- Oct 24, 2018
- 108
Take it for what it's worth, comprehend it your own way.How the fuck did we all end up like this? Its just so incomprehensible how unfair life is. There has to be some explanation to why all this is happening!
One time I told my mother ; You know why i'm having such a hard time with life?
Take the animal kingdom for exemple. Spiders lay what, a couple hundred eggs easy. They're not all meant to survive, that's why they come in such a crazy number.
Some are gonna die from birth defect, illnesses, other animal etc.
Of course we as mamals mama lesser batches of babies, for lack of a better engish word. But the point is, the society that we built ourself, the solid agriculture, the advanced medicine, the modern lack of wars etc. Created an environment that mostly everyone survives.
That's not natural, some lives are not meant to be.
It can be anything. Some might be weaker, some might be too aggressive but not wise enough to control that power, other might just have a weird and useless kind of intelligence. Take me for exemple; as many other things, im loose jointed. Im not weak, im not dumb, im not that ugly, but my body can't follow anymore. In the wild, i'd be killed by an other male or by any other specy. But yet im kept aline here, just suffering and waiting to die.
Point is, we don't fit, in this world at least, and we are kept alive like old people with wires up their veins.
I don't know if that's what you meant with your question, but felt for a long time I needed to share this.