
work, love, and learn
Feb 25, 2021
First it was Anti Trumpers, now it is anti-vaxxers. Unbearable, but a bear still needs to look good.

This topic is full of antivaxxers spreading dangerous nonsense. It's why I decided not to look at this topic anymore, it's just a waste of time and only causes frustration.


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May 3, 2021
Oh dear....

The Uk are now warning that there is likely to be a variant that will kill 1 in 3 people who get it, and they are saying it's thanks to the "success" of our vaccine program.

Exactly the thing the "non-scientists" I've quoted have been warning against - jabbing people with a leaky vaccine in the middle of an active epidemic means people with the jab will get it, and the mutations that come out the other side will be jab resistant, rendering anyone with it with no immune system.

Plus pathogenic priming, and ADE.

Oops. Good luckk to all of you geniuses who have had the jab because you know better. You're going to need it. Lots of it.

As for "anti-vaxxers" - the mere fact you use that phrase shows that you are incapable of any form of rational or critical thought, rely instead of trying to shut people down with name calling and petty, childish ridicule, and are a slave to your endocrine system and the fear that the sheer and utter propaganda the media and politicians have filled your vacuous heads with.

No wonder, then, that you are here.


Jul 18, 2021
Because of my job, if I were to get COVID I'd spread it to countless folks. Especially given my godly immune system, I'd probably have little to no symptoms and not even realize I have it, nor have any reason to get tested. The thought that I might already have gotten it and started a chain that ended up offing some elderly folks keeps me awake at night sometimes, even though I always use a mask and sanitize my hands whenever possible. Besides, I'm sick and tired of all these COVID countermeasures, last thing I want is to prolong it even further. If the vaccine helps end it sooner, I'll take it.
Also I was wondering if I were ever to encounter pointless political blabber on these forums. You'd think a forum about suicide would be a safe space but hey, I suppose there's no hiding from it.
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Jan 31, 2021
Idiot!!! :angry:

How much money did George Soros pay you to lie to people on a site like this one? QAnon would have a field day with you for this trash.
Thanks for confirming you're just a troll.
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Jul 7, 2021
I got it because I want to prevent the spread of the virus. It's my only good deed to society
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Apr 15, 2018
Oh dear....

The Uk are now warning that there is likely to be a variant that will kill 1 in 3 people who get it, and they are saying it's thanks to the "success" of our vaccine program.

Exactly the thing the "non-scientists" I've quoted have been warning against - jabbing people with a leaky vaccine in the middle of an active epidemic means people with the jab will get it, and the mutations that come out the other side will be jab resistant, rendering anyone with it with no immune system.

Plus pathogenic priming, and ADE.

Oops. Good luckk to all of you geniuses who have had the jab because you know better. You're going to need it. Lots of it.

As for "anti-vaxxers" - the mere fact you use that phrase shows that you are incapable of any form of rational or critical thought, rely instead of trying to shut people down with name calling and petty, childish ridicule, and are a slave to your endocrine system and the fear that the sheer and utter propaganda the media and politicians have filled your vacuous heads with.

No wonder, then, that you are here.

I'm here because of lifelong mental illness. It's fuck all to do with any of the bullshit that dangerously misinformed people like yourself like to force on people on social media.

I wouldn't even mind if you fuckers didn't pretend to be so enlightened about something you barely comprehend.
If you want to make a point about a deeply complicated and nuanced thing like vaccine development, provide robust credible sources and a breakdown of how you arrive at your conclusion.


May 3, 2021
I got it because I want to prevent the spread of the virus. It's my only good deed to society
It's all bunkum, stop listening to the fecking news, politicians and pharma shills. You're poisoning yourself for NOTHING: https://news.yahoo.com/cdc-says-fully-vaccinated-people-201508057.html
I'm here because of lifelong mental illness. It's fuck all to do with any of the bullshit that dangerously misinformed people like yourself like to force on people on social media.

I wouldn't even mind if you fuckers didn't pretend to be so enlightened about something you barely comprehend.
If you want to make a point about a deeply complicated and nuanced thing like vaccine development, provide robust credible sources and a breakdown of how you arrive at your conclusion.
I am neither dangerously misinformed, nor are you correct that I misunderstand it.

Go look at the maths I posted and tell me where I'm wrong.

It's not up to me to post papers of anything I've looked myself, pointed you where to look, you can either be bothered or can't, if you can't and you get jabbed and die, more fool you.
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Chaos is surrounding me... literally
Jul 27, 2021
Welp I was hoping for "unwanted side effects", however my arm only itched and was numb for two days... -_-
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Apr 15, 2018
It's all bunkum, stop listening to the fecking news, politicians and pharma shills. You're poisoning yourself for NOTHING: https://news.yahoo.com/cdc-says-fully-vaccinated-people-201508057.html

I am neither dangerously misinformed, nor are you correct that I misunderstand it.

