are pro life.

You are not helping a suicidal person by forcing them to continue living.

That's what being pro choice means. Respecting others/wish/choice. I'm not someone who would ever tell someone something like "go kys", but if a suicidal person told me that they want to die, I would respect their choice. That's why it's pro-CHOICE.

And you would let incompetent people pump babies out into the world like there is no tomorrow just because of pleasure, without first telling them what a serious and bad decision that is.

Like I said. Pro life.

Yes it is.

Doesn't matter. That's still guilt tripping. Telling a suicidal person to not die and how they should think about how it will affect others, is guilt tripping, which you are doing.

That's not what you said. Stop changing your words.
Pro choice doesn't mean letting anyone who wants to die die. You can literally justify little kids die using that argument lmao. Would you respect a person under influence of drugs or manic episode desire to die? When there is literally no evaluation for who should or shouldn't die you allow absolutely anyone to die how do you not see how that is pro mortalist literally. You are being hugely pro death right now. Pro choice means respecting wishes of everyone to die yes, given the fact that they have come to that conclusion rationally.
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Oct 17, 2023
Pro choice doesn't mean letting anyone who wants to die die
I said "respecting others wish/decision to die".
You can literally justify little kids die using that argument lmao
Little kids are too young to comprehend those things.
Would you respect a person under influence of drugs or manic episode desire to die?
I already told you that it would depend on whether they regularly have suicidal tendencies or if it came from the drugs/manic episode.
When there is literally no evaluation for who should or shouldn't die
According to you.
you allow absolutely anyone to die
how do you not see how that is pro mortalist
You are being hugely pro death right now
I don't know how many times I need to repeat myself. I'm very clearly pro-choice, I respect others wish/decision to die, while you guilt trip others like a pro lifer would do. I'm not someone who would ever tell another person to die. Because that would make me pro death.
Pro choice means respecting wishes of everyone to die yes, given the fact that they have come to that conclusion rationally.
LMAO. So forcing someone into existence doesn't require a developed brain nor a rational mind, but suicide does? Give me a fucking break. Your brain isn't fully developed until you're 25, but the adulthood age is 18, and people pump out babies just because of pleasure. None of that sounds rational to me, so again, why should someone who wants to die have come to that conclusion rationally?
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Mar 15, 2019
Society should just add a new thing called ANTI-SHIT...... even though we are all going to take a shit anyways, but still, we're not allowed to shit.........

See how ridiculous that sounds??? Thats the same as them pushing anti-death on us, even though we are destined to die either way
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Aug 4, 2022
I said "respecting others wish/decision to die".

Little kids are too young to comprehend those things.

I already told you that it would depend on whether they regularly have suicidal tendencies or if it came from the drugs/manic episode.

According to you.



I don't know how many times I need to repeat myself. I'm very clearly pro-choice, I respect others wish/decision to die, while you guilt trip others like a pro lifer would do. I'm not someone who would ever tell another person to die. Because that would make me pro death.

LMAO. So forcing someone into existence doesn't require a developed brain nor a rational mind, but suicide does? Give me a fucking break. Your brain isn't fully developed until you're 25, but the adulthood age is 18, and people pump out babies just because of pleasure. None of that sounds rational to me, so again, why should someone who wants to die have come to that conclusion rationally?
So you wouldn't tell people to ctb but you would respect the wish of literal kids and not tell them to seek help first to help them? You are a very cruel person.

Bringing the person into the world isn't the same thing as that person dying lmao. Conception of a child is associated with happiness, life and positivity. Death is associated with grief and sadness and rightly so. Death has the ability to destroy lives of families. I'm not pro life but it's the literal truth you are conveniently avoiding. We should have publicly available euthanesia but with some restrictions like prescriptions from the doctor. That's the best way.

People need to come to it rationally because of the chances that they can still turn life around and live happy lives how come you don't get it? If anyone who wishes to die gets the option to do so it's gonna be a disaster for society. Imagine a walk in euthanesia clinic and literally anyone can walk in and die is that the world you want? Impulsive teenagers being one of the first one to go by the way…


Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
@mmikkee1 and @hibikikyuxx

sometimes it good to know when to walk away lol.
its an argument of "im not changing my mind" XD
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Mar 15, 2019
Imagine 2 people having this conversation:


Person: I want to die

Society: But you're not allowed to die. We are very against it

Person: But aren't we going to die either way?

Society: But still.... you just can't. You're not allowed to

Person: Ok. Does it mean if I follow your rule, I won't die then?

Society: No, you will still die. Theres no way of avoiding this. Everybody dies. Including me

Person: Ok. So can I just save the hassle, and die earlier instead? Seems like a better idea

Society: No, you're not allowed to die

Person: In that case, I'll hide from you when I die then. And just die in private

Society: Well, you better not let me catch you. Otherwise you're in big trouble

Person: For what??

