

Jan 27, 2021
Ok maybe there is an issue. Boundaries. Why do you want me to put you on ignore? Isn't that up to me? Likewise, with you directly contradicting the view I stated about the hellhole planet. It's fine for you to disagree. But the way you worded it was just a flat contradiction. I feel like you are wilfully misunderstanding me at this point. What's it to you if I choose to click ignore or not?
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Nov 20, 2021
Ok maybe there is an issue. Boundaries. Why do you want me to put you on ignore? Isn't that up to me? Likewise, with you directly contradicting the view I stated about the hellhole planet. It's fine for you to disagree. But the way you worded it was just a flat contradiction. I feel like you are wilfully misunderstanding me at this point. What's it to you if I choose to click ignore or not?
But I do not agree with your point of your view - so what else is left but to put my own contradictionary point against it?!

As I said: You seem to expect that only people who agree with you post in your thread and that makes no sense to me. So why keep punishing each other?

I don't blame the world for my problems - not even my bitch ass mother or my racist drunken Uncle or my ignorant teachers or my cruel classmates.

I do hate some of them, despise others and try to forget the rest. But the world as a whole is like a beautiful jewel to me - problem being its out of reach for my hands and will stay that way. :(

Why should I change that view or always take great care to point out "This is just my oppinion!!!"

That assumption should be a given among grown adults discussing matters of life and death with each other. W/o that base assumption every exchange of words turns into a dance in the minefield of hurt emotions.

And mine are already damaged enough.

I didn't call you names or besmirched your view of things - I just wrote that I don't agree the whole planet is 1 big hellhole and that I try to avoid calling other people names were I can.

You could have just written "But I'll stick to my guns" on this subject and that would have been it.
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Jan 27, 2021
So according to you, the word neurotypical is some kind of 'name' or slur?

Regarding the hellhole comment, it's in the wording. It rubbed me up the wrong way but I said nothing till you started going off about my use of a commonly used word with a strange diversion onto childhood mobbing. It just crossed a line for me. Don't really know what else to tell you, and I don't think we're achieving much here by going back and forth. Can we just put it aside now? I have nothing against you as a person. I don't like arguing or unpleasantness especially here. Perhaps we are both a little oversensitive and/or have too much time on our hands? We do have a diagnosis and difficult mothers in common remember. I wish you well.
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Nov 20, 2021
So according to you, the word neurotypical is some kind of 'name' or slur?

Regarding the hellhole comment, it's in the wording. It rubbed me up the wrong way but I said nothing till you started going off about my use of a commonly used word with a strange diversion onto childhood mobbing. It just crossed a line for me. Don't really know what else to tell you, and I don't think we're achieving much here by going back and forth. Can we just put it aside now? I have nothing against you as a person. I don't like arguing or unpleasantness especially here. Perhaps we are both a little oversensitive and/or have too much time on our hands? We do have a diagnosis and difficult mothers in common remember. I wish you well.
You asked me about mobbing, which I had only mentioned to explain context. So I tried to explain it..

And many people object to the language fashion (or fad depending on point of view) to "force" a certain view by giving old conditions new names.

Heteros are now called "cisgender", handicapped people are "physically challenged" and mentally healthy folks are to be reffered to as "neuro-typical".

Yes, that *will* rub some folks the wrong way, specifically because many of these new terms were introduced as a kind of "verbal payback" for past prejudices.

If you like it that way, then knock yourself out. But I wrote that *I* don't.

My biggest issue - besides my inhereted bi-polarism - are my inferiority complexes, caused by the experience of never ending racism during my childhood.

I only got two options here: Hate them right back and end up going out killing someone over it eventually -
or I try to make peace with them however I can.

Now how am I supposed to accomplish this if the first thing I do when sitting down with "one of those folks" is to look him in the eye and call him "old white male", "racist oppressor", "whitebread" or what not?!

I tried very hard most of my adult life *not* to end up killing somebody and came very close to failing a few times. So whenever I get a chance not to pour gasoline into some fire, I try to take it.

You know the author H.P. Lovecraft? He is considered one of the grandfathers of fantastic literature and as a kid I used his books as a means of escape from my ugly reallity.

But he was also a stone cold racist, as was Rudyard Kipling - another one of my childhood favorites.

Now my african cousins would just throw their works out of the library if they could. But I yearn for a chance to sit down with these two men and make them recognize me as their equal - as impossible as that may seem.

So that is why I try not to call the "other side" names, because I don't want to be called any myself.

I wish you well of course - and hope you'll find luck your way. I am the first to admit that mine is still alluding me, but I am too old to change my ways.


Jan 27, 2021
Heteros are now called "cisgender", handicapped people are "physically challenged" and mentally healthy folks are to be reffered to as "neuro-typical".
Oh man. I really doubt this is gonna benefit anyone. I already made the point that 'neurotypical' does not equate to 'mentally healthy'. I defined it as those with no diagnosis which is a very different thing. I'm sorry your family/society left you feeling inferior, I really am. I don't necessarily see 'sides' here. Do those busy people who manage to function 'normally' really need protecting from me using a recognised shorthand term to describe them on a suicide forum which they're unlikely ever to see?

Actually I'm out of this thread now, take care and hang in there.
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Nov 20, 2021
Do those busy people who manage to function 'normally' really need protecting from me using a recognised shorthand term to describe them on a suicide forum which they're unlikely ever to see?
Regardless if you read this or not - if someone can function normally in society it fullfills the clinical definition of being "mentally healthy". And your reference to "those busy people" sounds to me like you may have some self-esteem issues of your own to deal with.

Be on merry on your way but please accept that I don't call people names behind their back that I wouldn't call them to their faces.

I am not "normal" and I can admit that to myself.
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