Go look at the maths I posted and tell me where I'm wrong.

It's not up to me to post papers of anything I've looked myself, pointed you where to look, you can either be bothered or can't, if you can't and you get jabbed and die, more fool you.

Your posts are full of such bullshit I glaze over while reading them to be frank.

The article you are using as evidence of "bunkum" says vaccines prevent severe disease. It says "on rare occasions, some vaccinated people infected with the Delta variant after vaccination may be contagious" therefore masks are advisable. Note the word RARE.

You are arguing in bad faith. You can't seem to be bothered comprehending the things you are quoting as evidence of your position. Why should anyone listen to you instead of the accepted position of health authorities when you are just wrong even purely using the links you provide.
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Jul 5, 2020
People seem to have very short memories. Less than 12 months ago here in the Uk and around the world, our prime ministers, health ministers, the lead scientists all said the same thing (and I can point you to a video of them saying it over and over again if you want me to):

"We want to be clear. the vast majority of people who contract this disease will suffer mild to moderate symptoms that are no worse than a bad cold. You might not even know you've had it. Don't worry you're going to be fine".

And that is the truth, as bourn out by real world, empirical numbers - across ALL ages with ALL illnesses and vulnerabilities, the recovery rate is 99.7%. In people under 18 it is 99.998%. That's why the world population grew by 81 million people in 2020.

The aim was to jab old and ill people only. Then it became under 80'5, then under 70's, under 60's, everyone, including kids and even babies.

For a disease that the vast majority of people will only see mild illness.

They said there would not be health passports - now there will be. That's what it's all about. But why?

If you have the jab you can still catch it and still spread it, so what difference does it make if everyone in a place is jabbed or not jabbed, it makes NO difference to spread of the virus.

A passport achieves nothing.

The jabs are making people ill, see the UK yellow card system, VAERS, or the court case currently being pushed in the US where the CDC have, on just one reporting system, data showing that 45,000 Americans have died within 3 days of being jabbed - that is a live court case as a result of a whistle blower and is in court in Alabama.

Whatever guff people say, there is no long term data, vaccines have to go through years of studies, you can't uncover years of data in a few months.

No mRNA jab has even been given to humans, even the guy who "discovered" it, Dr Robert Malone says it's dangerous and should be stopped.

No coronavirus vaccine has even been developed, because they have ALL made the disease pathology worse - you have a weak immune system in your respiratory tract and lungs for a reason - breathing is important.

Enhancing it by any kind of vaccine creates the same outcome - a much more powerful response which causes inflammation and swelling and attacking of lung cells. It is impossible to create an immune response without that happening.

Then you've got spike proteins floating around your blood and organs where they shouldn't be. Causing clots and damaged endothelium cells and structures, as predicted by Prof Sucharit Bhakdi before it even happened.

Dr Charles Hoffe of Canada who has conducted D-Dimer tests on patients after being jabbed and 62% of them were suffering blood clots. Hardly rare, is it?

Then of course you have the fact that 63 patents relating to this thing exist, some of them going back to 2008.

Etc. I suggest you watch the experts that you are not allowed to see, you are not allowed to see them for a reason. Some of them are Nobel laureates before you claim they are idiots.

Start with the "inventor" of mRNA, Dr Robert Malone - no one on planet earth knows more about it than him.
Sucharit Bhakdi
Luc Montagnier (Nobel)
Mike Yeadon (former VP of Pfizer)
Dr David Martin
etc, etc, etc.

You need to do some research yourself, you are completely wrong.
What are you saying? Do you even know what mRNA is? Because a quick Google search shows that a Hungarian scientist has spent nearly her entirely life devoted to researching mRNA and its applications, Dr. Kariko and her team are the only ones who can be credited with "inventing" mRNA vaccines. mRNA itself -- which every human being for all of human history has had in each of their billions of cells -- was discovered by a team of 9 scientists, none of which include Dr. Robert Malone.

All Malone "discovered" -- and that is tricky to say, because he wrote the paper with 9 other people -- is that mRNA could be encased in a liposome and then sent to cultured cells to tell them to produce a certain protein. You can actually see the full study here, and it says right there that the cells injected with the capped mRNA strands produced 1000-fold more luciferase proteins than uninjected cells. Luciferase is used for bioluminescence. The paper only speculates on applications in living animals. It did not prove that it was possible or even safe to use mRNA in those contexts though. It does not even test if capped mRNA could be used to produce spike proteins or other virus proteins. It was the work of Dr. Kariko and Dr. Rossi who tested and proved those applications.