Society: For dying

Person: ........................
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Aug 4, 2022
Ok this isn't good for my mental health im out. Good talk good points I wish you freedom from your suffering
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Oct 17, 2023
So you wouldn't tell people to ctb but you would respect the wish of literal kids and not tell them to seek help first to help them? You are a very cruel person.
Listen here pro lifer, I never said anything like that. I wouldn't "let" anything happen, it's not my life nor is it my decision. I would never tell another person to ctb, I would respect the wish/decision of a suicidal person however, unlike you. You guilt trip others and restrict their right to die. You are a very cruel person.
Bringing the person into the world isn't the same thing as that person dying
You're right, bringing the person into the world is worse, because it puts that person under the risk of abuse, rape, murder, all kinds of illnesses, and all kind of ways to suffer. Meanwhile, death only means one thing, peace.
Conception of a child is associated with happiness, life and positivity
Since when?
Death is associated with grief and sadness and rightly so
Death is just as important as life. It's a fact as valid as life is.
Death has the ability to destroy lives of families
Bringing someone into existence has the ability to destroy lives of families as well. The child could get abused, raped, or murdered, or become a mass murderer who destroys many families.
I'm not pro life but it's the literal truth you are conveniently avoiding
You mean just like you and the other pro lifers are avoiding the literal truth that is death? That's literally why death and suicide gets treated as a bad thing.

You said that death is associated with grief and sadness, and you wanna know why? Because of that mindset of yours. Because humans think that they are so important and special, that they could never die. They run away from death, believe the religion that tell you about the afterlife, etc, they do everything to escape death. The only reason death is associated with grief and sadness is because of religion and because humans tend to think that they are more special than other animals, etc.
We should have publicly available euthanesia but with some restrictions like prescriptions from the doctor. That's the best way.
People need to come to it rationally because of the chances that they can still turn life around and live happy lives how come you don't get it?
Like I said: Why should suicide require a rational mind, but bringing someone into this world not? The brain isn't fully developed until you're 25 and yet the adulthood age is 18, and most people only bring children into the world because of pleasure, none of that is rational.
If anyone who wishes to die gets the option to do so it's gonna be a disaster for society
Society is already a disaster. If anything, euthanasia would save people from a lot of suffering. Suicidal people are forced to pick painful methods and methods that involve other people (train, car accidents, etc) to die. If euthanasia was legalized, then nobody would pick the methods that would leave a mess.
Imagine a walk in euthanesia clinic and literally anyone can walk in and die is that the world you want?
So everyone can pump babies out just because of pleasure, but not everyone can walk in a euthanasia clinic? Wow.
Impulsive teenagers being one of the first one to go by the way…
And? People literally force others into existence just because of pleasure, even though they are incompetent and clearly not meant to be parents. And yet they are allowed to be parents. So why restrict others from the right to die?
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Mar 31, 2023
Very valid point.
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Aug 4, 2022
Listen here pro lifer, I never said anything like that. I wouldn't "let" anything happen, it's not my life nor is it my decision. I would never tell another person to ctb, I would respect the wish/decision of a suicidal person however, unlike you. You guilt trip others and restrict their right to die. You are a very cruel person.
I thought we were done? Still going! Well by not stopping someone from dying you are letting them die. So you are letting this happen yes. So you would let little kids die if they expressed a wish to do so, according to you, without restricting their wish for a brief moment to see if any chance of recovery is possible
You're right, bringing the person into the world is worse, because it puts that person under the risk of abuse, rape, murder, all kinds of illnesses, and all kind of ways to suffer. Meanwhile, death only means one thing, peace.

Not all experience that. Some live happy normal lives. Just because there is a risk doesn't mean we have to go all anti natalism over here
Since when?
The beginning of time
Death is just as important as life. It's a fact as valid as life is.
Never said it isn't important but it is sad and tragic
Bringing someone into existence has the ability to destroy lives of families as well. The child could get abused, raped, or murdered, or become a mass murderer who destroys many families.
Could doesn't mean would. With death there is more likely to be that destruction
You mean just like you and the other pro lifers are avoiding the literal truth that is death? That's literally why death and suicide gets treated as a bad thing.
Never avoided the truth of death. Not a pro lifer
You said that death is associated with grief and sadness, and you wanna know why? Because of that mindset of yours. Because humans think that they are so important and special, that they could never die.
Nope, because people get attached to each other which is normal and don't want to depart
They run away from death, believe the religion that tell you about the afterlife, etc, they do everything to escape death. The only reason death is associated with grief and sadness is because of religion and because humans tend to think that they are more special than other animals, etc.
Nope. See above. Love exists and it hurts to lose someone you love

