

Jun 27, 2024
Do people actually enjoy life or do they pretend to? I can no longer remember a single moment in my life of true happiness. Now that I think about it, my life's been awfully boring and meaningless. And it feels as if life gets more boring everyday. I have to be in places I don't want be in, around people that I don't want to be around, doing shit I don't want to do for five days a week, to then play videogames or watch dumb shit on YouTube as I eat junk food on the weekends because I've no social life. As I'm writing this, it is currently a sunday afternoon and I'm so bored I could let someone physically torture me to distract me from the feeling of emptiness. It's that bad.
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Sep 11, 2024
for me its 99% suffering. but there are some good moments. i think we dont allow ourselves to enjoy small stuff enough
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New Member
Sep 15, 2024
do something weird. learn a language or something. idk what kind of environment you live in, but go to like the park or something and just people watch. it sounds boring but i like seeing what people do in their day to day. it's like i dont exist for a moment. i can just watch and do nothing else.

its not all bad you just have to find one thing at the least.
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Wolf Girl

Wolf Girl

Not looking for advice or a pep talk
Jun 12, 2024
Yes, there are absolutely people who genuinely enjoy life. I have a friend who is in her mid-twenties and is married with a toddler. She is always happy, even when going through stressful times because her dreams came true. Don't project your issues on other people. Most people would choose life over death. We are the odd ones out. That's why they try to force us to stay here.
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Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
Mar 10, 2020
In the same way we can't understand why or how some people enjoy life, many people could not fathom hating life or wanting to die.
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Jan 1, 2024
A lot of people enjoy life. I dont enjoy it all and think its pointless
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Never for me, in my case I know I'd never wish to exist, personally I find simply existing to be so undesirable and futile, I suffer just from existing and find it a burden to exist. Personally I only hope for permanent non-existence, I'm so tired of suffering in this existence I never would have chose in the first place, I find existing to be deeply unnecessary as well.
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Sep 12, 2024
I haven't felt joy in a year, I just feel like I'm coping and chasing several ways to get dopamine to ease my pain for a little, before carrying on feeling like shit.
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Apr 15, 2022
I don't enjoy this life I have now. There was a time I did, I guess, so I know there are people who do. I guess someone has to, huh? Maybe it's like a giant cosmic balancing act whereby there has to be an equal amount of people enjoying life to balance out those who don't?
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Careless Soul « MtF »
Nov 13, 2023
I don't enjoy life as a whole but I enjoy doing the only things that allow me to distract myself from my life. And I enjoy the little positive attention and care I receive online. Otherwise I pretty much don't like anything else.
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Enemy brain ain't cooperating
Apr 5, 2024
So hit me with the rumors
Tell me how to feel, tell me how to age
A billion users
Weaponized boredom, idle change
We don't wanna feel useless
We just wanna get by and enjoy the day
'Cause honestly the truth is
No one's enjoying this anyway

Fox Stevenson - Human in the evening

We can just post random lyrics right?
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you say falling victim to myself is weak, so be it
Apr 26, 2023
I don't enjoy this life I have now. There was a time I did, I guess, so I know there are people who do. I guess someone has to, huh? Maybe it's like a giant cosmic balancing act whereby there has to be an equal amount of people enjoying life to those who don't?
Good way of putting it
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Oct 29, 2023
Some people do, I am not one of them. I've known ever since I was a child that I wanted to die and tried to CTB on the night of my 13th birthday. I knew as a child from the neglect & abuse I went through that my life was shite & that truth has held ever since. I find the people to be enjoying life are generally the lucky ones who can pay bills as they arrive without hesitation, those who don't have to put things off until the next month or next paycheck or ignore the engine light. The ones enjoying life are not surrounded by soul sucking neighbors in apartment buildings with too thin walls and floors and are not being yelled at by customers in person or over the phone in a not so good job.
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you say falling victim to myself is weak, so be it
Apr 26, 2023
Im still thinking about all that shit aswell,
Ahh One of my coworkers I use to work with has never thought about suicide or anything close to that, and man with what they've been through it's hard to believe but, I belive them, I really do there in there early 60s and he has a wife who became crippled that he cared for when she couldn't Walk, and he helps out everyone in his neighborhood and will take care of a coworkers pets he barley even knows or had worked with, he'd bring me food to work when he'd notice I hadn't been eating or he'd force me at lunch to go with him so he could buy me food, even if I was persistent, he always knew when to "back off" or when to stay or just anything all the other workers view him as reliable and dependable and uplifting and motivational, and he's all those things, it's still hard to belive what he tells me is true but he's the only person I've ever met who's been certain with wanting to live, and believing in "happiness" all his partners in the past and even his wife now have all had major mental disorders/issues or physical issues, he's lived on the reserve for the majority of his life and even then wasn't accepted apparently he was what he assumed talked diffrent and wore diffrent cloths,
Not like I'll recite his life story but from what he's told me and from the five years of working with him before he became very ill and even then is still helping his neighbors and wife and kids and smiles, never once sexulized me or made crude comments about women, he was a very open minded person, still is, he's understanding and seemingly able to conversate with anyone, he's never raised his voice or cursed at me or really in generally unless he's telling a joke, donno what I'm even getting at, it's just that with hik being the only person I somwhat opened up to at work he understood but in a diffrent way, because well, again, he wants life, he believes in goodness.

