

This Isn't Fine
Oct 2, 2020
Or do some people truly have nothing better to do with their lives?

I know the topic of pro-lifers and trolls comes up a lot, but I've been thinking about it a lot since I came online today. I don't really want to give them more attention, but it's something that has been bothering me for a while.

This does not include depressed/suicidal lurkers. I scroll down and see something like 200 members online and 400 guests every day. Or every thread I browse I see a few people looking at it as well and then 20 quests PER thread. It's like people come here and think "WoOoooWW look at all the sad people! I wonder what is driving them to think suicide is the only option out today!!"

It just downright infuriates me. Is our pain really that big of a source of entertainment? Or are we looked at as if we are on the discovery channel, as lemmings all leading each other while running to our deaths that need to be stopped? The trolls posting cause they want to spark more pain, or maybe they're just ignorant. Or the pro-lifers lurking just to sway vulnerable people's minds to their own agenda.

This is no place for tourists. This is a place for those in extreme amounts of pain to come and share their feelings. A safe place to talk without the pressure of potentially being sectioned. Information is here to inform people, if they choose so, to go through with their personal choices SAFELY.

To those who think this is a place to experiment on, analyze to see what makes us tick, think that we're all just sick people with ill thoughts... F*ck you. You are part of the problem. This is not a source of entertainment, or act like we're a d*mn zoo to peer into. Seriously, f*ck all of you. I can't express how angry it makes me that people think we're not allowed to have a safe place outside of the sh*tty 'healthcare' system that barely does any of us justice to begin with!

If ya'll really want to help us... advocate for a change in society. Push for improvements in the healthcare system. Because the way things are right now, it is NO WHERE near to how things should be running. Locking us up, putting us on countless amounts of pills, and thinking "oh honey, you just need to straighten out the problems within yourself" IS NOT F*CKING CUTTING IT!
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Is our pain really that big of a source of entertainment?
Yes it probably is to some people. Scolding them won't do any good.

Take a good long look at us people! Here we are discussing how to kill ourselves. Enjoy!
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This Isn't Fine
Oct 2, 2020
Yes it probably is to some people. Scolding them won't do any good.

Take a good long look at us people! Here we are discussing how to kill ourselves. Enjoy!

I'm sadly aware of that. Just something that has been on my mind. But I already know none of them care, and that this post isn't going to change a d*mn thing....

Basically why I posted this to begin with. Because it's hilarious, we tell them exactly what's up, but then they most likely think
"no no...they're just angry because they're sick. EVIL WEBSITE." <- Ok dude. Lmao.
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Boarding the bus to Everlasting Dreamland ♡
Oct 19, 2020
I wish it were a petting zoo. I want pets.
But I hear you, TIF. Vent your heart out. I can only hope the type of individuals you mentioned will become enlightened from our pain & concerns, though it's unlikely. The human race never seems to change much- I hate that history repeats. All the while, we're still evolving, so there may be hope in that aspect.
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Apr 2, 2020
This problem would be at least partially solved if the forum was only visible to members.
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Nov 9, 2020
I couldn't have put it better myself! Those who are not lurking due to actually being suicidal and wanting an outlet, but rather to get some twisted pleasure in reading our posts, are downright disgusting. And they think the people who use this site have problems? Take a look at yourselves! I had hoped people like that were a large minority, but every day my mind changes a little more on the matter. Thank you for this post, really well said.
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feast or famine

feast or famine

Tell Patient Zero he can have his rib back.
Jun 15, 2020
Imagine being such a waste of space that you come here to openly mock suicidal people who are on the fucking brink and get off by doing that.

I wish karma was a real thing.
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This Isn't Fine
Oct 2, 2020
I wish it were a petting zoo. I want pets.
But I hear you, TIF. Vent your heart out. I can only hope the type of individuals you mentioned will become enlightened from our pain & concerns, though it's unlikely. The human race never seems to change much- I hate that history repeats. All the while, we're still evolving, so there may be hope in that aspect.

