

Jul 21, 2024
I agree with others that a hotel would be one of the most "thoughtful" ways to opt-out if you do it right; leave a note on the door, then it'll be a stranger EMT who's trained to handle this type of thing (they kind of signed up for it, lol). Unless you opt-out in a really gruesome way, nobody will be traumatized by finding you.

In my experience, avoiding surprise, personal attachment, and gore would be the best ways to ensure a considerate exit.
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Apr 22, 2024
I guess 'traumatized' is accurate but who ain't? (Or doesn't claim to be these days) Fact is, it all is transactional. Maybe you don't see that, because you aren't attuned to it, or your brain's wired you just don't see it or somehthin', but all these nice words we have are all artifical concepts invented to keep the world semi-stable and under control. Most humans do interact on a transactional basis they just don't realize it, because they're rigidly socialized from birth with these very specific concepts designed to keep them docile even when their biological needs aren't being met and never will be.
My so-called 'personality disorder' you have armchair diagnosed me with is simply the inevitable result of being at the bottom of the current artificially enforced social hierarchy and not having enough stake or pragmatic incentive within "society" to pretend these ideas feel real. I know they ring hollow to others too, but only sometimes and not constantly. They still have partners, children to activate those happy chemicals that distract from seeing things clearly.
And from this over-socialized viewpoint, an outlook like mine seems like mental illness if you're a psych major with dollar signs in their beady little dead eyes or someone dumb enough to think those people have a clue, or a cry for what will only ever be lazy profit-motivated psychological 'help' that will never fill the horrible screaming void of never having your true needs met and still being expected to function as if they are, or ever will be.

I understand life perfectly clear and the only mentally ill thing about me is expecting the other mice to come up with responses that are even interesting enough to stimulate me for the moment, let alone fill the void of real love and affection to motivate me towards a more socially acceptable unwanted underclass slave mindset. I know all these words are fake and worthless, and im perfectly fine with the world being what the losers might whine is "cold" or "horrible". My problem is, I wasn't born in the time or place or with the right appearance to pass crucial social milestones, or get to experience any kind of real bond or taste of what life, other's people, "love" supposedly offers that's worth getting out of bed for every morning.
There's no pragmatic incentive to concern myself with what you and other well fed mice deem significant, I just honestly don't believe a maid cares that much when they have to clean up blood and dookie besides "gee this smells bad" or "I wish I had a better job".

True story, I stepped over a squashed-flat stupid granny to buy cough syrup to get high off in a Walgreens parking lot one time, and I could barely play along with drooling clerk mumbling what I'm sure he thought was very poetic or whatever, for some stranger, who got to live in a way better easier time than either of us before she didn't pay attention to the truck backing over her oblivious little existence and I didn't even have the energy to pretend with him since obviously I was sober since I dragged my ass there at all.
But if i had actually had a good day, maybe I'd have the energy to play the game and pretend, because it feels "good" when your needs are met and seems like what you're supposed to do and say cause everyone else is and they all clap or cry or whatever.
But it's nothing. But you won't see that because you clearly have other things going for you or are just desperate to prove you are whatever is arbitrarily deemed 'good' or 'caring' at the moment wherever you live on this stupid planet. But I don't care. And don't feel how you think I'm supposed to even when you play stern dad like you were taught, and only respond at all because I'm bored and drunk and have no one else to vomit over. This thread shouldn't even logically exist on a forum like this, it's ridiculous.
I am sorry, I haven't read it all, I tried to read it to about one third but your thoughts are quite disjointed. Transactional thinking is one of the key attributes of certain personality disorders, and especially the ones where the sufferer doesn't think they have a personality disorder. Somehow you made yourself believe that you are different from everyone else because you see more clear than anyone else. We tell ourselves these lies when the truth is too hard to face. You created a believe system whereby you being different is due to a good thing, you see clearer, more objectively than anyone else. But ironically this is exactly what people with this specific personality disorder usually think. They never have awareness of personality disorder, only awareness of being different, which is usually a good thing in their eyes as ordinary humans with stupid human feelings are just unknowing lamb… I got you. You have a personality disorder. And nobody with this specific personality disorder thinks that they are the problem. In fact, they are convinced they are superior by not having human emotions. All I can say, if in doubt, get a brain MRI. The good thing about the personality disorder that I believe you show many signs of is that not only belief in the transactional nature of human relations, but in fact it does show up on a brain MRI, so you don't have to believe anyone or anything. Based on your personal situation, I assume you are not able to get a brain MRI, nonetheless, not everyone's brain the same, and if your brain has traits that only one per cent of society has, then perhaps you are the problem, and not the 99% that has a normal brain and therefore is capable to feel normal human emotions. And no, not everyone has childhood trauma. There are plenty of people that grow up without any major childhood trauma. Some are here due to disease, physical pain, chronic conditions. In your case, the childhood trauma is very easy to notice, this is why I mentioned it. I don't randomly assume everyone had childhood trauma but in some cases, it is obvious from sentence #1