I guess he's the first person to every verbally tell me that they want to live and that they love life and love living and experiencing it.
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Potential Former Person
Aug 21, 2024
Do people actually enjoy life or do they pretend to? I can no longer remember a single moment in my life of true happiness. Now that I think about it, my life's been awfully boring and meaningless. And it feels as if life gets more boring everyday. I have to be in places I don't want be in, around people that I don't want to be around, doing shit I don't want to do for five days a week, to then play videogames or watch dumb shit on YouTube as I eat junk food on the weekends because I've no social life. As I'm writing this, it is currently a sunday afternoon and I'm so bored I could let someone physically torture me to distract me from the feeling of emptiness. It's that bad.
This is sad. If there is nothing actually physically stopping you experiencing the world it is sad you are not trying to. I'd give anything to trade places with you and be able to interact with the world again.
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Mar 15, 2019
We're all just stuck here, forced to clean up the mess from our parent's immature decisions

Because they had their own little love story fantasy going on....... and thought to add some babies into it to simply enhance THEIR OWN experience, to complete THEIR OWN love story

Its disgusting..... how do you justify putting us here on earth to suffer, go to school for 20 years, then be someone's slave for 40 years, and the list goes on.... and on..... just to horribly rot and die in the end

We now have no choice but to come up with ways to painfully kill ourselves....... and when you even just want to make a complaint, or question them about this, we are then just literally told to shut the fuck up and obey. It then somehow totally becomes our fault and problem at that point

This is absolutely ridiculous. I completely understand my parents are just humans, they didn't know better, and etc. but there is a part of me deep down, that I would never ever be able to forgive them
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you say falling victim to myself is weak, so be it
Apr 26, 2023
This is sad. If there is nothing actually physically stopping you experiencing the world it is sad you are not trying to. I'd give anything to trade places with you and be able to interact with the world again.
To each there own but, people deal with shit differently, to me what she describes is a boring meaningless life just wasting away unable to do anything from the pressures of societal expectations around us, diffrent for everyone because well not like I need to tell you people deal with things differently, and even the other day I was thinking to myself about people who wont ever get to experience things I do like gaming as long as I can and what not but that doesn't change the fact people still feel the way they feel, by the way i don't mean for this to come off rude in any way if I have my apologies, I'm not great with saying what I wanna say but so I really hope I don't come off entirely stupid and rude
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center and blind
Aug 17, 2024
I'm continuously struggling and failing myself. I'm on the cusp of homelessness.

I'm so tired of being tired and having a real hard time telling myself it's all worth it which in turn makes it so much harder to try and get out of my dark depressing hole I've made. Living ain't free and it's not easy.
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Apr 18, 2023
Do people actually enjoy life or do they pretend to? I can no longer remember a single moment in my life of true happiness. Now that I think about it, my life's been awfully boring and meaningless. And it feels as if life gets more boring everyday. I have to be in places I don't want be in, around people that I don't want to be around, doing shit I don't want to do for five days a week, to then play videogames or watch dumb shit on YouTube as I eat junk food on the weekends because I've no social life. As I'm writing this, it is currently a sunday afternoon and I'm so bored I could let someone physically torture me to distract me from the feeling of emptiness. It's that bad.
Are there people who enjoy life? Yes. Me no.
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Oct 9, 2022
I haven't enjoyed life in such a long time that I've forgotten what it's like. My life is constant struggle and suffering now. It's suffocating me
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Potential Former Person
Aug 21, 2024
To each there own but, people deal with shit differently, to me what she describes is a boring meaningless life just wasting away unable to do anything from the pressures of societal expectations around us, diffrent for everyone because well not like I need to tell you people deal with things differently, and even the other day I was thinking to myself about people who wont ever get to experience things I do like gaming as long as I can and what not but that doesn't change the fact people still feel the way they feel, by the way i don't mean for this to come off rude in any way if I have my apologies, I'm not great with saying what I wanna say but so I really hope I don't come off entirely stupid and rude
I can't believe you used gaming as an example, has no one on this forum ever been outside?
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Eternally atoning
Feb 1, 2024
I actually do, it's the 20% of days that absolutely destroys me.