Like I said: Why should suicide require a rational mind, but bringing someone into this world not? The brain isn't fully developed until you're 25 and yet the adulthood age is 18, and most people only bring children into the world because of pleasure, none of that is rational.
Just because they are irrational in their conception of a child doesn't mean the child won't live a happy life. Suicide requires a rational mind because it is inherently destructive
Society is already a disaster. If anything, euthanasia would save people from a lot of suffering. Suicidal people are forced to pick painful methods and methods that involve other people (train, car accidents, etc) to die. If euthanasia was legalized, then nobody would pick the methods that would leave a mess.
Yes a walk in euthanesia would definitely help anyone who wants to die die, without first seeking help.
So everyone can pump babies out just because of pleasure, but not everyone can walk in a euthanasia clinic? Wow.
What's wrong with having a baby? Plenty of wrong things with letting anyone who wants to die die
And? People literally force others into existence just because of pleasure, even though they are incompetent and clearly not meant to be parents. And yet they are allowed to be parents. So why restrict others from the right to die?
So what? How do you even compare the two? It is life and death two different things with two different outcomes.

I'm done. Feel free to ignore this. I don't want to talk with pro death people who would literally allow anyone to die under absolutely any circumstances without trying to see if they can get help first.

For the record. I'm not a pro lifer. I would never keep anyone on earth against their will but I would also help them to see if they can recover which is the compassionate thing to do. If they can't recover they are free to do as they wish
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Oct 17, 2023
I thought we were done? Still going!
You were the one who kept continuing the conversation after saying how this conversation is over and how you won't answer anymore. Don't be a hypocrite.
Well by not stopping someone from dying you are letting them die.
There is nothing wrong with not stopping someone from dying if they want to die. Being pro choice means respects others wishes/decisions. If the wish/decision of a person is to die, then neither you nor any of the other selfish pro lifer apes have any right to stop that person.
So you are letting them happen yes.
Just like you are letting incompetent people who shouldn't be parents pump out babies just because of pleasure.
So you would let little kids die if they expressed a wish to do so, according to you
So you would let incompetent people force kids into existence if they expressed a wish to do so, according to you.
Not all experience that. Some live happy normal lives.
It doesn't fucking matter, it still puts them under the risk of abuse, rape, and muder, how would you know whether they would experience those things or not? Even if they wouldn't, they would learn about it because of their parents.
Just because there is a risk doesn't mean we have to go all anti natalism over here
Just because people can have children doesn't mean incompetent people should be allowed to pump babies out left and right.
The beginning of time
Good joke.
Never said it isn't important but it is sad and tragic
According to you.
Could doesn't mean would. With death there is more likely to be that destruction
Nope. Forcing someone into existence is a lot worse, it leaves endless of possibilities.

A person after suicide:
  • At peace.
A person that was forced into existence:
  • Under the risk of abuse
  • Under the risk of rape
  • Under the risk of murder
  • Under the risk of all kinds of illnesses
  • Forced to go to school
  • Forced to work
  • Forced to be aware of the suffering that is happening around the world
  • Able to suffer in every way
  • Could become a mass murderer who destroys many lives
Never avoided the truth of death.
You are.
Nope, because people get attached to each other which is normal and don't want to depart
So what gives you the right to think that restricting the rights of random people is okay?
Nope. See above. Love exists and it hurts to lose someone you love
First of all, this only applies to people you know. Going by what you said, neither you nor anybody else should have any rights to restrict random people from the right to die.

Secondly, while yes, love is a thing and it would hurt to lose someone you love, if you truly cared about someone, you wouldn't put your needs above theirs, you would respect their wish/decision.
Just because they are irrational in their conception of a child doesn't mean the child won't live a happy life. Suicide requires a rational mind because it is inherently destructive
What? I'm asking you this again: Why should suicide require a rational mind, but child birth not? Why do you think that incompetent people should be allowed to force others into existence, but suicidal person shouldn't be allowed to ctb?
Yes a walk in euthanesia would definitely help anyone who wants to die die, without first seeking help
What's wrong with having a baby?
Everything. Everything is wrong with it. It is always selfish to bring a child into this world. Why? Just look a the state the world is in. Overpopulation, wars, and inflation. Everyone is forced to go to school and work for the rest of their lives, or else they can't even afford to live. That's modern slavery. So many people starve, get abused, get killed, or die in accidents. Which means that parents care more about having a mini version of themselves, instead of caring about what their child will have to go through, see, and experience. Everyone, and I mean, everyone, should know know cruel and unfair life is. So much suffering and for what? We all die anyway. This makes parents automatically selfish because they KNOW that life is unfair and KNOW that their child will go through a lot of suffering no matter what. Of course, parents, no matter if good or bad, always have this logic:

Parents: "Life isn't fair".

To which the child should say: "Then why did you decide to have me?"


Parents: "You should be grateful/thankful to us!"

To which the child should say: "But it was you who decided to have me, I never asked to be born."

