
Aug 18, 2020
I often get this feeling when I read scientifical papers and compare them to newspaper articles. It is very obvious in the US where broadcast channels are owned by a few companies and you get this "choice" between a bad person and an extremely bad person. I would vote for Harris but she is a corporate ghoul that's for sure.

The American Dream from rags to riches and the distorted notion we could all become ultrarich if we worked hard enough that's an illusion. It is used as opium for the masses. We don't live in meritocracies. Most of the welath is inherited. And there are clever tricks to circumvent taxation when you want that your kids inherit your money. And if people want higher taxation on it they complain about the bureaucracy. How comes we complain about too much bureaucracy when we talk about trillions of dollars that gets entailed/inherited. But if we talk about welfare for poor people or housing for the homeless the people can't get enough of more bureaucracies to make it is hard as possible for them. Despite the fact the amount of money is way lower. And this is a point you also won't read in many leftwing newspapers. Because they are complicit in it too to a certain extent. When we talk about the rich they are the lesser evil but they fall in line if they get pressured.

Also leftwing newspapers are dependent on ad money. Some get sponsored by billionairs which is of course not affecting their integrity. I really liked the story about the family that profits from the opiod crisis. I think the Washington Post, some German outlets and many more were involved in this investigative research. How comes not many conversative newspapers take part in such investigative research against the ultrarich? Well they write what is in favor of them. Don't bite the hand that feeds them.

All this culture war bullshit from the right is a mean to distract the average person of who is the real puppet master. Instead of being angry on the people that literally poison you and your children. That profit from destroying the earth. It is more important for them to gain money than preventing that the life of future generations will be a hellhole. Instead you should be angry on trans people that are often insulted, harrassed and already disadvantaged. There is such an obsession about trans people. These people are often suicidal and they have not chosen to be born in the wrong body. How can anyone prefer to spit on them instead of being angry on the people that exploit you. Capitalism is a shit show. Personally, I don't want socialism. But I would like to see taxation on the rich how FDR did it. Capitalism has to be tamed. This is the only way to survive. Will humankind be smart enough to realize that I have my doubts. The elites are exploiting us. There is something really perverted. The average man is not angry about the ultrarich. They are too powerful and cannot be reached in his daily life. art least in his perception whether that's an objective reality is a different story). The average man is rather angry when someone who is below is getting a better treatment. Not necessarily better than him. But it is easier to kick someone that is below you. It just feels good of being superior to someone. Making it as hard as possible for the people below you just because we talk about some crumbs for them. While the ultrarich just laugh about it and run away with all the money. There are statistics about inequality. And the numbers are really shocking.

1,2% of the most rich adults own 48% of the worldwide wealth. While 52% of the most poor own 1,1% of all wealth worldwide. Who is telling us things have to be like that? The media. And the elites are influencing the media. It is interesting if you are priviliged your feeling for injustice gets less. You feel like you deserved it. Despite the fact they just won the genectic loterry.

What do you think about it?
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Deep Breaths
Aug 25, 2018
This is an extremely complicated subject, and I definitely lack the mental energy to do a deep dive into this, but a few things come to mind here...

Yes, it's a "distraction spectacle", but I don't think there is any individual or group or any kind of dark conspiracy about it. I think this is just the messy situation we've collectively created for ourselves and that it's totally self-sustaining and self-perpetuating.

I don't think there are any puppet strings being pulled by any person or any group of people. There are just those who are benefiting from it, and those who are not.

What you are alluding to, I think, is a monster that has a mind and will of its own, and no person or group actually has any control over it. There are just people who take advantage of it and benefit from it, probably at the expense of other people who are harmed by it. But no one actually has control of it. It's just a thing that has happened and persists due our collective way of life.

This is just my personal read on it. I am certainly open to hearing other perspectives and changing my views, although again, this is extremely complicated and I've only a limited amount of mental energy to look too deeply into it.
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Aug 18, 2020
This is an extremely complicated subject, and I definitely lack the mental energy to do a deep dive into this, but a few things come to mind here...

Yes, it's a "distraction spectacle", but I don't think there is any individual or group or any kind of dark conspiracy about it. I think this is just the messy situation we've collectively created for ourselves and that it's totally self-sustaining and self-perpetuating.

I don't think there are any puppet strings being pulled by any person or any group of people. There are just those who are benefiting from it, and those who are not.

What you are alluding to, I think, is a monster that has a mind and will of its own, and no person or group actually has any control over it. There are just people who take advantage of it and benefit from it, probably at the expense of other people who are harmed by it. But no one actually has control of it. It's just a thing that has happened and persists due our collective way of life.

