What if I, for example, were to say that I am not suicidal anymore and I wanted to go somewhere for advice on how to stay that way and on healthy living (mentally and emotionally), develop good coping mechanisms, stuff like that. Is this a good place for that?
I ask this because, incidentally, I randomly started feeling a lot better recently. I was having a typical conversation with my dad about how I've been feeling and why and whatnot, and at some point I realized I wasn't miserable anymore. I felt content (if this sounds unrealistic, well... it sounds that way to me too.) I've more or less felt this way for several days now. The only thing that gets to me sometimes is nervousness; I get scared that I will start to feel miserable again, and I'd rather die than feel that way again (I mean, I wanted to die already -while- I was feeling that way). I'm feeling nervous right now, as a matter of fact.
Something will probably happen to make me go the other way again, whenever that may be. But until then, as I came to realize working with my psychiatrist awhile back, its not death that any of us really want, it's just to feel better. So while I'm feeling better, I want to do whatever I can to keep feeling better.
And I'll tell you, I will never go to an anti-suicide forum for advice again. The entire concept of a suicide site where you can't talk about suicide is completely ludicrous; I can't talk to those people without getting mad, especially since I have to worry about being cautious about every fucking word I say for fear of being lectured about possibly triggering someone. Not to mention the mods, worse than anyone else, all come off as sanctimonious pricks. All of this has been my experience, at least.
edit: Oh yeah, I wanted to add that I guess the reason I'm even coming here about it in the first place is because I feel like I've gotten such positive responses from everybody, that I really feel comfortable here, so far at least.