There are always foreign proteins floating in your blood and organs. Do you know how immunity works? When your cells are fighting something, shit gets inflamed. When you get a pimple, your white blood cells are making it red and inflamed to get the dust and french fry grease out of your pores so it doesn't work its way into your blood and infect your brain. If you read even a little bit about the polio vaccine, you'd know that they put a dead polio virus in it and they used to give it orally. So you got a dead virus going through your respiratory tract (since your digestive and respiratory tract share an entrace, the mouth) and getting all up in your blood and organs and creating an immune response. Who the hell wants any kind of polio doing that in our bodies? But millions of people took that vaccine, and now polio is completely eradicated in many countries.

I can only tangentially agree with you on one thing -- a coronavirus vaccine hasn't been created before. A more plausible explanation is that it wasn't financially feasible to produce one, because cases of SARS caused by coronaviruses were pretty contained and not a whole world-wide pandemic. There are many diseases that are devastating that do not get mass-produced vaccines for this reason. If you're American, you've probably never had or heard of Dengue. Thus you never needed the vaccine. My family is from a poor country where Dengue regularly kills people, but mostly only the vulnerable (young babies, immunocompromised, the elderly) and so people there get vaccinated against it if they can. There is no need for that one Dengue vaccine company to go asking Americans to get the vaccine because the risk is so small, and there is no demand.

But why listen to Dr. Robert Malone on all this when he is also part of Big Pharma? He was working for a large pharmaceutical company before deciding that spreading COVID misinformation makes him more money. All scientists in the modern world need to have some sort of backers, or else nothing will get done. They need grants and paychecks. I don't follow how rogue scientists like Dr. Malone who are backed by private companies -- who by definition need to turn a profit, and have shareholders who won't want to fund shit that doesn't help their bottom line, period -- are somehow more trustworthy than groups of scientists working with an educational institution who are able to get most of their funding through institutional grants (i.e. institutions who aren't bound by what makes money or helps makes the company's product look good, but rather whatever is most impressive and revolutionary so that more students will want to spend tuition and more scientists will move to the institution and do more flashy work).

Should the world population shrink to prove that there's a pandemic happening? The world population did not shrink when polio and measles were having their pandemics. And there were World Wars going on!!

Maybe these people aren't lauded or respected because they're simply spreading lies for their own self-interest? Because they aren't following basic science? Or because they aren't producing good work anymore?

Unbelieveable. This is why we need better science education in schools.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I'm too apathetic to bother with a covid shot. Also too stupid and lazy to deal with anything that needs doing really.


May 3, 2021
What are you saying? Do you even know what mRNA is? Because a quick Google search shows that a Hungarian scientist has spent nearly her entirely life devoted to researching mRNA and its applications, Dr. Kariko and her team are the only ones who can be credited with "inventing" mRNA vaccines. mRNA itself -- which every human being for all of human history has had in each of their billions of cells -- was discovered by a team of 9 scientists, none of which include Dr. Robert Malone.

All Malone "discovered" -- and that is tricky to say, because he wrote the paper with 9 other people -- is that mRNA could be encased in a liposome and then sent to cultured cells to tell them to produce a certain protein. You can actually see the full study here, and it says right there that the cells injected with the capped mRNA strands produced 1000-fold more luciferase proteins than uninjected cells. Luciferase is used for bioluminescence. The paper only speculates on applications in living animals. It did not prove that it was possible or even safe to use mRNA in those contexts though. It does not even test if capped mRNA could be used to produce spike proteins or other virus proteins. It was the work of Dr. Kariko and Dr. Rossi who tested and proved those applications.

There are always foreign proteins floating in your blood and organs. Do you know how immunity works? When your cells are fighting something, shit gets inflamed. When you get a pimple, your white blood cells are making it red and inflamed to get the dust and french fry grease out of your pores so it doesn't work its way into your blood and infect your brain. If you read even a little bit about the polio vaccine, you'd know that they put a dead polio virus in it and they used to give it orally. So you got a dead virus going through your respiratory tract (since your digestive and respiratory tract share an entrace, the mouth) and getting all up in your blood and organs and creating an immune response. Who the hell wants any kind of polio doing that in our bodies? But millions of people took that vaccine, and now polio is completely eradicated in many countries.

