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Feb 23, 2019
The source of my depression has been the OCD, anxiety I've been experiencing since I was 12. Now Im 25 and I had a severe depressive episode November last year and I was like bedridden for 2 months. Since then, Ive been experiencing lack of interest and pleasure in everything including sex. Is there any hope for me?
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All i have left is memories
May 19, 2019
Yes, i think that maybe if you are willing to find a good therapist and be open with him/her, and possibly follow the medication plan he/she lays out for you, i think there is a good chance you may get better.
None of the "triggers" you mentioned seem serious enough to make your life a permanent nightmare.
I have known quite some people who treated their OCD and lived better lives afterwards.
Give it a shot!
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Sep 7, 2019
It can be made to feel better but curable in my case is a no
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Aug 18, 2019
The source of my depression has been the OCD, anxiety I've been experiencing since I was 12. Now Im 25 and I had a severe depressive episode November last year and I was like bedridden for 2 months. Since then, Ive been experiencing lack of interest and pleasure in everything including sex. Is there any hope for me?
Well. Keep calm then try to focus on something new, like a new interest or hobby, stay occupied and try to distract yourself from your depression. It might help, I do not say it will, but at least, try, please?


“Death should take me while I am in the mood.”
Sep 3, 2018
Well. Keep calm then try to focus on something new, like a new interest or hobby, stay occupied and try to distract yourself from your depression. It might help, I do not say it will, but at least, try, please?
This only works for so long it's no where near a solution it's more like a bandade this used to be what I did and then afterwards I just felt empty and felt like nothing matters or that I just simply wasn't interested in anything anymore again
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Aug 18, 2019
Yeah, I can understand that, the emptiness. In cases of depression you have to think long term. There is no short term solution I am afraid.
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Oct 1, 2019
It is treatable, but I am not sure if we can cure it. My Pschyatrist always told me that the medicines we take can only supress the syntoms for so long, and if we don't treat the cause it won't hold. Sometimes you can treat the cause, other times you can't - you just have to think about which one is you case, imo. I, personally, don't think I have a solution to my depression because the cause for it is myself.
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Sweet emotion

Sweet emotion

Sep 14, 2019
The source of my depression has been the OCD, anxiety I've been experiencing since I was 12. Now Im 25 and I had a severe depressive episode November last year and I was like bedridden for 2 months. Since then, Ive been experiencing lack of interest and pleasure in everything including sex. Is there any hope for me?
I can tell you that my depression was treatable at age 15. I had severe OCD and I wanted to kill myself. I found myself a psychiatrist and even more important and excellent therapist that gave me all these exercises. I've had OCD for as long as I can remember. I'm talking at childhood. And it just kicked my ass at age 15. I told my family but they didn't think anything of it. It wasn't until I told them that I wanted to die that they believed that I needed help. I could have been helped a lot sooner if people took me seriously. But by 17 I was happy again. It only lasted for three years until I got physically sick and now my OCD is awful since stress makes it even worse. But I can't talk to a therapist because I have the highest ranking pain condition in medical history inside my ears, face, head, neck, vaginal area, and wherever else it decides to go. So talking and listening it like having an ice pick slammed inside my ear canal over and over along with tremendous amounts of pressure and my head and face feel like I've been beaten by Ivan Drago in Rocky 4. I was blackmailed by my pain management doctor once to go to a therapist. He told me if I didn't he was taking my pain meds away. I did and I couldn't even move my head for the next two weeks or talk. Now they are trying to force me to go again and to go to physical therapy. I can't even stand up straight because when my legs are closed it hurts in between my legs to the point where I want to fall to the floor. And I can't sit on a bike for the same reason. I can't lift weights or anything like that. One time I came back from physical therapy snd was in so much pain that I couldn't sleep for three days. Then at six a.m. I fell asleep on the toilet bowl and almost died because I couldn't move my body and I was doubled over with the top of my head facing the ground. I couldn't speak and couldn't move. But I could hear and feel. It was the scariest thing that ever happened to me. So I had to decide if I wanted to die on the toilet by suffocation which is the scariest method for me or to try and shift all my weight over and throw myself off the toilet. It doesn't seem like a high fall but believe me it is. Omg the pain that came after that! That was 6 years ago and it happened about 4 times. The other three times I was able to gather the strength to life myself back up. But now I kind of wish I would have just let myself die.