Parents ALWAYS put their own needs first when it comes to having a child. The child never asked to be born, the parents decided to have a child, so they have no right to expect their child to be grateful to them. Especially if the parents didn't even do a good job and abused their child. The reason why so many parents want to have children is because they want to blend into society and look "normal". They use their child as their emotional relief, where they can take their anger out on. Talking from experience here. Even when it comes to the good parents, I wouldn't refer to them as not selfish. Them doing the bare minimum for their child is not "self sacrifice". It was THEM who decided to have their child, so it is their JOB to care for their child. Period.
Plenty of wrong things with letting anyone who wants to die die
There is nothing wrong with letting anyone who wants to die, die. Only cruel and selfish people force others to live.
So what? How do you even compare the two? It is life and death two different things with two different outcomes.
What do you mean "so what"? Forcing someone into existence is a lot worse than a suicidal person ctb, so why do you act like it's wrong for a suicidal person to die, but okay for every incompetent person to pump babies out?
I'm done. Feel free to ignore this.
You've said this like 5 times by now and you still always kept going.
I don't want to talk with pro death people
There is no pro death person in this threat except maybe FuneralCry but I don't want to point fingers at anyone, unlike you manipulative pro lifer.
who would literally allow anyone to die under absolutely any circumstances without trying to see if they can get help first.
You would literally allow anyone to force someone into existence under absolutely any circumstanecs without even trying to see if that person is meant to be a parent LMAO.
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Aug 4, 2022
You were the one who kept continuing the conversation after saying how this conversation is over and how you won't answer anymore. Don't be a hypocrite.

There is nothing wrong with not stopping someone from dying if they want to die. Being pro choice means respects others wishes/decisions. If the wish/decision of a person is to die, then neither you nor any of the other selfish pro lifer apes have any right to stop that person.

Just like you are letting incompetent people who shouldn't be parents pump out babies just because of pleasure.

So you would let incompetent people force kids into existence if they expressed a wish to do so, according to you.

It doesn't fucking matter, it still puts them under the risk of abuse, rape, and muder, how would you know whether they would experience those things or not? Even if they wouldn't, they would learn about it because of their parents.

Just because people can have children doesn't mean incompetent people should be allowed to pump babies out left and right.

Good joke.

According to you.

Nope. Forcing someone into existence is a lot worse, it leaves endless of possibilities.

A person after suicide:
  • At peace.
A person that was forced into existence:
  • Under the risk of abuse
  • Under the risk of rape
  • Under the risk of murder
  • Under the risk of all kinds of illnesses
  • Forced to go to school
  • Forced to work
  • Forced to be aware of the suffering that is happening around the world
  • Able to suffer in every way
  • Could become a mass murderer who destroys many lives

You are.

So what gives you the right to think that restricting the rights of random people is okay?

First of all, this only applies to people you know. Going by what you said, neither you nor anybody else should have any rights to restrict random people from the right to die.

Secondly, while yes, love is a thing and it would hurt to lose someone you love, if you truly cared about someone, you wouldn't put your needs above theirs, you would respect their wish/decision.

What? I'm asking you this again: Why should suicide require a rational mind, but child birth not? Why do you think that incompetent people should be allowed to force others into existence, but suicidal person shouldn't be allowed to ctb?


Everything. Everything is wrong with it. It is always selfish to bring a child into this world. Why? Just look a the state the world is in. Overpopulation, wars, and inflation. Everyone is forced to go to school and work for the rest of their lives, or else they can't even afford to live. That's modern slavery. So many people starve, get abused, get killed, or die in accidents. Which means that parents care more about having a mini version of themselves, instead of caring about what their child will have to go through, see, and experience. Everyone, and I mean, everyone, should know know cruel and unfair life is. So much suffering and for what? We all die anyway. This makes parents automatically selfish because they KNOW that life is unfair and KNOW that their child will go through a lot of suffering no matter what. Of course, parents, no matter if good or bad, always have this logic:

Parents: "Life isn't fair".

To which the child should say: "Then why did you decide to have me?"


Parents: "You should be grateful/thankful to us!"

To which the child should say: "But it was you who decided to have me, I never asked to be born."

Parents ALWAYS put their own needs first when it comes to having a child. The child never asked to be born, the parents decided to have a child, so they have no right to expect their child to be grateful to them. Especially if the parents didn't even do a good job and abused their child. The reason why so many parents want to have children is because they want to blend into society and look "normal". They use their child as their emotional relief, where they can take their anger out on. Talking from experience here. I don't know how many times my father, when angry, decided to take his anger out on me, even though I didn't even do anything. All because something, where I wasn't even involved, made him angry. Even when it comes to the good parents, I wouldn't refer to them as not selfish. Them doing the bare minimum for their child is not "self sacrifice". It was THEM who decided to have their child, so it is their JOB to care for their child. Period.

There is nothing wrong with letting anyone who wants to die, die. Only cruel and selfish people force others to live.