I can only tangentially agree with you on one thing -- a coronavirus vaccine hasn't been created before. A more plausible explanation is that it wasn't financially feasible to produce one, because cases of SARS caused by coronaviruses were pretty contained and not a whole world-wide pandemic. There are many diseases that are devastating that do not get mass-produced vaccines for this reason. If you're American, you've probably never had or heard of Dengue. Thus you never needed the vaccine. My family is from a poor country where Dengue regularly kills people, but mostly only the vulnerable (young babies, immunocompromised, the elderly) and so people there get vaccinated against it if they can. There is no need for that one Dengue vaccine company to go asking Americans to get the vaccine because the risk is so small, and there is no demand.

But why listen to Dr. Robert Malone on all this when he is also part of Big Pharma? He was working for a large pharmaceutical company before deciding that spreading COVID misinformation makes him more money. All scientists in the modern world need to have some sort of backers, or else nothing will get done. They need grants and paychecks. I don't follow how rogue scientists like Dr. Malone who are backed by private companies -- who by definition need to turn a profit, and have shareholders who won't want to fund shit that doesn't help their bottom line, period -- are somehow more trustworthy than groups of scientists working with an educational institution who are able to get most of their funding through institutional grants (i.e. institutions who aren't bound by what makes money or helps makes the company's product look good, but rather whatever is most impressive and revolutionary so that more students will want to spend tuition and more scientists will move to the institution and do more flashy work).

Should the world population shrink to prove that there's a pandemic happening? The world population did not shrink when polio and measles were having their pandemics. And there were World Wars going on!!

Maybe these people aren't lauded or respected because they're simply spreading lies for their own self-interest? Because they aren't following basic science? Or because they aren't producing good work anymore?

Unbelieveable. This is why we need better science education in schools.
Malone was removed from wikipedia as soon as he started suggesting it might be a bad idea.

He was based at the Sark institute, the Mecca of viral study, there are photos of him there, as an employee with others who worked on mRNA.

He is employed by the DoD, CDC, FDA and etc.

You are being played but cannot think beyond what wikipedia and the people making billions from this are telling you.

Even one of the cofounders of wiki says you shouldn't believe a single word you read on there.
Your posts are full of such bullshit I glaze over while reading them to be frank.

The article you are using as evidence of "bunkum" says vaccines prevent severe disease. It says "on rare occasions, some vaccinated people infected with the Delta variant after vaccination may be contagious" therefore masks are advisable. Note the word RARE.

You are arguing in bad faith. You can't seem to be bothered comprehending the things you are quoting as evidence of your position. Why should anyone listen to you instead of the accepted position of health authorities when you are just wrong even purely using the links you provide.
It is not bullshit just because you are too stupid to understand it.

I don't care what any article says, if you hadn't noticed all articles say vaccines for covid are wonderful, and yet now, in the US, Fauci and the CDC are saying that the double jabbed are spreading it more than anyone else and need to wear masks.

They are also getting more ill than anyone else. But still you ignore the FACTS and repeat how great they are, like a demented parrot.

I comprehend it fully, you do not, I would be more inclined to listen to a professor who trained microbiologists for decades who, before the side effects appeared predicted they would appear, and the mechanism that caused them (spike proteins in the blood and organs - which is now accepted) than a paid article in a newspaper that says "hey they're great, go and get some".

Even though they clearly DO NOT WORK.

And finally Jacques Atali, French Presidential advisor and banking consultant is quoted years ago talking (in books - in print - Google it) about overpopulation and how to solve it: "We will claim there is a disease, a virus and it is deadly. We cannot test the IQ of everyone to see who should be culled, so we will then claim we have a vaccine and the stupid people will demand it. They will preselect themselves by queuing at the slaughterhouse."

Who does he work for now? Search for him.

You can find him at the same place as Gates, Soros, the W.H.O, NATO, UN, central banks, all the presidents and prime ministers (including Biden, Putin, Xi, Merkel, etc) , and all the rest - the World Economic Forum.

The people who advocate for - population reduction.

And whose chairman (Klaus Schwab) said "we must use covid to push through the Great Reset". He even has a book on Amazon: Covid 19 - The Great Reset. The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Go see his videos. Look at their website.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is lauded in a government white paper on the Uk gov website by Matt Hancock. Former Health Minister until recently.

But hey, I'm an idiot, you go get your jabs then you won't need to worry about suicide methods.

I'm trying to help you here - they want to kill you.
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Apr 15, 2018
Malone was removed from wikipedia as soon as he started suggesting it might be a bad idea.

He was based at the Sark institute, the Mecca of viral study, there are photos of him there, as an employee with others who worked on mRNA.

He is employed by the DoD, CDC, FDA and etc.

You are being played but cannot think beyond what wikipedia and the people making billions from this are telling you.