Are you on any medications for your anxiety and OCD? My psychiatrist told me that medication alone is not enough to help OCD. That you really need to talk about it with a therapist and I have come to understand she is right because mine isn't getting any better. I have obsessive thoughts. My mind never feels calm. It's always running non stop. I'm always singing a song in it or whatever and it drives me crazy.

I absolutely think there is hope for you. If you find the right therapist and are out on the proper medications, you can be happy again and find the passion that you once had. It may take a couple of tries to get the right therapist. I would go for three sessions and if I didn't think the therapist was the right fit I'd find another one. You have to see results. But yes I ABSOLUTELY think there is hope for you.
The source of my depression has been the OCD, anxiety I've been experiencing since I was 12. Now Im 25 and I had a severe depressive episode November last year and I was like bedridden for 2 months. Since then, Ive been experiencing lack of interest and pleasure in everything including sex. Is there any hope for me?

Well. Keep calm then try to focus on something new, like a new interest or hobby, stay occupied and try to distract yourself from your depression. It might help, I do not say it will, but at least, try, please?
You really need professional help for OCD because if this person finds no joy in anything now they're not going to have any want to try something new.
It is treatable, but I am not sure if we can cure it. My Pschyatrist always told me that the medicines we take can only supress the syntoms for so long, and if we don't treat the cause it won't hold. Sometimes you can treat the cause, other times you can't - you just have to think about which one is you case, imo. I, personally, don't think I have a solution to my depression because the cause for it is myself.
I'm positive I can't treat my depression either because the cause is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome which is the highest ranking pain condition in medical history. And there are no treatments that work for me and no cure. I've had it for 14 years and don't want to spend another year like this. Since my pain management doctors can't help me they want to pawn me off to a therapist even though they know talking makes my pain ten times worse. I can talk unitl I'm blue in the face. It's not going to take my pain away. It's going to triple it. I told them this and they said I don't know that. Well actually I do because when they blackmailed me into seeing a therapist or having my pain meds taken away I couldn't talk or move my head for two weeks. So I refused. I refuse to do anything that is going to out me in more pain just so they can look good to the insurance companies. I have had OCD since I was a kid. At 15 it got really bad and I went to see a therapist and had amazing results. But that was because something was able to be done about it. With this I'm screwed.
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L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
I think it depends on what causes the depression.

Some people to seem to be able to be completely cured and go on to live normal lives. One of my siblings was that way. They had a marriage fall apart and it was devastating, and that caused a very bad depressive episode that lasted for a long time. But after antidepressants for a short while and things like that, they're fine.

But then you have me. I have not been depressed my entire life, but this is not going away no matter what I do. It's getting worse, instead of better, and I'm pretty sure things will never be good again.

My problems have no solution.

Some of it might be a chemical imbalance, but a lot of it is not. Between the two, there's no curing me. It would take a medical miracle among other things, and that's never going to happen.
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Remember. I am ALWAYS right.... until I’m not
Apr 28, 2019
I am on medication and medical marijuana. Am I cured? No. Functional? Yes, mostly. Some days nothing works.
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Fat, bipolar, and hairy. (Sorry boys, I’m taken.)
Feb 23, 2019
I have a friend with major depressive disorder and she has managed it impressively. But she had to change her whole life.

She had a nightmare childhood and a mother who never wanted to be a mother. She's also been attacked a few times in broad daylight.

She's super smart but management stresses her out. She tries to get entry-level jobs and they just end up promoting her. She'd have panic attacks and throw up. She tended to work with mostly other women and - let me tell you - that's the absolute worst.

Anyway, she eventually said fuck it and now she sells on eBay. She went to therapy but she also read a lot and just committed to conquering it. She learned to re-focus her brain. She prays a lot, too, but that's not everybody's thing.

Anyway, as far as a cure, chronic conditions can always pop back up. But they can be manageable. The more you put into it, the more it tends to work.

Good luck.
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Aug 20, 2019
To manage is to medicate and learn activities and strategies to help cope and distract. Likely if life conditions change the can be relief.