What do you mean "so what"? Forcing someone into existence is a lot worse than a suicidal person ctb, so why do you act like it's wrong for a suicidal person to die, but okay for every incompetent person to pump babies out?

You've said this like 5 times by now and you still always kept going.

There is no pro death person in this threat except maybe FuneralCry but I don't want to point fingers at anyone, unlike you manipulative pro lifer.

You would literally allow anyone to force someone into existence under absolutely any circumstanecs without even trying to see if that person is meant to be a parent LMAO.
Since you keep responding so will I

I never said a thing about parenting.but if you want me to sure I think parents should be competent enough to have children. They should have a good family life solid income solid stability so that the child doesn't suffer
Your anti Natalism falls short when there is proof of happy people exists and that are glad they were born in happy families.
Sure life is suffering. But it isn't always worth committing suicide over. Which is why there are people who were suicidal and recovered and lived or still live happy lives till the end of their days.
I agree with you that some parents are irresponsible with conception of a child. But that doesn't justify you to grant a child a wish to die without helping them first to see if you can improve their situation. Which is why I call you pro death. You think all life is bad and that death is the ultimate answer for everything. In some cases it is, in some cases it's obviously not.


Oct 17, 2023
Since you keep responding so will
You're the one who started this btw, so don't blame this on me. You told the other user how you would stop replying but then you continued our conversation.
I think parents should be competent enough to have children.
You said that there is nothing wrong with incompetent people having children.
They should have a good family life solid income solid stability so that the child doesn't suffer
Which is almost never the case.
Your anti Natalism falls short when there is proof of happy people exists and that are glad they were born in happy families.
Stop putting words into my mouth, pro lifer. I already told you in one of the anwwrs above that I'm aware of people who are genuinely happy.
Sure life is suffering. But it isn't always worth committing suicide over.
Just like life isn't worth living for just to suffer and slave away.
Which is why there are people who were suicidal and recovered and lived or still live happy lives till the end of their days.
Says you.
I agree with you that some parents are irresponsible with conception of a child
"Some". More like most parents. Which explains why the planet is so overpopulated and why there are so many histories of abuse among families.
But that doesn't justify you to grant a child a wish to die without helping them first to see if you can improve their situation
Just like being able to have a child doesn't justify a incompetent person from forcing someone into existence without thinking about it first to see if they are really mean to be a parent.
Which is why I call you pro death. You think all life is bad and that death is the ultimate answer for everything. In some cases it is, in some cases it's obviously not.
I don't care about what you call me by this point. You are manipulative as fuck. I already told you numerous of times that I'm pro choice. I respect others wish/decision to die, but I would never tell them to do it. That's the difference between pro choice and pro death.

You on the other hand use the same guilt tactics which the pro lifers use, and have the same mindset of how beautiful forcing someone into existence is.

Also, I never said anywhere in any of my comments how I think that all ife is bad and that death is the ultimate answer to everything.
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Aug 4, 2022
You're the one who started this btw, so don't blame this on me. You told the other user how you would stop replying but then you continued our conversation.
You quoted me first go back and see. You started it with me here
You said that there is nothing wrong with incompetent people having children.
I have seen kids of incompetent parents. Some grow up to be well adjusted some don't. Depends on the child.
Which is almost never the case.
According to you?
Stop putting words into my mouth, pro lifer. I already told you in one of the anwwrs above that I'm aware of people who are genuinely happy.
Just like life isn't worth living for just to suffer and slave away.
For you?
Says you.

"Some". More like most parents. Which explains why the planet is so overpopulated and why there are so many histories of abuse among families.
According to you again? Most parents? Do you know most parents?
Just like being able to have a child doesn't justify an incompetent person from forcing someone into existence without thinking about it first to see if they are really mean to be a parent.
Sometimes you can't know until you try:)
I don't care about what you call me by this point. You are manipulative as fuck. I already told you numerous of times that I'm pro choice. I respect others wish/decision to die, but I would never tell them to do it. That's the difference between pro choice and pro death.
you call me a pro lifer so back at you!!
You on the other hand use the same guilt tactics which the pro lifers use, and have the same mindset of how beautiful forcing someone into existence is.
Not every existence is filled with suffering again… so yes for some people it's beautiful and some kids are grateful to be alive. A you imagine? They are grateful to be forced into this existence..
Also, I never said anywhere in any of my comments how I think that all ife is bad and that death is the ultimate answer to everything.
Again. This is not normal to grant a teenager a wish to die without seeing if they can change their situation first. It is not normal to have a walk in euthanasia clinic. Kids that are forced into existence. Most want to live. They can have trouble in life and need to get help but most of them don't seek death unless they are severely Iill which is why they deserve help. Not a free pass to suicide. As a society we need to help children in trouble get better. Not let them be granted wishes to die. We don't even let them get tattoos until they are 18. But now we should be able to grant them that wish. Are you insane?