Even one of the cofounders of wiki says you shouldn't believe a single word you read on there.

It is not bullshit just because you are too stupid to understand it.

I don't care what any article says, if you hadn't noticed all articles say vaccines for covid are wonderful, and yet now, in the US, Fauci and the CDC are saying that the double jabbed are spreading it more than anyone else and need to wear masks.

They are also getting more ill than anyone else. But still you ignore the FACTS and repeat how great they are, like a demented parrot.

I comprehend it fully, you do not, I would be more inclined to listen to a professor who trained microbiologists for decades who, before the side effects appeared predicted they would appear, and the mechanism that caused them (spike proteins in the blood and organs - which is now accepted) than a paid article in a newspaper that says "hey they're great, go and get some".

Even though they clearly DO NOT WORK.

And finally Jacques Atali, French Presidential advisor and banking consultant is quoted years ago talking (in books - in print - Google it) about overpopulation and how to solve it: "We will claim there is a disease, a virus and it is deadly. We cannot test the IQ of everyone to see who should be culled, so we will then claim we have a vaccine and the stupid people will demand it. They will preselect themselves by queuing at the slaughterhouse."

Who does he work for now? Search for him.

You can find him at the same place as Gates, Soros, the W.H.O, NATO, UN, central banks, all the presidents and prime ministers (including Biden, Putin, Xi, Merkel, etc) , and all the rest - the World Economic Forum.

The people who advocate for - population reduction.

And whose chairman (Klaus Schwab) said "we must use covid to push through the Great Reset". He even has a book on Amazon: Covid 19 - The Great Reset. The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Go see his videos. Look at their website.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is lauded in a government white paper on the Uk gov website by Matt Hancock. Former Health Minister until recently.

But hey, I'm an idiot, you go get your jabs then you won't need to worry about suicide methods.

I'm trying to help you here - they want to kill you.


Jacques Atalli quote was fabricated - read his book, find the page number with the fucking quote and post it instead of your fucking second hand incorrect bullshit. You won't because you can't because it does not exist.

Wikipedia was said to be untrustworthy for the very reason your Atalli bullshit is just wrong. It's not a primary source. It doesn't mean everything on it is incorrect. It means it cannot be trusted. Get a nice big crayon and try to work out the distinction.

The Great Reset referred to the opportunity of COVID in terms of using it to implement fundamental global policies like a wealth tax, ending fossil fuel subsidies, the future of work etc etc. It's not about massacring half the population, you utter lunatic. You probably got this from some other conspiracy theory peddling oxygen thief who misinterpreted the word "reset'. It meant a rethinking of capitalism and how it is failing many people in society.

Your nonsense is bafflingly easy to debunk. You were right with one thing, you are an idiot. A complete fucking simpleton.
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May 3, 2021

Jacques Atalli quote was fabricated - read his book, find the page number with the fucking quote and post it instead of your fucking second hand incorrect bullshit. You won't because you can't because it does not exist.

Wikipedia was said to be untrustworthy for the very reason your Atalli bullshit is just wrong. It's not a primary source. It doesn't mean everything on it is incorrect. It means it cannot be trusted. Get a nice big crayon and try to work out the distinction.

The Great Reset referred to the opportunity of COVID in terms of using it to implement fundamental global policies like a wealth tax, ending fossil fuel subsidies, the future of work etc etc. It's not about massacring half the population, you utter lunatic. You probably got this from some other conspiracy theory peddling oxygen thief who misinterpreted the word "reset'. It meant a rethinking of capitalism and how it is failing many people in society.

Your nonsense is bafflingly easy to debunk. You were right with one thing, you are an idiot. A complete fucking simpleton.
You'll see my friend.

You'll see.

In case you hadn't noticed the "fact checkers" didn't exist pre-covid.
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Distracting myself through Life
Apr 7, 2019
Social pressure at work and i want to go to the gym in fall/winter.


Jun 26, 2020
I had the covid vaccine for everyone else besides me. Besides the aspect of herd immunity, it also is because of the aspect of new variants, like delta, coming about.

This is a great example of: for all, not one.



Jul 26, 2020
I got it for no particular reason outside of trying to prevent any major hospital bills for the family. With pre-existing conditions any respiratory illness is pretty bad for me. I don't care if I stay or not, and getting ended by covid would kill 2 birds with one stone, but a hefty hospital bill would be the result for them and I don't want that. And if I get something else and go, so be it. After months of the "we're in this together" junk I really don't care that much about other people. As long as I'm still around there are concerts I want to see so not keen on more lockdowns and masks.