To cure is to work through the childhood trauma and resultant survival strategies which requires a therapist who deeply understands this kind of work. Not easy to find and most therapists kind of suck.

Best model I found is NARM. Especially if coupled with touch. If one is resilient enough EMDR can work, it was too much for me though.

The completion process is another method that can help but will require a serious willingness to do the work.

There is no instant relief. Its a long term project and will probably have many set backs asking the way.

Truth is that under everyone's pain and maladaptive coping strategies is a naturally bright, curious and loving human being. Sadly many of us just had circumstantial failure in our upbringing and early years.
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Jul 3, 2019
hopefully if you had an episode, you will feel better again for a while, and it sounds like you are young. I'd make a big list of anything you enjoy, and keep having things you enjoy to look forward to and tick off. For me, my depression is chronic and constant, so not episodic. I have nevertheless told myself I will keep trying remedies - from plant remedies to medication, until I am sure that nothing helps. Some of the stuff I take has helped me for two weeks, then pooped out (Polygala Tenuifoila, L-Tryptophan, SAM-e). Some of it helps me, but makes the skin peel off my feet (Tianeptine). I have a couple more plant remedies I am getting tomorrow, then if no joy, in a few weeks time I will test another med - Moclobemide. Then Prozac. Not all at once. Don't give up for now. Also new treatments are being developed all the time... xx
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want to go
Sep 21, 2019
The source of my depression has been the OCD, anxiety I've been experiencing since I was 12. Now Im 25 and I had a severe depressive episode November last year and I was like bedridden for 2 months. Since then, Ive been experiencing lack of interest and pleasure in everything including sex. Is there any hope for me?
Yes there is hope. For me there is hope in medication. Also, I just want to throw this out there, that certain methods of meditation have shown to improve depression for some people. I am definitely going to give this a shot. Meditation is scientifically proven to alter the activity of the brain and it's definitely something I'm going to give an honest effort.

I don't want to make waves on this forum because I feel like sometimes it feels like an echo chamber of negativity. I just want to share what I'm trying with you and let you know of course in some people recovery is possible. I have experienced extreme despair and I still go into dips and highs. It's just a malfunction, an agonizing one, but still a malfunction.

Just my two cents. I hope you find just what you need, whatever that may be.
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Fat, bipolar, and hairy. (Sorry boys, I’m taken.)
Feb 23, 2019
Yes there is hope. For me there is hope in medication. Also, I just want to throw this out there, that certain methods of meditation have shown to improve depression for some people. I am definitely going to give this a shot. Meditation is scientifically proven to alter the activity of the brain and it's definitely something I'm going to give an honest effort.

I don't want to make waves on this forum because I feel like sometimes it feels like an echo chamber of negativity. I just want to share what I'm trying with you and let you know of course in some people recovery is possible. I have experienced extreme despair and I still go into dips and highs. It's just a malfunction, an agonizing one, but still a malfunction.

Just my two cents. I hope you find just what you need, whatever that may be.
Good luck with meditation. It helped with my bipolar when I had the discipline to do it. I found it easier to visualize, rather than try to zen out or just follow breath. So, if one style doesn't work, there are several to try.

Edit: Grounding techniques were also super useful to get me out of my head and connect me to the Earth. Very quickly and easily.
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who doesn't matter

Jun 17, 2019
Curable? Most definitely yes, Easily curable? No. Depression is like a wound. It can be completely healed provided you are given the right treatment.
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Jun 25, 2019
Curable no I'm afraid. BUT; with proper maintenance it can be made manageable. I hold multiple degrees in psychology and spent five years working in the field with addictions and mental health therapy so I am familiar with most modern modalities on the subject. I assume you've already gone the usual route's to attempt stabilizing the issues?
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Aug 20, 2019
Curable no I'm afraid. BUT; with proper maintenance it can be made manageable. I hold multiple degrees in psychology and spent five years working in the field with addictions and mental health therapy so I am familiar with most modern modalities on the subject. I assume you've already gone the usual route's to attempt stabilizing the issues?

What are you doing here on this site?
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who doesn't matter

Jun 17, 2019
It seems I left my answer a bit obscure. Not everyone can stand the heat of depression. You being able to deal with it at a tender age of 12 and holding it at bay for 13 years is a near-impossible feat. You can be cured because your intellectual strength far more than an average depression struck fellow. A bit of work and you would be good as new or maybe even better than new.