Jan 2, 2024
So if a child came to you and told you he was gonna die you wouldn't stop to them? Same for someone under influence of drugs or psychotic episode?

If you have a nice life and are not suffering but you decide to die because someone else somewhere else is suffering or you decide to do because down the road you might suffer it is absolutely irrational. Why not see if you can overcome that suffering you may face?

Not true. Psychotherapy helps people. In some cases medications help as well.

It's selfish now to care about your son, husband etc and trying to help them live instead of just saying "you want to die, go ahead" ? Sounds very cruel to me. The opposite of empathy. Empathy is when you care and try to help a person live longer if that's possible. Not just sit there and let them die because apparently you brought them into the world against their will and the world is such a terrible place that the best way to go is to die. What a terrible logic.

People aren't concerned more about how they will feel. That's why they care, it's a mutual thing. If they see a possibility of you recover, why wouldn't they try and help you, especially if your death can cause so much grief and suffering. Of course they will try to help and it is right to do so. Helping someone recover isn't restricting their right to die in any way.

Some people are surely brainwashed into that but others come to that conclusion from their own personal need.

Ok I'll stop responding thank you sir!

You quoted me first go back and see. You started it with me here

I have seen kids of incompetent parents. Some grow up to be well adjusted some don't. Depends on the child.

According to you?


For you?

According to you again? Most parents? Do you know most parents?

Sometimes you can't know until you try:)

you call me a pro lifer so back at you!!

Not every existence is filled with suffering again… so yes for some people it's beautiful and some kids are grateful to be alive. A you imagine? They are grateful to be forced into this existence..

Again. This is not normal to grant a teenager a wish to die without seeing if they can change their situation first. It is not normal to have a walk in euthanasia clinic. Kids that are forced into existence. Most want to live. They can have trouble in life and need to get help but most of them don't seek death unless they are severely Iill which is why they deserve help. Not a free pass to suicide. As a society we need to help children in trouble get better. Not let them be granted wishes to die. We don't even let them get tattoos until they are 18. But now we should be able to grant them that wish. Are you insane?
Don't waste your breath @mmikkee1 i noticed and from my experience and education that some people here are not just depressed or suicidal they are actually evil spirit and very toxic! They think just because they are fake profile here they can just say whatever the devil tell them to say! I bet they have real deep psych issues! I already feel sorry for the people around them.. this is not a suicide discussion this is a horror conversation with homicidal people


