

now you see
Nov 16, 2022
I hope i can say this here, it's partly responsible for my suicidal tendencies tbh.
Islam is a backward sect, it's CLEARLY evil when you really analyse it with honesty, muslims pretend its not because of social pressure and threat of being casted out or even killed, and non-muslims people (kuffars) are understandably scared of reprisal, because Islam is the most violent religion. It has all this violence and punishments because it knows its in the wrong, otherwise if it was an intellectually honest religion it would have no reason to physically punish disaproval. Have you EVER had or seen a muslim give an intellectually honest argument? Absolutely never personally, they always use dirty fallacies.
This sect controls its subjects by using fear and very dirty psychological tactics, its discustingly evil really it caused so much evil you can't even begin to imagine. Imagine arab countries without Islam. Just compare Afghanistan or Iran or even Turkey when under non-islamic regimes, with today.
Now even as an adult who lives in a non islamic country (France), i will forever be persecuted. All of my black and arab muslim friends wouldn't want to be my friend anymore and would harass me if they saw me eat pork, and my family would disown me. And im a male, muslim women have it way harder.
I wholeheartedly hope that this terrible evil sect will disapear as soon as possible. I wish i wasn't born in a muslim family.
I didn't understand the connection between arabs and turkish people.


Jun 11, 2024
Can't speak for other Christian sects but in my experience growing up in Protestant Christianity I had and still have much, much less restriction placed on me than any Muslim I know does, even those in less extreme sects. There are very tangible differences in rules about dress, food, marriage, treatment of women, atheists and LGBT, what questions you're allowed to ask, what crimes deserve death, etc.

And so far as I know in the modern day there isn't a Christian equivalent to the amount and severity of repression that goes on in Muslim countries such as Afghanistan.
i mean nothing reaches the level the islam
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May 6, 2024
Nazi Germany was an overwhelmingly Christian nation and not only the holocaust, but germany also committed genocide in namibia.
The religious conservatives in the US seem to be okay with child marriage, and forcing victims of rape and incest to give birth, even if the victim is a child. Child marriage seems to be an issue in other religions as well and since just about all religions are controlled (and created) by men, i can see why.
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Aug 8, 2020
I like Taoism, Buddhism is also great, more of a peace with nature kind of person here. One thing I don't like about Islam is suppression of women's rights, and arranged marriages.
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Jul 6, 2023
To me all religion in general is an absolute scourge, with Islam and the types of Christianity you find at a higher concentration in and exported from the US southeast. Islam isn't really a religion though, it's an entire pervasive ideology, culture, and political framework that seeks for outright domination and subjugation by force. Islam and a lot of Christianity have way too much in common for me to be comfortable with (saying inshallah this, alhamdulillah that, praise Jesus, thanking some imaginary being for everything and anything). The Christian way of displaying faith with vanity in a performative way through speech makes me nauseous, Islam is just plain awful with no redeeming qualities, especially in the wahabi+sunni+salafi direction. Shia seems less objectionable if I can even call it that, but it's still utterly absurd. In spite of how absurd the story behind mainstream/official LDS is, I would say it's probably a little less harmful than the evangelical crap even though it gets a bad rap overall. I didn't have super strong negative views on Islam until I lived in the emirates for a while, and I traveled throughout each emirate when I was there, not just the popular city states. It's really disgusting. All the anti white propaganda here is outrageous too, Muslims are currently and have been the worlds premier purveyor of actual slaves, including enslaving Caucasian white and white Slavic people, on top of all of the people of African descent throughout history. Now one can argue just because we get paid money here in the western world doesn't mean we have any consequential level of freedom, we just have an illusion of freedom. To a certain side of the culture war I would say stop punishing the people you assume have more privilege than you, no one knows the totality of a person's existence. Also, shouldn't generational punishment not be a thing here? A considerable number of black and brown people can't put a finger on how they personally were oppressed by a white or East Asian person, and most white people in the western world probably don't have slavery in their past generations.
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May 6, 2024
I like Taoism, Buddhism is also great, more of a peace with nature kind of person here. One thing I don't like about Islam is suppression of women's rights, and arranged marriages.
This does not preclude violence committed in the name of Buddhism, see Myanmar as an example.
The simple fact is that religion and politics should never be mixed, but good luck with that.

