

Oct 14, 2023
I love my parents so much, and they never intended to harm me, but I just wish SO MUCH they hadn't had me. I know they couldn't have predicted I would be so unhappy. But why bring a child into such a scary world? When you have no guarantee they will be happy? :(
I don't tell my parents this because they are not unkind and it's not like they can go back in time but I just wish they had actually thought having children through.
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Dec 14, 2023
I have been angry about parents conceiving me my whole life but can't change the fact that they did and they're dead now anyway. Partly why I never wanted to have kids and I never did. The unborn never have a say. It's so unfair
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Jun 12, 2024
Most of our parents have no fault for our being unhappy (the majority, some are to blame), but it seems amazing to me that there are people who are angry with their parents for conceiving them. Like ¿How are your parents going to ask you if do you want to be born? The circumstances of the world aren't your parents' fault either. Instead of looking for causes of your unhappiness, try to improve your life (If it is the case that your parents were not responsible of that)
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Yes. Same as you. I love my parents. My Mum's been dead since I was 3 anyway and I know she in particular wanted children. It's like- I wish they'd gotten their wish but without involving me! But- same as you- it would feel too cruel to say it outright. I'm glad I haven't had children though. I'd hate for them to be feeling this and I think they likely would do.
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Jan 1, 2024
Its not my parents fault but its still hard not resenting them though
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Oct 14, 2023
Most of our parents have no fault for our being unhappy (the majority, some are to blame), but it seems amazing to me that there are people who are angry with their parents for conceiving them. Like ¿How are your parents going to ask you if do you want to be born? The circumstances of the world aren't your parents' fault either. Instead of looking for causes of your unhappiness, try to improve your life (If it is the case that your parents were not responsible of that)
I know the circumstances of the world isn't their fault, but knowing what those circumstances are, why bring anyone into this world?
I love them so much but I just can't understand why you'd have a child knowing that they may well suffer and there's a chance they will wish they hadn't been born
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May 11, 2024
I resent them for having me and not taking care of me. I always had special needs and they simply couldn't handle that.
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Ulthuan's finest Asur
Jun 10, 2024
I absolutely hate my parents, they bring me out to this world and then just use me as weapon after their divorce. Now that i'm already broken, they don't even bother to fix me.

but on other hand, there's this weird thought that it was all my fault. And my existence is just a burden for them, as if everything would be fine if i'm hadn't exist. Anyway, I'm still feeling guilty from this thought. Maybe i could've done better? on side notes I really DO want to love them as any child would but It feels impossible in some way.

Either way tho, i'm already done.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
No because then I'd have to be upset at their parents for having them and I loved all my grandparents (3 out of 4 of them are dead sadly). It's not my grandparents' faults that my dad turned out to be such a horrible person just like even though my dad is horrible, it's not his fault that I turned into one either. Even if I didn't like my grandparents, if I really wanted to push the blame onto them then I would also have to blame THEIR parents meaning I'd have to direct my hatred towards 8 people who are long dead and I've never even met. And then I'd have to go after their parents too and that would make 16 extra people to hate. And so on and so forth.
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Mar 31, 2024
I resent my parents, not for being born, but for them having children, when they definitely weren't equipped to take care of us.
They successfully fucked up 4/4 kids. They should not have had children.
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  • Aww..
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New Member
Jun 22, 2024
My first attempt at suicide was at 4 years old. I tried with my dad's shotgun pointed at my face. I heard a very loud NO!!! all around me and it scared me into dropping the gun. There was no one there. I was home alone. I hadn't heard of suicide at that age but something inside me was aware I'd be in danger by staying here.

My entire family on both sides is abusive. I grew up with normalized incest, devout Christianity, and parents who clearly never wanted me. I was never able to escape the abuse because I became disabled from a neurological disorder when in my 20s. From the onset, lost my ability to walk, and needed a lot of assistance I didn't receive. I'm in my 40s now and I'm still considered lazy for not being able to work (bc other disabled people can so why can't I?) and verbal abuse is the only kind of interaction my family offers.

I have an older brother who's a murderous sociopath who used to torture me whenever he was stressed when I was young. My dad has said he never wanted kids & blames my mom for creating us. He's resented me from the moment I started to become a young woman (11 yrs old). I told my mom when I was very young that she should've aborted me & my brother cuz she seems to hate the typical responsibilities of motherhood. Things other moms do: hugs, encouragement, taking pride in their accomplishments. She seems to hate me for existing especially now that I'm disabled.

I'll never really understand unconditional love, as I've never seen it before. I'm certain I would want to be alive if I had any love in my life. I only know what it is to be told I am worthless.
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May 16, 2024
I'm not angry with them because they treat me the best way I could wish and literally gave me ever in life.

Not their fault I don't find meaning or true happiness in life. But ofc I wish they didn't bring me to this world.
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Oct 14, 2023
My first attempt at suicide was at 4 years old. I tried with my dad's shotgun pointed at my face. I heard a very loud NO!!! all around me and it scared me into dropping the gun. There was no one there. I was home alone. I hadn't heard of suicide at that age but something inside me was aware I'd be in danger by staying here.