Aug 4, 2022
Don't waste your breath @mmikkee1 i noticed and from my experience and education that some people here are not just depressed or suicidal they are actually evil spirit and very toxic! They think just because they are fake profile here they can just say whatever the devil tell them to say! I bet they have real deep psych issues! I already feel sorry for the people around them.. this is not a suicide discussion this is a horror conversation with homicidal people
Yeh I agree it's good for my mental health to stay away
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Oct 17, 2023
You quoted me first go back and see. You started it with me here
You told @DeaD❌BatterY🔋 that you would stop replying. Go back and see. You kept the conversation going so you lied.
I have seen kids of incompetent parents. Some grow up to be well adjusted some don't. Depends on the child.
Doesn't matter. "Some" is not "everyone", and nobody deserves to have parents who shouldn't be parents.
According to you?
For anyone that isn't brainwashed or ignorant.
According to you again? Most parents? Do you know most parents?
Have you looked around you? The fact that the world is so overpopulated and the fact that so many families have histories of abuse, tells you more than enough, that most people shouldn't be parents.
Sometimes you can't know until you try:)
Funny how you kept coming with the "so you would let a child die" comments at me, while you openly admit that you see nothing wrong with people putting someone under the risk of abuse, rape, and murder, just because they wanted to experience a little pleasure.
you call me a pro lifer so back at you!!
Except that you are a pro lifer.
Not every existence is filled with suffering again
Suffering is a fact. Millions of people suffer everywhere every day. Just because not every existence is filled with existence, doesn't mean that life isn't cruel and full of suffering.
so yes for some people it's beautiful
And they are selfish and ignorant for thinking that, ignoring how much suffering is happening all around the world.
and some kids are grateful to be alive
Good for them.
They are grateful to be forced into this existence..
According to you?
This is not normal to grant a teenager a wish to die without seeing if they can change their situation first.
What's not normal is thinking that everyone should be allowed to force others into existence. Nobody asked to be born, yet you think that every incompetent useless ape should be allowed to have children.
It is not normal to have a walk in euthanasia clinic
It is not normal to foce others into existence. Especially if you are not meant to be a parent.
Kids that are forced into existence. Most want to live.
According to who? You?
They can have trouble in life and need to get help
Which could all have been avoided if their parents weren't selfish people.
but most of them don't seek death unless they are severely Iill
Wrong. You don't need to be ill to seek death. Many suicidal people had nothing bad happening to them, but they still want to die.
which is why they deserve help
There is a difference between someone deserving help and someone wanting help. If someone wants to ctb but you force them to live, then you are not helping them. If someone wants to ctb and your first decision is to either tell that person to live, or to seek help, then you are a horrible person.
Not a free pass to suicide
Nobody asked to be born. If everyone can have a free pass to child birth, why shouldn't everyone have a free pass to suicide?
As a society we need to help children in trouble get better
No. As a society, we need to stop incompetent people from having children. Because those people are not meant to be parents. If someone is not meant to be a parent, then they shouldn't be a parent. It would save the children from a lot of suffering and trouble.
Not let them be granted wishes to die.
We don't even let them get tattoos until they are 18.
But we let them get brainwashed at school since they are 6-7 years old.
But now we should be able to grant them that wish.
What a digusting logic. So forcing someone into existence is okay, but granting someone's wish to die isn't? Forcing someone to experience the ability to suffer is okay in your eyes?
Are you insane?
Take a look in the mirror.
some people here are not just depressed or suicidal they are actually evil spirit and very toxic!
So me thinking that incompetent people shouldn't be allowed to force others into existence makes me a "evil spirit and toxic", but mmikkee1 guilt tripping suicidal people and treating slavery as a good thing, makes him a normal person to you?
They think just because they are fake profile here they can just say whatever the devil tell them to say!
The devil doesn't exist just like god doesn't exist.
I bet they have real deep psych issues!
Everyone who is on this forum has deep psych issues, otherwise they wouldn't be here.
I already feel sorry for the people around them..
And I feel sorry for the people around you.
this is not a suicide discussion this is a horror conversation with homicidal people
So being suicidal means being homcidal now? You pro lifers are just weird. Most suicidal people hate themselves so much that they want to kill themselves, and you think that means that they would kill others? Wtf? It means the exact opposite.
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Jan 2, 2024
Yeh I agree it's good for my mental health to stay away
These people like @FuneralCry and some of her followers feed on our goodbyes.. they will survive life and don't listen suicide should be last resort there is always hope and if your parents love you and trying to help you help yourself too engage in your treatment nothing wrong with living life still have beautiful things to live for.. I'm going to leave this toxic site I don't belong here I'm not sure if I'm chatting with criminals here
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Jan 1, 2024
I really do find it absurd how we exist in such an anti-death, pro-suffering society even know death is all that's inevitable. It's like so many humans forget that they are destined for nothing but to decay, experience loss and inevitably die where all they knew will be erased and forgotten about. To me it's very tragic how society is this way as the fact that many humans are so anti-death and wish to prolong meaningless and unnecessary suffering no matter what just harms others.

In my case I see suicide as rational as it's the way to free myself from the burden of existence, preventing all future suffering as a result. No matter what only non-existence could ever be desirable to me, I'd always prefer to be eternally unaware than to suffer in this futile existence that I never wished for in the first place. I only see non-existence as ideal as it's the permanent absence of all torment and harm, for me existence itself is the problem as it's the source of all suffering.

It doesn't make sense how so many humans are so anti-suicide and anti-death when they are all just going to die anyway as well and there is no escaping that, all humans are just slowly dying and waiting around to die in this existence that will inevitably disappear into nothingness. And it's such extreme cruelty how people cannot choose when that will be, it will always be unaceptable how people cannot take control over their inevitable fate in a peaceful, guaranteed way.

In fact I see suicide as something relieving and positive as it's the way to escape from suffering in an existence that will just decay and die anyway. I see nothing appealing about deteriorating from age especially as there is no limit as to how much one can suffer and I'd prefer to avoid all suffering, I wish death is accepted rather than there being so much denial towards it.
It's such a large societal issue that people have ignored to the point that it's considered wrong to talk about. I feel like it's being avoided in politics because of the huge amount of change it would have. It could also be because of the fact that the majority of the global population is pro life, so in terms of democratic decisions it won't get changed whether or not it gets discussed unfortunately. :notsure:
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Aug 4, 2022
These people like @FuneralCry and some of her followers feed on our goodbyes.. they will survive life and don't listen suicide should be last resort there is always hope and if your parents love you and trying to help you help yourself too engage in your treatment nothing wrong with living life still have beautiful things to live for.. I'm going to leave this toxic site I don't belong here I'm not sure if I'm chatting with criminals here
Just ignore them they are completely insane. There are fine people out here
Don't leave just ignore toxic people
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Feb 15, 2024
Dead people don't make money
People who are alive do and contribute to the economy
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Jan 2, 2024
These people like @FuneralCry and some of her followers feed on our goodbyes.. they will survive life and don't listen suicide should be last resort there is always hope and if your parents love you and trying to help you help yourself too engage in your treatment nothing wrong with living life still have beautiful things to live for.. I'm going to leave this toxic site I don't belong here I'm not sure if I'm chatting with criminals here