I will never trust those people who make sweeping remarks about entire peoples or entire religions. How easily they dehumanize millions of lives, of men, women and children who are also just trying to live their lives.
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Jul 12, 2024
I hope i can say this here, it's partly responsible for my suicidal tendencies tbh.
Islam is a backward sect, it's CLEARLY evil when you really analyse it with honesty, muslims pretend its not because of social pressure and threat of being casted out or even killed, and non-muslims people (kuffars) are understandably scared of reprisal, because Islam is the most violent religion. It has all this violence and punishments because it knows its in the wrong, otherwise if it was an intellectually honest religion it would have no reason to physically punish disaproval. Have you EVER had or seen a muslim give an intellectually honest argument? Absolutely never personally, they always use dirty fallacies.
This sect controls its subjects by using fear and very dirty psychological tactics, its discustingly evil really it caused so much evil you can't even begin to imagine. Imagine arab countries without Islam. Just compare Afghanistan or Iran or even Turkey when under non-islamic regimes, with today.
Now even as an adult who lives in a non islamic country (France), i will forever be persecuted. All of my black and arab muslim friends wouldn't want to be my friend anymore and would harass me if they saw me eat pork, and my family would disown me. And im a male, muslim women have it way harder.
I wholeheartedly hope that this terrible evil sect will disapear as soon as possible. I wish i wasn't born in a muslim family.
it depends on the way its being practiced but christianity and zionist jews commit just as much if not more violence and abuse.
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Confused loser
Oct 25, 2023
Lot of people gave a good critisicm about islam so maybe i'll just add some of mine

The worst thing in every religion isn't the belief but the people who believe in them, when they adopt the belief instead of analyze the belief logically, they just adopted it 100% without questioning it. One of the reason i believe was because it is easier to do so. When the next gen came, then also force them to do the same as then do.

Another theory is that you know how religion accept all kind of people (except for lgbt i guess) as long as you adopt their belief, if you connect it with the loneliness pandemic, it kindda make sense because some people who experience lonliness finally found a group of religious people who accept them, so when someone critisize their belief, these religious people is insulted because in their mind they think "How is this belief that make my life better, is an toxic belief"

Well that's all i gotta say, but it's just my speculation don't take it as an objective truth
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Scrap that, nothing matters at all after all
Jun 24, 2023
I'm not in anyway religious and I can never be, I am really sorry for all of you who have really suffered in a religious environment šŸ«‚ā¤ļø, it can truly to absolutely awful.

I can't say I really can or want to point to one particular religion and say it is the worst, I imagine everyone practises their own religion differently and has different intentions, I've met many Christians and Muslim people that are extremely amazing or not so amazing ppl. I think generalisation can be very harmful and is one of the key things used by religion or politics or any group of people to divide people and create fear then hate towards others.

To me I think religion is just another social organisation that reflects both the good and bad of humanity. People can do so many good things in the name of god, like creating an inclusive and supportive community, but mostly unfortunately do awful things instead, and that's with most religions throughout history at some point. When it is harmful, it exploits human's need for purpose and belonging to a group, while divides us by generalising and moralising other races, women, etc. Tribalism is mixed with a sense of righteousness, If you belong with us you are the right and chosen ones and you act this way, anyone who acts differently are bad and if you ever leave u will be shunned. It polices your thoughts and every action and discourages critical thing, because after all the more u question the less u will believe and comply. It plays on human fears of death and divides us with hate, people want the safety of knowing there's meaning to their existence, that there's somewhere for them to go in the afterlife, and people responds to having other people different to them to blame and hate for their suffering. People crave safety and order and meaning in the chaos and randomness of life, someone or something to tell them everything is as planned, and religion can give u all of that, and in return you give away your control and critical thinking. Religion, social or political groups like nazis etc, can all do this when things become extreme. Some may not think things are right, but often feel powerless to change or voice anything against the angry mob, and also cannot leave as their own social structure is lied to the community.