Same here. Hugs and pets would be so much better than the treatment we are subjected to. They wish it were a real life zoo. That way they could stop anyone from hurting themselves. xD

But it's fine. Let the world keep going this way. Then the statistics can go higher and higher...what will it take before something changes? It amazes me.

This problem would be at least partially solved if the forum was only visible to members.

Sadly, yes and no. Plenty of pro-lifers can weasel their way into the site via making an account. It would just be a little more inconvenient for the majority of them. Trolls want to make accounts anyway.
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Boarding the bus to Everlasting Dreamland ♡
Oct 19, 2020
Sadly, yes and no. Plenty of pro-lifers can weasel their way into the site via making an account. It would just be a little more inconvenient for the majority of them. Trolls want to make accounts anyway.
I think that's what mahakali was referring to. Members-only creates an obstacle for pure spectating.
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This Isn't Fine
Oct 2, 2020
I think that's what mahakali was referring to. Members-only creates an obstacle for pure spectating.

True, I suppose. I guess I'm just wishing there was a better way. A miracle if they stopped coming all together! lol.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
There are people who rarely post on the open forum, but use the forum in different ways. For instance, there are always lots of usernames I don't recognize in the Partners Megathread, and when it's come up in the past that there have been predatory members, they mostly just posted there and then hung out in PMs. Personally, if I were to PM, I would be very wary of anyone who didn't post on the open forum because I wouldn't have enough background to reasonably assess their character. I think there are also some folks who mostly hang out in chat and don't post on the forum.

The number of guests viewing has always creeped me out, and I definitely think there are folks who get their jollies off of watching people share their suffering. I wonder how many lurkers are predatory and join when they see someone posting who is their preferred kind of victim. I wholeheartedly agree that it would feel much more comfortable if most of the forum was limited to members only, as we share such intimate things in order to get useful and meaningful support.
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the only thing humans are equal in is death
Aug 30, 2020
I've been thinking the same for so long, still could not have said it better.

100% agree.
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This Isn't Fine
Oct 2, 2020
The number of guests viewing has always creeped me out, and I definitely think there are folks who get their jollies off of watching people share their suffering. I wonder how many lurkers are predatory and join when they see someone posting who is their preferred kind of victim. I wholeheartedly agree that it would feel much more comfortable if most of the forum was limited to members only, as we share such intimate things in order to get useful and meaningful support.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I am starting to regret making venting posts about the person I have frequent arguments IRL. In fact, it's starting to creep me out that a bunch of those people are probably thinking weird things about a lot of the struggles we post about...ugh. I guess that's what I signed up for after I decided to make such posts, lol.

Like come on, go do something better with your lives than reveling in the broken's pain and making it harder for us to talk to each other openly out of fear...creeps.
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Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
Or do some people truly have nothing better to do with their lives?

I know the topic of pro-lifers and trolls comes up a lot, but I've been thinking about it a lot since I came online today. I don't really want to give them more attention, but it's something that has been bothering me for a while.

This does not include depressed/suicidal lurkers. I scroll down and see something like 200 members online and 400 guests every day. Or every thread I browse I see a few people looking at it as well and then 20 quests PER thread. It's like people come here and think "WoOoooWW look at all the sad people! I wonder what is driving them to think suicide is the only option out today!!"

It just downright infuriates me. Is our pain really that big of a source of entertainment? Or are we looked at as if we are on the discovery channel, as lemmings all leading each other while running to our deaths that need to be stopped? The trolls posting cause they want to spark more pain, or maybe they're just ignorant. Or the pro-lifers lurking just to sway vulnerable people's minds to their own agenda.

This is no place for tourists. This is a place for those in extreme amounts of pain to come and share their feelings. A safe place to talk without the pressure of potentially being sectioned. Information is here to inform people, if they choose so, to go through with their personal choices SAFELY.