Just ignore them they are completely insane. There are fine people out here
Don't leave just ignore toxic people
I know I'm going to block some of them this is overrated attacking people like that to prove their points are they trying to convince people to die or something? I found it very aggressive!
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I've felt better ngl
Feb 6, 2024
These people like @FuneralCry and some of her followers feed on our goodbyes.. they will survive life and don't listen suicide should be last resort there is always hope and if your parents love you and trying to help you help yourself too engage in your treatment nothing wrong with living life still have beautiful things to live for.. I'm going to leave this toxic site I don't belong here I'm not sure if I'm chatting with criminals here
I second what @mmikkee1 said. If you can't take it anymore, simply use the ignore button. Personally, I don't agree with your views or have the best opinion about life, but many people here do and you may relate to them. Don't let this ruin your experience.
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Jan 2, 2024
I second what @mmikkee1 said. If you can't take it anymore, simply use the ignore button. Personally, I don't agree with your views or have the best opinion about life, but many people here do and you may relate to them. Don't let this ruin your experience.
Thank you! Yes I guess so and I'm not pro life or whatever they call it I like to have a choice and in the end everyone dealing with their own suffering.. thanks again
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Aug 4, 2022
You told @DeaD❌BatterY🔋 that you would stop replying. Go back and see. You kept the conversation going so you lied.

Doesn't matter. "Some" is not "everyone", and nobody deserves to have parents who shouldn't be parents.



For anyone that isn't brainwashed or ignorant.

Have you looked around you? The fact that the world is so overpopulated and the fact that so many families have histories of abuse, tells you more than enough, that most people shouldn't be parents.

Funny how you kept coming with the "so you would let a child die" comments at me, while you openly admit that you see nothing wrong with people putting someone under the risk of abuse, rape, and murder, just because they wanted to experience a little pleasure.

Except that you are a pro lifer.

Suffering is a fact. Millions of people suffer everywhere every day. Just because not every existence is filled with existence, doesn't mean that life isn't cruel and full of suffering.

And they are selfish and ignorant for thinking that, ignoring how much suffering is happening all around the world.

Good for them.

According to you?

What's not normal is thinking that everyone should be allowed to force others into existence. Nobody asked to be born, yet you think that every incompetent useless ape should be allowed to have children.

It is not normal to foce others into existence. Especially if you are not meant to be a parent.

According to who? You?

Which could all have been avoided if their parents weren't selfish people.

Wrong. You don't need to be ill to seek death. Many suicidal people had nothing bad happening to them, but they still want to die.

There is a difference between someone deserving help and someone wanting help. If someone wants to ctb but you force them to live, then you are not helping them. If someone wants to ctb and your first decision is to either tell that person to live, or to seek help, then you are a horrible person.

Nobody asked to be born. If everyone can have a free pass to child birth, why shouldn't everyone have a free pass to suicide?

No. As a society, we need to stop incompetent people from having children. Because those people are not meant to be parents. If someone is not meant to be a parent, then they shouldn't be a parent. It would save the children from a lot of suffering and trouble.


But we let them get brainwashed at school since they are 6-7 years old.

What a digusting logic. So forcing someone into existence is okay, but granting someone's wish to die isn't? Forcing someone to experience the ability to suffer is okay in your eyes?

Take a look in the mirror.

So me thinking that incompetent people shouldn't be allowed to force others into existence makes me a "evil spirit and toxic", but mmikkee1 guilt tripping suicidal people and treating slavery as a good thing, makes him a normal person to you?

The devil doesn't exist just like god doesn't exist.

Everyone who is on this forum has deep psych issues, otherwise they wouldn't be here.

And I feel sorry for the people around you.

So being suicidal means being homcidal now? You pro lifers are just weird. Most suicidal people hate themselves so much that they want to kill themselves, and you think that means that they would kill others? Wtf? It means the exact opposite.
It's very easy to engage with you from now on
First you quoted me first. It doesn't matter what I said afterwards

I showed you statistics that said 9 out of 10 people who attempt suicide have no more attempt afterwards which means it was impulsive and they reevaluated their perspective. Which means recovery is possible for the majority of those who attempt suicide. It is a fact.

This relatively good long-term survival rate is consistent with the observation that suicidal crises are often short-lived, even if there may be underlying, more chronic risk factors present that give rise to these crises.
From harvard

Prove to me that most kids are unhappy and are suicidal. I'd love to see data on how many teenagers express suicidal intent and for how long it has been going on. Because if you are gonna claim that forcing existence was a bad thing for those children I'd love to see statistics on how many kids regret being born. Suicidal intent, self harm etc. if you can find them I'd love to see them. Otherwise it's just a pointless conversation because you can't back up anything you say.
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