I do think religions in moderation can be meaningful. I for one would love to belong to a group that support and act with kindness and love to each other while also accepting and acting with good will to everyone else. I personally don't think there need to be a god to tell us to do this, we should be able to think for ourselves and choose to do good or bad. I've also met many interesting people who do really challenge a lot of the religious thinking while remaining spiritual and faithful to their religion. I really admire those people and wish I can do the same. But it seems like humanity as a whole just really crave that authoritarian figure and tribalism, someone to tell them they are in the right while others are in the wrong, and extremism just creeps in over time, especially when times are tough, and times are always tough really.

I think the problem is people we are all capable of great evil or kindness. I know it's dumb to wish for people to be generally better but I do wish, and take solace in the fact that I have met many amazing people in my life, but also awful things have happened to me, and it's all committed by people, things I really am unable to overcome.

Ctb for me I guess? lol

Speaking of, I want to take this opportunity to thank this community and many people in it, I've met some truly wonderful supportive empathetic people here, but also warn people that terrible shit happens here as does anywhere on the internet where there are people, I've certainly experienced enough of that here also to make me want to die more than ever and wish I never found sasu in the first place. I hope you all find this to be a place u needed to feel safe šŸ«‚ā¤ļø
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Hardworking Lass who Dreams of Love~ šŸ’•āœØ
Jun 9, 2023
Speaking of, I want to take this opportunity to thank this community and many people in it, I've met some truly wonderful supportive empathetic people here, but also warn people that terrible shit happens here as does anywhere on the internet where there are people, I've certainly experienced enough of that here also to make me want to die more than ever and wish I never found sasu in the first place. Please be safe šŸ«‚ā¤ļø
I'm sorry you feel that way and for everything that caused it~ :( There's been some bad stuff for me here too, but it's nice to have a place not completely overrun by pro-lifers~ :) if it makes you feel any better, seeing you feels somewhat nice for me~ :) perhaps because we both use anime-like pfp's and joined at around the same time! hehe~
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Jul 20, 2024
Every religion is prone to violence, look at india (and the riots, rapes and violence in manipur fir example) or buddhists in Myanmar.
And the amount of violence and exploitation perpetrated by the west towards black, brown, latin, middle east, east asian, south asian peoples throughout history is far greater than any violence perpetrated by the latter. Hundreds of thousands civilians died in the illegal war on Iraq, men, women and children. But western lives seem to have more value than non-western ones. Iran would not be ruled by the current horrific regime if the US and Britain didn't overthrow a democracy and prop up a brutal dictator, the Shah, because it benefited them in terms of energy/oil/fuel.

I can understand op's anger with religion, but it is sad to see this thread here. There are some very strict christian sects as and the bible is filled with sex and violence. As an atheist I respect whatever belief people have and have known Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Hindu people and called them friends. But the more orthodox any person is of any religion, the more wary i am.
Yeah I don't what the hell these dumbass Islamophobes are going on about with this supposed Christian tolerance and superiority over Islam. The US is heading down a dangerous path of repression and authoritarianism with all these anti-women, racist, and anti-secularist laws being passed by psychotic Christian nationalists who were praising Taliban control over Afghanistan a couple years ago. Those same Christians praising Israel's genocide in Gaza.

Like someone else said, it's just bait to fuel anger and discord because they have nothing else better to contribute to the world.
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Jul 7, 2023
I agree with you. Out of all the religions, islam is the absolute worst. I'm quite disappointed to see people here resort to only criticising christianity or giving the cop out answer "all answer are bad" as I thought that SS is more intellectual than reddit. Unfortunately, that isn't a case and, even on here, islam gets a free pass to criticism. I think that I understand why though as, to a western people who never had to deal with islam, they don't see islam as a bad thing as it doesn't affect their lives much. In the west, islam only really affects those with islamic families.