To those who think this is a place to experiment on, analyze to see what makes us tick, think that we're all just sick people with ill thoughts... F*ck you. You are part of the problem. This is not a source of entertainment, or act like we're a d*mn zoo to peer into. Seriously, f*ck all of you. I can't express how angry it makes me that people think we're not allowed to have a safe place outside of the sh*tty 'healthcare' system that barely does any of us justice to begin with!

If ya'll really want to help us... advocate for a change in society. Push for improvements in the healthcare system. Because the way things are right now, it is NO WHERE near to how things should be running. Locking us up, putting us on countless amounts of pills, and thinking "oh honey, you just need to straighten out the problems within yourself" IS NOT F*CKING CUTTING IT!
Thank you.
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Oct 10, 2020
I already have anxiety that keeps me from posting much, and the number of guests always creeped me out and maybe deterred me from sharing many things that I don't want to fall in the wrong hands.
These people that are lurking could be anyone, prolifers trying to shut down the website, trolls or even predators which is scary tbh but it also can be geniunely suicidal depressed people, as I was one of the lurkers on this site for over a year before I had the courage to overcome my anxiety and create an account.
I can only hope that most of these guests are actually depressed people and not those that are trying to get this site shut down or looking to prey on vulnerable people.
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This Isn't Fine
Oct 2, 2020
I already have anxiety that keeps me from posting much, and the number of guests always creeped me out and maybe deterred me from sharing many things that I don't want to fall in the wrong hands.
These people that are lurking could be anyone, prolifers trying to shut down the website, trolls or even predators which is scary tbh but it also can be geniunely suicidal depressed people, as I was one of the lurkers on this site for over a year before I had the courage to overcome my anxiety and create an account.
I can only hope that most of these guests are actually depressed people and not some sickos trying to get this site shut down or looking to prey on vulnerable people.

This is why I had mentioned this thread is not an attack on the lurkers who are in pain.

I have the same hope, that most of them are just those who want to read. It's a disturbing thought though that we can say for sure out of 400~ guests, there's bound to be a few unsavory tourists.. and it shows in the occasion that they do make an appearance in threads/pms.

I too, used to be a lurker. I was so afraid to make an account and post here, but I'm glad I did. The support from the genuine people here, makes it slightly easier to get through every day. Even though there's an equal amount of pain having to watch people choosing to go through with their plans. Funny how we're painted as people who absolutely love watching this happen...
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Fate plays chess with 2 queens
Aug 21, 2020
Some of those guest are obviously people interested on information, I was one of them for some days but now a registered member. They call us "mentally ill" but yet they feed on our suffering and not so happy lives.

And we are the sick ones. We just want the right to chose, to decide; to recover or end it all.
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This Isn't Fine
Oct 2, 2020
Some of those guest are obviously people interested on information, I was one of them for some days but now a registered member. They call us "mentally ill" but yet they feed on our suffering and not so happy lives.

And we are the sick ones. We just want the right to chose, to decide; to recover or end it all.

I did mention that. It's how I started out, when I was looking at methods. But I'm still here, so for them to say we all just off ourselves after finding information, is quite flawed.

Some of us are sick, yes. But to use that as the argument, to why we shouldn't have a choice in what we want to do with our lives, is wrong.

Some of us recover. Some of us don't. Some of us CTB. It just is how it is, which is why I say, if people want us to change our mindsets, then maybe they should also contribute to improving a flawed system, and change the stigma that isolates so many of us.
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Deleted member 23009

Deleted member 23009

a flame dancing in the rain
Oct 20, 2020
I mean, we can't really judge based on not knowing who is watching and why. People struggle with anxiety and might not create an account straight away, other people might not want to get invested into making an account but still struggle with things they want to read about. Then of course there are probably bad people as well. Just saying we shouldn't judge all guests as bad people. Bad people can just as easily make an account if they want to observe and laugh, as well as trolls can make accounts to troll.