Jan 1, 2024
I imagine cleaning staff comes across dead bodies on occasion so some might be use to it


Escaped Lunatic
Jun 4, 2023
She doesn't. No one does or doesn't. She just is, like you. You were born in a situation so bad, you had to escape through self inflicted probably painful means. Why are you worrying about how it looks "icky" for someone who took the job cleaning up "icky" things because she has an actual loving family to go home to and support, which is available to her and not to me based on random chance only. Didn't earn it. Didn't work harder. But lives better. Like everyone around me. Who couldn't "earn" that ease if we wanted to.
If you decide someone "deserves" something, they do
If you decide they don't, feel bad about it I guess, if you think that somehow helps them.
I don't believe anyone who's truly ready to go concerns themselves with trivial little dramatics like the reactions of the hired help. Their job is to clean up whatever's splattered in whatever room they're sent to, forever. If they don't like it, then they better find their own exit I guess.
I don't see why I should be so afraid of making them do what they signed up for when every second is a year to me and all I can and ever will feel is hatred and misery. Oh no, they'll be grossed out.
Honestly, so? Where are we right now? The Leave It To Beaver Good Conduct Fan Forum? Why should we care about others who will never care about us if we know we won't get nothing for it when we finally get to feel the sweet release of death?
I reiterate: I hope I paint the room brown
And it takes the slave days
Why am I worrying? Why does anyone suffer at all? What does it even matter if anyone suffers? Why do they care about what they call suffering?

To me it doesn't seem like I can decide these things. If I could decide what I cared about I'd be able to choose to be happy.

You say you don't believe anyone who's truly ready has these concerns, but actions say otherwise. People leave notes trying to explain to loved ones, write wills, and similar. Someone I knew had a family member who tidied and packed up their things, emptied the trash, got a device to automatically feed the cat, and other things to make it easier for their family after ctb. He was sucessful on both fronts.

I'm not saying you should care, or not. Clearly you do care, but in the opposite direction; You want this random person to suffer right? Can you choose to care otherwise? I can't.
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Apr 15, 2022
I don't see it as selfish. I've thought about someone doing this kind of thing, and even someone throwing themselves in front of a train or car. The way I look at it now is that there are all kinds of bad things that happen to everyone on this planet. Hideously terrible things. No one is immune. If the worst thing that happens to some hotel employees is seeing a body, or cleaning up a little mess, then I say in the grand scheme of all the bad things that happen to people in this world, they're doing pretty good. Same for some train engineer or automobile driver. If hitting you because that is WHAT YOU WANTED, is the worst thing to ever happen to them in their lives ( which it won't be: they'll maybe have spouses who die, possibly children, parents who die, maybe get diagnosed with an isidious disease, etc, etc, etc), then I think they're doing pretty well, too. Cops, firemen, doctors, etc see death every day. And many of them even cause the deaths. We all need to do what we need to do to get by, and that includes how we exit. Of course, everyone is different and is entitled to see things differently.
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Jul 10, 2024
I am sorry, I haven't read it all, I tried to read it to about one third but your thoughts are quite disjointed. Transactional thinking is one of the key attributes of certain personality disorders, and especially the ones where the sufferer doesn't think they have a personality disorder. Somehow you made yourself believe that you are different from everyone else because you see more clear than anyone else. We tell ourselves these lies when the truth is too hard to face. You created a believe system whereby you being different is due to a good thing, you see clearer, more objectively than anyone else. But ironically this is exactly what people with this specific personality disorder usually think. They never have awareness of personality disorder, only awareness of being different, which is usually a good thing in their eyes as ordinary humans with stupid human feelings are just unknowing lamb… I got you. You have a personality disorder. And nobody with this specific personality disorder thinks that they are the problem. In fact, they are convinced they are superior by not having human emotions. All I can say, if in doubt, get a brain MRI. The good thing about the personality disorder that I believe you show many signs of is that not only belief in the transactional nature of human relations, but in fact it does show up on a brain MRI, so you don't have to believe anyone or anything. Based on your personal situation, I assume you are not able to get a brain MRI, nonetheless, not everyone's brain the same, and if your brain has traits that only one per cent of society has, then perhaps you are the problem, and not the 99% that has a normal brain and therefore is capable to feel normal human emotions. And no, not everyone has childhood trauma. There are plenty of people that grow up without any major childhood trauma. Some are here due to disease, physical pain, chronic conditions. In your case, the childhood trauma is very easy to notice, this is why I mentioned it. I don't randomly assume everyone had childhood trauma but in some cases, it is obvious from sentence #1
Well if it's a disorder from childhood or in my brain or whatever, it won't change no matter what so why bother forcing myself to pretend and act for people who don't care about me?
What I typed wasn't disjointed or long but pretend I'm insane if that helps you feel you "got" me Dr.Phil, people just don't read anymore i guess, or you don't, although I don't blame them because this is a non-issue were babbling on about.
This thread should be titled "Is making people who have it easier than you do their job they're paid to do considered selfish based on whatever social pressure is present at the current moment"
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