Aug 20, 2019
I'm starting to realise that if issues aren't taken care of early in life they can flare up super hard later.

I was never supported when younger. I was depressed and turned to weed to dissociate.

Merrily went about my life wandering from one place to the next with the occasional 'downs' as I got older and older and still never addressed my issues.

At 38 I've had a full blown meltdown. Everything has come crashing in on me and I'm fucked. Hard.

I don't know if I can recover. I feel too far gone.

who doesn't matter

Jun 17, 2019
I'm starting to realise that if issues aren't taken care of early in life they can flare up super hard later.

I was never supported when younger. I was depressed and turned to weed to dissociate.

Merrily went about my life wandering from one place to the next with the occasional 'downs' as I got older and older and still never addressed my issues.

At 38 I've had a full blown meltdown. Everything has come crashing in on me and I'm fucked. Hard.

I don't know if I can recover. I feel too far gone.
Same answer to you sir. You may be grossly underestimating yourself. For all I know, living with "anti-life" issues demand strength, a hell lot of it and if you are alive and made it this far, then it's time you praised yourself.


Chicken of ss
Aug 9, 2018
my mother is normal and healthy again since she takes antidepressivants and sees her psychiatrist frequently.
so I think, yes, it may work. not for everyone, but at least for some.
for me, these things didn't help a lot. but if you can, I would give it a try.


Aug 19, 2019
It's only curable if you can think about literally anything else than the diseases themselves, or engage with people in any way other than reiterating your diseases. The mind is like the stomach, if you feed it only its own acid, it will eat itself.


Sep 15, 2018
Yes, if you find stability, that'll cure the anxiety. Find good people to be friends with will help also. Stability could be in the form of a job or routine


Mar 7, 2019
The source of my depression has been the OCD, anxiety I've been experiencing since I was 12. Now Im 25 and I had a severe depressive episode November last year and I was like bedridden for 2 months. Since then, Ive been experiencing lack of interest and pleasure in everything including sex. Is there any hope for me?
I had severe depression and healed it with medication.


Feb 23, 2019
I had severe depression and healed it with medication.
What medication? Do you still take it?

Anybody have tried, had success with TMS or ECT?
Im just trying to give it one more year, and see through 2020, to resolve all my mental problems. I know its unlikely to happen, and then I'll CTB probably December 2020.
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Nov 11, 2018
Not if isolated like me but seems nobody else is, just lonely at most
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And so on it goes....
May 16, 2019
Yeah man. A friend of mine was the most depressed person I'd ever met. No joy whatsoever. It wasn't until his late 20's that things began to change. He started spending more time in nature. Gradually he started to see how rediculous life is. Eventually he quit his office job and moved abroad to some kind of hippy commune. I dont think it was actually a hippy thing but more of an eco farm. Last I heard he plays guitar, has a rescue dog, and does the bare minimum for food and a place to stay. This guy says he loves life now and can't believe everything seemed so dark for so long. Success stories are out there, and they are very different from one another. Best of luck to you :)


Jul 3, 2019
My latest medication I am trying is Moclobemide. It is helping instantly (day 1). It is only Day 1, so I don't know if this will last, but much reduced suicidal thoughts, better energy. I am currently 150mg 2x a day, and I can go up. I bought it on the internet, as can't afford psychiatrist fees and I find them pointless - I may as well be my own guinea pig. I really recommend trying a MAOI, and Moclo is a more easy to use MAOI. I'm really scared it will stop working, but there are good reviews of it. Psychiatrists don't prescribe MAOIs often enough, but in my opinion (and others online) they are much better than SSRIs. I also recommend Tianeptine as a fast-acting (eg instantly) anti-depressant. #Finally, I haven't tried it yet, but DXM which is cough medicine is meant to be good for depression - check out the reviews of it. Not great long-term, but better than depression.


Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Yes, if it is a chemical imbalance, but if it is situational such as being in bad circumstances, bad environments, not having any options at the time (and even present), then I would say it would be outside of your control. People who guilt others by saying that they can change their circumstances (especially if they don't know the whole story or full picture) are jerks that use shaming language to make others feel bad while raising their own moral superiority.

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