But if any bad people are watching this, I invite you all into my little lair and we can have a little fun. *evil grin intesifies* :devil::devil:
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This Isn't Fine
Oct 2, 2020
I mean, we can't really judge based on not knowing who is watching and why. People struggle with anxiety and might not create an account straight away, other people might not want to get invested into making an account but still struggle with things they want to read about. Then of course there are probably bad people as well. Just saying we shouldn't judge all guests as bad people. Bad people can just as easily make an account if they want to observe and laugh, as well as trolls can make accounts to troll.

But if any bad people are watching this, I invite you all into my little lair and we can have a little fun. *evil grin intesifies* :devil::devil:

We may not know every single person looking at our threads, but, if pro-lifers and trolls weren't a problem, no one would ever mention them. Not just this thread, but there's a ton of people talking about them. Many people have spoken about how the sites changing because of hostile actions of people and infiltrators. Which, again, is why I'm not including the lurkers/guests who feel the same as us. This thread was made strictly speaking about the infiltrators, and how a significant amount of them are analyzing many of our threads. Most likely even this one, and it's a scary thought. We cannot forget about the predators, that many people have mentioned in their PMs as well. They are also a problem.

My point is, this thread was NOT an attack at the silently suffering. We are not speculating there's people with opposite or malicious intent watching us. Make no mistake there are, and there's plenty of them.
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Jun 28, 2020
I want to say this is a great thread and discussion, here is my take on it.

While I understand the frustration you might have and I agree that some people are just disgusting and nothing can defend their actions.
Some of trolls and predatory users want others to experience the pain that they are feeling. Sometimes people are in such pain they don't care anymore they hurt others while they would not do these things normally. Sometimes they are not aware they are hurting someone and sometimes they just don't care.

About pro-lifers specifically, I don't think most of them are bad people wanting to hurt people necessary and I do think some of them actually think they are doing the right thing and helping users. Sometimes people are not aware that the way they are trying to help is the wrong way and may cause more harm.

About lurkers, I am not sure who they are or what they get from this forum, if they never post I will never know. If I assume anything about them I would just guess and project my ideas why they are here.

Maybe the entire or most of the forum should be limited to members only to try reduce predatory lurkers. Another option is limiting the PM option more to only established users who have posted for some time.
It is a great conversation to have and thanks for starting it. Maybe there need be more discussion about it and possible changes if enough people care about it.
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This Isn't Fine
Oct 2, 2020
Some of trolls and predatory users want others to experience the pain that they are feeling. Sometimes people are in such pain they don't care anymore they hurt others while they would not do these things normally. Sometimes they are not aware they are hurting someone and sometimes they just don't care.

This should not be the first site people go to just to cause harm on others. It's probably the worst site they could ever pick. Those who are just straight up trolls are one thing. They are more so a nuisance. I'm more so referring to those who attack young people in PMs. Such as people purely looking to start relationships with the suicidal because they find it easier to target people on SS rather than looking elsewhere, or fishing for pictures/locations. It's ok to be lonely. But I find this behavior malicious and unwarranted, no matter how much someone may try to justify it. But it's not just this problem. I fear for the safety of everyone on SS.

About pro-lifers specifically, I don't think most of them are bad people wanting to hurt people necessary and I do think some of them actually think they are doing the right thing and helping users. Sometimes people are not aware that the way they are trying to help is the wrong way and may cause more harm.

I honestly don't think it matters. We don't come here for reasons on why its bad to CTB. I get enough of that from my therapist. I'm confident others here feel the same. Your last sentence is understandable. But again, if they really want to help, targeting this website is the wrong way to go about it. For many, this is the only place some people have. It's not in their right to say whether this website should exist or not, and it's creepy that our threads are something to be analyzed. As if we're just rats in a lab.

About lurkers, I am not sure who they are or what they get from this forum, if they never post I will never know. If I assume anything about them I would just guess and project my ideas why they are here.

