No but I want to try and raise awareness about benzo withdrawal and that it can kill in more ways than just seizures. Forcing someone to go cold turkey like me should be an offense for which doctors can be struck off for.
Yes I was addicted to them, yes I was taking a very high dose, but I didn't deserve this. It's almost two years later and my body is rotting inside and out.
I was not allowed to taper properly and slowly, I was forced into a very dangerous rapid detox, which goes against all the medical guidelines.
My body is a corpse before I am even dead. It feels as if my soul is trapped inside, screaming to get out.
I already had very complex issues before this, but now, I have been left with nothing at all, my life is in shreds. It was hard enough before with my Asperger's Syndrome, but now my life is unlivable.
An addiction treatment agency, doctor, a 'keyworker', my husband, and someone who was being paid to support me are all part responsible for this.
They all forced me into a situation that NO human being alive is equipped to deal with or live with.
NO regard was ever taken for my additional needs, my ASD, which already causes me horrendously high anxiety levels BEFORE Benzo withdrawal, which is defined by very high anxiety. NO regard at all was taken for ANY of these things, they just wanted to write it down that I was off the stuff, and what a great job they'd done helping me. LMFAO.
I cannot tell you how horrendous this is for me, and how I feel right now, there are no words.
I don't want to hurt anyone for the sake of it, but it'd be good if someone reported on my death and the circumstances which led up to it.
There is no support for people with Aspergers and no support for people going through protracted benzo withdrawal.
If someone takes note of what has happened to me, if it so much as reaches the ears of people who are in a position to review the way people like me are treated, then that's good enough for me.
I hope my story is told by someone, and if it stops just one person from having to go through this, then job done.
My aim is education, not causing more harm, enough people have done enough harm in my situation.
I will make sure they NEVER forget who I am.