I'm an ex muslim so I understand your sentiment. Modern day islam is far worse than any other modern day religion. There are so many issues that islam has which other religions don't have. Also, leaving islam comes with massive severe consequences such as getting beat up, getting disowned or, in the case of muslim majority countries, getting killed. This is because muslims have been taught to value allah and pedo mo over their own children and that's exactly what muslims do.

I don't believe in any religion but I would far prefer being an ex christian than an ex muslim as the former can at least share that to their parents and no consequences would happen. However, I'm an ex muslim living with parents and I'm forced to pretend that I'm a muslim. I'm forced to pray 4 times a day (thank goodness they don't force me to read fajr) as well as read the quran and do other islamic bullshit. I hate it, I really do. I hate islam with all of my rage.

I believe that islam is the greatest evil which is also the most socially accepted evil. Nothing can change my opinion regarding this
Man i really feel for you, whenever i visit my mom i'm forced to pretend im muslim too, but i don't have to pray etc... only no pork, no alcohol, doing ramadan, and the usual muslim idioms (inchallah, al hamdoulilah etc...), but i'm free whenever i'm out in another city, it's just that i can't really show any of these things on social media and doesn't really have friends anymore because of it, and having 2 lives and having to play a role half of the time is mentally draining. You people who live in actual islamic countries have my full support really, i hope that one day you will be able to escape this hell. And as you rightfully said it is the most "socially accepted" evil. In every sphere even the ones who pretend to be honest and censor-free, Islam is a taboo subject, even here. At least i'm glad mods aren't deleting these posts. Thankfully it's shifting slowly i'm seeing more and more critics of Islam on X (thx Elon).
HUGE disclaimer; Chr. Orthodox here, there is bias involved! I feel that, at least in present day, it is the most hostile religion. Unlike other mainstream religions, I believe that, if given the chance, they would either kill everyone or violently convert them. Islam wants to impose itself. I do not buy it that it's just the "extremists"; the only outlier to be found are people who are more forgiving about their faith. Those are quickly shunned and isolated.
Yes, don't be scared to say it like the other christians, Islam is objectively the worst of the bunch by far. I don't understand why they'd be so scared to be honest about Islam, even here ffs it's anonymous and really the most open online space i know. That tells you a lot about how repressive Islam is. I think these dishonest christians are just virtue signaling, that's a natural human behavior to restrain from criticising others and be harsher to your own, we are naturally harcher towards our own race, own religion etc..., like it's more ok for an arab to criticize arabs than it is for a white person to criticize arabs, and vice versa.
It's honestly funny how you can sense everyones opinion on Islam but everyone shuts up because they're scared, and rightfully so, i wouldn't want to get beheaded for stating my opinion.
Yeah I don't what the hell these dumbass Islamophobes are going on about with this supposed Christian tolerance and superiority over Islam. The US is heading down a dangerous path of repression and authoritarianism with all these anti-women, racist, and anti-secularist laws being passed by psychotic Christian nationalists who were praising Taliban control over Afghanistan a couple years ago. Those same Christians praising Israel's genocide in Gaza.

Like someone else said, it's just bait to fuel anger and discord because they have nothing else better to contribute to the world.
You are dishonest or really freaking delusional if you think those christian "extremists" are anything close to islamic repression. I have never heard about someone being beheaded by a christian extremist because he doesn't believe in God. I have never heard of a woman being stoned to death because she talked to a man (most basic thing) or showed her hairs. If you were truly for the women, you would be angry about the millions of women in Afghanistan, forced to be covered from head to toe under scorching sun, having absolutely no rights, being completely dehumanised. These women are humans you know, imagine their suffering, just imagine. And that's not one or two women, that's literally all women under Sharia law.
I'm not in anyway religious and I can never be, I am really sorry for all of you who have really suffered in a religious environment šŸ«‚ā¤ļø, it can truly to absolutely awful.