The days I go out walking, call a friend, cook, or play videogames alone makes me feel at peace, but balancing it with constant overwhelm, trauma, and keeping a burden of being abused makes those few days absolutely unbearable.

I enjoy life, I want to continue doing so anyway. But those bad days, they're breaking me.
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you say falling victim to myself is weak, so be it
Apr 26, 2023
I can't believe you used gaming as an example, has no one on this forum ever been outside?
That was just me using her post as an example, my apologies, I game 🎮 don't mean it's all I do but I was just trying to see the deeper meaning in what she meant ig, mabye it's not that deep but those simple things feel overall pointless as most things in life feel and are, like gaming, pointless.
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Jun 27, 2024
This is sad. If there is nothing actually physically stopping you experiencing the world it is sad you are not trying to. I'd give anything to trade places with you and be able to interact with the world again.
I am experiencing the world. It just doesn't evoke any positive emotions for me. That's the point of the post. And I'm not sure what you mean with the second sentence, but good luck with whatever is stopping you from interacting with the world.
I can't believe you used gaming as an example, has no one on this forum ever been outside?
I hope you don't mind me intervening in your other discussion, but what's wrong with gaming? This seems like a condescending and unnecessary remark.
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Jul 16, 2024
Over the past 15 years, I have experienced very little joy. Prior to that, off and on, maybe some joy. However, the more I think back on my younger years, the less true joy I believe I truly knew. The reasons I must CTB soon are all related to the many areas of my life that are now completely lacking elements of joy, and there is no hope for that to change - ever. I physically and mentally cannot fix the broken, and I cannot live with all of the problems.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Many people do enjoy life. I don't understand how they enjoy life but they do. It goes both ways in the sense that I'm unable to understand how they enjoy life whilst they are unable to understand how I hate life. I consider my hate for life to be rational whereas they (probably) consider their love for life to be rational.

However, I do believe that people don't enjoy life as much as they like to claim they do. The key to understanding society is understanding that they lie all the time to others and to themselves. Grass is greener and whatever. Society hates it when anybody talks about negative emotions which is why you don't see people talk about anything negative whilst we know that negative emotions are inevitable to occur for everybody
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Jul 30, 2024
When I had moments of happiness that could have been moments of true happiness, they were always inhibited by some problems and pressures from the side. So, even those rare moments of happiness could not happen without aggravating inhibitions.
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Potential Former Person
Aug 21, 2024
I am experiencing the world. It just doesn't evoke any positive emotions for me. That's the point of the post. And I'm not sure what you mean with the second sentence, but good luck with whatever is stopping you from interacting with the world.

I hope you don't mind me intervening in your other discussion, but what's wrong with gaming? This seems like a condescending and unnecessary remark.
My point is there is so much out there to experience, an almost infinite amount of things, places, and people. If there is nothing that is constraining you (physical disability, finances, personal care commitments, etc) things you know you can't realistically move. Then I'd keep trying - travel, cook, eat, push yourself out of routine and comfort zone, go to that dive bar, visit that quirky restaurant, hike up that hill, try out for that amateur drama club. - See what I mean?
The second point is I physically cannot go out and interact with the world anymore, that's personal to my situation that I won't go into nor do I feel comfortable doing so.

If you enjoy gaming that's fine, each to their own. As I've stated above there is so much to this world. It just struck me as an odd example to show gratitude for with "people who can't game for as long as I do". As I'm sure that person does things with their life that others would be a lot more grateful for than just losing themself in a game.
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Is Tuesday an omen?
Sep 9, 2024
Yes, I actually have some really good life moments but then I just feel guilty for having them because that kind of thing isn't supposed to be for me
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I don't enjoy anything about this hell

Most humans don't realize nothing matters. Everything including life is meaningless. Nothing matters

Life is meaningless suffering

No one can convince me that anything is objectively meaningful or important or that I have to do something or have to like something or have to believe something.

Nothing matters to me except avoiding extreme pain

Imo anyone that enjoys life is heavily programmed by evolution and culture/ society
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