My entire family on both sides is abusive. I grew up with normalized incest, devout Christianity, and parents who clearly never wanted me. I was never able to escape the abuse because I became disabled from a neurological disorder when in my 20s. From the onset, lost my ability to walk, and needed a lot of assistance I didn't receive. I'm in my 40s now and I'm still considered lazy for not being able to work (bc other disabled people can so why can't I?) and verbal abuse is the only kind of interaction my family offers.

I have an older brother who's a murderous sociopath who used to torture me whenever he was stressed when I was young. My dad has said he never wanted kids & blames my mom for creating us. He's resented me from the moment I started to become a young woman (11 yrs old). I told my mom when I was very young that she should've aborted me & my brother cuz she seems to hate the typical responsibilities of motherhood. Things other moms do: hugs, encouragement, taking pride in their accomplishments. She seems to hate me for existing especially now that I'm disabled.

I'll never really understand unconditional love, as I've never seen it before. I'm certain I would want to be alive if I had any love in my life. I only know what it is to be told I am worthless.
I'm so sorry. It's not you. This world is so messed up but you didn't deserve any of that. You deserve to feel loved.
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Mar 25, 2024
I would never resent or blame my beautiful parents for having me. Just like everyone in life, they just wanted to be happy themselves and that included having children. My upbringing was flawless and I'm thankful for every opportunity my parents have given me.

The true blame here lies with society about assisted suicide not being available.

To me, we absolutely should not bring people into this world unless assisted suicide is made available. I've said it before but having it available would mean we are free to bring people into this world knowing that if it doesn't work out then we have an option of a peaceful exit. That in itself would completely eradicate any fear of bringing someone into the world who might end up suffering indefinitely.

Not having that option means you are potentially bringing someone into the world who could end up with a life of misery/suffering and there is nothing you or anyone else can do to end it.
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Jun 22, 2024
i dont blame my mother for having me, she was young , with a broken soul, longing for some love
im the result of rape, and he wanted my mother to abord, she didnt, im here and i wish i wasnt, i wouldve never chosen life
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memento mori
Mar 27, 2019
why do people have children and then hate when they become their own people? i'll never understand it so i'll never understand my parents.
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
I honestly wish my brother would have had a chance (he died before I was born in a road accident) at life instead of me. Having said that, I don't know how things would have turned out if he had lived. He would still have had to cope with a single parent with substance abuse issues after a marital breakdown. I love my mother, and still miss her (she passed a few years back). We both had a conflicted relationship growing up (society and shitty people made things worse). Anyway, I am passed the resentment stage All is said and done. I'm just waiting on my turn to say bye bye.
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Apr 15, 2023
Yes because all it showed me is how useless they are.
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Apr 22, 2024
No, I'm just sorry that they ever had to have me.
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F*ck humanity. Let's end this.
Jul 4, 2023
I'll just leave it at this. I hope my mother gets malignant, metastatic breast cancer (her biggest fear) I hope it's long, painful and traumatic.

When she dies, I will find her grave and I will vandalize and desecrate it.
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My name is Lucifer, please take my hand
Aug 26, 2022
I'm glad I was born but I wish it were to a different family
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"such is life"
Apr 30, 2024
Mostly just upset. I was probably unplanned seeing as my sister is literally 8 years older than me and I dont think alot of people choose to have another kids when they've already got one at 40.
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Dec 14, 2023
Most of our parents have no fault for our being unhappy (the majority, some are to blame), but it seems amazing to me that there are people who are angry with their parents for conceiving them. Like ¿How are your parents going to ask you if do you want to be born? The circumstances of the world aren't your parents' fault either. Instead of looking for causes of your unhappiness, try to improve your life (If it is the case that your parents were not responsible of that)
If your born to parents who don't really want you that's a horrible thing. People if they're going to have kids should want them and they are not just an inconvenience to them.
Parents often at least partially responsible for offspring's unhappiness. Not always
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
They just wanted to share the world they loved with me. I can't blame them for failing to predict it'd be empty instead.


But in the end it doesn't even matter...😢
Aug 19, 2019
Yes, I was either a mistake and not planned or my mom got pregnant with me so my father wouldn't leave. Yes, I'm angry and I wish I was never born because my family has always treated me like trash.
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Apr 10, 2023
my parents were great. They had it down. Who was the 'enforcer' who was the 'sweetener'. It fell apart when one died. The 'enforcfer' was left alone. Picked up other women. And then turned into a jackass. Thursty for the other womens' love/approval which for whatever reason meant neglecting your kids? I will forever hate my last remaining parent. But due to the respect i owe my mother. Will never show it. Sigh. Life


Apr 21, 2024
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incapable of shutting up
May 2, 2024
Yeah. I know they didn't understand how much suffering it would cause me, but I'm still upset. I was created to fill a purpose in their lives. I hate living with that responsibility and knowing I failed it.
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maybe someday
Oct 2, 2023
not at my mom because she was forced to have children, but i am angry at my grandparents for being the ones who forced her. i hope those old fucks die a slow and painful death
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Jun 12, 2024
No, I am grateful to my mother for bringing me into the world and for the good experiences I had as a result. In the end the whole thing didn't work out such that it is worth continuing from this point forward but through no fault or next to no fault of hers.
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