I can't say I really can or want to point to one particular religion and say it is the worst, I imagine everyone practises their own religion differently and has different intentions, I've met many Christians and Muslim people that are extremely amazing or not so amazing ppl. I think generalisation can be very harmful and is one of the key things used by religion or politics or any group of people to divide people and create fear then hate towards others.

To me I think religion is just another social organisation that reflects both the good and bad of humanity. People can do so many good things in the name of god, like creating an inclusive and supportive community, but mostly unfortunately do awful things instead, and that's with most religions throughout history at some point. When it is harmful, it exploits human's need for purpose and belonging to a group, while divides us by generalising and moralising other races, women, etc. Tribalism is mixed with a sense of righteousness, If you belong with us you are the right and chosen ones and you act this way, anyone who acts differently are bad and if you ever leave u will be shunned. It polices your thoughts and every action and discourages critical thing, because after all the more u question the less u will believe and comply. It plays on human fears of death and divides us with hate, people want the safety of knowing there's meaning to their existence, that there's somewhere for them to go in the afterlife, and people responds to having other people different to them to blame and hate for their suffering. People crave safety and order and meaning in the chaos and randomness of life, someone or something to tell them everything is as planned, and religion can give u all of that, and in return you give away your control and critical thinking. Religion, social or political groups like nazis etc, can all do this when things become extreme. Some may not think things are right, but often feel powerless to change or voice anything against the angry mob, and also cannot leave as their own social structure is lied to the community.

I do think religions in moderation can be meaningful. I for one would love to belong to a group that support and act with kindness and love to each other while also accepting and acting with good will to everyone else. I personally don't think there need to be a god to tell us to do this, we should be able to think for ourselves and choose to do good or bad. I've also met many interesting people who do really challenge a lot of the religious thinking while remaining spiritual and faithful to their religion. I really admire those people and wish I can do the same. But it seems like humanity as a whole just really crave that authoritarian figure and tribalism, someone to tell them they are in the right while others are in the wrong, and extremism just creeps in over time, especially when times are tough, and times are always tough really.

I think the problem is people we are all capable of great evil or kindness. I know it's dumb to wish for people to be generally better but I do wish, and take solace in the fact that I have met many amazing people in my life, but also awful things have happened to me, and it's all committed by people, things I really am unable to overcome.

Ctb for me I guess? lol

Speaking of, I want to take this opportunity to thank this community and many people in it, I've met some truly wonderful supportive empathetic people here, but also warn people that terrible shit happens here as does anywhere on the internet where there are people, I've certainly experienced enough of that here also to make me want to die more than ever and wish I never found sasu in the first place. I hope you all find this to be a place u needed to feel safe šŸ«‚ā¤ļø
of course there are amazing people in all groups, i'm talking about the religion Islam as whole, it caused way way more harm than good. Everytime Islam is criticised the discussion shift away to an extremist group that's more socially acceptable to criticize, because it's from the past like the nazis (you really take 0 risk by bashing the nazis, Hitler is not coming out of his tomb to get you).
Anyway i hope for your happiness and i'm sorry that you had to suffer because of bad people, like you said humans are capable of both good and evil, there are terrible persons in all groups, i think that an intelligent specie with a complex mind like us inherently has a wide spectrum of morality, but that's another topic.
I didn't understand the connection between arabs and turkish people.
Turkey under Ataturk was a paradise compared to today, if it remained under Ataturk or someone with a similar mindset, it would be way more advanced,
I like Taoism, Buddhism is also great, more of a peace with nature kind of person here. One thing I don't like about Islam is suppression of women's rights, and arranged marriages.
I personally have my own sets of beliefs, I believe in God, but i don't fully adhere to one particular religion. I wouldn't even call myself deist either because even deists tend to have a common and established view on God.
I believe spirituality is the most personal subject there is, and religions are vile for scaling it to a social structure. My relation with God is deeply personal, i couldn't even express it with words if i wanted to honestly, and it's only fitted for my mind. I would never impose my vision of spirituality and God on anyone, because it wouldn't fit their mind. I hope the message is clear it's very difficult to express for me.
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Jul 7, 2023
I'm so happy that I'm not the only one that suffered because of islam, I'm currently still living in an islamic country and it's the main reason why I'm suicidal, I honestly can't stand islam, the way I see women being discriminated because of islam here hurts, and the way it's very normalized, and criticizing the religion WILL put you at risk.