I have said it many times. I do not include the people simply reading cause they're afraid or just not wanting to post. Or just looking up information. The lurkers I was referring to is, trolls waiting to pounce on the vulnerable and pro-lifers trying to find a reason to add to their lists of reasons to get the site shut down.

The majority of pro-lifer lurkers aren't doing anything by just reading our messages. What else could it possibly be if not try to find the worst posts to use as examples to why this site is bad?

Maybe the entire or most of the forum should be limited to members only to try reduce predatory lurkers. Another option is limiting the PM option more to only established users who have posted for some time.
It is a great conversation to have and thanks for starting it. Maybe there need be more discussion about it and possible changes if enough people care about it.

I find myself now seeing the benefits of limiting viewership to threads, strictly to members. It sucks for the innocent people who simply don't want to post, but ultimately we do have to protect all of the current members as much as possible.

That's my exact reason for posting this. There will eventually be a boiling point, as more and more people are redirected to this website with undesirable intentions. As others have posted, I am not the only one with these thoughts. Something needs to be done eventually.
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Oct 28, 2020
I sometimes come on SS without logging in, when it's not convenient or safe to enter my password or email.
I don't do it often- but i do.
And i read threads because i think i can learn something. Or because i think i have something to offer... I also sometimes write a response and then delete it, because i decide at the last minute that no one gives a shit what echo thinks or feels about anything. So it may look like i'm lurking when i had good intents...
I think that things should be member only. I know it wouldn't stop the pro lifers from making accounts- but it would stop the lurkers from lurking who have ill intents, who just come to mock us- and get off on our pain.
It sickens me to think that anyone is laughing at any member of the forum during their hard times.
I understand that my opinion doesn't amount to a whole lot- but maybe it's a voice added to other voices... and the mods might hear a chorus rather than a solo?
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Jun 28, 2020
First of all just noticed your username is in my avatar, lol. :pfff:

I'm more so referring to those who attack young people in PMs. Such as people purely looking to start relationships with the suicidal because they find it easier to target people on SS rather than looking elsewhere, or fishing for pictures/locations. It's ok to be lonely. But I find this behavior malicious and unwarranted, no matter how much someone may try to justify it. But it's not just this problem. I fear for the safety of everyone on SS.

It sounds like a serious problem. Limiting PM to people who have posted some time and threads being shown to users only might help with it some.
I think your intention to protect members is very good and I support you.

I honestly don't think it matters. We don't come here for reasons on why its bad to CTB. I get enough of that from my therapist. I'm confident others here feel the same. Your last sentence is understandable. But again, if they really want to help, targeting this website is the wrong way to go about it. For many, this is the only place some people have. It's not in their right to say whether this website should exist or not, and it's creepy that our threads are something to be analyzed. As if we're just rats in a lab.

I agree.

That's my exact reason for posting this. There will eventually be a boiling point, as more and more people are redirected to this website with undesirable intentions. As others have posted, I am not the only one with these thoughts. Something needs to be done eventually.

I am very open to ideas about limiting features to new users or unregistered in place where people are vulnerable and open up about very intimate things.
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This Isn't Fine
Oct 2, 2020
I sometimes come on SS without logging in, when it's not convenient or safe to enter my password or email.
I don't do it often- but i do.
And i read threads because i think i can learn something. Or because i think i have something to offer... I also sometimes write a response and then delete it, because i decide at the last minute that no one gives a shit what echo thinks or feels about anything. So it may look like i'm lurking when i had good intents...
I think that things should be member only. I know it wouldn't stop the pro lifers from making accounts- but it would stop the lurkers from lurking who have ill intents, who just come to mock us- and get off on our pain.
It sickens me to think that anyone is laughing at any member of the forum during their hard times.
I understand that my opinion doesn't amount to a whole lot- but maybe it's a voice added to other voices... and the mods might hear a chorus rather than a solo?