Apr 23, 2020
I had the covid vaccine for everyone else besides me. Besides the aspect of herd immunity, it also is because of the aspect of new variants, like delta, coming about.

I've been obtaining herd immunity the old-school way since May 2020: through natural exposure. That's when I was on the verge of suicide from social isolation, and didn't care. So I joined a highly politicized right-wing group that doesn't believe the hype pushed by George Soros and Anthony Fauci. They had lots of underground parties and other social gatherings. I figured if Biden-19 killed me---rather than my state :tongue:---I'd die a happy man. I spent a lot of time with those people, which included French kissing one woman, and nothing affected me.
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Jun 26, 2020
I've been obtaining herd immunity the old-school way since May 2020: through natural exposure. That's when I was on the verge of suicide from social isolation, and didn't care. So I joined a highly politicized right-wing group that doesn't believe the hype pushed by George Soros and Anthony Fauci. They had lots of underground parties and other social gatherings. I figured if Biden-19 killed me---rather than my state :tongue:---I'd die a happy man. I spent a lot of time with those people, which included French kissing one woman, and nothing affected me.
Not being a jerk, BUT unvaccinated people ARE a breeding ground for NEW variants of covid, think delta variant. I am 65 and I have seen everything from teenagers to people a lot older than me on ventilators AND if on a ventilator too long it can have issues from the ventilator. Also I have been around people who test positive for covid BUT they do not come down with it, BUT they can pass it all around and I would HATE to give it to someone and have them get sick or worse. Walter
Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Interesting comparisons of the vaccines: (just one Moderna shot MIGHT protect very well!)

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May 3, 2021
Not being a jerk, BUT unvaccinated people ARE a breeding ground for NEW variants of covid, think delta variant. I am 65 and I have seen everything from teenagers to people a lot older than me on ventilators AND if on a ventilator too long it can have issues from the ventilator. Also I have been around people who test positive for covid BUT they do not come down with it, BUT they can pass it all around and I would HATE to give it to someone and have them get sick or worse. Walter
Walter, you really need to stop watching the news and go and learn the science. All you're doing is repeating what the tv told you with no thinking at all.

It's the vaccinated who are the breeding grounds, you have a "leaky" "vaccine" inside you that doesn't stop you contracting or spreading it. The CDC now admit that jabbed people are spreading it, potentially more than unjabbed. And this makes sense. IF it does lessen your symptoms, then instead of laying at home in bed, you're wandering around spreading it.

Fauci has admitted the viral load between jabbed and unjabbed is the same, therefore the same spread. []

Anyway, you have a jab, you get the disease, the disease mutates inside you just like in everyone, and what will eventually pop out the other side is a variant that is jab resistant. That can't happen in unjabbed people, only jabbed people.

In Israel the numbers of people in hospital and dying are predominantly jabbed, if 78% of a particular age groups are jabbed, 80%+ in hospital are jabbed up.

Except in 20-29 year olds, where 71% are jabbed and the hospitalisations are 78%+'

How can that be?

If 0% of the population were jabbed then 0% in hospital would be jabbed.

If 100% of people were jabbed then 100% in hospital would be jabbed.

If 75% of people are jabbed, and the jab gives you some form of protection at all, then how can more than 75% of people in hospital be jabbed - more than the unjabbed?

If you cannot see the logical fallacy in this, then there really is no hope for you.

If the jab makes the symptoms less and avoids hospitalisation, then how can more people as a percentage be in hospital who had it?

Go to:

Investigate morbidity and vaccination​

Go to: Active Patients - Age and Hospitality

Select: Absolute Numbers - not the "per 100,000 that's how we fudge the numbers" guff, the ACTUAL NUMBERS OF PEOPLE ILL>

Then read it and weep.
To put it another way:

I have an amazing new diet pill, the government, scientists and celebrities all tell you it's an amazing new diet pill.

Half the people take it, half don't, and 6 months later when they get on the scales no one has lost any weight.

In fact some people who took it put on weight, even though their eating habits didn't change and they consumed the same numbers of calories.

"Oh no, the diet pill definitely works, the gubment said so, and those people who didn't lose weight or put weight on, it must have been a new variant of calories that made it not work, or they were unique "breakthrough cases" where eating less makes you add more weight".

But the diet pill - it definitely works, the gubment said so. I'm going for my booster diet pills, just to make sure.


Fauci - masks don't work, they're useless. Fauci: masks are essential. Fauci: masks aren't needed. Fauci: we should all wear masks again. Fauci: The vaccines are safe and effective. Fauci: The people jabbed and unjabbed have the same viral load. Fauci: Jabbed people definitely need to wear masks.