I wish i was never born in an islamic country, I wish I was born in a first world non islamic country, I wish I could live a normal life as a woman. I wish women wouldn't be beaten, harassed or even honor killed for doing NORMAL THINGS that women from other countries do daily.
I truly feel for you. You are a true victim and your suffering is unfortunately disregarded by "feminist" hypocrites who take easy fights just for virtue signaling. If they really cared about women they wouldn't close their eyes on how women are treated in the middle east. It's really sad that you see countless of feminist campains against minor shit like gender pay gap, but nothing about women being horribly tortured and killed. In fact most of them only really care about their own personal comfort and social validation, they are not as empathetic as they think and say they are, not at all.
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Misanthrope vampire
Sep 8, 2024
I truly feel for you. You are a true victim and your suffering is unfortunately disregarded by "feminist" hypocrites who take easy fights just for virtue signaling. If they really cared about women they wouldn't close their eyes on how women are treated in the middle east. It's really sad that you see countless of feminist campains against minor shit like gender pay gap, but nothing about women being horribly tortured and killed. In fact most of them only really care about their own personal comfort and social validation, they are not as empathetic as they think and say they are, not at all.
A lot of what's so called "feminists" on tiktok defend the verse where it says it's allowed to beat women in Quran and think I'm just a lying islamophobe when I talk about my experience, I'm very aware of their hypocrisy and don't even interact with feminist media anymore because of this, they never care about us women in islamic countries.
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Jul 7, 2023
A lot of what's so called "feminists" on tiktok defend the verse where it says it's allowed to beat women in Quran and think I'm just a lying islamophobe when I talk about my experience, I'm very aware of their hypocrisy and don't even interact with feminist media anymore because of this, they never care about us women in islamic countries.
Yeah they wouldn't survive a day in the middle east. Like you said what's really frustrating is that you aren't able to do normal things that women do in the West. They take it for granted, they can't even imagine how truly oppressed muslim women are. They can't go outside alone, they can't even talk or even be around a man or look him in the eyes when not accompanied by a male family member, they can't give their opinion on ANYTHING, they are forced to marry an ugly abusive crazy dude they don't even know and be his slave for the rest of their life having no rights. These feminists are cruel to disregard these experiences, its very sad and cruel.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Man i really feel for you, whenever i visit my mom i'm forced to pretend im muslim too, but i don't have to pray etc... only no pork, no alcohol, doing ramadan, and the usual muslim idioms (inchallah, al hamdoulilah etc...), but i'm free whenever i'm out in another city, it's just that i can't really show any of these things on social media and doesn't really have friends anymore because of it, and having 2 lives and having to play a role half of the time is mentally draining. You people who live in actual islamic countries have my full support really, i hope that one day you will be able to escape this hell. And as you rightfully said it is the most "socially accepted" evil. In every sphere even the ones who pretend to be honest and censor-free, Islam is a taboo subject, even here. At least i'm glad mods aren't deleting these posts. Thankfully it's shifting slowly i'm seeing more and more critics of Islam on X (thx Elon).
I wish that I also didn't have to pray but unfortunately my parents force me to pray. I get massive anxiety when my mum talks about fajr as I worry that she'll force me to pray fajr as well. In this cruel and cold life, the only thing that I can rely on which helps me is sleep. I'd go mentally insane if my mum took that away from me all because of a stupid and outdated religion. You're right about it being mentally draining to live two lives. I wish that I could state the truth but I can't because I don't want to get beaten up and abused. Also, don't worry, I don't live in an islamic country. I actually live in a first world country but I don't have the skills to be independent nor do I have any desire to be independent either. And yeah, it's a good thing that posts like ours aren't being deleted but seeing the replies on here really hurts me as so many people are just ignorant


Apr 15, 2022
Guess it's time to go back to heathenry. The true Gods are angry.