I'm aware that not 100% of guests/lurkers are pro-lifers or trolls. The problem remains that even a few of them have proven to be a cause of concern on this website. On other threads, people have spoken about how they feel like SS has changed, and thus they rarely come here anymore. I'm all for recovery. But it's a problem when people legit feel like this place isn't as welcoming as it used to be. Which is why I posted this to begin with. This thread has nothing to do with the innocents. There's nearly 400 guests on right now, compared to the roughly 150 members. I'm sure around 90% of those people aren't doing anything inherently wrong. But it's clear even 10% otherwise is becoming a problem.

For instance, in another thread about the site called fixthe26, apparently a user who was a frequent poster on this site had an interview with the people in that place, which is highly pro-life. I feel betrayed by this (via the content of the interview), and I'm pretty sure a lot of others feel this resentment. But that's up to you to decide.


It's people like that, and so many others in different ways, that make this site feel unsafe to come to anymore. Think of it however you will.
Perhaps this topic didn't warrant it's own thread. Regardless, the topic was bothering me, thus I felt like a thread was necessary.

Maybe nothing will change at all, you know. But clearly people are starting to have a problem with this. So do I. I don't feel like this place should be a pit-stop for people trying to collect data on the suffering, kick those who are already down and have a place to blame for those who have already CTB'd.
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Deleted member 17949

Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020
Basically is tbh, our mindsets are different form normal people's so we're like a cool interesting anomaly to them.
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This Isn't Fine
Oct 2, 2020
Basically is tbh, our mindsets are different form normal people's so we're like a cool interesting anomaly to them.

And that's what bothers me. People can look all they want. But as soon as they start targeting the members, or trying to find reasons to show off why this site is evil. That's when I have a problem. Sure there's the report button. But ffs, some people are literally leaving, not because they have gotten 'better' but because they feel like it's not a good site to come to anymore strictly because of the trolling/hostility.

And let's ignore the pro-lifers for a moment. Let's ignore the trolls. Straight up predators are lurking in the shadows. Again, report button. But it's not a new concept that SS does attract these kinds of people. Malicious and non-intentionally malicious alike, it's the problem that it's a relevant thing. It needs to stop, especially with how vulnerable people are here. It's a d*mn suicide website. It'd be f*cked up even if it weren't, but that's what makes it so much worse.

Also to everyone I responded to, I'm sorry if I come off heated. This is just something I'm passionate about. Quite frankly if it's not already obvious, it makes me seriously enraged. This world is already cruel. But treating SS and the people on it like we're f*cking monkies is just downright f*cked up. Like seriously. And we're the ones who need help? Just not something I can ignore anymore.
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Oct 28, 2020
Oh. My. Gosh.
I realize that the guy bejng interviewed can say whatever he wants from his point of view but for proper journalism shouldn't there have been a counter point of view?
i have never heard if fixthe26 before but the way the information is skewed compared to my experience here leads me to distrust them.
I can totally see why others would feel betrayed. :( I would have too had i been a member at the time this happened. Hell, i feel betrayed now and i've only been here a week or two.
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This Isn't Fine
Oct 2, 2020
Oh. My. Gosh.
I realize that the guy bejng interviewed can say whatever he wants from his point of view but for proper journalism shouldn't there have been a counter point of view?
i have never heard if fixthe26 before but the way the information is skewed compared to my experience here leads me to distrust them.
I can totally see why others would feel betrayed. :( I would have too had i been a member at the time this happened. Hell, i feel betrayed now and i've only been here a week or two.

The biggest problem is, that most of his answers are complete lies. I would agree it's an opinion, but the problem is he gave false information.

Sadly it doesn't surprise me. I never saw him as a pro-lifer, in accordance to his posts. Then again, I didn't interact with him all too much. Personally, I didn't see it coming. But that video is completely biased. But I guess, if it didn't follow their narrative, they wouldn't have posted the video anyway. Based off the website's content, that is.

I highly doubt this is the first, nor will it be the last case of anti pro-choice/SS propaganda.
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