WHY are you listening to these clowns still?

You do realise a virus makes you ill by replicating inside your body, the more it replicates the more viral load you have and the iller you get.

So if jabbed and unjabbed have the same viral load, how the flippety flop is the jab doing ANYTHING to help you?

It isn't magic, it's basic, simple biology, but it seems mr common sense left the building 18 months ago and mr fear of death has taken over the establishment.

And your brains, rendering all of you incapable of simple, rational thought.
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Jun 26, 2020
Walter, you really need to stop watching the news and go and learn the science. All you're doing is repeating what the tv told you with no thinking at all.

It's the vaccinated who are the breeding grounds, you have a "leaky" "vaccine" inside you that doesn't stop you contracting or spreading it. The CDC now admit that jabbed people are spreading it, potentially more than unjabbed. And this makes sense. IF it does lessen your symptoms, then instead of laying at home in bed, you're wandering around spreading it.

Fauci has admitted the viral load between jabbed and unjabbed is the same, therefore the same spread. []

Anyway, you have a jab, you get the disease, the disease mutates inside you just like in everyone, and what will eventually pop out the other side is a variant that is jab resistant. That can't happen in unjabbed people, only jabbed people.

In Israel the numbers of people in hospital and dying are predominantly jabbed, if 78% of a particular age groups are jabbed, 80%+ in hospital are jabbed up.

Except in 20-29 year olds, where 71% are jabbed and the hospitalisations are 78%+'

How can that be?

If 0% of the population were jabbed then 0% in hospital would be jabbed.

If 100% of people were jabbed then 100% in hospital would be jabbed.

If 75% of people are jabbed, and the jab gives you some form of protection at all, then how can more than 75% of people in hospital be jabbed - more than the unjabbed?

If you cannot see the logical fallacy in this, then there really is no hope for you.

If the jab makes the symptoms less and avoids hospitalisation, then how can more people as a percentage be in hospital who had it?

Go to:

Investigate morbidity and vaccination​

Go to: Active Patients - Age and Hospitality

Select: Absolute Numbers - not the "per 100,000 that's how we fudge the numbers" guff, the ACTUAL NUMBERS OF PEOPLE ILL>

Then read it and weep.

Thank you for your ideas, we agree to disagree. Now with that said I value every ones ideas and thoughts and I am no smarter than the next person, BUT here in the USA, states like Florida and Missouri have a large uptick in hospitalizations and the vast majority ARE unvaccinated

But like I said at the beginning of this post every one has their own ideas and opinions, which is great.

Just popped in my head as far as I have seen it through my 65 years on this planet where people do as they wish, which it should be, BUT..BUT then if something hits them because they did NOT do whatever, then they want people to fawn all over them. Really?? Be it covid shots, seat belts , motorcycle helmets, flu shots, the list goes on, they say no, THEN it might hit them and THEN they want and also are sometimes mad because folks there in again do not fawn all over them.

I ALWAYS say/think that everyone should do as they please, BUT then if they choose poorly, live with it, shut up, do NOT whine and bother other people because of their initial choices.

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May 3, 2021
Thank you for your ideas, we agree to disagree. Now with that said I value every ones ideas and thoughts and I am no smarter than the next person, BUT here in the USA, states like Florida and Missouri have a large uptick in hospitalizations and the vast majority ARE unvaccinated

But like I said at the beginning of this post every one has their own ideas and opinions, which is great.

Just popped in my head as far as I have seen it through my 65 years on this planet where people do as they wish, which it should be, BUT..BUT then if something hits them because they did NOT do whatever, then they want people to fawn all over them. Really?? Be it covid shots, seat belts , motorcycle helmets, flu shots, the list goes on, they say no, THEN it might hit them and THEN they want and also are sometimes mad because folks there in again do not fawn all over them.

I ALWAYS say/think that everyone should do as they please, BUT then if they choose poorly, live with it, shut up, do NOT whine and bother other people because of their initial choices.

In Mass. USA 74% of cases are double jabbed. You can pull figures from all over that contradict each other.

The data is I am sure being manipulated to drive an agenda, I don't like the agenda, because it's going to kill people. I think it is already killing people.

There's a court case in Alab. USA where just one of the CDC reporting systems shows 45,000 US citizens have died within 3 days of the jab.

If this is true, then it needs to be transparent to the people.

I don't want people to be harmed, I want to stop people being harmed, and no matter how you slice this, 99.7% of people recover from this just fine, so why on earth would you insist everyone HAS to take a vaccine that we don't even know if it works.

If you had a child and they took a mock exam and scored 99.7% on it, would you freak out and spend thousands of dollars on extra tutors to try and improve that score?