This is just my personal read on it. I am certainly open to hearing other perspectives and changing my views, although again, this is extremely complicated and I've only a limited amount of mental energy to look too deeply into it.
I think I would agree with all the points that you have mentioned. Many conspiracies pretend there was this one family in control of everything. And coincidentally they are also Jewish. I don't believe in such lies.
As you said thereis no real puppet master as a person or group.

I think you put it very well with "What you are alluding to, I think, is a monster that has a mind and will of its own, and no person or group actually has any control over it. There are just people who take advantage of it and benefit from it, probably at the expense of other people who are harmed by it. But no one actually has control of it. It's just a thing that has happened and persists due our collective way of life."
  • Hugs
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Aug 24, 2024
Just my opinion, of course, but I feel there is something above both political parties pulling all the strings. From the time the whole "virus panic" bullshit started, everything has felt like nothing more than smoke and mirrors. I have no idea what the ultimate goal is, but the whole thing makes me mad. I refuse to watch or read any news and so help me god if I see one more effing political ad I'll throw a brick through the TV. Every one of these politicians is a liar.

Also, I think the American dream is long dead... if it ever really existed in the first place.
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Jun 26, 2024
Yes but you have to keep in mind that the average (the majority) of people are easily to manipulate and believe everything they're told. That would be too much of a problem... If we didn't live in a Democracy. When the majority of people believe everything they're told with zero evidence or even can define the policies being pushed, you get bad politicians who will never leave office and are out of touch with the people that voted for them. In essence, Majority=Truth, and therefore policy. See the problem?
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May 11, 2024
I was wondering weather publicly owned news outlets could counteract the problems @noname223 noted.
I don't live in the US, but are public news orgs better than their private counterparts?
At least you eliminate the problem of corporate influence.

Where I live, the private TV networks are much more flashy. The news has
panels of people having lively arguments, which are more entertaining. But I like
public TV better.
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Aug 18, 2020
I was wondering weather publicly owned news outlets could counteract the problems @noname223 noted.
I don't live in the US, but are public news orgs better than their private counterparts?
At least you eliminate the problem of corporate influence.

Where I live, the private TV networks are much more flashy. The news has
panels of people having lively arguments, which are more entertaining. But I like
public TV better.
I live in Germany and we have public broadcasting. The right-wing populist party wants to abolish it. I think it depends on many variables whether public broadcasting is better. In Germany the quality on TV is in my opinion significantly better. And it does not cost money and helps democracy. On the US it is too much both side bullshit. I think in the US public broadcasting is mediocre. From the things I have watched. I don't know how it is funded.
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Jul 11, 2024
Yes, we live in a stratified society that most aren't psychologically or emotionally ready to accept the scope and ramifications of. Right/left politics is to occupy the minds of the masses. The real money powers can easily sway any government through banking levers, lobbying, intelligence. NGO's were a real breakthrough to circumvent or enact policies people voted for in favor of the money powers. This all happens under greater narratives cooked up in giant think tanks. There's political, military industrial, behavioral and cultural think tanks funded with hundreds of millions of dollars. Most of what people feel "passionate" about has been handed down to them by such organizations to serve their agendas. There are monied factions that go against each other but they are usually still allied when it comes to the lower classes.
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Mar 28, 2024
Politics and mass media are practicing the "art" of dividing the people, making them blame and fight each other while promising to protect one side from the other, and no matter how much blood is on the streets, people keep believing in politics and mass media like sheep heading to the slaughter. Politicians and mass media cashes in.

I live in Sweden where there is basically a war going on everywhere, mass immigrated islamists are abusing, raping and killing the ethnic population because their "holy scriptures" tell them to, you're called a racist or put in jail if you speak up because "hate crimes against the ethnic population is a myth" and it keeps ramping up yet politicians and mass media says society has never been as safe as it is today. Meanwhile, politicians have taken as much money as they can away from health care, elderly care, home services, education, police etc just to lower the taxes for the richest 1%.

Some who do see it happening are mocking people for "voting for this" when in reality nobody has been asked to vote for specific questions like if we wanted to be invaded and in a couple decades made a minority in our own country. People like me who are alone and chronically ill/disabled are left in despair.

No matter where in the world you live, politicians and mass media always seem to succeed in making people fight each other over it all rather than the ones responsible.

Those of you who live in the US, compare the amount of money your government has "donated" to Israel and Ukraine among others to the amount donated to those who lost their homes and loved ones in the hurricane.


Sep 26, 2024
Capitalism is the most successful pyramid scheme in history .

Keeping the bottom of the pyramid infighting, struggling and scared keeps them safely at the bottom so the top can act unimpeded.

What pulls the strings ultimately are corporations. Politicians are at best glorified circus actors working on taxpayer dime and their respective corporate interests ' kickbacks.