Aug 14, 2024
Nazi Germany was an overwhelmingly Christian nation and not only the holocaust, but germany also committed genocide in namibia.
The religious conservatives in the US seem to be okay with child marriage, and forcing victims of rape and incest to give birth, even if the victim is a child. Child marriage seems to be an issue in other religions as well and since just about all religions are controlled (and created) by men, i can see why.
The nazis themselves believed in Norse mythology. Hitler didn't like Christianity and wanted to root out the influence of Christian churches in germany. He also actually preferred Islam and wished it was the religion of the German people, and many Muslim nations supported Hitler and allied with him. The only reason hitler and the nazis claimed to be Christian was for political advantage and to be able to manipulate the population into voting for Hitler and showing support. The nazis edited the Bible to insert certain aspects of Norse mythology and nazism all while removing certain aspects of Christianity that indicate the Jewish roots of the religion, so they would be able influence the majority German catholic population at the time into supporting their ideology.


Jul 6, 2023
The nazis themselves believed in Norse mythology. Hitler didn't like Christianity and wanted to root out the influence of Christian churches in germany. He also actually preferred Islam and wished it was the religion of the German people, and many Muslim nations supported Hitler and allied with him. The only reason hitler claimed to be Christian was for political advantage and to be able to manipulate the population into voting for him. The nazis edited the Bible to insert certain aspects of Norse mythology and nazism all while removing certain aspects of Christianity that indicate the Jewish roots of the religion, so they would be able influence the majority German catholic population at the time into supporting their ideology.


May 6, 2024
There is a bit more to it than that. It's too simplistic to just say he preferred Islam, without mentioning he saw it and religion as a possible tool. Them there is the matter of proxy wars and alliances that continue today.
Religious views of Adolf Hitler
Hitler's views on Islam also are a matter of controversy. On the one hand, Hitler privately demeaned ethnic groups he associated with
Islam, notably Arabs, as racially inferior. On the other hand, he also made private and public statements expressing admiration for what he perceived to be the militaristic nature of Islam and the political sharpness of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

Despite Hitler's apparent admiration for Islam and Muhammad, and his willingness to work with Arab political leaders, he viewed Arab people as racial and social inferiors. Speer acknowledged that in private, Hitler regarded Arabs as an inferior race and that the relationship he had with various Muslim figures was more political than personal. Hitler was also quoted in the early war years stating, "We shall continue to make disturbances in the Far East and in Arabia. Let us think as men and let us see in these peoples at best lacquered half-apes who are anxious to experience the lash." However, he also acknowledged positive aspects of Muslim culture, stating that the peoples of
Islam would be closer to Germany than, for instance, France.

Despite being a minority in Europe, Arabs faced Nazi persecution with racist incidents against Egyptians in the 1930s. The Nazis targeted individuals of mixed Arab/North African heritage, sterilizing hundreds and imprisoning 450 Arab inmates in concentration camps, including Auschwitz, where they were subjected to forced labor, particularly Algerians residing in France.

In spite of Hitler's conflicting opinions on Islam and Arabs, in a letter to President Roosevelt during the war, Winston Churchill pointed out that Muslim soldiers were providing "the main army elements on which we [the British] must rely for the immediate fighting." Many Muslims have sacrificed themselves to save Jews and fight the Nazis the like of Noor Inayat Khan, Behic Erkin, Abdol-Hossein Sardari, and Si Kaddour Benghabrit the founder of the Great Mosque of Paris.
None of this changes the fact that Nazi Germany was overwhelmingly Christian.


The Lord of Dribblers
Mar 11, 2024
dash mihok argument GIF by Ray Donovan

jesus GIF

Sleepy Good Morning GIF


curiosity killed the cat
Sep 17, 2024
You guys are all wrong, it's not the religion that's bad - it's peaceful and everything is for a good reason, it's the people and culture being mixed into it causing all these issues.

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