How could it be improved?

That is what we are doing, and the way people behave it's like they've been convinced that you get covid, you die.

In some surveys Americans actually believed that many, many millions of Americans had died from covid.

It's brainwashing IMHO.

Anyway, take care of yourself, you're a decent chap.
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Jun 26, 2020
In Mass. USA 74% of cases are double jabbed. You can pull figures from all over that contradict each other.

The data is I am sure being manipulated to drive an agenda, I don't like the agenda, because it's going to kill people. I think it is already killing people.

There's a court case in Alab. USA where just one of the CDC reporting systems shows 45,000 US citizens have died within 3 days of the jab.

If this is true, then it needs to be transparent to the people.

I don't want people to be harmed, I want to stop people being harmed, and no matter how you slice this, 99.7% of people recover from this just fine, so why on earth would you insist everyone HAS to take a vaccine that we don't even know if it works.

If you had a child and they took a mock exam and scored 99.7% on it, would you freak out and spend thousands of dollars on extra tutors to try and improve that score?

How could it be improved?

That is what we are doing, and the way people behave it's like they've been convinced that you get covid, you die.

In some surveys Americans actually believed that many, many millions of Americans had died from covid.

It's brainwashing IMHO.

Anyway, take care of yourself, you're a decent chap.
Same goes for you, as you are a really decent and nice and thoughtful person. Through the years I always have liked people who have different opinions and /or ideas and they still can be good friends.

I consider you a really good friend and I THANK YOU for being you.

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Apr 8, 2020
I am 24 and I had my first dose of the vaccine last month. I receive my 2nd dose in September.

I wanted to get vaccinated because I want to live my life again. I want to travel , have relationships, a career and do so much more with my life before I catch the bus at 30. At 30 my life will be over as failed to perfect my 20s.

I am getting fed up of following the rules I thought vaccination would means everything will go back to normal.


Jan 22, 2020
sumarizing a lot:
  • I prefer to deal with possible side effects of the vaccine than possible covid.
  • I find anti covid-vaccine movement is near to general anti vaccine movement despite some fair points (IE, not fully tested products) and i cannot live criticizing anti vaccine movement and not going to get vaccine.


May 3, 2021
sumarizing a lot:
  • I prefer to deal with possible side effects of the vaccine than possible covid.
  • I find anti covid-vaccine movement is near to general anti vaccine movement despite some fair points (IE, not fully tested products) and i cannot live criticizing anti vaccine movement and not going to get vaccine.
The anti vaccine movement in general is very small, my kids have had every shot.

It's this specific one that is the problem.

Dr Hoffe from Canada asked how do I treat my patients when he saw a lot of them are having side effects, nobody knew.

He said should we be doing this if it's harming people and we don't know what to do.

They threatened to strike him off.

From other research he ran D-Dimer tests on people who had the shot, and 62% showed evidence of clotting (could be lots of microscopic clots in organs).

He announced this finding.

Then in a completely random coincidence 90% of his town of Lytton BC burnt down, along with all of his records.

Remarkable, like the 5 African Presidents who refused vaccine programmes: Tanzania (John Pombe Mangufuli), Haiti (Jovenel Moïse), Eswatini (Ambrose Dlamini), Ivory Coast (Hamed Bakayoko), and Burundi (Pierre Nkurunziza), who either dropped dead suddenly or were assassinated.

And of course the President of Madagascar, where they have just arrested a number of foreign nationals for entering the country with the intention of assassinating their president.

Now the Mexican president is refusing any more - so he'll probably drop dead of bean poisoning or something.

6 countries in the world said no, 5 of those presidents are dead, and the other one was earmarked for assassination. Now a 7th.

Imagine picking 5 or 6 or 7 countries at random, and within 12 to 18 months their leaders are all dead - nowhere else, just there.

If you put a $10 bet on that happening you'd be a millionaire.

Seriously, you need to really, really think about this and work out what is really going on.


Ancient of Mu-Mu
May 18, 2021
Because bearing the weight of someone else's death, possibly a close relative, is more than i can take
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The Cake Is A Lie
Aug 12, 2021
I don't care if I die from covid. But I refuse to be a Typhoid Mary and transmit the disease to other innocent people.

I actually ended up allergic to the Moderna vaccine, but my GP gave me advice/meds to take for my second dose. I still had an allergic reaction, but not as severe as with the first dose.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I actually ended up allergic to the Moderna vaccine, but my GP gave me advice/meds to take for my second dose. I still had an allergic reaction, but not as severe as with the first dose.
Did you have to go to the hospital or use an epi-pen the first time?

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